Legion World
Guess who just ordered it?
It was pretty good. I think you'll like it.
That's all the early Brave and Bold/Showcase stories, and then directly into their solo series. Even though I have original copies of these in my basement, I don't think I've ever read a Titans story previous to Perez and Wolfman's #1.
Eryk, give us your verdict/review once you read it.
I'd be more likely to get it if I was sure they were going to complete the series, but they haven't gone beyond the one volume, have they?
Only 1 SA TT out yet.

Two NTT, though.

I'm trying to keep expectations low, 'cause I've heard it isn't quite as sweet as Silver Age Legion.
Well, nothing beats the Silver Age Legion.
I bought both SA TT V1 and NTT V1 a few months ago in a splurge. (Im an archive fanatic)

Aside from the current series, this was my first real exposure to the titans.

I really did enjoy the SA archive. Nick Cardy's one of my favorite SA artists and great villians like the Demon Dragster and that chick with the baton made these stories fun. All the 50's slang *was* a tad grating though. Not as fun as the SA Legion, but then that's not really a fair comparison.

As for the NTT, my reaction was just...meh. Not bad but not anything I could really get into. Maybe it was really groundbreaking at the time, but it just seemed like they were trying to hard or something.

I'll but a second SA archive if/when it comes out, but haven't bought NTT V2 yet.
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