Legion World
Example #1: TD calling Lash 'Hot Pants'--- Appropriate

Example #2: Tarik the Mute's Android calling Tarik the Mute 'Hot Pants'--- Inappropriate

It is always appropriate to call me "hot pants".

It is always appropriate to call Senor Widebottom "hot pantaloons".
You should never call your boss "Hot Pants", unless that's his or her real name. Same for judges, arresting policemen, people to whom you owe money...

Perhaps Mekt, our etiquette expert, could provide more detailed guidelines.
Is it okay to refer to my boss as "My Sweet Ass Boss?" Cuz that's what I call him when talking to my closest friends at work smile
Is it appropriate to call someone Hot Pants when they're not wearing any?
why, miss cramer, i'll have to take it under consideration. it's certainly appropriate to call someone "hot pants" when their pants are in fact hot and since i have the ability to make them so, i've not had to consider the issue before.

Originally posted by Spellbinder:
Is it okay to refer to my boss as "My Sweet Ass Boss?" Cuz that's what I call him when talking to my closest friends at work smile
You must look forward to Monday mornings... wink
Who says hot pants are dead and gone ?
Wait'll they see what you got on !
I never saw nothin' so doggone hot ,
You belong in Ripley's Believe It or Not !

- The B-52's " Hotpants Explosion "
24/7, you can always call someone "hot pants," it's the best compliment.
How about "sugar britches?"
Please refrain from calling my 92 year old grandma "Hot Pants". Hers tend to be of the polyester blend. Matlock, I always enjoyed "Sugar Booger" but well, that's just me.
Sugar Booger, yeuch!!
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DIE, DIE, DIE!!!!!

(You have activated the Auto-reply feature of Abin's Computer, on your head lie the consequences!)
We might have a potential virus, here...
boogity boo!!!! That's not good!!!!

meanwhile you may call me hot pants if my pants are actually on fire.
Damn, I almost selected "Hot Pants Lad" as my Legion World i.d.
in my experience, it's generally acceptable to say "Hot pants" to someone when you're pulling their's off

and generally UN-acceptable to do so while teaching minors
Good point! I've never found the words "hot pants" objectionable in a situation where adults' pants (including my own) were being removed.

Let's try an experiment. I'm going to close my office door and take my pants off. Someone on LegionWorld type "hot pants." Let's see if there are objections.
hot pants
I Object!
depends on whether Lad Boy wears briefs or boxers
he could be a commando
omg!!!! So that's what I'd look like in hot pants and a blonde wig??? lol love
Mmm... commandos...

...er, what was that about hot pants??

(P.S. I love you Saturn Girl.)
Originally posted by Saturn Girl:
omg!!!! So that's what I'd look like in hot pants and a blonde wig??? lol love
I don't think this is you, SG.

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Legion World needs an official "Hot Pants, Tube Tops, and Cha-cha Heels" day. No one is exempt.
On second thought, maybe we should have an age restriction.

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All right... but only if Cobie goes first. wink
Originally posted by Caliente:

All right... but only if Cobie goes first. wink
Are you kidding??

That's Cobie's standard outfit.
You're right Quis... how could I have been so forgetful?? An image like that's not likely to be erased so quickly... wink

Hey, I'm not gonna dress myself!
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

Hey, I'm not gonna dress myself!
alright Caliente, Cobie wants us to dress him.

Which do you think is best for him?

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The color asparagus does bring out my eyes...
Although I don't normally encourage it, I can accept being called hot pants on those days where my ass looks particularly fine in my outfit...
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
On second thought, maybe we should have an age restriction.

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Ohmigod - dig Grandma's cellulite!
In one lifetime, I called legionadventureman "hot pants". That resulted in an attempt on my life. Mayavale advises extreme caution in the use of this epithet.
Hmmm...does "Doctor Mayavale" have a full head of hair and a handlebar mo in real life? Coz LAM might have use for him *grins*
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
The color asparagus does bring out my eyes...
Really?? Aww, I was gonna vote for the big pretty dresses!!

Good show Quis!!
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
On second thought, maybe we should have an age restriction.

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This is really a flash forward thirty years to Scott and I enjoying the gaathering at Sturgis with all our other Harley riding homies.
Originally posted by Saturn Girl:
This is really a flash forward thirty years to Scott and I enjoying the gaathering at Sturgis with all our other Harley riding homies.
Oh stop! Not in a million years. BTW, do you guys really ride Harleys?
No...... But, when Scott still had hair down to his hips, he was in Vegas for work and he had his picture taken for me on a Harley in the Harley diner. Kinda like a bikers Hard Rock Cafe. He looks pretty good too, in a bandana and levis, except, he has his geeky cell phone hooked onto his belt.

But, does it count that I want tattoos really, really bad!!! And, some multiple piercings for each ear?? (Scott won't let me get either done) bwahahahahahaha
See how lucky you are to have Scott? Just think what granny in that picture would look like if on top of the cellulite she had tatoos on her butt.
I always knew how to ask the important questions! bump
at least you asked.

better than trial and error for sure.
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