Legion World
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Club Cobalt in Chains - 02/09/07 06:32 AM
An old English Pub, located somewhere between here and there, then and now.

The bartender is called Slim. He's a dangerous man with many acquaintances, few friends, and no living enemies.

The pub is easy to find for those who have the right frame of mind. Anyone can enter the pub.

But, that's the problem, see. Anyone can enter... But not everyone can leave.

Behind the bar is a large square block of what appears to be clear crystal.

Inside that block is a large white and black Tomcat, frozen in mid-pounce.

Below the block a plaque reads:

Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 02/09/07 06:37 AM
I'm Slim, this is my place, follow the few simple rules and we won't have no trouble...

Break my rules, you join the cat... It's that simple.

Rule 1 - If ya can't say nothin' bad about Cobalt Kid, don't mention him.

Rule 2 - IF Cobalt Kid ever shows up to rescue Stoopid Cat, I get first shot at him. You mugs can have what's left after I'm done.


What r' ya drinkin'?
Posted By: Ram Boy Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 02/09/07 07:34 AM
Ram Boy walks into pub after another mind-numbing day of helping flighty rich women choose fabric swatches for their powder rooms. He stops after seeing what appears to be a frozen cat. He says "Oh, hell no." Then he turns around walks out and heads over to Boys Town still looking for a stiff one.
Posted By: Frio Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 02/09/07 08:09 AM
Slim, I'm not familiar with your vendetta against Cobaltus but I too have grown tired of his backward ways. If you ever have the desire to take the fight to him and his comrades, feel free to drop by the LVMBP. My card.

For my drink, I would like a Stoli martini, straight up with one olive. And, may I just say, I truly love the decor. Ice sculptures are very dear to my heart.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 02/09/07 04:46 PM
<does not enter yet at this time>

Soon, Stoopid Cat...soon.
Posted By: Space Ranger Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 02/09/07 06:55 PM
Hello Slim.

You're playing a dangerous game here my friend. She's more likely to come after the cat than he is.
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 02/09/07 07:04 PM
I got no beef with you, Concord an you should know better'n ta brace me here.
Posted By: Space Ranger Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 02/09/07 07:09 PM
I'm just trying to understand what your problem with Cobalt Kid is.

I can't stand the jerk either, but I wouldn't risk a stunt like this.
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 02/09/07 07:16 PM
His armies didn't lay waste ta yer homeworld Concord, the way they did ta mine.

He sent his pet general out ta "Teach the Barbarian Hordes a Lesson." 'Cept that General wasn't too picky about makin' sure that the planets he sacked was really members of the Hordes.

We traded wit the Horde. Kinda hard not to when your choices are doing business or becoming slaves. That's all his pet General needed ta know.
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 02/09/07 07:43 PM
<An Enraged Pagan Lass Appears in a cloud of Eldrich Smoke>

Slim, or whoever you are... You will release my familiar, NOW!

Or I will bring this bar...

<Pagan Lass halts in mid sentance as a block of crystal encases her>
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 02/09/07 07:53 PM
She's not hurt, Concord. So don't try nothin' stupid. I'll let her go after I deal wit Cobalt Kid.
Posted By: Space Ranger Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 02/09/07 07:59 PM
No, Slim, I'm not stupid. I've seen enough to realize that inside this bar you're invincible.

I'd advise you not to step outside of it however. Pagan and the cat have a great number of friends and a large family. All of them will be gunning for you.
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 02/09/07 08:02 PM
What about you Concord? Will you be gunnin' fer me if I go outside?
Posted By: Space Ranger Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 02/09/07 08:02 PM
Step outside and find out...
Posted By: Hrun the Barbarian Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 02/12/07 11:56 PM
Hrun desires a drink bar keep!

Mead and plenty of it I must go hunting for and destroying the miscreant known to this world as Cobalt Kid. He must be taught that a woman’s heart is not to be played with.

Hrun notices Stoopid cat and Pagan Lass encased in crystal but manages to hold his tongue.

I have not seen this ale house before tis new me thinks?
<also does not enter>

Soon Slim, you'll be able to have all of your enemies gathered here, and I'm going to ensure it.

Then you can take your bar and leave, so Ultra Man and I can focus on our prime directives.
Posted By: Frio Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 02/22/07 09:30 PM

Shame. He had such potential. Well, ta! (For now.)

Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 07/08/07 03:55 PM
It seems that some of the LMBPers have finally remembered you two.

Now I only need to wait until they find their way here...
Posted By: shenu Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 07/09/07 11:02 PM
You will need allies dear Slim.

Omnicom me.
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 07/10/07 05:23 AM
So, shenu, what can you do for me?
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/23/07 05:50 PM
<Stands looking up at the third time frozen figure behind the bar>

So Fat Boy finally started looking for you, did he?

Well, his friendship with Cobalt kid is going to cost him dearly...

He'll be here soon I think, then... another of Cobalt's friends and allies becomes a trophy on my wall...

Posted By: Lad Boy Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/23/07 07:44 PM
Oops, not the Club Cobalt I was looking for.
<spots frozen cat, turns around, walks over to Boys Town, looking for a stiff one.>
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/24/07 03:23 PM


Posted By: Space Ranger Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/24/07 04:47 PM
<Walks in, looks up at the three time frozen figures behind the bar>

You're playing a dangerous game, Slim, eventually they're gonna come after you. Lard Butt doesn't know about your third trophy yet, but he'll figure it out soon and then you'll have three of the most powerful LMBPers gunning for you...

You ready for that kind of action?
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/24/07 04:56 PM
You know I am Concord.

Why don't you go back and tell them who's up there...

In fact tell'em I got four trophy's now.

<A fourth cube of frozen time floats up next to the others. Inside is a beautiful young woman with bluish skin>

Caught her sneaking in last night. I'm sure that coward Cobalt sent her...

