Legion World
If you have got a magical problem, we'll fix it!
I need so employees to be under me!

Wait...work for me!

Who needs a job!

Caliente, Kid Marvel, Disaster Boy?
i don't know.....remember the last few times we teamed up?
Viv and you only did evil once.

Besides, I much more laid back. And, I'm rich, I can afford to give lots raises!
Do you have part-time work available? My job at the EGSC keeps me pretty busy nights and weekends but my days are wide open...

(Glad to see you back btw. <3)
Originally posted by Caliente:
Do you have part-time work available? My job at the EGSC keeps me pretty busy nights and weekends but my days are wide open...

(Glad to see you back btw. <3)
(I missed you so much <insert dramatic cry and hug>)

Part time is available!

Now what the hell is EGSC, and are they treating you right, I don't need to go ape on anyone, do I?
Originally posted by Pizzazz:
Viv and you only did evil once.

Besides, I much more laid back. And, I'm rich, I can afford to give lots raises!
this may be true but i don't relish the thought of going up against near-omnipotent magic baddies *cough mom*

Well, if there that powerful, the main office will get dragged in, and you will help, this way you get paid.
Originally posted by Pizzazz:
(I missed you so much <insert dramatic cry and hug>)

Part time is available!

Now what the hell is EGSC, and are they treating you right, I don't need to go ape on anyone, do I?
*sniff* Missed you too! Couldn't believe it was you at first... had to come back during my finals week! wink

Anyway!! EGSC is the Evil Genius Supper Club-- I'm the hostess. I also get to beat on Tamper Lad regularly. It's really a win-win situation. laugh
oh what the hell..if caliente's in i'm in.

and i have a new uniform for the job.
Ohh...green, me likey.

Ok, guys...

Every Friday we get together, watch Lord of the Rings, then make out with each other while thinking of Orlando Bloom.

Don't worry, Disaster Boy, I'll keep my boobs off you so it's more believable!
you know...that post is very similar to one of the first posts your ever said to me, during my first days on legionworld.

some things do stay the same. *teary eyed*
Originally posted by disaster boy:
you know...that post is very similar to one of the first posts your ever said to me, during my first days on legionworld.

some things do stay the same. *teary eyed*

When I first met you, you were so handsome, still are.

You said, "Hi, I'm Disaster Boy."

I said, "Drop your pants."
Place is looking good!

I brought hash brownies, freshly confiscated from the Legion World red light district!
Once more Cobie, you remind me why I love you so... wink

I'll get Everyday Girl to cover my Friday shift at the EGSC. I never miss a good party!!

The Official list of Security Officers: Mystic Crimes Division:

High Priestess Viviane: Captain

Pizzazz: Co-Captain

Morgaine of the Faeries: Senior Member

High Queen Igraine: Senior Member

Disaster Boy
ooooo i forgot i have some moral conflicts with the office of security.

i remember they went big brother not too long ago.
Originally posted by disaster boy:
ooooo i forgot i have some moral conflicts with the office of security.

i remember they went big brother not too long ago.
But it's different here, we spit in the main office's faces and have them pay us for it!
Hey! The Security Office has never gone big brother! It exists actually to ensure that there isn't a big brother on LW!

And of course spitting = docked pay. Insert your own joke here wink
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Hey! The Security Office has never gone big brother! It exists actually to ensure that there isn't a big brother on LW!
Yeah, yeah. *cough*chipheads*cough*
But we took care of that 'Boot! laugh Sure, I had to convinced but it worked out laugh
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Hey! The Security Office has never gone big brother! It exists actually to ensure that there isn't a big brother on LW!

And of course spitting = docked pay. Insert your own joke here wink
Docked pay!

You either let Disaster Boy spit on you or I'll permanently make sure that you never spawn again!
Now, now, Pizzazz!

Maybe we should not spit or castrate the man who signs our paychecks!
(comes running in)


Stormer's on monitor duty and she says that you need to take a look at something...just hurry!
Alright, I'll be right there, let me finish this up.

(turns to Jetta and Cobalt Kid)

Fine, no spitting or castration, but Disaster Boy can bad mouth Cobalt Kid whenever he chooses, that includes: making fun of your ability to sleep around, your demonic spawn, and the boogie in your left nostril.

(turns and heads towards the Mystic Monitor Room)
Oh, Pizzazz!

I'm glad your here, I'm detecting a small disturbance in an uncharted sector.

I think we need to send someone to check it out.
Yeah, but it won't be one of us, I have someone in mind who I can send to be my eyes and ears.
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
But we took care of that 'Boot! laugh Sure, I had to convinced but it worked out laugh
You still went BB on us smile

Anyway, this obscures the important question - what colour should this place be painted!?
I was thinking more a sort of mauve...
Hmmm...I wonder..

I think it'd look good in...ummm...yellow?

Black, a nice big glass building with dark tinted windows!

Originally posted by Pizzazz:
Originally posted by disaster boy:
[b]ooooo i forgot i have some moral conflicts with the office of security.

i remember they went big brother not too long ago.
But it's different here, we spit in the main office's faces and have them pay us for it! [/b]
ahhh viv, i missed you. i will join just as a favor. good times.

and CB, so i CAN spit in your face there's only a fine! laugh
oh and it should be painted black, like the mystic crimes division's cold dead hearts!!!

