Legion World
The following is the press release that was announced...

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Warner Archive Collection continues its proud tradition of distributing the best of Warner Bros. Animation?s robust library of DC-based productions with the release of Legion of Superheroes: The Complete Series on Blu-rayTM starting July 14, 2020. Pre-orders are now available via wbshop.com and your favorite online retailer.

Presented in full 16x9 widescreen across three Blu-ray discs, Legion of Superheroes: The Complete Series includes all 26 episodes of the popular show, which aired on The CW from 2006-2008, as well as a pair of bonus features: the involving featurette "We Are Legion"; and an Exclusive Audio Commentary on the series? heralded two-part finale, "Dark Victory, Parts One and Two," with producer James Tucker, director Brandon Vietti and the voice of Saturn Girl, Kari Wahlgren (Rick and Morty, DC Super Hero Girls, Supergirl).

Also now available for pre-order is Legion of Superheroes: The Complete Second Season on DVD.

One thousand years from now, the legendary Man of Steel inspires a group of emerging young heroes from the 31st century to band together and defend the newly formed United Planets. That is, if they don?t kill each other first. In Season One, Legionnaires Bouncing Boy (Michael Cornacchia), Brainiac 5 (Adam Wylie), Saturn Girl (Kari Wahlgren) and Lightning Lad (Andy Milder) travel back in time to convince an awkward teen named Clark Kent (Yuri Lowenthal) to join their Legion of Superheroes and battle their archnemeses, the Fatal Five. The insecure teen is, in turn, inspired by his new friends and, with their help, begins his journey to become the galaxy?s greatest hero. Catching up two years later, Season Two presents Superman and the Legion with an even greater challenge: Kell-El, the Superman of the 41st century!

Here's the direct link to pre-order Legion of Superheroes: The Complete Series on Blu-rayTM

Warner Archive Collection continues to serve as host to some of the most beloved films, television series and animated entertainment in history - and many are now available on Blu-ray. WAC?s canon runs the gamut from restored and remastered Blu-ray classics such as The Americanization of Emily, The Big Sleep, The Great Race, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, Victor/Victoria and Yankee Doodle Dandy to adored contemporary and classic TV offerings ranging from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Longmire and The Kominsky Method to Alice and Family Matters . The WAC library also includes feature-length animated films, like the Blu-ray release of Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, and animated TV series headed by Blu-ray releases of such popular offerings as Teen Titans: The Complete Series, Justice League Unlimited and Young Justice and a wealth of classic animated series on DVD including dozens of Hanna-Barbera classics - like Jonny Quest: The Complete Original Series and Wally Gator: The Complete Collection; as well as a treasure trove of offerings for serious collector, like Porky Pig 101 and the recent release of three volumes of Popeye The Sailor: The 1940s. WAC offerings can be found via wbshop.com and your favorite online retailer.

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I haven't seen any episodes since they originally aired. I've been holding out for something like this!

I wish they'd do a complete collection of the companion comic to accompany it.
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
I wish they'd do a complete collection of the companion comic to accompany it.

Yes! I have the cartoons, but not the comics, so this would be great!
How would you recommend the cartoon? How does it compare to say Justice League Unlimited and the such? Just looking at the designs, it seems it's targeted more towards a younger audience perhaps?
Yeah, it's definitely aimed at a younger audience, and I think a lot of people were disappointed by that at the time, as the Legion would really lend itself to a JLU-style treatment. Overall it's a pretty fun series, though, once you accept if for what it is.
I might give it a try at some stage then, thanks!

I'm also really curious about the next season of Young Justice - given the latest season finale, it's not a stretch to think the Legion might be a focus the same way the Outsiders were in the last season.
Originally Posted by UncannyXMan
How would you recommend the cartoon? How does it compare to say Justice League Unlimited and the such? Just looking at the designs, it seems it's targeted more towards a younger audience perhaps?
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
Yeah, it's definitely aimed at a younger audience, and I think a lot of people were disappointed by that at the time, as the Legion would really lend itself to a JLU-style treatment. Overall it's a pretty fun series, though, once you accept if for what it is.

