Legion World
*This one just has a lot of name dropping to set up the actually plot.

Chapter One

Cobalt Kid walks down a hall in the Legion headquarters, Arachne has webbed herself to the ceiling and with perfect precision she drops down and lands right in front of him.

Arachne: I’m disappointed, you didn’t even suspect me.

Cobalt Kid: Hi, Arachne, sorry but my mind was elsewhere.

She joins him in his walk.

Arachne: What’s wrong?

Cobalt Kid: The Legion has to protect everyone.

Arachne: Isn’t that what it always has done?

Cobalt Kid: Yeah, but now we’re doing it with five members.

Arachne: Five? But there’s only supposed to be a minimum of eight, what happened to everyone?

Cobalt Kid: Where do I begin? Nightcrawler left to live a normal life. Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad are enjoying married life. Greybird has been trying to aided in the civil war that broke out in Starhaven. Eyrk Davis Ester decided that war was not his sport anymore. Semi, Fat Cramer and Vee have decided to be a business men and… woman, Quis became a full time lawyer. RTVU2, Stu, Teeds, Monkey Eater Lad, Mllash have decided to take an inactive status for an undetermined amount of time, which makes me leader.

Arachne: Crap. What about Miss Terious?

Cobalt Kid: Dead, she turned out to be a traitor, she was spying on us for the LSV. Since then, Priestess has left to teach her ways on Avalon with the reformed Pagan Lass. Future didn’t feel right without her and left for some soul searching. Yellow Kid, reformed and the potential ally joined for a few months then quit because of the uncomfortable atmosphere. Space Tart, recovered from the ordeal with Sorceress, then divorced me, and left.

Arachne: Damn.

Cobalt Kid: Matlock found that he had some connection with Hrun of the LSV and left to investigate. Red Bee turned traitor and has been imprisoned. Reboot decided to go scientific and left to pursue that as a career. Kid Prime and Sketch Lad left to form the Legion Academy about two years ago. On the plus side, after a confrontation with the rest of the LSV, we discovered that Invisible Brainiac was being control by Thora, he actually has these light powers and is a pretty neat kid, he’s the newest member.

Arachne: So, there’s you, and Invisible Brainiac, who are the other three?

Cobalt Kid: Princess Crujectra, though she can’t project illusions anymore, she’s telekinetic and telepathic and goes by the name Spellbinder. Crusader returned from inactive duty. And Loser Lad has stayed on , as well.

Arachne: I haven’t seen Loser Lad and Crujectra since their wedding.

Cobalt Kid: Oh, yeah, they got a divorce.

Arachne: Geez, does anything stay the same?

Cobalt Kid: How long are you staying?

Arachne: I don’t know, I was hoping to join active duty.

Cobalt Kid: We could use it.

Arachne: Where are you heading to?

Cobalt Kid: To the main hall, we’re discussing the cadets’ we saw yesterday for membership.

Arachne: Sounds like fun.

Cobalt Kid: Only when my friends Jack Daniels and Mary Jane stop by.

Arachne: Guess there are still things that stay the same. Then again, your pants have been on for more than five minutes.

Cobalt Kid: Get in the hall, we have work to do.
Remember, feedback is always welcomed (and wanted frown )
I likes it!! I wanna see who comes in, personally. <3

Originally posted by Luna:
Arachne: Guess there are still things that stay the same. Then again, your pants have been on for five minutes.
And that made me a very happy girl. ^_^
Originally posted by Caliente:
I likes it!! I wanna see who comes in, personally. <3

Originally posted by Luna:
[b]Arachne: Guess there are still things that stay the same. Then again, your pants have been on for five minutes.
And that made me a very happy girl. ^_^[/b]
Thanks, Cali, your words mean a lot.
This is a lot of fun, Luna. I've got to make time to read more fic. smile
So I was married, and now I'm divorced?


I wonder why I would have divorced dear Loser?

What? Of course I must have divorced him. What man would leave me? wink
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
So I was married, and now I'm divorced?


I wonder why I would have divorced dear Loser?

What? Of course I must have divorced him. What man would leave me? wink
The marriage was in here.
Thanks for the replies, Arachne and Spellbinder!
Originally posted by Luna:
Thanks, Cali, your words mean a lot.
You may be the first person to ever say that... wink

And I meant every one of 'em.
Very interesting start, Viv! I like the dialogue b/t Cobalt and Arachne, and I'm suddenly very interested in Greybird and Future's side stories.

Lots of ideas floating around and room for some great stuff! Loving it so far!
Don't count me out. A few well placed law suits can take the fight out of anybody.
What happens next??? I neeeeeeed to know! lol
I think you got off to a very good start there. I'm really interested in seeing where all the side stories will end up smile
A horrifying Secret
A Painful Past
A Deadly Future

A Stranger Walks Among You....

