Legion World
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Cover by RYAN SOOK
Variant cover by TBA
Brought to you by some of comics’ greatest talents, this epic story spans the course of 1,000 years and, for the very first time, connects all of DC’s future timelines! Starring the unlikeliest of DC heroes as she learns to cope with newfound immortality and roams through the disparate societies of Batman Beyond, Kamandi and Tommy Tomorrow, wrestling with her own inner demons and desperately trying to find her purpose in an ever-changing world. Do not miss this truly unique take on tomorrow’s DC Universe, all leading up to a special launch on the millennium!
ON SALE 09.04.19
$4.99 US | 1 OF 2 | 40 PAGES

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Art and cover by IVAN REIS and JOE PRADO
Variant cover by ADAM HUGHES
At last, it’s the return of the Legion of Super-Heroes! The greatest super heroes of the 32nd century have traveled back in time not just to meet the heroes who inspired them, but to make an offer…but to which hero? And why will that choice tear Superman’s life apart? Plus, the fallout from Lex Luthor’s conversation with Lois Lane escalates! What dark secret did Lex tell Lois?
ON SALE 09.11.19
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES

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I like that 'Millennium' cover with the Legion symbol appearing through the shape of the wreckage. I've always loved Ryan Sook's art but I've mainly seen it on covers so I hope he has the chops for a very demanding monthly. As evidenced by that 'Superman' cover though, his outfit designs leave a lot to be desired. frown
Who's the guy behind Wildfire?
No one knows. Timber Wolf is a popular guess. I’ve also heard colossal Boy.

In retrospect, we shouldn’t be surprised to see Wildfire right out the gate given Bendis’ well known love of 70s comics. I wonder if he’s a Firestorm fan?
Maybe we'll all be surprised and the guy behind Wildfire will turn out to be Tenzil!
Worst Tenzil design ever! wink
Could be Brin. A little bulky if super agility is being used. Jo's another option. The emblem rinds me of an anchor making me think of Thom/ Jed mix of Anchor Lad- able to manipulate personal and remote mass. smile

It may be an early way of brining in a new member early. I just hope if it's Earth Man that they ditch the xenophobe outlook. smile
The top of the emblem looks to me like either a take on Jo's "dragon" or Gim's "eagle" (which itself was inspired by Jo's, being originally an Ultra Boy redesign). Though I kind of hope not, because I don't think it's as appealing as either of those.

The bottom looks like kind of an arrow pointing down, so maybe it's a Gim based on threeboot version, being a giant with the power to shrink?
The bulkiness could indicate Jed Rikane or Stone Boy. But somehow I doubt Bendis is pulling on those fan favorites so early...

Or would he?
From that distance, the emblem doesn't seem to fit any existing Legionnaires. I wonder if he will create a few new ones (as Bendis tends to do).
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
The top of the emblem looks to me like either a take on Jo's "dragon" or Gim's "eagle" (which itself was inspired by Jo's, being originally an Ultra Boy redesign). Though I kind of hope not, because I don't think it's as appealing as either of those.

The bottom looks like kind of an arrow pointing down, so maybe it's a Gim based on threeboot version, being a giant with the power to shrink?

I'm glad someone else thought the top looked a bit like Jo's dragon. That's why I thought it might be him. Also on the cover due to his own classic trip back in time to Smallville. I'd forgotten about Gim's eagle logo though. I thought the downward arrow was indicating Thom's make-things-super-heavy power, but that's a good shout on the threeboot Gim.
I still say Brin. The colour scheme fits but admittedly little else does. I have tried to see a wolf face using the black as the snout but I can't so maybe not.
A little similarity to Jo's symbol but otherwise no although the idea of his past trip to Superboy's time is a good thought. Build-wise I had thought of Jed as well. Gim? Maybe but only because running out of possibilities.
Of course no-one has ever sported a goatee before.

The other thing is what are they appearing out of? It has a circular appearance but looks much more like some sort of portal than a time bubble. Does this mean Gates is around or does time travel work completely differently to how it has in the past?
Here's a look at Ivan's pencils for Superman #15 that he posted to Instagram.

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My first impression was it's Jo, and I'm sticking with that. It looks like he has thick brown hair and a soul patch goatee, and he's a little bulky. He just oozes "cheerful jock", and that seems like our Jo.
I think the Quantum League already has a Goat Boy but a Goat Boy/ Goatee Boy is another natural crossover. Had it been a story building from the early days, I'd wouldn't have minded Jo only having vision powers. It does look as though it's a group visit with Wildfire tagging along.