You tell'em what I got, Concord, I'm tired of waiting...
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/24/07 05:23 PM
<a small robot enters>

Greetings playa! I'm S.H.A.G., the robot sidekick of Cobalt Kid!

He's requested that you stand down and free the prisoners you've kidnapped--you've underestimated the enemies you be makin'.

He'll meet you at a nuetral location, outside this bar, at your earliest request.

So? What's it gonna be playboy?

<S.H.A.G. hovers there, a small gold robot about the size of a football>
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/24/07 05:36 PM
<The S.H.A.G. robot is encased in a cube of frozen time and floats up next to the others "Trophies">

Does Cobalt Kid think I'm completely STUPID?!?

<span style="font-size: 30px;">I want you HERE Cobalt, HERE where MY Power is SUPREME!!</span>

You'll come, eventually...

and then you'll die...
Posted By: Kalla Hrykos Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/24/07 06:13 PM
<as Slim has suggested, a figure resembling an old-school Lard Lad floats suspended in frozen time with the others>

<Is this Lard Lad Robot? If so, what was it Hyvvie found in Lardy's Lair?>
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/30/07 06:15 PM
<In an abandoned building across the street from Club Cobalt in Chains the LW Security Office has established a secure location.>

Gramps set this place up just after the Bar first appeared.

Make yourselves comfy people we might have along wait... Nobody and No-One are under orders to find out as much as possible.

Lt Hutch Starsky and Sgt Duke Dvron will have the GenCar assault squad assembled soon, they're going in first when we are ready.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/30/07 06:27 PM
<arrives with Invisible Brainiac>

Excellent. At last we can have this long-overdue confrontation.

[aside]Stop staring My, he's just a security officer like you[/aside]

If only there was some way we could figure out where that Bar draws its powers from. None of our sensors work, and Pagan Lass would have had better luck against magic. It seems much more cosmic than it appears.
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/30/07 08:10 PM


<glares at Cobalt for a brief moment>

I heard you guys could use some help, and I certainly have an interest in the situation so...room for one more?

Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/30/07 08:25 PM


Lardy, this is an odd mission. Its complicated and all I can tell you is that its dangerous. If you do come, you have to listen to every order Everyday Girl gives you and follow it to a 'T'. Are you prepared to do that?

<looks at Everyday Girl, who is giggling with My Whee Fem over Invisible Brainiac>

I mean, really? Essentially, she's the boss until this mission is over. Or you could end up frozen on the wall...or much, much worse.

As to why EDG is leading this mission...well, I didn't explain it to her own grandfather, so you'd have to just trust me.
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/30/07 08:32 PM

You're my friend, okay? One of the very few I have left. If you're putting yourself on the line and trusting Britney, I'm with you. Though...

[whispers to him]...there's definitely an issue I've come across that I'll need to discuss with you...[/whisper]

...when the time is right.

Look, I'm a soldier, Des...I can take orders! What do you...or should I say what does Britney...want me to do?
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 03:58 PM
Mr Cobalt, Mr Lard, the boys are back, you might want to listen to their report. I'm gonna make them visible and audible to everyone...

Nobody, No-One, With friends mode, full sight and sound. Code: India Mike Poppa Two.

<18 in tall versions of Cobalt Kid and EDE appear hovering just above Britney's shoulders.>
Posted By: Abin Quank Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 04:04 PM
I think I should be included in this little "War Council."

Don't you agree... Cobalt?
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 04:08 PM
Ohmygod! Gramps...

I umm... like... I can... explain
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 04:24 PM

[Thought Balloon]Crap! I love the guy but he's gonna screw everything up. With Pagan being held captive he's so scared for Brit's safety he can't think straight. maybe I can distract him...[/TB]

Hush Up Boss, Frick n' Frack are ready to give their report... Shush... Even Cobie an' Lardy are keepin' their mouths shut. You can chew us all out later...
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 04:41 PM
Nobody: Not good, not good at all

No-One: [snickering]The pretty Blue Lady was gonna pull his head out of his ass, that would have fixed him...[/snickering]

Nobody: Boss Witch is awake, time doesn't work the same for her, she says this jerk is bad news and needs to be put down like a... dog with a foamy mouth?

No-One: She also says the kid is old enough, and tougher than you think old man so let her do what needs to be done...
Posted By: Abin Quank Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 04:45 PM
She's awake!?!? She knows what's going on...

Oh My God...
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 04:53 PM
Abin, you have to let Brittney proceed. You know you must.

<puts hand on shoulder>

I know you'll never forgive me for this. But she's more like Space Ranger than you or I have ever been. She can do this.

<looks away>

Spacey...I'm so sorry...

Abin, we both have loved ones in there. You need to stand back a moment...
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 04:55 PM
Nobody: The whole place is wired...

No-One: ...the time freeze thing is everywhere in there.

Nobody: He just thinks at it...

No-One: ...and it freezes whoever he wants.

Nobody: And he's got some nasties hanging around waiting...

No-One: Like the guys who beat up Mistress's Daddy.

Nobody: We want those two for ourselves.

No-One: And there's the goat man who want's to buy the blue lady...

Nobody: and the wizard guy who wants to skin the cat...
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 04:58 PM
Hold it guys...

Cobalt! Abin!


Jeshus H. Christmas!
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 05:08 PM
No-One: It's cool Sword Girl...

Nobody: Mistress is listening...

No-One: ...and Boss Witch says she needs to put a bullet into the thing that looks like Gladys...

Nobody: ...but isn't real.

No-One: And we want you to let Goat-Man and the slimy lizard wizard get what they want so...

Nobody: we can watch them get their tails kicked good.

Both: But WE get the twins!
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 05:10 PM
Brit... Are they done?
Posted By: Rex Viridian Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 05:11 PM
I can sense them up there. Here's hoping for the best...

[enters Slim's Club and saunters up to the bar directly opposite Slim]

Greetings sentinent. May I have something cold to quench my thirst? Perhaps a Green Dragon ale, if you have one.
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 05:12 PM
I think so...

