Legion World
Posted By: Beagz So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 03:56 AM
Just a place to announce something positive.
Seems like there's a lot of negative out there.
Posted By: Beagz Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 03:57 AM
Anyway, Shadow, the new addition to my family was really cutting up when I took Wes for a walk tonight. So I thought I'd put her on a leash. Again.

I'd done it once before, and she was okay until we hit the sidewalk. You ever see a dog dig in to the sidewalk and not budge? Not pretty - and I was feeling pretty stoopid at that point.

ANYWAY, today she managed to make it back to the sidewalk on the leash. And with a little prodding, she actually went to the end of the block. Well, that did it. :-D

Wes walked with us, unleashed. And Shadow FINALLY walked with us (on the leash). I'm pretty stoked about that!!!!!
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 09:05 AM
Good dog!

As for me, I finally found a Canadian source for purple raspberries (Brandywines). They don't sucker all over the place like the red ones, so they're a lot easier to care for. Importing plants from the U.S. can be a pain and expensive.
Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 11:39 AM
I've got this site all backed up! smile

*sigh* Until, I just made this post. wink
Posted By: MLLASH Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 12:47 PM
Ummm... it's a pretty day out today! Sunny with high to be 65 degrees. A perfect spring day!
Posted By: Comic Addict Lad Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 12:58 PM
Lets see now....Its a wonderful sunny day outside, and thats rare for a March day in England!

I'm only halfway through this collection of Legion comics that I bought, still got the last year of Legionnaires and LOSH to read, and then onto LL, LW and The Legion.

I'm not getting hassled by my MD and all my Servers are up.

Still havent found Koko though
Posted By: Suddenly Seymour Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 01:41 PM
After going 0 for 4, I finally got a part in a show! I'm Lt. Buzz Adams (basically chorus with a couple lines in Act 2 -- but at least I have a name) in "South Pacific" at my local theater.

This military unit will be the biggest test of "Don't ask, don't tell" you're likely to see. smile

Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 04:21 PM
Originally posted by Comic Addict Lad:

Still havent found Koko though
All good news. But did you have to invoke the "K" word?

And congrats Seymour!
Posted By: Spellbinder Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 04:29 PM
Originally posted by Beagz:
Wes walked with us, unleashed. And Shadow FINALLY walked with us (on the leash). I'm pretty stoked about that!!!!!
You know, Shadow's refusal to walk might have been a subtle suggestion that she was tired and you should have just carried her on those walks...
Posted By: Awkward Pause Boy Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 05:23 PM
Congratulations to everyone so far.

I got into Law School. Now I just have to wait out the interminable months at my current job until the school year starts.
Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 05:28 PM
Wow! That's great news, APB!

Congratulations! smile
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 06:02 PM
Congrats everyone on the good news!

Me...I'm going out drinking tonight AND tomorrow, and it's not even mid-week!
Posted By: Estimate Lad Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 06:06 PM
I've got a new job, a week out of work to enjoy the sun before starting at my new employer, and finally some time to post here again.
Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 06:08 PM
Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:
Congratulations to everyone so far.

I got into Law School. Now I just have to wait out the interminable months at my current job until the school year starts.
Congrats! As someone who fairly recently just went through law school, I have two words for you "Don't Panic". laugh

Seriously, find some good people to form a study group with (not too big) Remembering back to my first year, you are sure that everyone but you gets what the professors are saying. Study groups get you back to reality (That no one understands what the professors are saying wink )

Feel free to PM or email me if you have any questions.

PS: I hope your classmates are as great as the ones I had.
Posted By: OpalWitch Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 06:53 PM
It's hot as hell, but I don't care, I'm going shopping and gettin' my spend on.
Posted By: Monkey Eater Lad Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 07:45 PM
I got a new cell phone and have been using it take embarassing pictures of acquaintances. Oh wait, okay even better, I had a turkey sandwich.
Posted By: Awkward Pause Boy Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 07:48 PM
Thanks for the congratulations Nightcrawler; Quislet, Esq.; and all else.

