Legion World
Posted By: Sketch Lad Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/24/03 08:50 PM
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I'd actually like to discuss these characters if anyone's interested...

I always liked how Ambassador Jeryl was a super sexy alien lady. There have been amazingly few exotic types like her in Legion comics. I'd always hoped she and Cham would have become more of a couple, but I also like Who's Who's explanation that she withdrew from him after his legal troubles with the Khunds. I also recall a nice rendition of her by Sprouse in the preboot Legionnaires series.

I always thought Uli Algor had great potential as a Legion villain (and hot, too!), and that she'd be a great nemesis for Ultra Boy. She could really focus on how to take him out. Naturally, this would make her a rival for Tinya, too. I like that some Legionnaires have individual enemies.

I don't really care much about Psyche or Quantam Queen. I never read their short lived series. I liked a Lightle cover I saw online, though! Anyone have more to add about them?

LOVE Spider Girl! Glad she actually became a Legionniare in LotR. I thought it was clever, during TMK that she'd been partners with Benn Pares. I really enjoy drawing her. You all know I have a hair thing, though, right? smile

Don't remember Mandalla AT ALL! I think she was in a V3 issue that focused on the Academy.

Esper Lass is a rare evil Titanian. I thought *she* could have become more of a nemesis for Saturn Girl, but I suppose the way things worked out was fine, too. She's got quite the perfect bowl cut, huh?

I vaguely recall Marella Tao. She dated Brin, right? Lightle drew a great picture of her in one of the Who's Who intro pages.

More to come...

Comments on these?
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/24/03 09:05 PM
Can't wait to show these off! Here's more... [Linked Image]

I don't really understand the whole thing with Saturn Queen. She was in that adult Legion story, but she didn't really appear in canon until TMK? Is that right? Anyone clear on this one?

Nightwind is pretty cute. I like that she was goth before goth was cool. She met a grisly end in TMK, right? (Beheaded?)

Loved Mentalla. Loved Lightle's insights he's shared about her. Sorry she got killed off.

Marte Allon never moved me much. She's probably the most involved Legion parent, but she's just kinda dry. Oh, and she has BAD taste in clothes. Just my O.

I always liked Shvaughn, and have been on record as disliking the whole Profem thing.

I also liked Gigi. She was awfully smiley in Who's Who, so I mirrored that in my depiction.

Rainbow Girl was a one shot applicant/reject. I've recently written/sketched out a solo story with her where she gets mobbed in what equate to the ghetto. Maybe I'll share that as I finish it.

I thought Quicksand was HOT from the get-go! Grell drew her like a total supermodel, and now I only see her as Tyra Banks. (I did a photomanip of Tyra as Quicksand, which I thought worked out pretty well...)
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/24/03 09:12 PM
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This is a fun page!

Infectious Lass has become a star at this board. I'm a fan!

I didn't realize that Titania loses interest in all things evil when she's not with her fellow Assassin buddies. She's just kinda dim. Hee!

Cal! CAL! mmmm.....

Night Girl. Love Night Girl! Uh, I guess I'm not feeling real wordy right now....

If I may say so, I think my picture of Eyeful Ethyl is pretty good. Kinda funny.

Never read the whole KK series. Don't really know Diamondeth except that she was Val's friend back in the 20th. Anyone have anything to share about her?

Life Lass was supposedly shy and clung to her friends in the Heroes of Lallor. I think she's way cute!

Gas Girl! Another campy favorite! I drew her with a "she who dealt it" face. shocked
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/24/03 09:19 PM
[Linked Image]

Dawn Allen was killed in TMK, right? Can anyone recall more details?

Starlight and Starbright were super-cheesy, but so was that Starfinger. I thought they had potential to be cool, though.

Silver Sword was in the Universo Project storyline. Don't remember much else about her, but she looks cool.

Mystelor was in that group of bad guys in the Action series. Geez, I ALWAYS forget what they were called... Anyway, she isn't really evil. So she took off with Quanto to explore the universe. I think she's VERY beautiful. Like Catherine Zeta Jones beautiful.

I wasn't really paying attention during the Lady Memory story. She was vampy, right?

I'm glad Giffen re-designed Lamprey and Nightwind. Lamprey looks really cool! What happened to her? She didn't die did she?

Laurel Kent.... There were so many beautiful women in the Grell issues, but Laurel Kent just bowled me over!!!! Manhunters bad!