Gramps? Mr Cobalt? Mr Lardy? Invisible Brainiac?

Got any questions for them?
Posted By: Rex Viridian Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 05:16 PM
They're alomost ready to begin their assault. When they do, I'll need to be ready

[a very faint green mist begins to seep into Slim's. So faint that only someone attuned to it would notice it.]
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 05:22 PM
One Green Dragon Ale...

A Time Slip? In Here?

<Seals the Bar>

Wanna try that again, Pal?

I don't know you, so mebbie you don't know where you are...

But in here, time follows my rules...
Posted By: Rex Viridian Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 05:28 PM
I don't know what a Time Slip is, pal and as far as I know Time doesn't follow anyone's rules much less those of a mere bartender!

I simply came in here to have a drink and relax on such a hot day. I you don't care to earn my credits, I can take them someplace else.
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 05:31 PM
[outside of the bar]

Brit, whatever you need, I'll do it. My Lard Force might indeed come in handy!

{OOC: I'm off to work! frown Just have Lardy say or do what you need him to!}
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 05:32 PM
Nobody: Mistress!!

No-One: He's sealed off the bar...

Nobody: We can't feel the Big Witch's energy...

No-One: Commencing Shutdown... T minus 30 seconds and counting... 29... 28...
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Everyday Girl:
I think so...

Gramps? Mr Cobalt? Mr Lardy? Invisible Brainiac?

Got any questions for them?
I'm listening.

I wish we had a better description of Slim's thugs. Goat man? Lizardy fellow? Hard to say who they are or if we know them.

But we'll know soon enough I'd wager.

So the question is, how do we proceed. Obviously Nobody and No-One weren't frozen because Slim didn't activate the bar. I think we're close to making our move...

(Abin - our of character for a sec...I'm leaving work at 1:30 PM and then won't have access to a computer until Tuesday morning! PM me or proceed as you see fit knowing anything done to Cobalt means I'll keep all the good and undo all the bad wink But I'm around today for 2 more hours!
Posted By: Abin Quank Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 05:39 PM
(also OOC)

Rex, I got your PM to Slim but when I try to open that character's profile all I get is an error message. Please resend to me as Abin.

Cobie, it's cool I have to leave for work soon so we can wait till tues to go any further
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 08/31/07 05:43 PM
Further OCC - whatever you think is cool, I'm in! Damn home laptop fried mad
Posted By: Pov Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/03/07 07:35 PM
So confused... Is this thread about a "Club Cobalt" nightspot being padlocked shut, or about binding Cobie and clubbing him ?

Not that I'm necessarily against it, either way... laugh
Posted By: 3-G Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/03/07 07:46 PM

I thought ...



Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/04/07 05:20 PM
Dear Slim,

Let us join your gang or we will eat all the prezels in the joint.

The Terrible Threateners
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/04/07 05:40 PM
Well, it looks like Everyday Girl has things under control and we'll wait for her word.

You hear me, everyone? No one moves on Slim's joint until EDG gives the go ahead. She's got some espionage agents in there now, and we need to get a better idea of who and what Slim has in there before go busting in.

This could take *days* even. So be prepared to wait for her.

My Whee Fem, you stay here too. I'll be back and forth throughout the week and will help lead the charge when the time is right...
Posted By: Pov Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/04/07 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Dear Slim,

Let us join your gang or we will eat all the prezels in the joint.

The Terrible Threateners
My! That IS a terrible threat! shake
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/04/07 05:55 PM
Two words my friend:

Bar mix - I love the wasabi covered nuts!
Posted By: Pov Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/04/07 05:58 PM

I love the wasabi covered nuts!
The gayest thing to ever come from (or go into) Cobie's mouth? YOU be the judge! wink
Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/04/07 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Pov:
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
[b] Dear Slim,

Let us join your gang or we will eat all the prezels in the joint.

The Terrible Threateners
My! That IS a terrible threat! shake [/b]
Dear Pov,

Do not mock us or we will steal all your pants.

The Terrible Threateners
Posted By: Pov Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/04/07 06:10 PM
HAH! I'll even have have them pressed and packed up for you! wink
Posted By: shenu Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/04/07 11:11 PM
Hmmmm.....My agents have uncovered a LMB plot against Slim. Perhaps I should warn him...it may sway him to join my armies

*Shenu walks into the bar and looks around for Slim*
Posted By: Outdoor Miner Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/05/07 04:06 AM
Originally posted by Pov:

[b]I love the wasabi covered nuts!
The gayest thing to ever come from (or go into) Cobie's mouth? YOU be the judge! wink [/b]
I'm shocked you haven't made it your sig yet.
Posted By: Pov Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/05/07 04:20 AM
Nah, Stu's "Waugh!" was classic... I'm going to miss Slott on She-Hulk... sigh
Posted By: Pov Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/05/07 04:25 AM
Eh, no reason I can't have them both in my sig. Short and sweet, theyn are. lol
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/12/07 03:05 PM
---Incoming message---

Pov, thank you for keeping My Whee Fem and Everyday Girl company with Invisible Brainiac.

Please put your pants on when with such young girls.

I shall be along shortly.

- Cobie

---Message Ended---
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/13/07 04:45 PM
<span style="font-size: 20px;">Press Any Key to Resume Play... Press Any Key to Resume Play... Press Any Key to Resume Play...</span>

Originally posted by Everyday Girl:
Nobody: [b]Mistress!!

No-One: He's sealed off the bar...

Nobody: We can't feel the Big Witch's energy...

No-One: Commencing Shutdown... T minus 30 seconds and counting... 29... 28... [/b]
Brit! What the hell does that mean? Who or what is is shutting down?

