Legion World
What in the heck happened to my $150, last night?

Jeepers H. Tutu! And then I was too tired to even enjoy my food at the diner!

But it sure was a fun night...
**SIGH!** frown If only public nudity was free. nod
...I fondly recall the days of having extra cash for such... artistic (referring to a Reboot post) pursuits...
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
But it sure was a fun night...
Must have been, since you don't seem to remember it.
Don't worry, Cobie. Clubs with clothed people do a pretty good job of sucking all your money away too.
I know a few clubs with naked people where you don't have to pay in Europe... But you have to perform wink
They'd probably pay some of us not to, then.
Cobie, what clubs in CT allow you to go naked? I can't think of any in my area. I suppose if I went to NYC I'd find something, but CT is probably just as close.
sounds like it was worth it.
Why is it the people you least want to see naked are the ones who nude up at the drop of a hat?
cobalt don't tell me you gave away $150, one bill at a time?
Maybe he spent the $150 on beads and convinced people in the club it was Mardi Gras?
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
What in the heck happened to my $150, last night?
They're called fines, and that's what happens when you mistake a diner for a strip club. You're just lucky the bus boy didn't decide to press charges!
Poor Cobie frown It's bad enough that he accidently wandered into that kind of estalishment, but to then have $150 stolen from him...

That does it. From now on, consider yourself invited to spend your evenings in the Psyonian Embassy. I can offer you a wide variety of entertainment, and it won't cost you a thing smile
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
They'd probably pay some of us not to, then.
They couldn't afford me.
those clubs are evil and they make me feel dirty...
Just to clarify things, you mean Club as in an establishment where formerly sweet young things that can estimate the cash in your wallet by your brand of shoes rather than group of friends that, rather than a place like Peter Sellers visited in Return of the Pink Panther, right?

heh- for 150 bucks I should hope you got 'drunk as a lord' and Demi Moore herself gave you a lap dance.
Then by all means, avoid the temptation! Let me take that cash out of your hands, so you won't be tempted by such evils. I shall endure the evils in your stead!
i give lap dances for 149!
Do you accept personal checks? laugh
Better yet, will you continue unitl I'm done giving you the $149? A penny at a time could last a looooooong time! laugh
Originally posted by Princess Crujectra:
Poor Cobie frown It's bad enough that he accidently wandered into that kind of estalishment, but to then have $150 stolen from him...

That does it. From now on, consider yourself invited to spend your evenings in the Psyonian Embassy. I can offer you a wide variety of entertainment, and it won't cost you a thing smile
Crujeckie's style of rescuing love This hands on approach to ensuring my safety is exactly what I need!

You know how people try to take advantage of my generous spirit!
Originally posted by ferroboy:
Cobie, what clubs in CT allow you to go naked? I can't think of any in my area. I suppose if I went to NYC I'd find something, but CT is probably just as close.
FB, it was one of these clubs...

Originally posted by Yellow King:
Just to clarify things, you mean Club as in an establishment where formerly sweet young things that can estimate the cash in your wallet by your brand of shoes rather than group of friends that, rather than a place like Peter Sellers visited in Return of the Pink Panther, right?

heh- for 150 bucks I should hope you got 'drunk as a lord' and Demi Moore herself gave you a lap dance.
She had about six or seven years on me, and thought it would be funny to buy me a soda! Will my youthful good looks forever amuse the strippers of Souther CT?

Originally posted by disaster boy:
cobalt don't tell me you gave away $150, one bill at a time?
It was more in incriments of $5 or more, and for some reason I thought I was Tupac Shakur! And from the sound of it, the people I was with were even more wild than me!

All those hours of work, *poof* gone just like that! All because I wanted to make sure those girls had money to pay for some clothing--they must have been freezing like that in the winter...
You're a true humanitarian.
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
She had about six or seven years on me, and thought it would be funny to buy me a soda! Will my youthful good looks forever amuse the strippers of Souther CT?
They probably will.

But I'd keep another $150 handy, you know, "just in case".
but stick to $150.

$300 could get you - and her- arrested.
I sure wasnt shy about sharing my life experiences in the old days.

Ps - I still have those youthful good looks.
Come to San Diego! I'm sure we can find many such clubs.
Originally Posted by Power Boy
i give lap dances for 149!

By all that is unholy!

Someone must have hacked my Legion World account.
Originally Posted by Power Boy
Originally Posted by Power Boy
i give lap dances for 149!

By all that is unholy!

Someone must have hacked my Legion World account.

I know! You normally charge only $10.00
Heck, I was able to get one for free!
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