Quislet, Esq., I'll certianly keep your offer of help in mind. In the meantime, I'll try to brush-up on the cases you're handling at your Super Law Firm of Space. smile
Posted By: matlock Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 08:25 PM
I'm getting closer to the effective date of my transfer at work to a muuuuuch less stressful position. They've already taken my laptop away and given it to my replacement, so for the first time in months I don't feel pressured to work from home at night and on the weekends just to try to come close to being caught up.
Posted By: Harbinger Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 08:37 PM
The daffodils in my front garden have just come into bloom.
Posted By: Suddenly Seymour Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/30/04 11:52 PM
Congrats on law school and the new job!

And daffodils are great. Our crocuses are in bloom (though the yellow ones didn't seem to come up this year -- I say "seem to" because their blooms are a favorite of the local squirrel population), and the tulips are on their way.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/31/04 02:38 AM
I lost 16 pounds!
Posted By: MLLASH Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/31/04 02:40 AM
(and counting!)
Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/31/04 01:34 PM
Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:
Thanks for the congratulations Nightcrawler; Quislet, Esq.; and all else.

Quislet, Esq., I'll certianly keep your offer of help in mind. In the meantime, I'll try to brush-up on the cases you're handling at your Super Law Firm of Space. smile
Awkward Pause Boy,

Feel free to use the offices at the Super Law Firm of Space.

you can be my assistant if you like. The pay is half of what I collect from the "clients".
Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/31/04 01:41 PM
My good news:

I'll be meeting with Faraway Lad tonight after work. We'll be going to Harvard Square and have dinner.
Posted By: Beagz Re: So what's your good news?? - 04/01/04 04:11 AM
Isn't it funny how one small thing can trigger so many memories? While walking Wes tonight, I saw something that managed to bring back thoughts of ... well being carefree.

Wes and I saw fireflies/lightening bugs tonight.
Posted By: Beagz Re: So what's your good news?? - 04/01/04 04:12 AM
OH!!!! And Quis ........
Posted By: Mekt Ranzz Re: So what's your good news?? - 04/01/04 04:44 AM
Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: So what's your good news?? - 04/04/04 01:00 AM
For an accont of the first meeting of Faraway Lad and Quislet, Esq. see this thread
Faraway Nearby
Posted By: Pov Re: So what's your good news?? - 04/04/04 02:17 AM
I'm pre-approved for a mortgage! smile

Ever deeper into the breach of poverty... lol
Posted By: Suddenly Seymour Re: So what's your good news?? - 04/04/04 01:18 PM
Way to go, Llash!

Congrats, Pov. It sounds like this might be your first house. Wait'll you do your taxes next year. Woo hoo! Even at today's lower interest rates, it's still a nice chunk of change to deduct.
Posted By: Beagz Re: So what's your good news?? - 04/04/04 03:22 PM
And *I* may have met a new member to the group yesterday.

Turns out he's a BIG Legion fan, and he didn't know about the LMBP.

So I'm threatening ....... errrrrrr *ENCOURAGING* him to stop by and check us out!! :-D
Posted By: He Who Wanders Re: So what's your good news?? - 04/04/04 06:31 PM
My second story was just published in SHOW AND TELL # 2. (I posted a few pages of it here some weeks ago.) We -- the Comics Creators Network -- debuted it at the Planet Con here in Kansas City on March 27-28. I got in for free and got to sit behind the table for a change!

There was also an article in THE KANSAS CITY STAR on Wednesday, profiling the CCN at one of the general meetings, complete with pics. I didn't make the meeting because I had to work (grumble! grumble!), but it's great that we're getting that kind of exposure.

I also got to shake hands with Marv Wolfman and embarrass myself in front of him. He had some of his old scripts for sale for $15. I almost bought NIGHT FORCE # 3, but only had $12 on me!
Posted By: Sonnie Re: So what's your good news?? - 04/05/04 11:40 AM
Congrats on getting another story published HWW....

My good news is I am off work tomorrow as a good friend from California is over in UK for a few days... we're taking her God-children to Hyde Park to chase squirrels... hoorah!
Posted By: Invisible Brainiac Re: So what's your good news?? - 04/05/04 01:18 PM
Congrats to HWW and everyone else! Keep the good news coming in!

My good news is that I'm headed over to the US for two weeks in June, assuming my visa is approved.
Posted By: Pov Re: So what's your good news?? - 04/05/04 02:19 PM
Make sure to let us know where you're going when you get here IB!