Nice World.
Ill Take it
Thanks for all the support guys, it means a lot to me!
Legion Roll Call:

click to enlarge [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/CobaltKidbyjoeboy.bmp[/img]

Cobalt Kid
Real Name: Desmond
Powers -Magnetism: Can move and manipulate metal objects, create a magnetic force field, enhance his strength, flight
Info: Due to recent decline in the membership of the Legion, Cobalt Kid has become the unofficial leader of the Legion of Super Heroes!
click to enlarge [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/PrincessCrujectra1.bmp[/img]

Real Name: Princess Crujectra
Powers -Telepathy: ability to read and project thoughts at a powerful level
>Telepathic Sight: allows her to sense far outside the limit of sight
Telekinesis: ability to move objects with the power of the mind
Info: After a few years of marriage, she and Loser Lad have divorced, they remain friends, but a tension still lingers
click to enlarge [Linked Image]

Real Name: Mykel
Powers -Telepathy: ability to read and project thoughts at a powerful level
>Telepathic Sight: allows him to sense far outside the limit of sight
Telekinesis: ability to move objects with the power of the mind
Info: While his relationship with Maxx is still strong, Crusader returned to the Legion alone after the couple took a brief hiatus, Maxx just wanted to enjoy his vacation a bit longer.
click to enlarge [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/LoserLad.bmp[/img]

Loser Lad:
Real Name: Bill
Powers -Single Negativity: can focus loser energy on a single entity to cause extreme uncoordination, lack of confidence, absent mindedness and misfortune
Gravity negate: can cancel gravity, granting him flight and the ability to lift heavy objects
Energy dampening: can lower the level of energies, useful on energy attacks
Info: After his divorce from Spellbinder, Loser Lad didn’t seemed phased he only wishes to remain friends, though there is tension, he feels they can overcome it
click to enlarge [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/Arachne.bmp[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/Arachne1.bmp[/img]

Real Name: Unknown
Powers - Psionic Webs: has the ability to mentally create highly durable webs
Shape shifting: Has the ability to change in spiders of varying sizes
Half spider/half human: increases her strength, allows her to stick to walls, increases her sight, and she can choose to have four extra legs to form out of the side of her body
Info: She’s been absent from the Legion for a long time (six or seven years), she’s been building up experience and has return as one of the most deadliest of fighters
click to enlarge [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/IB.bmp[/img]

Invisible Brainiac:
Real Name: Paulo
Powers -Light powers: can bend light to become invisible, can blind others, display colors, release photon blasts, and attain flight
Info: The newest and youngest of the Legion, he has joined to atone for what he did under the control of Thora, he hopes that the recruitment of some of the Cadets will bring him some friends closer in age
Chapter Two

In front of a large viewing screen, sit Invisible Brainiac and Loser Lad on one side of the room, on the other side sits Spellbinder and Crusader. There is silence until Cobalt Kid enters with Arachne.

Spellbinder: Took you long enough to get here, Desmond. Arachne?!

Arachne: Hi, Cru.

The two embrace.

Crusader: It’s been a while.

Loser Lad: Where have you been?

Arachne: …around.

Cobalt Kid: Invisible Brainiac, this Arachne she was a Legionnaire but took a long term of inactive duty.

Invisible Brainiac: Nice to meet you.

Arachne: Likewise.

Cobalt Kid: Let’s save this little reunion for later, let’s see if we can get some decent new team members.

The team returns to their seats, though Arachne and Cobalt Kid sit in the middle of Loser Lad and Spellbinder.

Arachne (whispering to Cobalt Kid about Invisible Brainiac): I thought we were young when we joined.

Cobalt Kid (whispering back): And he was member of the LSV for years before joining the Legion.

Cobalt Kid take the remote and goes over the videos of through the videos of the cadets from yesterday.
Cadet Candidates

[Linked Image] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/Cadet1.bmp[/img]

Candidate #1:
Cadet: Whitestreak
Powers: Uses light to move and fly at super speeds
Trainers Note: When Whitestreak reaches hyper speeds, he has difficulty stopping

This Micro was done by Jorg-Em.
[Linked Image] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/cadet2.bmp[/img]

Candidate #2
Cadet: Mist Girl
Powers: Can turn her body and others into a mist
Trainers Note: Because she is able to render herself into a mist form, she has difficulty developing offense maneuvers, she is highly intellectual

The micro was done by Jorg-Em.

Candidate #3
Cadet: Frio
Powers: Ice and Cold Generation
Trainers Note: Good in combat, knows when to be resolute and jovial

Candidate #4
Cadet: Moonlight
Powers: Magic
Trainers Note: Strong powers, best in her class with the simulator
[Linked Image] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/cadet4.bmp[/img]

Candidate #5
Cadet: Blackhole
Powers: Opens small portals that create a vacuum
Trainers Note: Buoyant personality makes it problematical for her to concentrate

The micro was done by Jorg-Em.
Ooh!! Here come the newbs! I likes it.

