Legion World
All three Justice League comics.

All three Legion comics.

Most of the Avengers comics <strike>except maybe Secret Avengers </strike>

The prior several years of Teen Titans.

IMO, the pre-OYL Geoff Johns / Mike McKone Teen Titans. Yes, I went there.

It's actually been surprisingly fun and enjoyable! And so has Superboy, which ties into it nicely. With so many DCnU series getting less and less interesting on a monthly basis, Teen Titans has risen to one of the better series DC is offering these days.
I'm with Cobie on this one. The last issue of several of the above listed titles (JL, Avengers proper) actually completely lost me as a reader. Teen Titans I'm finding I enjoy most of the characters and actually like it more each issue now that the set up is winding down.
There's a certain "relax man, enjoy the ride" vibe to the readership that I'm enjoying. While the rest of the DCnU is mirroring the pre-nU murder & rape vibe Titans had before, both Teem Titans and Superboy have enjoyable taken on the slightly lighter (though still serious) superhero vibe of the 80's / early 90's.
I just read 3 and 4 and they were good! NOT axed from my pull!
This book is loads of fun, darlings!
Sassy teens with cute tushes... what's not to like?
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