Most of us are pretty good hosts! wink
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: So what's your good news?? - 04/05/04 02:26 PM
Even us New England boys wink ! We'll take care of ya!

Congrats HWW on the story and Pov on being approved (the search begins smile !)

And Beagz, send that new recruit our way!
Posted By: Beagz Re: So what's your good news?? - 04/07/04 02:41 AM
And even more good news!!!

(Okay, so THAT's not necessarily great news, but tough!!)

Anyway, my hot water faucet on my shower broke. So I picked up a new package to install. And the $65 was kinda cheap compared to the rest of the faucet/shower head packages they had on display!!!

Anyway, I got home, had to rip two holes in the wall in the garage to find access to the offending area. I finally called my uncle. With his help, we ripped a third hole in the wall. :-D (This just keeps gettin' better and better, doesn't it???)

Anyway, Uncle Fred said that the old hardware is hooked up to copper pipes, and the only way to properly install the new stuff is to have a plumber come in and "sweat it" in. (I think that's slang for "welding copper.")

So, he does a little work on the inside. We make two trips to Lowes to get tools and other hardware to take the damned handle off. Uncle Fred looks at the little device he pulled out, decided it hust needed a new washer and a new bearing, so we went BACK to Lowes (my fourth trip there in about three hours). The cost was about $1.98. (Well, that doesn't include $30 for tools and various other things that I didn't have at the time.) So I can return the faucet hardware I don't need.

I now have holes in my wall that will be covered with plywood and labelled as "ACCESS PANELS" so the next owners won't have to go through what I went through.

Uncle Fred has enough on me now to give me a hard time for a month.

Hmmmmmmm ........
My good news?
I've got a great uncle!!!!!!
I've got access panels!!!!!!
I've got new tools!!!!!!!!!!
I've got a shower that works!!!!!!!!!
I've had a loooooong hot shower!!!!!!!!!
I got the shower fixed for a little bit of nothing!!!!!
(And it only took three hours!! :-D )

Oh .........
and my favorite new song just made #1 on the Top 10 at 10.

Today was a good day!!!

Take care people!!!!!
Posted By: Beagz Re: So what's your good news?? - 04/18/04 10:12 PM
Hmmmmmm .......
I *FINALLY* got my taxes done last week, and I also FINALLY got my confirmation that they were accepted electronically. *WHEW*

AND we got the bathroom all wired on Saturday. :-D

So I suppose I've got a little good news. ;-)
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/13/04 05:40 PM
Well, after a pretty rough car accident, things are turning around for me! The other person’s insurance company is paying for everything, and I’m getting more money than I hoped for, for the car (which was totaled).

Even better, I just leased a new car for myself, and it’s the first ‘nice’ new car I’ve ever had! It’s a 2005 Impala, and it’s pretty damn cool! I’m not really a big car person myself, but it’s a pretty hot looking car!

I get it tonight!
Posted By: Loser Lad Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/13/04 05:45 PM
Cool! The new Impalas are pretty sweet. I thought for sure you'd go with a Chevy Cobalt... laugh
Cobie, I didn't know about your car accident. I hope you weren't hurt.
Posted By: Loser Lad Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/13/04 07:19 PM
I mean I know if they came out with like a Dodge Loser or something I'd at least have to take it for a test drive...
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/13/04 08:25 PM
Thanks Semi smile . I was a little sore for a few days, but I’m OK. I think it was more the stress than anything, but that’s all going away now. I appreciate the sentiment!

Lou, I was really considering the Chevy Cobalt (they’re hella-cool!). But the Impala’s looked really nice, and since I’m now a young man with money for the first time in my life, I went with one of those. Maybe a Cobalt next time? laugh
Posted By: Lad Boy Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/13/04 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
It’s a 2005 Impala, and it’s pretty damn cool!
Posted By: ferroboy Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/13/04 08:55 PM
Nothing all that exciting here. I got a new job and think I might actually like it!
So, Mr. Cobalt Kid, now that you have reliable transportation, can we count on you to make the cross-country trip in July to San Diego?
Congratulations on the new job, ferro boy. Is that the job you mentionned that you were interviewing for?
Posted By: Pov Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/13/04 10:44 PM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
It’s a 2005 Impala, and it’s pretty damn cool!
I get it tonight!
YAY! I love the new Impala's! I was seriously considering either an Impala or one of the new-model Celica's-- with the cute little hood-scoop smile --before I settled on my practical Mazda. :rolleyes: wink