And Frio!! Frio's there!! My imaginary friend yay~ laugh laugh laugh Happiness abounds~

I'm telling you, Caliente and Frio could be the Legion's Fire and Ice. Only... better. wink

But yay! *does the loserly dance of randomness* Frio brings me joy.
[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/CadetJoeboy.bmp[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/CadetKidMarvel.bmp[/img]

Candidate #6
Cadet: Kid Marvel
Powers: Magically transforms into a superhuman
Trainers Note: Great tactician and good combat potential
[Linked Image] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/cadet7.bmp[/img]

Candidate #7
Cadet: Phase Out
Powers: Can “phase” herself and others into another dimension, becoming intangible and invisible
Trainers Note: Good combatant, arrogant behavior separates her from the social scene and makes working with tedious

The micro was made by Jorg-Em

Candidate #8
Cadet: Caliente
Powers: Microwave Projection
Trainers Note: Outstanding personality, serious about development of powers and skill
[Linked Image] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/cadet9.bmp[/img]

Candidate #9
Cadet: Spin Cycle
Powers: Mentally projects waves that cause nausea
Trainers Note: Relies on powers and not his acceptable fighting skills

The micro was done by Jorg-Em

Candidate #10
Cadet: Disaster Boy
Powers: Weather Manipulation
Trainers Note: Acceptable combatant, serious about power control
Okay, so I was a li'l premature in responding, but Frio made ma all excited and stuff!!

Anyway, ohmigod yay <3!! Thank you for including "me" and, dude, Love the micros, as always. Kid Marvel's is probably my fav... it's so nifty!!

Anyway, yeah. Excuse the crazy rambling fangirl. If you give her something shiny, she'll be distracted. wink
great so far.....now give us MORE!!!
I'm trying, but I work through Monday, so if people need to catch up, they have until then.

Nicely mixed between writing and pictures/micros. It's also a pleasure to see the way you write Cobie and Arachne's banter - good grasp on character there, well done! I'm adticipating some great dialogue coming up! And I want to know what has happened to everyone too.

All that's left for me to say really is More, More, More!!!
I LOVE the new recruits and cadets! They'll make for a very interesting lineup. And I LOVE your drawings of the LMBP!
Originally posted by Harbinger:
Nicely mixed between writing and pictures/micros. It's also a pleasure to see the way you write Cobie and Arachne's banter - good grasp on character there, well done! I'm adticipating some great dialogue coming up! And I want to know what has happened to everyone too.

All that's left for me to say really is More, More, More!!!
I'm glad you interested, I'm trying to write, but work has me drained, I have monday off so hopeful I can get the story moving by then.
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
I LOVE the new recruits and cadets! They'll make for a very interesting lineup. And I LOVE your drawings of the LMBP!
Thanks, I got lazy and just used the cadets from the comic and Jorg-Em let me use his micros.

I love the line up, I always have a problem when people are too powerful, I think it hurts my stories (I thinks that's why Viv needed the boot).

Micros are mostly mine, save Jorg-Em, the art is by Joeboy who is amazing and actually, his art inspired me to write this.
Chapter Three

The recently accepted cadets walk the halls of the Legion Headquarters, heading to the main room where they have been given orders to meet the Legion. Disaster Boy is a few feet ahead of the group, while Moonlight is a few feet behind, leaving Kid Marvel (in the form of Joe Boi), Caliente and Frio in the middle.

Caliente: I can’t believe this happening, I thought I was just like this weird girl with powers and now I am like going to be a Legionnaire.

Frio: If you’re good enough? They might not think you have what it takes and send you back to the Academy.

Caliente: Why do you have to go there? Why can’t you just let me have my fantasy?

Frio: Because, I’m your best friend, it’s in my contract to be mean to you. What’s up with Disaster?

Kid Marvel: I think he’s nervous.

Caliente: Why should he be nervous?

Moonlight levitates herself towards Caliente and the other two.

Moonlight: He’s nervous because he lacks control. He thinks his powers are to raw to control and believes he may be inadequate to perform in his duty as a Legionnaire.

Frio: And here I am teasing Cali about the same thing, so this is why I am labeled “cold.”

Caliente: Leave the bad puns on the street.

Kid Marvel: Do we get different costumes, these ones are kind of boring?

Caliente: I know what you mean, turtle necks aren’t exactly comfortable.

Disaster Boy stops at a door and the others keep walking, then Moonlight stops and enters the door.

Frio: Where is she going?

Disaster Boy: This is the room.

They enter.

Caliente: I’m so nervous, I think I made wee.


Frio: That’s so gross.

Disaster Boy: Guys, the Legion is watching us.

The group stares ahead, Cobalt Kid and the others stand watching the former cadets.

Caliente: Oh, I definitely made wee.

Cobalt Kid: Welcome to Legion!

Kid Marvel: I have a question about the uniforms?
Legion Roll Call (New Additions):

click to enlarge [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/CopyofMoonlight2A.bmp[/img]
Real Name: Luna
Powers -Magic: can cast spells and perform feats of almost any nature possible, can also fly and change form
Third Race: as a Child of Oberon, she is immortal, having been alive for millenniums, she is also weak against iron, and also has to obey the Laws of Oberon, which requires no direct interference with the lives of mortals
Weird Sisters: Luna is the Weird Sister of fate, giving her precognitive powers
click to enlarge [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/Joeboy.bmp[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/KidMarvel.bmp[/img]

Kid Marvel
Real Name: Joe Boi
Powers -Magic transformation: changes into a man with the abilities of super-strength, great stamina, flight, speed and wisdom
click to enlarge [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/DisasterBoy.bmp[/img]