Somebody press a damn key so we can get this restarted!!!!!
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/13/07 05:01 PM
<span style="font-size: 20px;">Press Any Key to Resume Play... Press Any Key to Resume Play... Press Any Key to Resume Play...</span>

Originally posted by My Wee Fem:
Brit! What the hell does that mean? Who or what is is shutting down?
It means that they've been cut off from Gr... Pagan Lass.

Everybody thinks they're Cacks! They're Not.

They're Magical Constructs animated by the souls of... Two Departed Family Members.

BUT they get their energy from Gram... and if they can't feel her...

LET'S GO PEOPLE! WE'RE TAKING THAT PLACE DOWN, <span style="font-size: 30px;">RIGHT NOW!</span>
Posted By: Abin Quank Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/13/07 05:11 PM
<Emerald Energy flares around Abin as he strides to the front of the assault team.>

Cobalt! Br.. Everyday Girl! Okay we do it your way. But I'm leading the assault, Not Britany.

<Before anyone else can move Abin's Emerald Energy Flares Brighter and he hurls himself out of the staging location and smashes through the front doors of "Club Cobalt in Chains"
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/13/07 05:22 PM
<span style="font-size: 30px;">Ohmygod! Gramps! No! Don't!</span>

No, Dammit...

<Runs after Abin>

<span style="font-size: 20px;">Nobody... No-One... Override Shutdown... Protect Him... Dammit!!! Protect HIM!!!</span>
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/13/07 05:28 PM
Well, here's another carefully planned out Security Office Operation going to hell in a hand-basket.


<Draws Swords and Sprints after Abin & Everyday Girl>

If I live through this I'm kicking both of their asses...
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/13/07 06:05 PM
<Leaps to the top of the bar as Abin Crashes through the front door. A thought slows time around Abin and suddenly he appears to be moving in slow motion...>

<span style="font-size: 15px;">Okay Boys, It's Party Time... The first one to KILL a Hero gets Space Tart as his Personal Slave!</span>

<The inhabitants of the bar, Super Villains all, [with the possible exception of Rex Veridian] leap to the attack. A sword wielding thing resembling a small Tyrannosaurus Rex Bellows "She's Mine!" and aims a vicious cut at Abin's head.>
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/13/07 06:14 PM
<blocks the sword magnetically>

What's this Brit, Abin tried to start the party without me? I told him to keep me informed...

(... but man, I\'m exhausted after that battle with Frio...)

<flies forward at full speed towards Slim's Bar, taking up the rear behind Everyday Girl and My Whee Fem>

At last Slim, you'll get what you've wanted so badly...

...(if Abin didn't screw everything up!)...
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/13/07 06:36 PM
<span style="font-size: 30px;">Cobalt!!! AT LAST!!!</span>

<Slows time around Cobalt to 1/64th speed>

Now you bastard! Watch your friends DIE in slow motion while yer helpless ta do anything about it...

And when their all dead...

Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/13/07 06:43 PM
<uses magnetism to protect self from effects, but now unable to move>

Britney, whatever plan you have, you better get it going now...

<within time sphere, finally sees the inside of Slim's bar, looking at Stoopid Cat, Pagan Lass, Space Tart, a discarded Lard Lad robot and S.H.A.G.>

And now Slim, to remind you that you're not the only person thinking ahead...

<presses button. S.H.A.G. begins to light up>

I sent you the robot knowing you'd attack it and make a trophy. But within it is enough cat-nip to wake up every cat on Legion World. I know time is your domain here, but traveling through space has always been Stoopid Cats. Perhaps he might figure out a way to counter your powers so we can win...

<Slim's time-slowing begins to crack magnetic sphere around Cobalt, the effects stronger than Cobalt thought>

...it looks like I won't have many more moments here...

<sees rage in Slim's eyes>

You really hate me, don't you? But I've never meant you before!
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/14/07 05:33 AM
<Dives through the shattered doors and rolls off to one side. As she looks over the room she sees that time crystals are forming around both Abin and Cobalt but Slim seems to be ignoring her, the Gencar Security Officers and Everyday Girl...>

Brit, go for Slim! I'll lead the Gencar Security Officers against the Gencar Super Villains...
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/14/07 05:45 AM
<Watches in horror as both Abin and Cobalt are encased in time crystals...>

Got to concentrate on what needs to be done...

Originally posted by Everyday Girl:
No-One: It's cool Sword Girl...

Nobody: Mistress is listening...

No-One: ...and Boss Witch says she needs to put a bullet into the thing that looks like Gladys...

Nobody: ...but isn't real.

No-One: And we want you to let Goat-Man and the slimy lizard wizard get what they want so...

Nobody: we can watch them get their tails kicked good.

Both: But WE get the twins!
Something else else that looks like Gladys but isn't real...

Nobody... No-One... Where is it?
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/14/07 06:02 AM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

And now Slim, to remind you that you're not the only person thinking ahead...

<presses button. S.H.A.G. begins to light up>

I sent you the robot knowing you'd attack it and make a trophy. But within it is enough cat-nip to wake up every cat on Legion World. I know time is your domain here, but traveling through space has always been Stoopid Cats. Perhaps he might figure out a way to counter your powers so we can win...

You really hate me, don't you? But I've never meant you before!
Is Catnip really the best you can do Cobalt? Please... By the time Stoopid Cat smells it you'll have been dead for a hundred years...

You've no idea how much I hate you... But you will know before you die...
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/14/07 03:08 PM
Slim, tell me, then! Who are you? What have I done to you? I only know a little of your story, but you must realize that whatever happened to your planet had little to do with me!

<Slim's time-slowing power continues to crack magnetic sphere, now Cobalt can no longer move his arms and legs, staring directly into Slim's eyes>

Why hurt so many innocents? What will it take to get you to let them go?
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/14/07 05:40 PM
I'm yer Worst Nightmare, Cobaltus. I'm one o' the few survivin' men of Libertion, a planet yer armies sacked during yer war with the Barbarian Hordes.