Silver Slasher is just an awesome bad girl. So mean and screwed up! I hope she gets rebooted!
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/24/03 09:27 PM
[Linked Image]

Awwww... Charma.... I felt sorry for her! It wasn't her FAULT!!!! I don't really care for the reboot version, but it's okay...

Don't remember the Queen Azura story very well, but vaguely, I know she just kinda dropped everything. I think she should try again with more FORCE!

Poor An Ryd! A product of her environment. Rimbor's a tough world.

I'm a Comet Queen fan, like, fer sure, ya know, Starshine?

Captain Frake was involved in that dumb Reflecto story, so as far as I'm concerned, she can fade into obscurity. I must say that I hated her outfit. She should have dressed more like Captain Hook, and then get all sexy for Jo. But that's me.

Yera and

Don't remember Xera of Manna-5. From the Universo story, I think.

I always kinda hoped Yera would be kinda bad. Like an opportunist. All the work Cham and Brande did to instill trust in Durlans all gets blasted apart by her ambitions. Something else else like that. I suppose it's good that she kept her nose clean and stayed with Gim, though.

I only vaguely recall Zera Vultan. I know she was involved with Wildfire. What happened to her?

That's it!!!! Hope you all like these!
Originally posted by deanlegion:

Don't remember Mandalla AT ALL! I think she was in a V3 issue that focused on the Academy.
Mandalla was seen in v3 Academy shots, but never mentioned by name. Along with the Westerner, all actual info about her was owed to WWitLSH. She seemed like an interesting character, mostly due to her backstory. She was apparently born to an inmate on Takron-Galtos, and the identity of her father was unknown. She had some sort of ability to disorient people, as I recall.
Originally posted by deanlegion:
If I may say so, I think my picture of Eyeful Ethyl is pretty good. Kinda funny.
They're all great, but I thought this one stood out!
Love the Charma, too!
Posted By: Greybird Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/25/03 08:57 AM
All superb, again, Dean, and some reminders (evoking a bit of another-era melancholy) about the character grist and variety that the Legion doesn't seem to have any more.

For those who don't know, Steve Lightle based Mentalla on his wife, Tayreza, both in appearance and physical demeanor.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/25/03 09:09 AM
Thanks for commenting EDE and Grey! I probably use my Who's Who issues more than any other Legion comics I own.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/25/03 09:12 AM
Originally posted by Greybird:
All superb, again, Dean, and some reminders (evoking a bit of another-era melancholy) about the character grist and variety that the Legion doesn't seem to have any more.

Actually, I was thinking about going through my reboot issues, and look for bit characters/extras to sketch out in a similar way. There have been some interesting sentients in postboot Legion stories. Perhaps it would help if I did this, to remind us all? smile Thanks again, for the compliment Greybird!
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/25/03 10:03 PM
'Kay... Here are some postboot names you may or may not recall...

President Chu
Winema Wazzo
Spider Girl
Granny Murlu
Officer Shvaughn Erin
Officer Gigi Cusimano
Officer Sybelle Deacon
Garra Arrah (last name not confirmed)
Josie from Earthgov Spacewatch Post 23, Antarctica
White Triangle Field Marshal Maureen Cain
Lori Morning
Nara Minsork
The Empress
Keema Delf from "INSIDE LOWDOWN"
Insect Queen
Sydne Ardeen
Jancel Ardeen

Obviously many of these are well known, but some are totally obscure. I'm just getting into the Team 20 issues....
Posted By: Blockade Boy Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/25/03 11:02 PM
Dean your Silver Slasher is absolutely the best. My favs also include Lady Memory, Night Girl and Quicksand.

I bet you do a real sexy Eye Stalk thingy.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/25/03 11:13 PM
Hey, thanks! I've been doing a bunch of sketches of Quicksand lately, and I'm not happy with any of them. frown

I was quite pleased with my Night Girl sketch, too. I like that Lydda.

I appreciate the feedback. It keeps me goin....
Posted By: icefire Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/26/03 12:28 AM
My faves Mandalla and Laurel Kent!!!!
Posted By: Arachne Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/26/03 03:39 AM
So hard to choose...

I think my favourites are Life Lass, Mystelor, and Laurel Kent.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/26/03 08:13 AM
Originally posted by icefire:
My faves Mandalla and Laurel Kent!!!!
Thanks! I gotta look up the issue that featured Mandalla....
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/26/03 08:14 AM
Originally posted by Arachne:
So hard to choose...

