Legion World
Surely since the occupation, we need an LMBer to govern our new province, less the people turn to bloody rebellion.

Given my background in military and security matters, I'll gladly take the position. Should the next leader choose to appoint me as the Procounsel, I would gladly give them my vote and use the political power given to me as Top Poster of Legion World to encourage others to do so.
As the one who pointed out the Greenlandic menace in the first place, and as someone with higher-than-average knowledge about Greenland (in an LW-patriotic way, of course), I would volunteer to serve in some capacity, whether as procounsel, special advisor to the procounsel, or as governor-general (a ceremonial post which would not infringe upon the procounsel's authority).

I would on principle be unwilling to set foot within the one-kilometer Safety Zone around the Celene Dion Confinement Center, however, but would be comfortable sending in red-shirt subordinates to check on the prisoner from time to time, provided I have funding to surgically disable their inner ears (earplugs are not a strong enough safeguard, of course, given the captive's metahuman abilities).
Hm, I propose a duel procounselship, with Kent running the administrative and re-organization tasks, while I handle the tax-collecting and security details. I have my own private staff in place for those two functions. Kent's expertise would be vital to getting Greenland back to functioning as it should be.
What's to re-oganize? Kent, wouldn't you like to be the Cultural Attaché?

Did I forget to mention that we're also occupying Hans Island? There was some silly dispute between Canada and Denmark over that and it seemed best if we just took over.
Plan a Hans Island vacation with reviews, tips and photos posted by real travelers and Hans Island locals.

Hans Island travel site
Hans is such a Germanic sounding(ie Danish) name.

Let's rename the island Trudeau's Finger in honour of what the great Canadian Nationalist P.E.T. would show anyone who disputed the sovereignty of that mound of gravel in the arctic.
Geez, I wonder how we pulled off Greenland and Hans Island under the noses of the corporate tyrants that control Earth?!?!?

Why, FC's political mastery of course!

Not to mention Deddy scared the beejus out of Cananda, Inc.!
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Geez, I wonder how we pulled off Greenland and Hans Island under the noses of the corporate tyrants that control Earth?!?!?

Why? Has Canada run out of obscure British royalty to name things after?
Perhaps it's time to pull out of Greenland and focus on another place, preferably another planet.

The Greenland ice cap is melting so...eral cubic kilometres in size break off.
Or, perhaps a Greenlandian plot to block the Northwest passage shipping lanes and cripple the Canadian economy?

Do they have NO morality?
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Perhaps it's time to pull out of Greenland and focus on another place, preferably another planet.

The Greenland ice cap is melting so...eral cubic kilometres in size break off.
Great! I can be the first LWer to die in a tsunami!
The old melt our ice caps so they'll stop trying to conquer us bit. Seen it before tons of times. I reccomend we build some particularly well placed damns so their cities are flooded. That will quiet down the riff-raff.
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
The old melt our ice caps so they'll stop trying to conquer us bit. Seen it before tons of times. I reccomend we build some particularly well placed damns so their cities are flooded. That will quiet down the riff-raff.
Would you believe TWO melting ice caps?
Hm...I believe our leaders should begin discussing this very important topic!

By melting those ice caps we are very close to actually achieving our objective of turning Greenland back into a very green and pleasant land. A holiday resort of the highest quality for LMBP’ers.

Of course we now need to concentrate on placing an icecap over Australia
Like in the 3boot! laugh I like it.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Hm...I believe our leaders should begin discussing this very important topic!
Mm, that sounds like work and therefore goes against my laziness policy. Talk to my deputy. wink
Thread title updated per the orders of Caliente!
ah, yeah. sure. do what you feel like.
The libertarian administration of Legion World!
Perhaps one of us everyday citizens such as myself would be the appropriate choice? When should I leave Legion World?
Oh no you don't Metternich. You will be leaving Legion World soon. But you're going to Takron Galtos not Greenland! Now back to the Tower you go!

<grabs for him but Metternich manages to slip away agains>
Feh, A Libertarian Administration would say, "Do what you like with property that has been assigned to your stewardship as long as you did not gain that stewardship through coercion and your plans do not infringe on the property rights of others."

"Do what you feel like" sounds dangerously anarchist. Are we sure the Administration isn't encouraging anarchy to feed the ever growing "Super-Hero Industrial Complex"? I mean the LMB was bad enough but now we have private armies providing security in the streets of LW.

Hey there! Colonel!!! Make sure you post that squad outside the Evil Genius Building.