The circular aspect of the bubble has been kept, but it may be more of a portal type of thing/ entrance or exit to a tunnel (which is what Superboy used to do.
I wonder who this "suddenly … immortal" woman is? Any guesses? It could be anybody, really.
The guy behind Wildfire has a logo on his chest plate that reminds me of Ultra Boy. The armour/suit he wears could be extra protection, since he can only use one super power at a time! Ah, it's anybody's guess really.
I was checking to see if Supergirl was even in this continuity. It mentioned that she's immortal. Could it be her? It would fit right into the Legion.
It would be nice and refreshing to have Supergirl rather than Superboy in the Leigon, though solicits imply that a Superboy will be offered.

The Threeboot had a good run with Supergirl on the team. It made me hate Threeboot Ultra Boy even more, but made me like Threeboot Light Lass so much better.
I’ve been reading Supergirl since Marc Andreyko took over simultaneously with the Bendis Superman. I don’t remember anything about her being immortal, but maybe it’s from earlier in the run.

Bendis did promise a Jon/Damien reunion, so unless it’s in the works in the immediate future, I don’t think Jon’s going anywhere this September. Either he won’t join or it will be the traditional part-time situation that lets him appear in both centuries.
I think Jon will be the Superboy for the Legion. Conner is back so DC does not need two Superboys living in the same time period. I like the idea of Damien joining him in the 31st century, but people have told me he is in Teen Titans so that is unlikely to happen.
Bendis said that people are afraid he is going to make the woman a fan favourite and have fans upset about messing up their favourite but he said that is not going to happen so I very much doubt it is Supergirl.

From the appearances we have seen I would say she is unpowered or low-powered. Jinny Hex has been suggested.

I wondered about Naomi's foster mother. Probably a bit too obscure.
I'm increasingly leaning towards Summer from Dial H, in light of the suggestion that she will be morally flexible. That couldn't fit Summer better.
If it wasn't for Bendis saying he was writing the character i would have thought a reintroduced Kristen Wells.
Originally Posted by Emily Sivana
I think Jon will be the Superboy for the Legion. Conner is back so DC does not need two Superboys living in the same time period. I like the idea of Damien joining him in the 31st century, but people have told me he is in Teen Titans so that is unlikely to happen.

I was never a fan of having Batman, Robin or other Bat-family members in the Legion. I know t he Legion is all about inclusiveness, but the Bat-family have no super-powers... and the death of the first Kid Quantum already makes a good case for the must-have-a-power rule.

Plus, it feels a bit too much like forced blending of the Legion with the Justice League. The Legion has always been its own thing, a special team that got Superboy through his childhood. I fear this will be diluted if we shoehorn too many 21st century characters in.

And lastly... Superboy and Robin both on the book? I fear the Legionnaires will be pushed out of their own comic!
I know it is a bit of strange request, but a lot of people online seem angry that Supersons was cancelled. They claim Bendis earlier said Jon and Damien would be reunited again (I do not know the source of this, majority of stuff I read is pure anon Twitter speculation). To me it feels like having them together in the future would be a good compromise.

I never read the book, but they do have a nice contrasting dynamic from the panels I have seen (I feel there is a Japanese word for this, like the idealist vs the realist?). I guess you could try to replicate it with someone like Timber Wolf or Blok.
The Bat-office certainly doesn’t seem to have much interest in the character. Has he been even semi-regular in any batbook since Rebirth? Super-Sons and Titans seems to be his only home these days.
Originally Posted by Emily Sivana
I know it is a bit of strange request, but a lot of people online seem angry that Supersons was cancelled. They claim Bendis earlier said Jon and Damien would be reunited again (I do not know the source of this, majority of stuff I read is pure anon Twitter speculation). To me it feels like having them together in the future would be a good compromise.

I never read the book, but they do have a nice contrasting dynamic from the panels I have seen (I feel there is a Japanese word for this, like the idealist vs the realist?). I guess you could try to replicate it with someone like Timber Wolf or Blok.

Once the new Legion title is established I could easily see Bendis doing a one time Jon and Damien in the future storyline - either a crossover with the Teen Titans or some kind of other possbility (one-shot, mini, etc) that doesn't interfere with the storyline of the main Legion title.
I would like a one-time thing! Would be interesting to see how the Legionnaires react to non-powered Damien. I know it's been done before with Batman joining the Legion, but Damien brings his own attitude to the mix.
No, no , no... Damien is the worst Robin in the Batman story... The Legion is The Legion , not a little Justice League...
^^Agreed, Colossal Boy a one-time appearance would be noble gesture at the very least. Newsrama commented that if Jon is 17 it is kind of like sending him to college. It would be reasonable to lose contact with your friends at home (happened to me).

