Legion World
The Legion is back!!!


Sugar & Spike have a unique clientele made up of today’s A-list superheroes with embarrassing secrets in need of covering up. But our dysfunctional duo’s world is about to get even stranger when a team of time-traveling heroes from the 31st century tasks them with an urgent case that promises to alter history itself. Behold the culmination of Keith Giffen’s entire professional career (thus far)…Sugar & Spike and the Legion of Super-Heroes!

I am super excited!
I... am hesitant.
Posted By: Georgehaze LSH in Legends of Tomorrow #6 (Aug 2016) - 05/17/16 07:07 AM
According to the latest solicitations for August....

Legends of Tomorrow #6 will feature "a team of time-traveling heroes from the 31st century tasks them with an urgent case that promises to alter history itself. Behold the culmination of Keith Giffen’s entire professional career (thus far)…Sugar & Spike and the Legion of Super-Heroes!"

Why did it have to be Giffen?

The fact that Giffen is allowed anywhere near the Legion after his last killing spree makes me want to vomit.
Originally Posted by jdpinball
The fact that Giffen is allowed anywhere near the Legion after his last killing spree makes me want to vomit.

Ehhhh it's more DC doing anything with the Legion AT ALL that concerns me.
I'm hoping it's a forgettable one-off, not beholden to anything. When Johns promised he was waiting to re-introduce the Legion until there was the right story, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean as the guest star in the fourth feature of a low selling anthology. wink
Finally! That follow up to the Sugar and Spike cameo with the postboot Legion that no one's been asking for! wink
I'll read it - but wonder if the Legion will be the bad guys, given the latest trends and Mr. Giffen's penchant for tweaking the Legion fans' noses.
I've been reading Legends of Tomorrow, and if this story follows the established pattern, the Legion are likely to be little more than background characters. The series' premise is that DC characters hire Sugar & Spike to cover up something embarrassing from their pasts (read: Silver Age silliness). In the first issue, they "recovered" Batman's internet-famous multi-colored uniforms. Batman didn't even appear.
Posted By: thoth lad Re: Not him again...... - 05/22/16 03:39 PM
I recall Sugar and Spike is a silence of the lambs parody over in Ambush Bug. I also remember the Legion in there too, as the immortal Julie Schwartz lived through the centuries. If only. frown
Posted By: Thriftshop Debutante Re: Not him again...... - 05/22/16 04:38 PM
[Linked Image]
Posted By: thoth lad Re: Not him again...... - 05/22/16 04:59 PM
Alas, their powers of giving diabetes and driving metal projectiles through people didn't give Sugar and Spike membership in the Legion. The baby talk made it tough to communicate too.
Ohnonothimagain. Hope this is a one-shot...
Originally Posted by Merlion Man
The Legion is back!!!


Sugar & Spike have a unique clientele made up of today’s A-list superheroes with embarrassing secrets in need of covering up. But our dysfunctional duo’s world is about to get even stranger when a team of time-traveling heroes from the 31st century tasks them with an urgent case that promises to alter history itself. Behold the culmination of Keith Giffen’s entire professional career (thus far)…Sugar & Spike and the Legion of Super-Heroes!

I am super excited!

Not a fan of Giffen in general, never mind his recent Levion stuff.

Btw, anyone find weird that DC are putting out the Justice League United: Infinitus Saga trade (it's in September's solicitations) so late? I mean, is this just to measure new reader interest in the Legion, or something more? Is THAT the Legion we'll be getting? I mean, Saturn Girl never appeared in that story, right?

Iirc, a lot of you didn't like that story. Can I ask why? I wasn't a Legion fan when it came out and was reading United for Stargirl, Animal Man, Green Arrow, Supergirl and Martian Manhunter, so most of them not getting focus and the story being overly long and boring is why I hated it; it wasn't anything against the Legion besides the loads of characters I didn't know. So why did you guys hate this story, from the perspective of a Legion fan?
Originally Posted by Fuzzy Barbarian

Iirc, a lot of you didn't like that story. Can I ask why? I wasn't a Legion fan when it came out and was reading United for Stargirl, Animal Man, Green Arrow, Supergirl and Martian Manhunter, so most of them not getting focus and the story being overly long and boring is why I hated it; it wasn't anything against the Legion besides the loads of characters I didn't know. So why did you guys hate this story, from the perspective of a Legion fan?

I didn't hate it, it just wasn't that good either. The Legionnaires seemed out of character (when they were characterized at all), the plot (all the way form the beginning of the series) was bland, and the art was confusing. Lemire seemed to have a core group of Legionnaires we wanted to work with, but the artist kept shoving versions from every incarnation in (sometimes doubles on the same page), but no story reference to that. Overall, I think Lemire's whole concept failed, not just the Legion parts. I actually liked the creative direction after he left much better.
Originally Posted by Dave Hackett

I didn't hate it, it just wasn't that good either. The Legionnaires seemed out of character (when they were characterized at all), the plot (all the way form the beginning of the series) was bland, and the art was confusing. Lemire seemed to have a core group of Legionnaires we wanted to work with, but the artist kept shoving versions from every incarnation in (sometimes doubles on the same page), but no story reference to that.

Agreed. I picked up the books and found the art confusing, and the story less than epic.
There weren't enough character moments that the Legion is known for. The focus was clearly on the JLU - which isn't bad, but the Legion felt like red shirts the whole time. I didn't understand why they were involved at all. They could have had bigger impact by just including a small team of Legionnaires.
Originally Posted by Merlion Man
The Legion is back!!!


Sugar & Spike have a unique clientele made up of today’s A-list superheroes with embarrassing secrets in need of covering up. But our dysfunctional duo’s world is about to get even stranger when a team of time-traveling heroes from the 31st century tasks them with an urgent case that promises to alter history itself. Behold the culmination of Keith Giffen’s entire professional career (thus far)…Sugar & Spike and the Legion of Super-Heroes!

