Legion World
Posted By: Sarcasm Kid How Duo Damsel Became Duplicate Damsel - 12/02/23 03:23 AM
I know Johns' original idea was for the Retroboot Legion to have branched off from near the beginning of the 1984 volume, but then Levitz and Giffen made everything up to the '84 title's ending back in play.

And if that were true, one of the unanswered questions regarded how Luornu stayed as Duo Damsel when her second body was killed by the Time Trapper in LOSH #50.

That's when I realized they probably restored Lu's second body from the protoplasm she'd been reduced to, as Glorith did in the FYL Legion, and it was because of THAT she could make endless duplicates of herself. The body who died in Countdown, "Una," was the last of the three after the first two were originally killed off.
Posted By: stile86 Re: How Duo Damsel Became Duplicate Damsel - 12/03/23 01:16 AM
Interesting idea of how to reconcile the stories. Good thought.
Luornu appeared with her expanded powerset just after a visit with Chuck to the Backbeaches of Ventura.
Possibly the Luck Lords were involved.
[Linked Image from 64.media.tumblr.com]
Or at least Gruertis Nyebif.
You know how the threeboot versions of Lu and Val disappeared because they were going to use them in Countdown but then they used the retroboot versions instead?

If retroboot Lu combined with threeboot Lu, maybe that could unlock the Duplicate Damsel abilities?

And somehow we get Val's regeneration out of this as well?
Posted By: Set Re: How Duo Damsel Became Duplicate Damsel - 12/04/23 08:19 AM
The Duplicate Damsel Girl upgrade coming as an upgrade from Lu meeting the Reboot and Threeboot Lu's could be interesting, since it implies that the *other* Lu's might also have some later effects (not necessarily the same effects!).

I did find it mildly amusing that when Levitz used Lu in his Retroboot, he changed her codename from John's 'Duplicate Damsel' to 'Duplicate Girl.' She hadn't been a 'damsel' for a loooonng time. smile

Then again, I'm old-fashioned enough to miss the alliteration. Perhaps Multiple Miss?
Posted By: razsolo Re: How Duo Damsel Became Duplicate Damsel - 12/04/23 10:36 AM
I always preferred Duplicate Damsel to Duplicate Girl...

Multiple Maid?
Mob Maiden?
Legion Lass?
Duplicate Dame?
Posted By: Set Re: How Duo Damsel Became Duplicate Damsel - 12/05/23 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by razsolo
I always preferred Duplicate Damsel to Duplicate Girl...

Multiple Maid?
Mob Maiden?
Legion Lass?

Well, Legion Lass is just perfect, but we're saving it for the Composite Supergirl, who has the powers of the entire Legion! smile
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