We had nothin to do with nothin you're fightin about. Our only crime was tradin with the horde at gunpoint. We paid tribute in food so they wouldn't sack our planet.

Then the armies of the great hero and liberator Cobalt Kid came... We Cheered... We Were Saved...


You cared nothing for the innocent people slaughtered on my world. So why should I care about the innocents killed on yours?

Then the survivors sat in the camps and watched you hang a medal around some General's Neck and right next to that General was the man who ordered the rape and destruction of my world.

<span style="font-size: 20px;">On that day I passed sentence on YOU, Cobaltus! I decreed that you shall die by my hand! And today it happens...</span>
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/14/07 05:47 PM
Liberton? From what I heard Liberton fought with the Barbarians and hoped to invade the United Planets.

But it hardly matters. Because I had nothing to do with any of that, and neither did Legion World! My general, Scipio Taltarus assigned that sector of space to another general. And *that* general was found guilty by me of war crimes and dismissed from our armies.

I was equally as appalled as you were! He was no citizen of Legion World, but a military man supplied to us by the UP. When it became evident what he was all about, we got rid of him. I'd gladly understand your contempt of him. I only ever met him that one time.

To think I had some semblance of control over him is ludicrous Slim.

<sees pure hate in his eyes>

But I see. No, you blame me, as top general. Well, then, fine. I accept your blame. You've become unhinged by the horror, and I don't blame you for it.

I was the lead General in the War, assigned by the UP, and I take full blame. Scipio is long dead now, and only I remain. Free the others. I will go with you. But I will not surrender myself to your custody or be judged by you, I'm afraid. I will never do that.

(this isn\'t good...I\'m still so exhausted after that battle with Frio...)
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/14/07 06:05 PM
From what you heard... <span style="font-size: 15px;">From What You HEARD!</span>...



<Slim gestures, and the cube of frozen time surrounding Stoopid Cat begins to compress.>

Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/14/07 06:07 PM
Dammit Slim, NOOO!

I gave no such order! You need to stop this immediately!

<S.H.A.G. begins to light up more, and begins growing hotter and hotter>

ENOUGH! I gave no such orders and never would in my life! I do not believe in rape or murder!

You want revenge? Fine! Take it out on me! I'll fight you one on one, powerless! Just leave Stoopid Cat alone!
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/14/07 06:12 PM
<Another Gesture and the robot simply winks out of existence>

Whatever your robot was going to do... it's doing 6000 years ago in someplace called Ancient Pre-Egypt...
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/14/07 06:18 PM
(Dammit! That didn't work. I programmed S.H.A.G. to explode, letting forth a time-blast, which in theory creates some sort of temporal rift. A last-ditch effort, I know, but I was hoping it would somehow effect Slim's control over time and space in this Bar. Or at least wake-up Pagan Lass)

You'll pay for that Slim. S.H.A.G. was my friend, and he won't be happy that his shell has been destroyed.

(At least he survives on as the Security Office's major-domo).

<now completely frozen body-wise>

You've got me Slim. What now?

(And where is Brittney and My Whee Fem?)
Posted By: Rex Viridian Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/14/07 10:49 PM
Well, looks like things are degenerating rapidly. This Slim character sure has it in for Cobalt Kid and the Security Office personnel.

'xcuse me, Mr. Slim. I realize you're a bit busy right now, but do you mind if I get in on the fun? I have my own personal score to settle with some of these people and I would hate to miss the opportunity since it looks like this might be my last chance to pay them back a bit. May I?
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/14/07 11:28 PM
<eyes newcomer>


(who is this guy? And why does he seem familiar?)
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/15/07 05:24 AM
Originally posted by Slim:

<Slim gestures, and the cube of frozen time surrounding Stoopid Cat begins to compress.>

Ohmygod! Hang on Fuzzball...

I don't see anything resembling Gladys... So...

<Twin 9mm Beretta Pistols appear in her hands.>

He's wearing body armor...

<span style="font-size: 20px;">HEY SLIM... CATCH!!!</span>

<click - click><span style="font-size: 30px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/15/07 05:36 AM
Originally posted by Rex Viridian:

'xcuse me, Mr. Slim. I realize you're a bit busy right now, but do you mind if I get in on the fun? I have my own personal score to settle with some of these people and I would hate to miss the opportunity since it looks like this might be my last chance to pay them back a bit. May I?
What?/?/ Who the hell are yo...

<span style="font-size: 30px;">Blam!! Blam!! Blam!! Blam!!</span>

<Everyday Girl's bullets lift Slim and slam him hard into the wall behind the bar.>
Posted By: Rex Viridian Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/15/07 03:45 PM
"I'll take that as a "yes" Slim" smile

Reaching out to the pale green light that suffuses the room, Rex weaves it into tendrils, four of which shoot upward, piercing the time crystals that encase Pagan Lass, the Lard Lad robot, Stoopid Cat, and Space Tart. The other tendrils weave together into thin green shields that completely cover the LMBPers and Security Office personnel.

"There, that should do it" Rex smiles as the time crystals encasing the four prisoners begin to dissolve. "Those shields will disrupt Skinny's time effects. Had I access to my full power, this would be over already, but even limited as my resources are at the moment, it will suffice."
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/15/07 04:43 PM
<Slim struggles back to his feet, clearly shaken by the impact of being slammed halfway through the wall by Everyday Girl's bullets.>

<span style="font-size: 20px;">Nobody Gets ta do that ta ME! NOBODY!!!</span>

<Slim sees the green shields covering the Security Forces and mistakes them for cages. And, because of the fact that he's facing away from the time cubes holding his prisoners he doesn't notice that Rex is trying to free them...>

Mebbie, I wuz wrong 'bout ya, Greenie... Thanx fer trappin 'em... Now I'll finish it.