What if the melting ice inadvertantly frees Celine Dion from improsonment?

Something else else MUST BE DONE!
We'll get the anarchists to throw teddy bears at her.
We need to keep a permanent rota of LMBP’ers with ice based powers on hand in Greenland to prevent the thawing out of Dion before she destabilises the entire western hemisphere.
Or we might get Dion - the Zombie. Too much for a lone Procounsel to handle.

I've like got some Zombie Buster Kneecap Specials left...

I mean like if you guys need some help and junk.
wait. When did Celine get frozen in ice?
Early in the Cramer/Dedman admin.

Luckily for us all.
We should get the Nobel Peace Prize for that one!
And who says there is Global Warming.
but if there IS.. .and she is unleashed upon the world once more, what then?

Where's Frio when you need her?
I believe that, though she is no longer "The Empress", she is currently without ID. Perhaps after the Five Faces of Death is over, she'll recover Hel's for her use, once again.
Hm...many weeks have gone by where we could have cruely taxed the denizens of Greenland and embezzled that money to our own coffers. Instead, they've been using it on bathtub gin and other things Greenlanders do.

It may be time for a stronger hand. Don't forget...these denizens were ruled by an iron fist by Celine Dion for many years.
The problem is none of us can really bring ourselves to sing like that. That's what beat the Greenlanders into submission.
maybe we could convince the Greelanders that she is a baby seal? We could offer a bounty for her pelt.
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
Early in the Cramer/Dedman admin.

Luckily for us all.
Ah yes. It's time to reveal what happened when I led a group from the Legion of Former Deputies undercover as backup singers for Celine Dion. Well, let's just say I sing tenor and can freeze things. We'll leave it at that. laugh
love you, Rocky, know that? Love.
Awww! I love you too, Cali! smile
Cali always did like you better.
How many crazy chanteuses québecoises have you put on ice? PolarBoy
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
Cali always did like you better.
Aw, that's not true, Kent! hug You know I love you, too.

Though, Rocky, did have a good point. How many crazy chanteuses québecoises have you put on ice?
So has anything been decided yet? And if we are putting certain singers on ice can we add Nickelback? I would probably give up my soul just to never have to listen them again.
Originally posted by rtvu2:
So has anything been decided yet? And if we are putting certain singers on ice can we add Nickelback? I would probably give up my soul just to never have to listen them again.
No! As leader, I forbid it. (Okay, yeah, I kinda like them.)

But feel free with Britney Spears and/or the Spice Girls. smile
Freezing is an extreme action, saved for truly evil performers such as Ms. Dion. I'm on call, though!

Oh yes, Vu, On behalf of the current chair, Dedman, and all of the other members, I invite you to your honorary seat at the Legion of Former Deputies , of which you will be chair when your term as Deputy Leader ends.
No! I love the Spice Girls! Never them.

Britney will probably find a way to do it herself.

And thanks Rocky, can't wait to join the Legion of Former Deputies!
As one of the founders, I can say that we look forward to having you - but ONLY after a full and rewarding term as an actual Dep (it wouldn't be as exclusive a club otherwise, would it?).
Hey Deps! Since you're here, how about dealing with the unresolved Anne Murray problem? She was last seen trying to bring down some wind power generators near her home, thus forcing continued reliance on depleting oil stocks. She therefore constitutes a real threat to Greenland & its ice cap.
freeze her.
let's send GRL after her.
There's a Disco Island off the coast of Greenland... and, most appropriately for the LMB, its legend features a sealskin thong .
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Hey Deps! Since you're here, how about dealing with the unresolved Anne Murray problem?
So you're finally ready to STAMP out the Anne Murray problem? wink

PS - you could say thanks since I single-handedly prevented the Quebecoise Evil One from tainting your province with her presence... I assume you've been following the news?
She was fought on several fronts. A threat that severe takes multiple attacks. Our sincere appreciation for your contributions.

How did she even get out of the ice?
I suspect the real Celine Dion is still encased in ice, based on latest Bureau of External Affaris (tm) data, and the would-be touring Dion is an exile from Earth-22. They've been disposing of their unwanteds lately.
That must be an-other dimensional duplicate touring. That was my toughest, melt-free ice she was trapped in! I was in bed for three days recovering from that!

Shall I take care of her as well?
Post-haste, please. The future of our Earth is at stake!
In the meatime, I suggest we activate... the cones of silence!
© Legion World