Legion World
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Bushido questions *SPOILERS* - 01/24/06 09:26 AM
Who was he? smile
Posted By: Bevis Re: Bushido questions *SPOILERS* - 01/24/06 10:03 AM
He was a pretty cool character created by Geoff Johns in one of the Titans annuals from a few years back when they ahd the Planet DC themes. He then appeared again in a SF&O I think, with both stories drawn by Justiano.

Off the top of my head he was the latest in a line of expert warriors from Japan who was skilled in the use of multiple weapons as well as martial arts (kind of a Japanese Arsenal if you will) but I can't recall if he had superstrength or anythign like that. The annual is worth picking up if you can find it because it has some really nice stuff with Beast Boy and Flamebird in it as well (it follows on directly from the Beast Boy mini series). In the SF&O story he came to the US to learn from the Titans and apparently joined the Titans East group that Gar and Bette were setting up and nothing ever came of that included Gar, Bette, Blue Devil, Dial H For Hero (the gay one), his boyfriend and maybe a couple of others.

I don't think he's appeared in anything else but from those two appearances I really liked him. It's a shame that they've gone and killed off one fo teh few non-white characters they have even if he hasn't actually been used much and if it was his creator that offed him as well.
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: Bushido questions *SPOILERS* - 01/24/06 11:28 AM
Thanks Bevis. He was created and killed by Geoff. Interesting.
Posted By: Outdoor Miner Re: Bushido questions *SPOILERS* - 01/26/06 03:10 AM
The "Planet DC" bunch haven't fared too well, have they? Two dead that I know of (Bushido and Nemesis. Were they both Johns' creations?) and the rest put out to pasture.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Bushido questions *SPOILERS* - 01/26/06 04:24 AM
I think one of 'em appeared in the recent DAY of VENGEANCE special, the chick in the red with the hood.
Posted By: Bevis Re: Bushido questions *SPOILERS* - 01/26/06 07:27 AM
Janissary, from the JLA annual, was the one in the DoV special. She seems to be faring OK. Weren't there a few in a Wonder Woman issue during Phil Jiminez's run as well? Not sure if they were from teh annuals or whether they were just South American heroes that he created for that specific story.
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: Bushido questions *SPOILERS* - 01/26/06 08:32 AM
I liked Janissary. Turkish right? She was interesting.
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