So now YOU get to chauffeur MY ass around, right??? lol
Posted By: Pov Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/13/04 10:45 PM
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
So, Mr. Cobalt Kid, now that you have reliable transportation, can we count on you to make the cross-country trip in July to San Diego?
If the coastline's a-rockin' don't bother knocking... evil
You talking about earth-quakes, Pov? They're not usually anything to worry about.
Posted By: ferroboy Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/14/04 04:37 AM
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
Congratulations on the new job, ferro boy. Is that the job you mentionned that you were interviewing for?
Yep, that's the one. It took long enough to get to this point, but I'm there!
Posted By: .. Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/14/04 09:28 AM
hey, congrats on the new job ferro
Posted By: ferroboy Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/14/04 11:51 AM
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
So, Mr. Cobalt Kid, now that you have reliable transportation, can we count on you to make the cross-country trip in July to San Diego?
Good idea volunteering Cobie for as driver! I approve. smile
Posted By: Pov Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/14/04 12:28 PM
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
You talking about earth-quakes, Pov? They're not usually anything to worry about.
Just keep me away from Sonic and we'll all be fine.

That's all I'm sayin'.
Posted By: Lightning Lad Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/14/04 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Well, after a pretty rough car accident, things are turning around for me! The other person’s insurance company is paying for everything, and I’m getting more money than I hoped for, for the car (which was totaled).

Even better, I just leased a new car for myself, and it’s the first ‘nice’ new car I’ve ever had! It’s a 2005 Impala, and it’s pretty damn cool! I’m not really a big car person myself, but it’s a pretty hot looking car!

I get it tonight!
Glad you are finally through all that paperwork Cobie. And that you have your own car again.

Originally posted by ferroboy:
Nothing all that exciting here. I got a new job and think I might actually like it!
Congrats on the job ferroboy!
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/14/04 03:45 PM
Congrats FB!

Lad Boy, it's the SS model, and it's sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! laugh

And now I can drive Pov around (it's about time! smile ) *and* make it to San Diego reliably! Thus, my new car benefits all of Legion World and the LMB! I remember checking the mileage and travel time to San Diego for kicks last year...might have to do it again to see what it's like!
Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/14/04 03:56 PM
Cobalt Kid,

Congrats on the new car. I don't know about a cross country trip (although I do recommend doing it at least once) Only for the time factor.

If you do go, Arkansas is a great state to travel through. And if you get stuck in the mud there, there is a handsome redneck angel to help you out. wink
Posted By: ferroboy Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/14/04 09:21 PM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
And now I can drive Pov around (it's about time! smile ) *and* make it to San Diego reliably! Thus, my new car benefits all of Legion World and the LMB! I remember checking the mileage and travel time to San Diego for kicks last year...might have to do it again to see what it's like!
And you'll have absolutely no problem packing 7-8 people and their luggage in it, right? tongue
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/15/04 05:22 PM
Well, I did plan on trying to steal away local hot Southern girls (and one cute California girl too wink )...

Think Pov and Quis would mind? I guess a certain redneck angel could hop in the back with Quis... laugh
Posted By: Brainiac 5 Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/16/04 04:53 AM

Yes, after a gruelling and epic battle, my sink,cabinets, and countertops are finally in and working. The walls are still unfinished drywall, but that can wait until after the holidays. Oh, and there's new tile on the floor.

Since we got that done, we also bought the dang house from my mother-in-law, got a new dining room table, got a new couch and recliner, and a 2005 Explorer XLT.

And we're expecting in June!!!

What a banner freakin' month!!
Posted By: .. Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/16/04 06:53 PM
Congrats on all Brainy...esp the expecting!!!
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/16/04 07:36 PM
Ya know, I'm not really a big celebrity-minded person, but it just occurred to me on the way home yesterday-

In the past two weeks, I've met Karen Allen, Hillary (for the third time), and been within 50 yards of Steven Spielberg, Tom Cruise, and probably Dakota Fanning (not that I'd recognize her), in three totally unrelated contexts.