<He gestures and a time cube begins to coalesce around the emerald shield covering Everyday Girl.>
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/15/07 05:19 PM
<On the other side of the bar, My and her squad of GenCar Security Officers have been trying to keep Slim's mob of CenCar Super Villains at bay. But because Cobie long ago decided that all GenCar Security Officers must wear Red Star Trek Uniforms (and everybody knows what that means) it's been a losing battle. Now My is alone, her comrades lying on the floor behind her, as she faces down a dozen or so baddies... Suddenly a green glow surrounds the Super Villains and they drop, unconscious.>

What?!?! How?!?!

Not That I'm Complaining, mind you...
Posted By: Kalla Hrykos Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 06:36 AM
<unfrozen the robot activates, its processors computing its next course of action>
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 03:35 PM
Hm...I'm starting to gain back some movement...?

(Perhaps Rex Veridian isn't against us afterall?)

Keep it going Britney! He's faltering! Its no use Slim! You've brought the battle here to Legion World, where we have the advantage!

<able to move, but slowly...moves to My Whee Fem>

I've got you My.

<sees her battle wounds, lays hands to heal them>

We need to finish off Slim...
Posted By: Kalla Hrykos Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 04:49 PM
<finishing computing, the robot's eye turn faintly red>


<establishes remote link with Slim>

Slim! We haven't met, but I am a potential ally...inhabiting the Lard Lad robot you captured, among many other robotic forms. This vessel is not powerful enough to turn the tide, but I can get you out of here if you wish...unless you have more trump cards to play, of course. But you'll find our goals are...similar, if you accept. Let me know if and when you are ready. Otherwise, I'll have to help fight your minions to avoid suspicion.
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 05:25 PM
Ohmygod! Nobody! No-One! Where is the "thing that looks like Gladys?"

Behind Him Mistress! Through the wall...

click - click<span style="font-size: 30px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>

<The Wall behind Slim EXPLODES...>
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 05:29 PM
<puts shield up around My Whee Fem and self>

Brit! Be careful!

We need to get back to where the action is, My!

<moves forward, effects of Slim's power still slowing Cobalt down>
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Clive Bot:

Slim! We haven't met, but I am a potential ally...inhabiting the Lard Lad robot you captured, among many other robotic forms. This vessel is not powerful enough to turn the tide, but I [b]can get you out of here if you wish...unless you have more trump cards to play, of course. But you'll find our goals are...similar, if you accept. Let me know if and when you are ready. Otherwise, I'll have to help fight your minions to avoid suspicion.
<span style="font-size: 20px;">Arrgghh!!! GET... OUT... OF... My... Head!!!! Arrgghh!!!</span>

<click - click> <span style="font-size: 20px;">BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!</span>

<the wall behind Slim Explodes knocking him face first to the floor and covering him with rubble.>
Posted By: Abin Quank Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 05:41 PM
What happened?!? The time effects have vanished...


Pagan... I'm sorry...
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

Brit! Be careful!

We need to get back to where the action is, My!
Go help Abin, Cobie, you and the blue tart over there used to be an item, dincha?

I'll haul Slim's butt out from under that wall... Maybe that tin version of LardLad can help me...
Posted By: Kalla Hrykos Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 06:00 PM
<communicates with Slim remotely>

Still want me "out of your head", human?
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 06:06 PM
<flying next to Abin, grabs Spacey>

Spacey, I'm so sorry you got caught up in this.

They're out of it Abin, but they're not hurt. Something else else's wrong though. My spiritual 'senses' are going crazy. The danger definately has not passed...

<holds Space Tart in arms, magnetically creating shield for protection>
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Clive Bot:
<communicates with Slim remotely>

Still want me "out of your head", human?
<span style="font-size: 20px;">I'm Not HUMAN... Not Anymore... And YES I want you OUT OF MY HEAD!!!</span>

But... We can work together if ya stay out 'o my head...
Posted By: Kalla Hrykos Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 06:19 PM

<teleports beneath rubble where Slim is>

I can get you out of here, Slim! And I can set this vessel for self-destruct--it has a nuclear core--and cover your tracks, hopefully taking out Cobalt and the others in the process! What do you say?
Posted By: Space Tart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 06:19 PM
Mmmm...by all means Cobie, grab me more firmly.

Don't let Crujectra get jealous though!

*tee hee*
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 06:27 PM

<looks around at rubble and dust>

C-Cobalt? You around?

<falls to his knees, fighting zombification virus with all his power>
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 06:35 PM
<holding Spacey, bleeding from earlier battle with Frio, bruised by Slim>

A little busy here Lardy...

<rubble falling down on Abin and Cobalt>

Hang on Spacey...no, now isn't the time for...did you just pinch me? laugh

<lays hand on Lardy>

Lardy, jeez, look out! Some of Slim's men are still around...

<magnetically blasts them back>

My Whee Fem! Behind you!

<healing power on Lardy>

That should help...did you say you were bitten by a zombie? I don't even want to know what's happening on the rest of Legion World.

<keeps healing>

That should do it...

...Now--where is Everyday Girl? And where did Slim go?

<moves along rubble>
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Clive Bot:

<teleports beneath rubble where Slim is>

I can get you out of here, Slim! And I can set this vessel for self-destruct--it has a nuclear core--and cover your tracks, hopefully taking out Cobalt and the others in the process! What do you say?
<span style="font-size: 20px;">Yeah, that'll work... I just need a moment to gather myself together...</span>

<Slim stands, shaking the rubble off of himself, and extends his arms. Circuitry rips itself out of the walls and returns to his body. For the first time everyone in the bar gets a full view of his exposed face and upper body. He is a CYBORG, the left half of his body is entirely robotic...>

You've won this round Cobalt... Or have you???

Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 06:40 PM
What in the name of the nine hells...?

Slim, what have you done to yourself?

<puts up magnetic shield between Lardy, Spacey, Abin, Pagan and the rest and Slim>

And I don't like the sound of this. He's got something else up his sleeve! Everyone get ready to move!
Posted By: Kalla Hrykos Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 06:46 PM
<the robot rises to full view>

Here, Slim...you will find safety through this portal , through which only you can go.