Disaster Boy
Real Name: Brian
Powers - Disaster force: a primal energy source that is difficult to use and control, he has manifested it to manipulate the four elements, mainly to change the weather, cause earthquakes, and manipulate the course of water
click to enlarge [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/Caliente2.bmp[/img]

Real Name: Beth
Powers - Microwave Projection- used to generate intense heat, allowing her to melt objects, propel herself in air to attain flight, she can also create a gentle glow with her powers, she can also use her powers to generate flames
Immunity: her powers give her an immunity to heat and flame
click to enlarge [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/pizzazztiger/Micros/Frio2.bmp[/img]

Real Name: Jennifer a.k.a. Jenny
Powers -Ice and Cold Generation: has the ability to project intense cold and ice, allowing her create ice slides to travel on
Immunity: her powers give her an immunity to the cold

Oh yeah, that was awesome. laugh I <3 it man. Make wee. Hee.

Poor DB. hug

More please!!
Can't wait to see the reactions when they get their costumes. smile
Originally posted by Caliente:

Oh yeah, that was awesome. laugh I <3 it man. Make wee. Hee.

Poor DB. hug

More please!!
I'm glad you're not upset about the wee.

Originally posted by Arachne:
Can't wait to see the reactions when they get their costumes. smile
Well, Caliente and Frio will probably won't have time to react to the costumes, they'll have to worry about Cobie's pants, or lack of.
Chapter Four

The new Legion members come out in their new costumes (of their own design).

Kid Marvel: I think I have the best costume.

Caliente: Have you looked at me?

Frio: Please, these shorts make my a--

Cobalt Kid: Alright, we’re not here to talk fashion.

Spellbinder: Yeah, that’s what the cafeteria’s for.

Arachne: I’m sorry, but I was bored stiff when I had to go through this when I joined, I think I’m actually going to relieve Crusader of monitor duty.

Arachne exit’s the room. In a few minutes, Crusader enters and walks over to his sister.

Crusader: How’s it going? Cru? Sis?

He pokes her and she snaps out of her sleep.

Spellbinder: AND STAY OUT OF MY CLOSET!!! Arachne was right, monitor duty is much more thrilling.

Arachne (over intercom): Guys, we have a problem. Alephian UP Representative Molly Ulster has been kidnapped by an unknown group of terrorists. Science Police were able to track their ship but are requesting our back up before proceeding, I’ll meet you in the docks.

Cobalt Kid: Looks like you’ll have your first mission sooner than you thought.

Cobalt Kid, Loser Lad, Spellbinder, and Crusader leave.

Disaster Boy: But we didn’t even finish orientation.

Moonlight: Would you prefer to just sit and listen while the Representative gets assassinated?

Joe Boi turns into Kid Marvel by speaking the wizard’s, SHAZAM, name.

Kid Marvel: Of course he doesn’t.

Kid Marvel picks Disaster Boy up and exits.

Frio: I’m going to kick some a--

Caliente: Oh man, this excitement is not good for my bladder.

Moonlight: I suppose we should catch up with the others.
wow, i went home this weekend so tahts why i havent been keeping up.

i love what you're doing with db, a troubled boy with a dubious past would make for a self concious bit shy or too serious legionaire.

and the sketch!! maybe when db gets more confident he can come out of the hood and mask.

kid marvel's hot by the way!
i like the team line up too....interesting combo of new characters and powers.
Man. My poor bladder from laughing so hard!! laugh And you're damn right "I" look good. wink

Archane makes me giggle... and Spellbinder has the best one-liner. For sure. ^_^ Can't wait for more!
Originally posted by Caliente:
Man. My poor bladder from laughing so hard!! laugh And you're damn right "I" look good. wink

Archane makes me giggle... and Spellbinder has the best one-liner. For sure. ^_^ Can't wait for more!
You do look good! Thanks for reading, Cali, it means a lot that your sticking with this.

Originally posted by Disaster Boy:
wow, i went home this weekend so tahts why i havent been keeping up.

i love what you're doing with db, a troubled boy with a dubious past would make for a self concious bit shy or too serious legionaire.

and the sketch!! maybe when db gets more confident he can come out of the hood and mask.

kid marvel's hot by the way!
Originally posted by Disaster Boy:
i like the team line up too....interesting combo of new characters and powers.
Thanks, Disaster, I love where I'm going with DB as well. Especially because I only have it partially figured out.

Thank you to everyone who is reading and supporting me, it means so much to me.
write more! write more! im hooked.
I'm trying, but I am also writing one about Arachne (hint hint, go check it out people, feedback is welcomed) and I want to write one about the Starhaven civil war thing, being that people seemed interested in that.
Chapter Five

The Legion lands on a docking bay on Earth, after confirming with the Science Police, the team learns that the unknown terrorist group is keeping the representative in Warehouse 18. Cobalt Kid launches a plan, Arachne will take the new members through the back way, while he and the rest will attack from the front and hopefully distract the terrorists long enough to have Arachne’s team get the representative out of there.

The frontal assault team charges forward, but they are unable to attack.

Cobalt Kid: There’s some sort of invisible force field around this place.

Spellbinder: Not to mention mental blocks, my telepathy is no good.

Crusader: Suppose we’ll just have to blast it down.

Invisible Brainiac: You guys have that kind of power? I can generate a lot of light, but this force field is pretty solid.