Dunno if that qualifies as 'good' news, but it was unusual, at least.
Posted By: MYG Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/16/04 11:35 PM
Didn't see this thread before. I got married on October 9th. I've known my wife over 16 years. We met on a blind date back in 1988 and dated for six months, broke up and then became good friends. We started dating again in early 2003, got engaged August 2003 and the rest (as they say) is history. The entire Legion...uh I mean most of my friends showed up for the event of the century...uh year! The entire day met all of our expectations!
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/17/04 01:09 AM
Congratulations on the marriage, MYG!
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/17/04 03:05 AM
Congrats, indeed!

Your wedding shares the date with John Lennon's birthday, if that means anything.
Posted By: .. Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/17/04 03:29 AM
Congrats MYG!!!
Posted By: Brainiac 5 Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/17/04 06:52 PM
congrats, MYG. your story sounds just like mine. (dated in 89, broke up, got back together in 2000, married in '01)
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/17/04 07:35 PM
Myg congrats! That's awesome!

Brainy68, that's also awesome! Congrats--it really does sound like a banner month!

And Kent, that's real cool! Add in the fact that you know me and that's a whole lot of celebrities!
Posted By: SharkLad Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/17/04 08:18 PM
I successfully defended my doctoral dissertation on Wednesday ...
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/17/04 08:22 PM
Sharky, that is freaking AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats buddy! I know how hard you worked on that, so you must be both incredibly proud of yourself and relieved at the same time!

Congrats! smile

(Maybe we'll see an increase in your posting now? laugh )
Congratulations, SharkLad. What was your dissertation?
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/18/04 02:31 AM
SharkLad, PhD!

or is that Dr. Sharkie?

Congrats, either way!
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/18/04 02:32 AM
Belated bit-

My one-year anniversary on LW was this past Sunday.
How times flies for the erudite.
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/18/04 03:17 AM
Time flies, all right...

and it's using up MY frequent flier miles!
Posted By: MYG Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/18/04 06:18 PM
Thanks for the congrats all!!!
Posted By: SharkLad Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/20/04 05:52 PM
thanks for the congrats, guys, especially CK for pitching in with my data collection ... definitely a huge relief to be done with it ...

Semi, it was a study of body image dissatisfaction in males ... ironically, now with all my free time, I think I'm gonna join a gym ...

Posted By: talkingcrows Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/21/04 02:34 PM
I got a red belt in Taekwondo.A step closer to black(1 more)and a step closer to defending the little guy from the loud obnoxious asshole at the end of the bar who always causes shit,and beating the shit out of him when he gets out of line.Courtesy of your friendly neighbour vigilante.
Posted By: talkingcrows Re: So what's your good news?? - 12/21/04 02:35 PM
again,sorry for swearing,it is in my blood.And we all know that A**hole deserves it ,right?
Posted By: matlock Re: So what's your good news?? - 01/17/05 05:19 PM
My good news: we've managed to refinance our house (by the skin of our teeth) which will pay off all our credit cards and leave us in a much better situation financially. We're signing all the docs tonight. Now maybe we can start getting our credit rating back up, and stop having to stress about bills all the time. We're still strapped for another week or so but then we're going to get some cash back out of the close and get a refund on the last mortgage payment to our outgoing mortgage company. Plus my car is paid off as of December (the final payment was pretty fat which is what started us on this whole thing to begin with.) I think we're going to be in a position to actually put a little away at the end of the month instead of scraping paycheck to paycheck.

Just wanted to let you guys in on some good news!
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: So what's your good news?? - 01/17/05 06:28 PM
Matt, that's great news! Glad to see you're clawing your way out of debt--that leads me to believe there's hope for me yet laugh

Great news!
Posted By: LanternLad Re: So what's your good news?? - 01/18/05 03:08 AM
My good news: I survived the trip home tonight... after almost being hit head on by a guy that was just hit by a semi truck! Yay me!
Posted By: Faraway Lad Re: So what's your good news?? - 01/18/05 08:07 AM

Always good to hear of people getting their finances on a level keel. Hope you feel the benefit, remember to spend a little on yourself too, you deserve it.