<looks at Cobalt and others>

I've sealed this bar off with a force shield! The rest of you will be atomized as I detonate my atomic core in 15...14...13...
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 06:48 PM
The robot? Des...I...I'm too weak to teleport us!

Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 06:52 PM
Its up to Everyday Girl, Lardy. You have to trust her. She'll get us out of here. I know it.

<looks on strait ahead, completely full of trust>
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 10:22 PM

Rex Veridian. Well met indeed. Welcome to Legion World--thanks for the assist.

<ignores counting down of certain doom>
Posted By: Rex Viridian Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Clive Bot:
<the robot rises to full view>

Here, Slim...you will find safety through this portal , through which only you can go.
No, I don't think so! You can't just disappear when you're the host of the party. Where are your manners? Things like that simply aren't done is gentele society. If we must get blown to bits I insist that you share the experience with us.

Once again Rex weaves the green mist together. This time it forms a barrier across the portal, preventing Slim's escape.

Posted By: Rex Viridian Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

Rex Veridian. Well met indeed. Welcome to Legion World--thanks for the assist.

<ignores counting down of certain doom>
The pleasure is all mine Cobalt though I must admit that you are even more spectacular than I had understood. Quite enthralling. Alas, it's my understanding that you have yet to fully embrace the Spartan ideal you profess to emulate. Perhaps some day...

Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 10:37 PM

I appreciate the compliment! I'm thinking that the minute we all miraculously escape this predicament, we somehow regroup with the rest of the LMB and figure out just what's going on around here.

Of course that gives Everyday Girl about three seconds...

Posted By: Rex Viridian Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/17/07 10:42 PM
Hmmm...the robot's timer must be off a bit. That's what happens when you use cheap labor to build nefarious devices. They always forget to calibrate something or other. Maybe his battery is wearing down and needs a recharge? shrug

Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/18/07 05:08 AM
OHMYGOD! Can't a girl like powder her nose during one of these adventures?

And anyway Mr Greengenes I like need you to like drop your Barrier Thingie so I can...

<The Barrier Preventing Access to the portal Vanishes>

<click - click> <span style="font-size: 30px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>

<The first four bullets drive the robot through the portal it created and the fifth activates it's defective timer mechanism.>

Feel free to follow him Slim... But I don't think he's gonna be there very long...
Posted By: Rex Viridian Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/18/07 05:17 AM
Nice BLAMing. Most impressive. Reminds me of my great aunt Esmeralda. She could blast the chest hair off her latest beau and not leave a single mark on his skin. But that's a story for another day...
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/18/07 02:57 PM
Nice work Brit!

<pats EDG on the behind, but quickly moves it to her shoulders before Abin can give Cobalt a dirty look>

I think its time to get the hell out of here and regroup. This place is still dangerous and there's no telling what Slim can do.

<looks across room>

Is Slim still here? Or did he dissapear with the defunct Lard Lad robot?

We need medics for the injured. Pagan, Stoopid Cat, My Whee Fem, Spacey, Lardy. They don't look so good. <still holding Space Tart>

We need to find out who and where that robot was and went. But first--where is Slim? Is he still here?
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/18/07 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Nice work Brit!

<pats EDG on the behind...>

We need to find out who and where that robot was and went. But first--where is Slim? Is he still here?
Ohmygod! Mr Cobalt, if you like slip and like touch my cute and pert derrière again I might slip and <click -click>...

[cute smile]And WE like wouldn't want THAT to happen, like would WE??[/cute smile]

Slim slipped out into the streets...
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/18/07 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Nice work Brit!

I think its time to get the hell out of here and regroup. This place is still dangerous and there's no telling what Slim can do.

We need medics for the injured. Pagan, Stoopid Cat, My Whee Fem, Spacey, Lardy. They don't look so good. <still holding Space Tart>

We need to find out who and where that robot was and went...
Yo Cobester, first off Miss Blam-Blam wasn't alone here... I kicked some Major Super-Villain Ass keeping your six clean.

Second, I don't need no stinking Medical Help...

And Third, If you want to know who or what Tin LardLad was; Why dont you ask the real thing? He's standing there next to you with that big old "I'm Screwed Now" look of his hanging all over his face...
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/18/07 04:38 PM
My, I think he was blasted through the portal by Brittney? And be sure you're checked out by the medics. But jeez girl, I saw--you'll be getting a fat bonus for that!

<hands Space Tart to Medic>

Get some rest Spacey...

I think its time we made our way into the streets after Slim, and then find a place for all active LMBers on Legion World to meet up! I guess this is going to be Cali's show now, so we'll follow her lead...
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/18/07 04:46 PM
Yo, Cobester, Why are you giving LardBoy a free pass again?

We need some answers here! He's been publicly hunting for his robot for a while... And when we find it and free it - it promptly pulls a Benedict Arnold on us...

So what's the story Lardo????
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/18/07 04:54 PM
She's right Lardy. What's the story with the LardBots? Do you have any ideas?

<looks at My Whee Fem>

Your pluckiness is appreciated, My, but I hardly think Lardy has any sinister intentions. Besides, there are multiple robots on Legion World of other LMBers that the LMBers themselves don't even know about. But that's a confidential security matter.

How many Lard-bots are you aware of Lardy? There seems to be multiples now.

<heals self after wounds inflicted by Frio and Slim>

And we're going to need to hurry. In addition to Slim and the rogue robot, there's also Frio we have to worry about. And from the message Jailbait Lass left me, a whole other problem on the streets of Legion World.
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/18/07 05:05 PM
Look, guys, I simply don't know what's going on with these robots! I had one made before I left for Zerox and now have three accounted for at this point! Based on interviews I've made, I think the one I've been looking for is out there with Rocky looking for Vee.