Arachne (over communicator): No need guys, we’ll sneak in and shut down the force field generator from inside.

Spellbinder: Care to tell use how you’re going to do that?

Arachne (over communicator): Moonlight is pretty confident that she can open a hole in the field, she’ll have to close it right after though.

Cobalt Kid: Be careful, Arachne. Loser Lad, do you think that while--

Loser Lad: Have to agree with IB, here, that force field is solid, I could dampen the energy, but I couldn’t break through and we’d waste too much energy trying to crack it, it’s up to them now.
Gah! Cliffhanger! I need it know what's next. wink
This is a very very rough cover for 'Membership Needed'...It needs redoing. hope you like it so far though smile
click to enlarge
Yeah, I like it, it looks fantastic for a rough cut.
i love spellbinder's horrified face...
Originally posted by Disaster Boy:
i love spellbinder's horrified face...
She probably wasn't expecting three girls with such awesome racks.

Oh and thanks for the comments guys, I love to hear from you, it's very encouraging.
Chapter Six

In the back of Warehouse 18, outside the force field, Arachne’s team of Legionnaires puts their plan into motion. Moonlight stands ahead of her teammates. Her gown and hair begins to flow, her hands glow an eldritch green, she touches the force field and opens a hole.

Moonlight: This opening shall be suffice.

Arachne: Alright, let’s get through quickly and quietly.

After the pass through the opening, Moonlight relinquishes her control over the force field and the opening closes. Arachne turns to her team.

Arachne: Hit them high and hit them low.

With that the team separates, Kid Marvel and Moonlight fly to a window, open it and enter, as Arachne turns into a spider and scales the building, when she enters, she returns to her human form and meets Kid Marvel and Moonlight.
Down on the ground, Caliente, Frio and Disaster Boy find the back door.

Disaster Boy: It’s locked.

Frio: No problem, this building is made from some cheap alloy.

Frio points to the handle on the door, her hand glows a whitish blue and releases a stream of intense cold, causing the metal to crack. Frio pushes open the door.

Frio: What I tell ya?

But as they enter they are met by the terrorist group.

Frio: Guess I should have thought that metal cracking makes a lot of noise.

Caliente: What, I can’t believe these guys are the terrorist?

Disaster Boy: Does it matter who they are, these creeps have to go.
[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

The Legion of Super Rejects:

Whitestreak, Mist Girl, Phase Out, Spin Cycle, and Blackhole
Chapter Seven

Arachne, Kid Marvel and Moonlight watch as the former Legion Cadets approach their teammates.

Kid Marvel: We should have known that sneaking into a building quietly wouldn’t have been Frio’s strong suit.

Arachne: Well, there’s five of them, and six of us, you help them, I’ll deal with the generator.

Arachne heads off to the generator, while Moonlight and Kid Marvel fly down to their teammates. Kid Marvel steps out, confronting Whitestreak, Blackhole, Spin Cycle, Mist Girl and their leader, Phase Out.

Kid Marvel: What are you guys doing?

Phase Out: Earning ourselves a name. The fools choose you five to join the Legion when we were clearly the better choice. But we Rejects won’t go down without a fight.

Mist Girl: If we’re not going to be Legionnaires, then neither are you.

Frio: You’re going to have to kill me before I go back to being a cadet.

Spin Cycle: Who knew Frio was psychic?

Caliente: Uh-oh.

Phase Out: Destroy them!
Uh-oh indeed!! Eep. Poor recruits...

...what happens next???

And, yes, someone with a costume as loud as Frio's probably shouldn't be on the stealth team. wink Kidding, I kid.
let the bloodshed begin!!!
Damn DB, you're all about the killing today, aren't ya?
the future that i'm from is ghetto.
I thought the future didn't have ghettos... that's what Star Trek always taught me!!
I find it funny that the people from California are the one talking about the ghetto.
california's a big place. have you ever been to fresno?
nope, no money=no travel
Ha! Oakland man. It's all about Oakland. And parts of Sacramento and parts of LA and parts of SF and... stuff. Fresno's just really flat. Like, really, really flat. Flaaaaaat.

People there have flattitude man. I'm tellin' ya. Flat.
And EPA! I forgot East Palo Alto. That one's near my hometown...

(Double posting powerz~)
Noooo...my thread is being hijacked!

Knock it off!
Chapter Eight

The Rejects rush the Legionnaires. Caliente uses her microwave powers and flies to the other side of the Rejects, as do Moonlight and Kid Marvel.

Phase Out: Mist Girl, Whitestreak, Blackhole, deal with them!

Mist Girl, Whitestreak and Blackhole leave Phase Out and Spin Cycle to deal with the other three. Frio and Disaster Boy separate so the Rejects don’t have a chance to gang up on them. Phase Out goes after Frio, and Spin Cycle chases after Disaster Boy.

Phase Out: Ok, Frio, it’s time I took out the trash.

Frio: That is so corny.

Phase Out: And you are so dead!

Frio makes the first attack, she blasts a coat of ice at Phase Out, but she just becomes intangible.

Frio: Should have saw that coming.

Phase Out: Should have. And now you won’t be able to see anything.

