Legion World
Posted By: Mattropolis The Connection (new Non-Legion fiction) - 04/14/06 03:23 AM
Hey guys, let me know what you think of this. I know it's been a while, but I'm starting to get inspired again.

The Midnight Connection

The nightmares began innocently enough. Jason Kirkley was alone in his bedroom, waiting for sleep to overtake him. The wind outside was beating gently against the windows and the rain was beating softly onto the roof above.

Perfect sleeping weather.

A small light glimmered through a gap in the drapes. The source was a streetlight just outside his apartment. Just enough light to see in case he had to get up, but not so much that it distracted him. He was almost at the point of no return when it happened.

The wind stopped.
The rain too.
The streetlight went dark.

Any one of things these happening would be no cause for concern. In fact, it probably wouldn’t even be noticeable. But all three happened at exactly the same time. Jason sat straight up in bed. A feeling of unease began to build inside him. For a moment, he considered getting up and looking outside the window.

Before he could make any further action, a shrieking noise made him practically jump out of his skin. It started off very faint, but quickly increased in volume to the point where is sounded like it was right outside his bedroom door.

Jason stared at his door, as if he were willing it to remain closed. From underneath, he could see a red glow flickering.

“Help me!” The shrieking voice exclaimed. “Please help me!”

Jason was paralyzed with fear. Every muscle in his body instinctively wanted to get away, but something inside him prevented any type of movement. He was completely taken by surprise when the red light lit up the entire door with the flickering light.

Within the shimmering crimson glow, shadows began to take shape. He could see the images of two men. The first was one was kneeling. Behind him, a the second man was holding a sharp object in his hand. The red glow centered for a moment on his eyes as he looked up, seemingly right at Jason. He paused only for a second and then he shoved the knife into the kneeling man.

“No!” Jason screamed. It was as if he were watching a horror movie on a bad television set with only three colors: black, white and red. As the knife penetrated the kneeling man over and over, the red glow began to appear as blood.

“Help me,” the kneeling image pleaded. “Please…”

The kneeling man then faded from Jason’s view. Once again, he was face to face with the man with the glowing eyes. Even though it was only shadow, Jason could swear the man was smirking at him. Then he faded away too.

The wind resumed its beating.
The rain started to fall again.
The streetlight once more dimly lit the room.

What in the hell was going on? Jason tried to tell himself that it must have been a dream. But he really didn’t believe that. It had been too real. Something else else was happening. Something else else…bad.


“I don’t love you anymore,” the words that anyone in love fears and dreads. “At least, I’m not in love with you.”

The person uttering those fateful words was Carson Putnam. He had a husky build and a deep voice. Those were the first two things that Mason Caldwell first noticed when they met six years earlier. It was easy to fall in love with Carson, as he seemed to be perfect. He was a nurse working in an assisted living facility in Cyan City. They had built a life together and although it hadn’t always been the perfect relationship, Donovan had no idea that there was anything wrong. Surely, it was just a joke. Or a dream?

“What are you saying? That you just want to throw away 5 years? That it meant nothing?” Mason could already feel the tears welling up inside him. It wouldn’t be the first time this man had reduced him to tear, nor would it be the last. “Is there someone else?”



“Then why would you suddenly decide to just give up on us?” Mason didn’t really have the words to express his feelings.

“This has been a long time coming.” Carson couldn’t, or wouldn’t look at him. “Don’t make this any harder than it has to be. Listen, I have to go to work now, I’m sorry to spring this on you like this, but I didn’t know how else to say it.” Incredulous, Mason turned away. If he did cry, he would be damned if he would let that man see him do it. Sure enough, the tears started, and unfortunately one of Mason’s contact lenses popped right out onto the floor. Mason kneeled down, still fighting tears.

“Help me!” He cried.

“I’m sorry it had to end like this. I have to go.” Carson just stood there, not moving. “I’m moving out next week.” Mason couldn’t process this right now. All he could focus on was that damn contact lens.

“Please help me!" Mason screamed, half-shrieking, half-sobbing.

“I’m sorry,” Carson repeated as he walked out of the room. He could hear the front door closing. Carson was gone.

Mason broke down on the floor…

Posted By: gg Re: The Connection (new Non-Legion fiction) - 04/19/06 01:29 AM
perfect sleeping weather, indeed-i liked it a lot;-D
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