While it is aimed at a younger audience. I absolutely LOVED it! Some episodes were more childish than others, but one of those episodes features the death of a Legionnaire!

I'll admit the memory is fuzzy on some of the details, but I'm definitely planning on buying the Blu-ray because it was well-done. I'd compare it to the Teen Titans cartoon series that preceded Teen Titans Go! In some ways it's less mature than TT--in others more mature. I'd say it's a fair comparison. (I happen to have loved the original Teen Titans cartoon, too!)
When I first saw the animation style for this I wasn?t very enthusiastic about it but it was LSH so for the first time in a very long time watched a cartoon on Saturday morning. I wasn?t blown away right away but they did a great job. The first season is more reminiscent of the teams Adventure days. The second Season is more like ?Superboy & the Legion of Superheroes? days of the 70?s. At the same time it?s very much it?s own version. Brainiac 5 for example is a robot who hero worships Superboy. The team grows, characters develop more depth. Sadly a third season didn?t happen. Not sure how it did ratings wise but most if not all Saturday morning line ups were replaced with educational programming.
As I recall, the ratings were decent, but it was canceled as the result of some sort of corporate reshuffling.
I liked what they did with a focus on a smaller group but other members also getting some time and occasionally you would see the whole team. For a huge team they had a balance that I thought worked. I think this ran when you had the earth prime version of the team being published so it was awesome having this animated version where Bouncing Boy was a key member. The Substitute Legion even gets a great episode. Seeing Young Justice get an additional season recently, maybe a third season for the Legion could happen? It ended with some big changes for Brainy and Nemesis Kid still a member.
I don't think it's a stretch to say the fourth season of Young Justice could easily carry the "Legion of Super-Heroes" subtitle. Maybe a spin-off show could be in the cards? I'd love to see another complex, world-building, adult-oriented masterpiece of storytelling series by the Weisman and Vietti team.
I got my Blu-Ray on Monday, finally! I watched eps 1-3 last night and absolutely LOVED them! I hadn't really seen them since they originally aired, so it was almost like watching them for the first time!

"Man of Tomorrow" was about as loaded and perfect an introduction to the series concept and the idea of a young Superman as I could ever imagine. I loved the stealthy Booster Gold cameo in the Superman museum. The use of the Legionnaires' powers was exciting, particularly Imra and Triplicate Girl. With the latter, I loved how Lu is depicted triplicating during a kick, which seems to give the final impact, well, more "kick" when it lands. Loved the Fatal Five, though Tharok's was the oddest design.

"Timber Wolf" was a great intro to the titular character. I didn't originally like his design, but it's grown on me over the years. I also like the subtle bond between Imra and Brin that could almost be the beginnings of love. Garth is consistently shown as a bit of a hothead and that is crucial here. I like these bits of characterization. And that closing shot teasing more Legionnaires as Timber Wolf is sworn in is just breathtaking!

"Legacy" was my least favorite, but it has its charms. It's interesting that Alexis is never called a Luthor, but it's all right there. I think the intent might have been that young Superman may not have met Lex yet and to preserve that for his future, but I'm not sure. But the episode was full of great characterization. Brainy's affinity for Clark is really highlighted.

I was blown away by the look of the show. I thought the animation was terrific and that everything really popped on my large widescreen TV. Already, I'm struck again by the fact that this series should have had at least a couple more seasons, but I'm SO glad to finally be rediscovering it!
Does anybody actually have either of these yet?

I will be curious to see whether they "fixed" the aspect ratio of the Dream Girl episode (I think it was episode #11, "In your dreams") of season 2. I had recorded them all, and that episode in particular appeared to have been "recorded" (however that works with animation) in 16:9, but broadcast in 4:3, so that everything was slightly squished/skinny.

But then, that is the one episode where I might think they did that on purpose, to give it a "dreamy" feel... so very curious if this is corrected in BluRay either way.

For that matter, I'm curious if ALL the episodes will be expanded to 16:9 (without undue stretching!) on blu-ray, I think they were originally 4:3 (ye olde "letterbox").
Did anyone see that this will be a panel at the DC FanDome event on Aug 22?

Good to see the promotion of it.
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