Legion World
Posted By: Pizza Delivery Girl Legion Secrets - 01/06/08 09:15 AM
I've been going through my old stuff of late, and I found these! ("These" being Postsecret s as if done by late Reboot-era Legionnaires.)

I've got a few of them, so how about a game. wink Guess the characters and I'll put up new ones.

[Linked Image]

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Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: Legion Secrets - 01/07/08 08:38 AM
I'd say the first is Brainiacs 5 and 4. Not sure about the second. The Rokk-Garth-Imra triangle?
Posted By: Pizza Delivery Girl Re: Legion Secrets - 01/09/08 07:14 AM
*g* Nope and... nope. Sorry. (I'll put up the answers later, just in case the sense of mystery is working for me.) wink

Here's one that should be a bit easier to guess...

[Linked Image]
1. no clue
2. Invisible Kid
3. Ayla, talking about Mekt and Garth
Posted By: Pizza Delivery Girl Re: Legion Secrets - 01/09/08 11:26 PM
Originally posted by What Was Wrong With the Reboot? Lad:
1. no clue
2. Invisible Kid
3. Ayla, talking about Mekt and Garth
2. Bingo!
3. Not quite, but really close... wink

A hint for #1: it's specific to The Legion era.

Here\'s another one! Linked so I can warn for (tasteful) nudity.

Posted By: The Enigma Re: Legion Secrets - 01/12/08 05:47 AM
1. Brainiac 4
2. Invisible Kid
3. Mekt (talking about Garth?)
4. no clue
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Legion Secrets - 01/12/08 11:10 PM
PDG, I just wanted you to know that I've been checking these out and that I'm terrbible at it!

My guess for #1 was Brainiacs 5 and 6.

For #2, I had no idea. I can't think of any real roommate connections in the Legion.

For #3, my guess is Mekt wishing Garth was his twin and that Ayla needed him more.

#4. Gah! Again, I'm terrible at this! I guess that it's Coz thinking about Jaz.
Posted By: Pizza Delivery Girl Re: Legion Secrets - 01/14/08 02:05 AM
Hint for #1... it's regarding one of the most annoying subplots of the DNA run. (I would normally add 'IMO' here, but I shan't! I don't accept that there can be any reasonable dissention!)

For #4... the wording was very carefully chosen.

Originally posted by The Enigma:
1. Brainiac 4
2. Invisible Kid
3. Mekt (talking about Garth?)
4. no clue
1 - nope!
2 is right, although I am on to your guessing methods here... wink
3 is close!

Sketch Lad - It's actually really fun for me to see where the stuff written on the inside of my head does not glow through without special equipment. (And the format does require a fair amount of vagueness, so really it *is* a game of "Guess what I am thinking, dammit!"

For #3, my guess is Mekt wishing Garth was his twin and that Ayla needed him more.

#4. Gah! Again, I'm terrible at this! I guess that it's Coz thinking about Jaz.
For #3, you're in the right general storylines.
And #4... *drumroll* no points! *audience sighing*

Anyway, a new one (I guess this would be #5):
[Linked Image]

I don't have very many of these left. I will have to give better hints!
Posted By: superboymddjr Re: Legion Secrets - 01/14/08 02:33 AM
#1 - at first , I thought of Chameleon Boy, but decided to go against it.....so my guess is: Ultra Boy.

#4 - XS

#5 - Ayla when Vi was in prison for against Venadu Bay?
Posted By: Invisible Brainiac Re: Legion Secrets - 01/18/08 09:36 AM
#1 - Tinya?? Cause Cub is aging fast and all?

#3 - uh, if that's not Mekt thinking about Ayla and Garth, is that Ayla wishing Mekt were her twin because Mekt needs her more??

#4 - um... Chameleon? about Spark??

#5 - Tinya thinking about Jo?
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: Legion Secrets - 01/18/08 12:09 PM
1. RJ talking about Reep?
2. Lyle.
3. Mekt, talking about his stuffed animal (as relayed by mom in LW#2 second story)
4. Jan, to Shvaugn in v.4 #32?
5. Tinya seems most likely, mid-to-late DnA era.
Posted By: Pizza Delivery Girl Re: Legion Secrets - 01/20/08 07:38 AM
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
#1 - at first , I thought of Chameleon Boy, but decided to go against it.....so my guess is: Ultra Boy.
Yes! Thank you! smile

Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:

#5 - Tinya thinking about Jo?
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:

5. Tinya seems most likely, mid-to-late DnA era.
Totally correct!

So to recap, because I'm having trouble keeping track otherwise... wink

1: Jo, guessed by superboymddjr!
2: Lyle, guessed by WWWWtR Lad!
3: ?????
4: ?????
5: Tinya, guessed by Invisible Brainiac and Kent!


These cards are all for Reboot-era characters.

For #3: I'm starting to think that my layout for this card is suggesting a different character than the one I had in mind. (Which is great to know.) Still! It is hard to think of a hint stronger than the process of elimination in this case.

For #4: This card would have been "set" later in The Legion series. I made very few alterations to the image, but I did change the colour.
Posted By: Pizza Delivery Girl Re: Legion Secrets - 01/20/08 07:49 AM

This one, despite being rather simple in concept, took me an insane amount of time to put together. Perhaps fittingly, it was the finding a translation engine that I trusted not to give me *entirely* gibberish that was the bottleneck.

[Linked Image]

And with that, the last of the Reboot-era Legionnaire postsecrets is posted. Although I'm saving a bonus for when all the guesses are in...
Posted By: Pizza Delivery Girl Re: Legion Secrets - 02/04/08 04:40 AM
And the *real* last one, belonging to Vril II of L.E.G.I.O.N...

[Linked Image]

That's all, folks!
Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: Legion Secrets - 02/04/08 06:18 PM
I would say that #5 could also apply to Kara Zor-el sent to Brainiac 5
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: Legion Secrets - 02/04/08 08:16 PM
3. Garth, perhaps? reflecting Mekt might not have gone bad as his twin, and that Ayla didn't need him?
4. Nura?
6. Querl, criticizing himself?
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