Phase Out becomes invisible. Frio creates a cold sphere of energy, causing snow and ice to circle around her.

Frio: Anyone who steps in my sphere will be frozen.

Phase Out: Yes, then again I am intangible.

Frio: Oh, damn.

Phase Out walks to Frio and uses her powers on Frio, taking her out of this dimension. Frio becomes stunned and turns off her power. At that time, Phase Out become tangible and invisible and attacks Frio.
Meanwhile, Disaster Boy has stopped running and has decided to confront Spin Cycle.

Spin Cycle: I can’t believe they let a little underdeveloped coward like you in, instead of me.

Disaster Boy: Because they didn’t want to drown in your arrogance?

Spin Cycle: Save the cracks for your maker.

Disaster Boy has learned that he can use his powers best when he focuses them on the surplus in his near environment, when there’s a lightning storm he’s best at making lightning and electricity, but he has no such luck today. As always though, he is surrounded by air, earth and being that he’s at the docks, water.

Disaster Boy (thinking): There’s no way I’m going to manipulate the earth or the water, not in here, too many will get hurt. But, there is a nice surplus of air in here as there is everywhere air breathers live.

With that thought, Disaster Boy brings his right hand from his left shoulder to his right side in a quick motion, releasing a small, isolated twister on Spin Cycle, send him spinning into the air. Once Spin Cycle lands, he gets back up and stares at Disaster Boy.

Spin Cycle: Don’t think yourself clever, you want to spin? Then spin!

Spin Cycle releases his mental waves upon Disaster Boy.

Disaster Boy (thinking): Whoa! Somebody stop the room!

Spin Cycle takes the opportunity his powers have lent him and attacks Disaster Boy, a few well placed fists and Disaster Boy is down.
Noooo!! Frio and DB are down!!

Caliente: *sob* FRIIIIIOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

poke What happens next??
Originally posted by Caliente:
Noooo!! Frio and DB are down!!

Caliente: *sob* FRIIIIIOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

poke What happens next??
My head is clearing up, you may find out soon.
this is not how i imagined things going.
Originally posted by Disaster Boy:
this is not how i imagined things going.
The ride can't always be downhill.
Chapter Nine

Caliente is soaring through the air, a gentle golden glow around her body that softly releases flames is extinguished when Whitestreak blasts by her knocking her out of the air. As she falls, she reactivates her powers to make a smooth landing.

Caliente: Jerk!

Caliente extends her hands and releases a blast of flaming microwave energy at Whitestreak, slamming him against the wall, his body then collapses down to the ground. Caliente rushes over to him.

Caliente: I better not get a bruise!

Though Caliente thinks Whitestreak has been neutralized, he is actually completely functional. The light he uses to fly forms a field of protection around him that allows him to take damage easier. He blasts from the ground, hitting her in the face and knocking her to the ground.

Kid Marvel is attacked in midair by Mist Girl. She has completely turned herself in her mist form and has submerged him in her ethereal form. She converts him into a mist and drags him towards ground and returns him to his solid form so that she could slam his body onto the floor. She then touches the ground and becomes solid.

Mist Girl: Not so tough now, are we?

Kid Marvel grabs Mist Girl’s feet and tosses her backwards, she lands on her back.

Kid Marvel: Not such a smart ass now, are we?

Kid Marvel flies over where she landed but she is not there.

Kid Marvel: Ah, man…

Mist Girl seeps out of the crack of the ground and solidifies behind him.

Mist Girl: Over here, Kid Oaf.

Mist Girl turns her hand into mist and directs it to his face, shoving the mist into his nostrils and down his mouth, he rushes her and tries to punch her but she becomes mist upon contact. She releases him, listening to him breath hard. She solidifies and walks in front of him and grabs his chin and makes him look at her.

Mist Girl: Every French kissed a girl?

She places her mouth on his, she then turns into mist and suffocates him.

Kid Marvel: Hhhhhhuuuuuuuuuumphh~

Moonlight soars above her team, she senses Blackhole coming from behind her. She flies backwards and above Blackhole and lands on her back and crashes her to the ground.

Moonlight: Pathetic being.

Blackhole tries to get up, but Moonlight releases a mystic bolt on her sending her to the wall.

Blackhole: I don’t deserve this sh--

Moonlight flies across the room and connects her boot to Blackhole’s face. Moonlight releases another blast, but this time Blackhole opens a portal and has it sucked in. Blackhole then raises her hands above her head and creates another portal that sucks Moonlight towards it, but before Moonlight in enveloped by the portal, Blackhole closes the portal and watches Moonlight hit the wall and then hit the floor.

Blackhole (in a whining mimicking voice): Pathetic being.

Blackhole then gives Moonlight the boot treatment.
Nooo. Say it ain't so!! Our Legionnaires seem done for!!
Hey!!! no Fair...Im Kid Marvel Y'all! I dont get the Beat Down tongue

(loves it though)
Chapter Ten

Caliente gets up from the ground.

Caliente: I don’t like Mr. Buttstreak!

Caliente uses her powers and flies over to where Phase Out is beating Frio. Before Caliente arrives there, she forms a flaming ball of microwave energy in her right hand and launches it at Phase Out, hitting her in the back. Phase Out falls to the ground unable to take the blast from Caliente.