....besides i look good in black.
Tope is very soothing. Black costs $0.87 more a gallon and you might be weary of budget limiations.
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Tope is very soothing. Black costs $0.87 more a gallon and you might be weary of budget limiations.
I have more money in my little toe than all the Security Offices combined!

But, still, you better pay for my black paint, even if it means draining your retirement fund!
Retirement fund? Who said anything about that? Security Officers are expected to die in the line of duty or profit off confiscated money/drugs.

Eh...I kid, I kid...Space Ranger would have had a laugh out of that...
What? No retirement fund?

Good thing I was re-appropriating all the Mystic Crimes budget to the "coffee fund" while there were all those staff vacancies.
Hey I know what colour we should paint the building.

Breaks into song.

"Up above the streets and houses
Rainbow climbing high
Everyone can see it smiling over the sky
Paint the whole world with a rainbow"

(ten points to anyone who can guess where that song comes from)
Bet you don't know the other three verses/two choruses Far smile
Too true. It took me long enough to find the words to the first verse. I got the first two lines and the last but could not remember the third.
So it's settled, then. The building will be painted in rainbow colors.

[starts painting]
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Tope is very soothing. Black costs $0.87 more a gallon and you might be weary of budget limiations.
black it is!
black beats rainbow kent. try painting over black with rainbow. 3 coats at least. where as with black it only takes one THICK coat.

and ive already hired painters to do the work for us.....in speedos.

(unless you'd like a job laugh )
Fine. Be that way. frown
aw don't be mad, we can paint you rainbow if you want. how's that for a compromise?

sounds good right...

laugh smile wink
Hmmm..looks lilke a serious (yeah right) opportunity to set up a comittee to study the color scheme most suitable to a new Security Office.

Budget, staff, offices, transportation, security, comm systems and office supplies ought to just about take care of that little budget surplus problem Cobie's been having since Kent and Miner started working here.

Once we work out this little glitch we'll see if there's still enough left in the Security budget to actually build the place.

That is if we get the proper paperwork on time from the Department of Redundancy Department.

I'm back and I'm afraid, with my returning to my position fulltime, there just isn't going to be any room left for you.
Now, don't get angry with me, nobody likes to get terminated, but that's just too bad.

(unsheaths a dagger and thrusts it into Pizzazz)

And green is such a pretty color.
(Viviane focuses her Sight and mystically shuts off Stormer's mind)

Sorry, blue, but you were in my way.
ooooo that had to hurt.
(Viviane blasts Jetta with blue beam of light)

Disaster Boy!!! Get Roxy!
what? i thought you meant you were "firing" them when you said "terminate". you can't just slaughter half the staff.
(summons lightning blast from sky and blasts Roxy)

How do you expect me to take over if I don't kill the four Misfits and turn them into my four undead generals?

Think about the big picture here.
I'm tellin' Kimber. smile
Originally posted by High Priestess Viviane:
(summons lightning blast from sky and blasts Roxy)

How do you expect me to take over if I don't kill the four Misfits and turn them into my four undead generals?

Think about the big picture here.
have you gone evil again?
Originally posted by Kid Prime:
I'm tellin' Kimber. smile
You can tell her to suck a lemon and pour salt in her wounds.
Outrageous! Truly outrageous, I say!!!
Originally posted by disaster boy:
Originally posted by High Priestess Viviane:
[b] (summons lightning blast from sky and blasts Roxy)

How do you expect me to take over if I don't kill the four Misfits and turn them into my four undead generals?

Think about the big picture here.
have you gone evil again?[/b]
Watch it, that's a four letter word.

No, I just think that you and I could run Legion World much better than these yuppies and to do that, the Misfits had to be completely under my power.

Now let's get to work, destroy the Hootchie Hut!
She's a homicidal, mass murdering maniac, with red hair.

Oh my God!...I'm in LOVE!!!
hmmm...you don't happen to like taking orders do you?
Tell me I'm BAAAAAD!!
Give this man some weapons of mass destruction and a whip!!!



...well...give a black eye to?

...well...what if I just called them a bad name and ran away?

...# sigh #...I've never really been cut out for all this madness and mayhem, you know.

Even when I was a little Ned and all the other Neds were vandalising phone boxes, I just didn't fit in. I would rather be helping little old ladies across the road and offering to mow their lawn.

I think it was because of too much school cabbage.

...maybe I could just write a stern note?

...but not too stern

...I mean, I would have to be polite, wouldn't I?
SharkLad reporting for duty ... whose arse needs a'chompin'?

Then I command you to write the Hootchie Hut a polite stern letter stating that I want them to forfiet they're establishment to me, or there shall be hell to pay.
Originally posted by SharkLad:
SharkLad reporting for duty ... whose arse needs a'chompin'?

Anyone who gets in my way, which should be no one, they should all know how to hide in fear of me by now.
Yes, your Diabolicalness! At once your Ladyship. Secretary to Sin at your command!

Now let's see:

"Hut Harlots!...Disembowel...and your little dog too..."
© Legion World