I think my favourites are Life Lass, Mystelor, and Laurel Kent.
All raven-haired beauties....

Posted By: Colour Kid Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/26/03 08:35 AM
I just registered and the first thing i see is some great art, thanx deanlegion.
I look forward to seeing some more great art from fellow Legion Fans. smile laugh
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/26/03 09:22 AM
Wow, thanks Colour Kid! Appreciate that a lot! Welcome, and have some fun!
Posted By: Star Boy Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/26/03 09:59 PM
The Charma is my fave... but the rest are sooo good too! An excellent range of expression and detail. cool
Posted By: Arachne Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/27/03 02:18 AM
Originally posted by deanlegion:
All raven-haired beauties....
lol I didn't notice that. You'd think I'd prefer blondes. After all, I was one most of my life. I don't draw blondes as often, either...

And welcome to the board, Colour Kid!
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 08/27/03 09:35 AM
Originally posted by Star Boy:
The Charma is my fave... but the rest are sooo good too! An excellent range of expression and detail. cool
Thanks, Star Boy! Do you agree with me that it wasn't Charma's fault that she was so misunderstood? She was a mutant, kinda cursed with an ability she didn't know how to control, so she took the easy way to deal with it. I think if she was sent to Titan or something, she'd have been much more understood, and able to work with the abilities she was *blessed* with.
Posted By: Lightning Lad Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 09/02/03 01:57 AM
Well I couldn't make up my mind which was my favorite so I made all of them into Avatars for everyone to enjoy. Thanks to Icefire for requesting Laurel and giving me the reason to convert them all over.
Posted By: Star Boy Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 09/02/03 02:04 AM
Originally posted by deanlegion:
Originally posted by Star Boy:
[b] The Charma is my fave... but the rest are sooo good too! An excellent range of expression and detail. cool
Thanks, Star Boy! Do you agree with me that it wasn't Charma's fault that she was so misunderstood? She was a mutant, kinda cursed with an ability she didn't know how to control, so she took the easy way to deal with it. I think if she was sent to Titan or something, she'd have been much more understood, and able to work with the abilities she was *blessed* with. [/b]
As a shameless Post-Boot jumper-onner (heh), all I've got to go on is the single episode of LSH that featured the post-boot Jacques and Charma. However, I'd hate to see her as 'just another Saturn Girl'; I think the idea of a bad girl telepath is a good one... Kinda like Nara Minsork (post-boot again).
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 09/03/03 04:08 PM
Preboot Charma was WAY different from postboot!
Posted By: superboymddjr Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 09/03/03 05:25 PM
Say, Dean, any chance of seeing either Monica Sade (not sure if the name is correct, the woman during TMK fought Bounty (Dawnstar)?? the one with teleporting power?) OR all Kinteix transformation? (normal with red costume, kitty cat, tall zombie, back to normal, Science police uniform, and lastly terraform) think it'll be a challenge? laugh
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 09/03/03 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Well I couldn't make up my mind which was my favorite so I made all of them into Avatars for everyone to enjoy. Thanks to Icefire for requesting Laurel and giving me the reason to convert them all over.
I'm amazed and flattered that you'd make my drawings into these avatars. They're terrific! Thank you very much, Scott. I'm glad others are enjoying them! I also noticed several other avatars, including various photographs. Great work.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 09/03/03 05:52 PM
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
Say, Dean, any chance of seeing either Monica Sade (not sure if the name is correct, the woman during TMK fought Bounty (Dawnstar)?? the one with teleporting power?) OR all Kinteix transformation? (normal with red costume, kitty cat, tall zombie, back to normal, Science police uniform, and lastly terraform) think it'll be a challenge? laugh
At one point, I did a "Women of TMK" sketch series, which I either posted at LSH-Pics, or totally forgot to scan...can't remember now. I'm pretty sure Sade was in there. Actually, I don't think I ever shared them, because I'm pretty sure I've never posted a picture of Bounty. Anyway, I'm thinking about creating a "Dean's Sketchpad" thread here in the "Bits" area. It'll be a place where I can post such sketches.

As for Kinetix, I had planned on doing an animation of her in her various incarnations, but just never got it done.

Your requests have got me going though.....

Hang in there....

Posted By: superboymddjr Re: Dean's Legion of Extras Roll Call - 09/04/03 12:28 AM
animation on Kinetix!?!? That would be COOL!!! I would love to see that! I am sure many others will too.
I love my avatar!! Thank you!!
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