I am super excited!

Anyone bite the bullet and get this? I've seen a few panels of art showing different versions of the Legion meeting each other, but no context.
Originally Posted by Dave Hackett
Originally Posted by Merlion Man
The Legion is back!!!


Sugar & Spike have a unique clientele made up of today’s A-list superheroes with embarrassing secrets in need of covering up. But our dysfunctional duo’s world is about to get even stranger when a team of time-traveling heroes from the 31st century tasks them with an urgent case that promises to alter history itself. Behold the culmination of Keith Giffen’s entire professional career (thus far)…Sugar & Spike and the Legion of Super-Heroes!

I am super excited!

Anyone bite the bullet and get this? I've seen a few panels of art showing different versions of the Legion meeting each other, but no context.

I probably will buy it on Saturday.
If I can remember to get it (or actually find it), I'll try to grab this too as it sounds interesting.
I actually liked it. First story in awhile featuring the Legion that was nice.
I walked into this story having no expectations. I wasn't offended, but

I felt it was just a rehash of the Legion story they did in that DC Universe Legends or whatever it was called miniseries about the history of the DCU before the great and wonderful Geoff Johns blessed us with Flashpoint. That said, I thought it was boring.
I feel like an addict. I paid 8 bucks for Legends of Tomorrow just because there were Legionnaires in it. Poor decision. Maybe the companion stories in the book will ease the regret.
I liked it, much better than the Convergence appearance. Light, amusing, time travel gone messy. Strange to see the very first uniforms. A villain we haven't seen in a long time (who wasn't very villainous). I don't mind a Legion that isn't all serious and in control of the situation.

$8 was a bit of a pinch, I agree. Haven't read the other stories yet. I hadn't been getting Legends since the second issue and initially only bought it for The Metal Men.

Er, I guess I may not be looking that hard to find it!
Well, it is 78 pages, of which 19 are the Sugar & Spike/Legion story. So if you like Metamorpho, Metal Men & Firestorm, it's not so bad.
It was a good story. Actually when I heard that Keith Giffen was doing a Sugar & Spike feature, I was very nervous. He did an OK job. He had them as young adults doing private investigation work for superheroes. The first story had them tracking down all the various Batman costumes from the 50s & 60s.

In this story the original Legionnaires, Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy, & Lightning Boy come back in time to get Sugar & Spike to retrieve a device that will be used in the future to wreck havoc. When they go to move their Time Cube, a Time Bubble appears with Brainiac 5, Lightning Lad (with robotic arm), and Supergirl. They are also looking for the same device which is used in constructing the Miracle Machine. While Sugar & Supergirl get the device from STAR Labs, even more Time Bubbles appear and finally
shows up looking for the same device. The story ends with a big unseen but heard fight for the device with Sugar, Spike, and Supergirl sitting on some steps.

Overall, the series was nice. I still question the need to use grown up Sugar & Spike. But their use wasn't the disaster I was scared of.
It still had the same faults the DCU:Legacies story had: The characters are sophomoric, and the Legion is the butt of the joke regarding their continuity. That said, the context here is more amenable to that kind of story-telling, as it was already a premise about the sillier parts of the DCU. I'd also say the Legion aren't treated with the same sarcastic venom as the previous story, but there was still a bit of disparaging of the concept on Giffen's part.

Playful fun, or a backhanded swipe? It could go either way really.
the art was faboo!

Attached picture LOTANTH-6-64-0de4b - Edited.jpg
I did not care for the story. The LSH were not background or cameo players - they could be called unbilled co-stars and were all over the story. I though the appearance was going to be small, but it was BIG. Won't comment on the storyline as people may still be looking for the comic. It did end suddenly and without clearing my thoughts. I thought the Legion seemed trivial. Cosmic Boy was given some character (artifact lover) which I did not expect, but he seemed more foolish than heroic. Sugar & Spike spoke in clichés.
Ugh. LOL. Heard about this...not interested. smile
I was interested because I realised there's a Conway Firestorm story in it, but based on what I read above, I've given it a miss.

And Welcome back Ultra Man!
Sounds like the kind of one-off I'd get a giggle out of.
I don't want to encourage them into thinking it should be more than a one off smile
The other 3 stories in the book started in previous issues that I didn't get, so I didn't find them satisfying to read. I've spent 8 bucks on an unsatisfying meal, but it was gone when I was through. This book, though, is still hanging around taking up space.
Diversion Lad asks - How did you rate the Conway writing on Firestrom and the Wein writing on Metamorpho?
Posted By: Pov Re: LSH in Legends of Tomorrow #6 (Aug 2016) - 09/03/16 09:57 PM
Metamorpho was written and drawn by Aaron Lopresti, whose writing lags well behind his art talent. His attempts at angsty romance between Rex and Sapphire were groan-inducing.

Wein wrote the METAL MEN feature... just ugh. Teen Will Magnus? Metal Men...
apologizing to him every time one of them dies at the hands of Chemo?
They're all unrecognizable to boot...

Sorry to say that Giffen's S&S was the *best*-written feature of the book... best I can say is that I didn't DISlike it. Damning with faint praise, and all. shrug
Ah, was it Metal Men. Gosh, I really am keeping tabs on things smile

Your last line sums it up nicely. Thanks POV (mental note to definitely give it a miss)
Hm finally got it as well. Somehow I didn't get the ending though. Didn't see the point. The story was kind of fun as long as new Legionnaires kept on arriving, but where the meaning behind gthe ending was, I did not see. Didn't read the other three stories yet, artwork lokks nice though.
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