Caliente: Lay off my BFF, you b*tch!

Moonlight sees what Caliente did, and a light of realization goes off in her mind.

Moonlight: They planned on this, they’re prepared to fight us, switch enemies!

Moonlight leaves Blackhole, she flies into the air and lands on Spin Cycle. Disaster Boy gets up from the ground.

Disaster Boy: Thanks.

Moonlight: I left a present for you over there.

She points to Blackhole.

Disaster Boy: Gotcha’!

He heads over to Blackhole. Spin Cycle pushes Moonlight off his back.

Spin Cycle: I’m gonna make you suffer.

Moonlight: I doubt it.

Spin Cycle releases his waves of mental energy, but Moonlight’s eyes glow, blocking the mental power. She then lifts him off the ground with he mystic powers and summons a lightning blast in her left hand, which she discharges and roasts the Reject.

Disaster Boy runs at Blackhole, but as he does , he summons the air to circle around him, by the time he is near her, his body is submerged in a twister which he then projects her way, lifting her in the air.

Disaster Boy: You’re probably the strongest of your team, but to open a portal big enough for the twister would require a lot of focus, and you just can’t do that on my little tornado.

Blackhole: Put me down!

Disaster Boy nods his head in consent and the twister slams Blackhole onto a poll in the warehouse, she then falls to the ground.

Disaster Boy: Underdeveloped my butt.

Mist Girl solidifies out of Kid Marvel, watching him wheeze as he tries to regain his breath.

Mist Girl: I have always been too much for a common man.

Frio: He’s far from “common.”

Frio gives her foot to the abdomen of Mist Girl.

Frio: Are you ok?

Kid Marvel:…yeah…

Frio: Can you handle the flying guy.

Kid Marvel flies into the air to meet Whitestreak.

Whitestreak: They sent the slow oaf after me.

Kid Marvel: What is with the word “oaf?” Is there anything else in your guys’ vocabulary?

Whitestreak flies towards him and connects his fist to Kid Marvel. Kid Marvel just floats there.

Kid Marvel: Is that all you got.

Kid Marvel turns around and gives Whitestreak a taste of his fist, sending Whitestreak hurtling into a the wall.
On the ground, Frio and Mist Girl are circling each other.

Frio: Scared?

Mist Girl: Of you, please?

Mist Girl becomes mist and rushes Frio, but before she can attack, Frio freezes Mist Girl in her ethereal form.

Frio: Slick, real slick.

Arachne then successfully shuts down the generator.

Arachne: Well it’s down, but I don’t know if that matters anymore, seeing as you totaled the Rejects.

Caliente: Maybe we should get the UP Representative?

Arachne: Right, Ms. Ulster? Where did she go?

Molly Ulster: I’m right here.

Everyone turns around to see the Representative.

On the outside.

Crusader: The force field is down.

Cobalt Kid: Let’s move in.

The rest of the Legion moves towards the warehouse. But before they can reach it, a blast emits from it that decimates the warehouse and sends them hurtling backwards.

Spellbinder: What happened!?

Invisible Brainiac: It was like some sort of sound bomb!

Loser Lad: There’s nothing left but rubble!

Spellbinder: I can’t sense anyone!

Crusader: It’s a blank here, too!

Invisible Brainiac: That means that they’re all--

Loser Lad: It can’t be!
Nooo!! They won!! They can't be hurted now!! *sob* What happens next???
oh shoot, do we have to wait until monday now!?!?!
Sorry, I'm going so some stuff right now, trying to find time to write.
Chapter Eleven

When the dust settles, Legion is still standing, under the protection of Moonlight’s force field. Above them is the glowing form of Representative Molly Ulster.

Frio: What happened to our little captive UP Rep.?

Caliente: It looks like she grew a foot in height and a yard in hair, not mention her skin and hair turned blue.

Kid Marvel: So who is she now?

Banshee: I am the Banshee, I have always been the Banshee, for millenniums.

Caliente: Millenniums? Wow, she must use a good moisturizer.

Arachne: Why did you attack us?

Banshee: I didn’t attack you, I tested my child, but the other is here.

Frio: What the hell’s she talking?

Banshee: My kin has separated from me, defying my bid. I must ensure that his suffering is met out. I found the Rejects plotting against you and forced them to my will with my song. All in an effort to lure you here. Now I my punishment shall be met out.

Disaster Boy: NO! Don’t harm them!

Frio: D?

Caliente: Dizzy?

Kid Marvel: That’s your mom?

Disaster Boy: Yes, Banshee is my mother, she hid me and refused to let me live my life, I ran away to become a Cadet, as you can tell, she’s angry.

Arachne: So she’s going to kill you?

Banshee: He’s my spawn, I shall do with him as I wish!

Arachne: Not while I’m here.

Arachne weaves webs onto Banshee, binding her arms, legs and covering her mouth, she then pulls on the ropes and slams Banshee to the ground. Banshee rips the webs off, she turns to Arachne and launches her fist onto Arachne. Banshee then levitates.

Banshee: Now, my son, you and your allies shall finally die!

