Legion World
Posted By: Mystery Lad Deathtrap - 04/11/09 08:40 PM
The crossover between TEEN TITANS, TITANS and VIGILANTE begins here.

This issue doesn't quite pack the punch I'd expect for a much-hyped multi-issue storyline that's taking up pages in three different titles.

It seems that the main opponent, Jericho, has veered almost into the irredeemable. That wasn't the case in the last issue of TITANS, penned by a different writer. Still, there's lots of room to suprise.

Donna seems to be taking the reins of leadership voided by Richard Grayson's departure to vie for a cowl in Gotham City (sigh). Hope she does better than the last time she assumed leadership. At the least, I hope she doesn't end up wearing tin foil on her head again.

Cyborg's apparently no longer a Jerichombie, a happening that occurs before the angry Teen Titans rumble in fresh from the destruction of their Tower in their own title. A plus-- we avoid that old 'team versus team' set-up. A minus-- in this case, I miss it!!

Ah, well- we get to see the Titans fake-fight in order to lure out Vigilante. A strategem that apparently works too well.

Good enough to get me back next issue, though I'm far from thoroughly entertained. These characters- and their younger counterparts- have *such* potential. I hope a bigger percentage of that is reached soon.
Posted By: Sarcasm Kid Re: Deathtrap - 04/11/09 08:58 PM
I'm just looking forward to seeing more of Static, Lorena, and the Kid. And didn't they mention Jericho was suffering from a type of multiple-personality disorder?
Posted By: Mystery Lad Re: Deathtrap - 04/12/09 11:25 PM
Sort of. The villains (and others, presumably-- one wonders where *their* 'voices' are?) he's possessed over the years were supposed to have taken over Jericho's psyche.

In DEATHTRAP, he seemed a much more willing participant- though maybe some sneaky villain remnants are at work.

Which 'Kid' do you mean? Devil, Eternity or Flash?

I like all three, but am most interested in reading about Kid Eternity.
Posted By: Sarcasm Kid Re: Deathtrap - 04/12/09 11:49 PM
Kid Eternity. I first read about him in TT, then I got the Grant Morrison trade and two issues of Ann Nocenti's series. In all honesty, I'm glad he's not an albino anymore.
Posted By: Mystery Lad Re: Deathtrap - 04/13/09 12:46 AM
My affection for the character comes more from reprints of his original adventures from the Golden Age. The current guy in TT seems to be a bit of a compromise between the two. I like that Mr. Keeper isn't around- he was a creepy ol' fat angel/demon/chaos thingie.

His powers are more like those of his origin issue-- changing places, becoming the summoned dead, rather than adventuring beside them as he did until the Vertigo books (I think-- I haven't read those in quite a while). There, his Eternilizations were revealed to be demons taking on the personae of historical figures, weren't they?

Not fond of that. I hope they keep it the way it's presented in TT.

I have no idea if he can still become invisible and fly, as the character could in the Golden Age and later.
Posted By: Power Boy Re: Deathtrap - 04/13/09 02:44 AM
oh i thought this thread was about my car......

Posted By: Sarcasm Kid Re: Deathtrap - 04/14/09 06:40 AM
We'll get to that in a bit, just be patient.
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