<looks at Cobalt with suspicious glare>

Why would there be multiple Lard Lad robots, Des? Hmm? Your own accounts in the Archives mention me several time in missions while I was gone for two years, yet you know I was gone! Did you use robots of me as decoys or what?

Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/18/07 05:08 PM
Y'Know Big Boss, you've got a real blind spot where Lardo is concerned...

I hope that don't cause too many more problems...

<Looks out front door.>

<span style="font-size: 20px;">Holy Crap on a Stick! The streets are fulla ZOMBIES!!!!</span>
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/18/07 05:10 PM
<looks at them all, with no expression>

Of course I did. They were standard LMB-decoy robots. There were three of them in total. They were all shut off months before you arrived back to us. There should be no reason they were still active, though the one Slim captured may be one.

<looks at Lardy>

Why are you so shocked? You need to trust me Lardy. It was for the good of Legion World. I needed a Lard Lad decoy robot for the Dark Stu Saga, and another for the Infinite Crisis. It was absolutely necessary to create as much confusion for our foes as possible. As Chief of Security, I have quite a bit of leeway with the robot technology I can use.

I don't think this comes as too much of a surprise as anyone. I've had numerous Supergirl Robots help me out over the years.

<puts hand to chin>

But hm...why would one go bad? I never gave them the same rationale abilities I gave the Supergirl robots. They followed orders directly. There would have to be some outside influence controlling it...

...perhaps I know where we should check next then...

<looks back up at My Whee Fem, Lardy and Rex Veridian>
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/18/07 05:14 PM
Originally posted by My Wee Fem:
Y'Know Big Boss, you've got a real blind spot where Lardo is concerned...

I hope that don't cause too many [b]more

<Looks out front door.>

<span style="font-size: 20px;">Holy Crap on a Stick! The streets are fulla ZOMBIES!!!!</span>[/b]
<is interrupted>

Bloody Liberty!

I've just sent Cali a message. Enough of this! We need to get out there! We need to find Slim, Frio and the rogue Lard-bot, but first, let's do what we can to stop these zombies!

Rex--welcome to Legion World and thanks for the save. Care to join us on this? We could use a hand, and perhaps help you out?

<flies out into the streets>
Posted By: Rex Viridian Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 09/18/07 11:28 PM

Rex--welcome to Legion World and thanks for the save. Care to join us on this? We could use a hand, and perhaps help you out?

Well, I may as well..."in for a ruby, in for a ransom" as dear uncle Elmer used to say. But I seriously doubt you'll be able to help me out.
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 04/06/08 01:10 AM
It's taken everything I had and a few favors on top of that But... "Club Cobalt in Chains" is back in business.

Step up to the bar, first round is on me...
Posted By: Space Ranger Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 04/06/08 02:16 AM
Hello Slimm, I'll take a Triple Sec on the rocks and a few answers.
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 04/06/08 02:24 AM
You got a set stones Concord, I'll give ya that.

You chose yer side during that Faces Dust-Up. I said I'd stand the first round an' I'll do it. But yer one n' done Concord.

Drink up n' leave, or stay a long time, yer choice.
Posted By: Space Ranger Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 04/06/08 02:28 AM
I'm not looking for a fight Slimm. Just a few answers so I can show the good citizens of Legion World that they're protecting a Murderer.
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 04/06/08 02:31 AM
Like they're gonna believe anything I say about their precious little hero...

Finish yer drink and get out!
Posted By: Space Ranger Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 04/06/08 02:37 AM
Quit being STUPID!

It's in your best interest for the truth to come out...
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 04/07/08 04:47 PM
Enough already, Concord...

Look, I got my ass kicked good the last time I tried ta brace Cobalt on Legion World. I know now I got no chance o' gettin him there but that ego o' his won't let him stay grounded there ferever.

So unless you got somethin ta convince me that somebody in authority on Legion World will actually listen ta my side, instead o' just repeating the "but he's a hero" crap yer wastin both o' our time.

Come back wit proof that they'll listen, then we'll talk.
Posted By: Faraway Lad Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 04/07/08 06:31 PM
Very Well Mr Slimm as leader of the LMBP I will in fact take you up on your offer. Please prepare your bundle, bound and paginated, with three copies so that the tribunal of the leader and co leaders will be able to see your side of the story.

However, I must point out that should you go down this route then you are agreeing to be bound by the descion of the Tribunal and as Royal Coroner I will only make a decision based on the facts and not necessarily on consipicy theories I will not alow you with your very real sense of loss and anguish to do a “Al Feyed” and run this via the media. I also promise that should there be an “establishment” cover up then no one, even Royalty, will be protected.
Posted By: Sam Pureheart Re: Club Cobalt in Chains - 04/08/08 03:35 AM
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
Very Well Mr Slimm as leader of the LMBP I will in fact take you up on your offer. Please prepare your bundle, bound and paginated, with three copies so that the tribunal of the leader and co leaders will be able to see your side of the story.
Done! I'll just have my Solicitor pop round in the morning and present it so you can peruse it with your tea and curmpets, Gov.

Originally posted by Faraway Lad:

However, I must point out that should you go down this route then you are agreeing to be bound by the descion of the Tribunal and as Royal Coroner I will only make a decision based on the facts and not necessarily on consipicy theories I will not alow you with your very real sense of loss and anguish to do a “Al Feyed” and run this via the media.
Fine with me. I got no use for your Media, anyway. So if this is on the up & up I got nothin ta worry about. And if it ain't you still gotta "enforce" yer decision anyway. So I can't lose.

Originally posted by Faraway Lad:

I also promise that should there be an “establishment” cover up then no one, even Royalty, will be protected.
But if there is a cover up, will you even know about it? Cobalt and his "Lady" ain't gonna tell ya, that General is convieniently DEAD, an' Major Killem'all is on the Security Office's "Shoot on Sight" list...

Good luck breakin' the "Code of Silence."
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