Cobalt Kid: I don’t think so!
Oooh!! Banshee strikes -- unexpected!! Poor DB... *pets him*

Moisturizer? *snerk* I love it.

So... what happens next??
i don't wanna die.

wahhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhh wah
Originally posted by Disaster Boy:
i don't wanna die.

wahhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhh wah
You take the good, you take the bad...
you take them all and then you have....
the facts of life, the facts of life
Chapter Twelve

Cobalt Kid releases a full magnetic blast on Banshee Her thin body crashes to the ground. She pushes herself up from the ground, before she can get on her feet, a purple energy aura is placed around her courtesy of Loser Lad.

Loser Lad: Going up?

Loser Lad nullifies gravity and sends her into the air, where she is met by Invisible Brainiac.

Invisible Brainiac: Wrong floor!

Invisible Brainiac releases a photon blast upon Banshee and sends down with such force that Banshee’s petite body cracks the pavement. Banshee gets up, she brushes herself off.

Crusader: One of those durable types, huh?

Spellbinder: The bomb destroyed the mental blocks.

Crusader: In that case, allow me.

Crusader releases a telepathic energy beam upon Banshee, she stares at him, her eyes glow.


He falls backs and lies unconscious. Moonlight magically lifts him and drags him out of the way.

Loser Lad: What happened?

Spellbinder: Her mind is too foreign for telepathic contact, that or she’s an extremely powerful telepath.

Arachne: Then we shouldn’t waste anytime.

Arachne spins her webs to bind Banshee, Arachne becomes half spider/human and sends Banshee in the air with an uppercut.

Cobalt Kid: Arachne’s right, get in there and take her down!

Frio: How about I just stop her in her tracks?

Frio thrusts her arms out and projects her powers at Banshee, freezing her in a giant block of ice. But the ice explodes from the force of Banshee, sending shards of ice at Legion.

Banshee: Maybe I should let you fools fight yourselves.

Caliente: The only ‘fool’ is you, Ms. Soon-to-be-charred-butt!

Caliente projects an inferno at Banshee, through the rushing flame, a the gentle song of Banshee is heard and within seconds a whirlwind swirls around Banshee, causing the flames to divert long enough for Banshee to send a blast of sound to plummet Caliente. Kid Marvel grabs Banshee from behind and throws her to the ground, he soars to her and releases punch after punch. Banshee erects a wall of sound and voids Kid Marvel’s punches. She rushes him and grabs him by the collar.

Banshee: Infidel, you use magic to become so powerful, but this magic younger than I.

Banshee’s hands glow blue and sends Kid Marvel in agony as she tries to rip him of the magic that transforms him into Kid Marvel. But before she can finish her torture, Spellbinder kicks Banshee in the head.

Spellbinder: I don’t know what you are, but NOBODY HURTS MY BROTHER!!!

Spellbinder extends her hands fiercely towards her forehead. Spellbinder glows pink, the ground tears apart under the telekinetic force, she ten directs her psionic energy at Banshee, hitting her with a blast of pure telekinetic force. The telekinetic energy forms around Banshee, Spellbinder begins to tighten the force, in an attempt to compact Banshee until there is no fight left in her, but it is unsuccessful. Banshee becomes angry and lets out a powerful wail, her body glows a blinding light of energy. Loser Lad blasts Banshee.

Loser Lad: There’s too much power, I can’t dampen it!

Banshee’s power hurls the Legion in every direction.

Banshee: There’s more fight in some of you then I first believed, too bad it was not enough. Since, I need not you as nuisances in my future, I will end my problem, now.

Disaster Boy: NO!!! This ends now.

Banshee: I suppose you think that you’ll be the one to stop me.

Disaster Boy lets go, his Disaster Force overtakes his body, he channels the energy towards his mother, forming a beam of energy to strike her, sending her in agony.

Banshee: AAAAHHH!!! You will pay for my pain!

Banshee screams and fights his power. Disaster Boy’s Force turns the elements into a frenzy, but no matter what he throws her way, he know that he is only half of her. She overpowers him and he falls onto the ground. Banshee moves to finish her son, but before she can and blasts of green energy knocks her down. Banshee turns to see who attacked her.

Banshee: You?

Moonlight: This must come to a halt.

Banshee: So limited in their affairs, why do you interfere?

Moonlight: Because you do, and we you know the consequences for such direct interference.

Banshee: And you’d be the first in line to squeal on me.

Banshee looks around, she contemplates her options.

Banshee: It’s not worth the effort.

Banshee teleports away.

A few minutes later, the Legion members begin to awaken.

Crusader: What happened?

Moonlight: The Banshee is gone know, she teleported.

The End
Awww, they didn't win!! frown But at least they kicked some butt...

...poor DB. *pets him* Such a mother must've made for a traumatic childhood!
very traumatic...

my favorite part is when spell binder *kicks* banshee in the head. ha ha ha
Well, I never said there was going to be a perfect happy ending, but I'm not stopping.

I still have Arachne, which is going well.

There's another one with Greybird that I want to do that will include the Cadets.

Then I hope to do one after that, which will be a tie in to all three stories.

So, why this one is taking short intermission, be sure to read Arachne's, so you don't get lost later on.
© Legion World