Glad to hear you are ok. I bet your heart skipped a beat there.
Posted By: matlock Re: So what's your good news?? - 01/18/05 02:15 PM
Thanks guys, we crossed all the i's and dotted all the t's last night, now we just have to wait for all the payout checks to get cut. It's a big relief to be done with it.
Posted By: Monkey Eater Lad Re: So what's your good news?? - 01/29/05 09:00 AM
I think I forgot to mention this earlier but I got into grad school and will be starting monday on the road to getting my masters in advertising. Its sooooo scary going back to school after working for two years! I'm gonna have those 'I didn't study for my final!' nightmares again tongue

Oh, and I've been using up my vacation time from work so I went to Maui for a coupla days with my friends - that's even been news than my "I ate a turkey sandwich!" post.
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: So what's your good news?? - 01/29/05 09:05 AM
Congratulations, MEL! May you eradicate all monkeys from global advertising! Consider it your mission.
Posted By: Outdoor Miner Re: So what's your good news?? - 01/29/05 01:20 PM
Belated congrats, matlock! May the sailing be smoother from here on out.

Congrats, MEL! So, will you be using your awesome powers for good or evil?
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: So what's your good news?? - 01/30/05 12:26 AM
A masters in advertising? C'mon Miner! Of course its for evil! You have to shine the flashlight under your chin at graduation!
Posted By: Ghost of Numf El Re: So what's your good news?? - 01/30/05 08:44 PM
Well my good news is that after about 8 years of trying I've finally been promoted! Yay me.

With a 7.3% pay increase! Even yayer me!
Unfortunately this pay increase only just covers the pay decrease from prior to Xmas when the company we work for cut the hours we can work by one hour a day. Boooo hissssssss.

Still, it looks like I'll get about an extra £8 ($12) a month in take home pay.

So, more family time (sort of, but definitely more 'sitting-in-traffic' time) + the same amount of work to be done every week + more responsibility = £8 a month.

Posted By: Faraway Lad Re: So what's your good news?? - 01/31/05 08:11 AM
Congrats Numf, I think laugh

They dont tell you all the down sides at the interviews do they lol
Posted By: Beagz Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/06/05 09:21 PM
Well, yesterday Grandmother's family got together to help her celebrate her 90th birthday.

Her surviving brother and his family were there.
Grandmother's kids were there, along with her grandkids and great grandkids.

There was a LOT of cutting up that went on. Nobody was safe ... even some of the new people that just married in to the family.

We're pretty lucky. Grandmother's slowed down a little. She had a pretty bad heart attack at the beginning of school, and as a result, she received 3 stints. Since receiving the stints, she's gotten a LOT of her energy back. She's wearin' out Mom and Dad. laugh

Anyway, it was nice to have the whole family together for for a HAPPY occasion.

She's still pretty active. She does most of her own cooking, but joins my parents every once in a while. She's absolutely brutal when it comes to playing games. Dominoes, 42, chicken foot, scrabble, crossword puzzles ... you name it. She's still got a voracious appetite for reading. And she CONTINUES gets down on her hands and knees to clean the base-boards.
*sigh* Some things never change. wink

And if there are any doubts as to how tough Grandmother is, here's just one example -
Grandmother got deathly sick when Mom was a little girl. She was laid up in bed for weeks, and everyone had just about given up on her. But she finally began to get better, and eventually got back to normal.

Several years later, her appendix ruptured. She was rushed in for emergency surgery. Afterwards, the doctor came out with the strangest look on his face and asked, "When did the appendix rupture the first time? There was a spot on the appendix where it ruptured before, but apparently healed."

Hey ... I'm proud of my Grandmother. And I'll brag on her to anyone who will listen. wink
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/06/05 10:37 PM
Aw, that's great Beagz laugh . You're grandmother sounds like one tough woman, and a lot of fun too! So *that's* where you get it from smile
Posted By: ferroboy Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/06/05 11:29 PM
Great, Beagz!
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/06/05 11:39 PM
I can relate. My Grandmother was a tough old Kraut... your Grandma reminds me of her.
Posted By: Outdoor Miner Re: So what's your good news?? - 03/08/05 01:51 AM
Happy belated B-day to your Grandma, Beagz!

Sounds like a great time was had by all.
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