It make me wonder what personalities that Legionnaires will have in this incarnation. Even if they are not legacy characters, there have been both major and minor differences in personality between the various reboots.
Maybe Bendis is psyching us all and the Legion actually wants to recruit Krypto?
On the last page last, the Legion turn off their holographic projectors to reveal that they are really the Space Canine Patrol Agency!
Hey, the SCPA have all the Legionnaires' powers anyway!

At least, they SHOULD have!
Bah! literally lapdogs of the corrupt United Planets technocracy!

- This post was sponsored by the Space Cat Patrol Agency.
Shades of paid trolls.

Which I see all the time on Facebook, hence why I never read the comments on Philippine (or USA) news items anymore...
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
The top of the emblem looks to me like either a take on Jo's "dragon" or Gim's "eagle" (which itself was inspired by Jo's, being originally an Ultra Boy redesign).

I always wondered why Gim had the eagle!

As far as the Supersons go, there is no reason Lois can't simply give birth to another 10-year old.
Originally Posted by KryptonKid

I always wondered why Gim had the eagle!

Yeah, somehow Gim ended up with a costume originally designed for Ultra Boy, and Element Lad got Gim's costume (which is why Jan went through the 70s with an up-arrow on his chest!)
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
Originally Posted by KryptonKid

I always wondered why Gim had the eagle!

Yeah, somehow Gim ended up with a costume originally designed for Ultra Boy, and Element Lad got Gim's costume (which is why Jan went through the 70s with an up-arrow on his chest!)

I didn't know that, either! OK, can you tell me what was up with that weird design on Violet's chest (from the same period)?
Nope. And why she has a "Ho" with an arrow pointing towards her crotch is completely beyond me.

Attached picture Shrinking violet.jpg
Here's the real cover to Superman #15 -

[Linked Image]

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Ultra Boy looks very well in this cover, but the purple teletubbie Phantom Girls is still horrible.
Purple girl is definitely Tinya now.

Chuck, Gim, Tasmia, Mon and Wildfire are easily the most recognizable to me.

I'm pleasantly surprised at how much I like the look of this version of Dreamy.
She looks more fuchsia on this cover. I think we are going to have a Sinestro situation, in which her skin color fluctuates depending on the colorist. It is not a big deal because she is an alien, but I hope DC becomes consistent with the skin tones of the human characters.

I wonder if the Bgtzlians will all be pink/purple in this version or if Tinya is a hybrid. There are at least two prominent Green Lantern species (Ungarians and Korugarians) with fuchsia skin tones and my research might reveal more. I am currently working on an Index/Glossary so fans have an easy reference during this reboot.
Originally Posted by Emily Sivana

I wonder if the Bgtzlians will all be pink/purple in this version or if Tinya is a hybrid.

Well, Linnya Wazzo in the Terrifics isn't purple, so...
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
Well, Linnya Wazzo in the Terrifics isn't purple, so...

Heh. Expecting consistency across the DC line. Good joke.
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
Originally Posted by Emily Sivana

I wonder if the Bgtzlians will all be pink/purple in this version or if Tinya is a hybrid.

Well, Linnya Wazzo in the Terrifics isn't purple, so...

Not just Linya. When she went home way back in issue 4 we saw a huge number of the local population and every single one was in normal earth skin tones, not a purple look among them.
A preview to Superman #15 can be found here.

click to enlarge

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Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
Originally Posted by Emily Sivana

I wonder if the Bgtzlians will all be pink/purple in this version or if Tinya is a hybrid.

Well, Linnya Wazzo in the Terrifics isn't purple, so...

She isn't normally purple, she just got left in the wash with Jed again...

Originally Posted by Set
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
Originally Posted by Emily Sivana

I wonder if the Bgtzlians will all be pink/purple in this version or if Tinya is a hybrid.

Well, Linnya Wazzo in the Terrifics isn't purple, so...

She isn't normally purple, she just got left in the wash with Jed again...

Good one!
Originally Posted by Nightcrawler
A preview to Superman #15 can be found here.

click to enlarge

Another nice spread of the Legion - although I find the image of Blok offputting. He looks like a smiley rockpet.
© Legion World