Legion World
I'm chuffed that we don't say 'chuffed' around here...even if I don't know precisely what it means!

Why do the British have all the cool metaphors and made-up verbs and crap? What do we (meaning most of us here happen to be) Americans have no art to our speech? It's always "eff you", "eff that", "let's eff" and the list goes on and on and on....

NOTHING as cool as being 'chuffed', 'snogging', 'shagging', going to the 'loo' and upteen other cool words you'll find in a Garth Ennis comic or a J.K. Rowling book!

If I'm not mistaken, chuffed is a positive. My brit pals say they're chuffed about something when they're happy. I've learned the hard way to not use British slang at home. Gets you odd looks. Lol.
Well, shagging in South Carolina means a kind of dance. They even made a crappy movie about it.

And we are a younger country. More to the point. I myself prefer inventive cussin like "May your nether regions be visited by syphilitic deceased elephant dung, you soulless spawn of a fleet street hooker" or things like that. But you are right, roun' here, its a baldly stated Ef Ewe!
You furmpin borllywog, you. wink
Originally Posted by Conjure Lass
If I'm not mistaken, chuffed is a positive. My brit pals say they're chuffed about something when they're happy. I've learned the hard way to not use British slang at home. Gets you odd looks. Lol.

See? Them Brits is so kewl they can make a happy word that sounds like a mad word! In America mad-sounding word = mad word! mad
Originally Posted by Cranky McBasstard
Well, shagging in South Carolina means a kind of dance. They even made a crappy movie about it.

As a fellow South Carolingian, I knows about that'n! How-EV-ah, wouldn't you rather shag than shag?

Originally Posted by Cranky McBasstard
And we are a younger country. More to the point. I myself prefer inventive cussin like "May your nether regions be visited by syphilitic deceased elephant dung, you soulless spawn of a fleet street hooker" or things like that. But you are right, roun' here, its a baldly stated Ef Ewe!

I often use "butt" and "poop" instead of "ass" and "shit" because they sound funnier in their various permutations. Plus, as a bonus, people look at you like you're crazy when you do it! lol
We don't say "Nosferatu" or discuss flying lemurs much any more either. wink
This ain't no "anymore" thread, Rocks! tongue



Brit: "Bugger off, ya bloody wanker!"

American: "Get the eff outta her, you effing effer!"
Would it be okay to say Nosferatu is chuffed?
You think we Americans don't have cool metaphors and made up verbs? (I'm ignoring the "crap" because I know you know we have that.)

We are practically swimming in them. You just don't think about them because they're ours. Or you suffer from a grass-is-greener syndrome.

But hey, for you...

Originally Posted by Conjure Lass
If I'm not mistaken, chuffed is a positive. My brit pals say they're chuffed about something when they're happy.

It is not exclusively a positive as it is not uncommon to be told to 'chuff off' (for me anyway) and the phrase 'that's chuffing marvellous' is often used sarcastically.
Ah, well sarcastic usage changes the meaning of the phrase in context, but the word itself is still positive.

And I'm terribly chuffed to bring this all up again just to use "chuffed" for Paladin.
Tigers make a 'chuff' sound when they are (it seems, although this may be anthropomorphizing them) amused and content.

And yeah, I've always heard 'chuffed' as similar to 'stoked' in meaning. (As in 'fired up' or 'happy for you' or even 'proud' and not 'stoned out of my gourd,' which is the other meaning I've heard of 'stoked.')

Well, I'm chuffed to meet a certain someone for dinner later tonight!

Guess I'd better go to bed soon, so I can be well-rested for said occasion....

(I wonder if there are Britishisms for going to sleep and being well-rested? hmmm )
Well I believe the opposite of well-rested is knackered. Though that rather sounds like something you might hope to be after that dinner you're looking forward to.

Oops, left it out...


(You know, you didn't really say you needed it properly used in a sentence, so I hope that brings you the joy you were expecting. Considering it may very well be annoying the Brits here.)
Well, I'm chuffed (read: 'proud', according to Set to be one of the possible definitions) to say that the dinner went extremely well!

Got some steak between my teeth, though. Now, where's a toothpick....
You want strange looks? Try cussing with made-up sci-fi cuss words.

Frak, Feldercarb, Grife, Sprock, Smeghead, and my personal favorite, You Rotten Stinking Son-of-a-Bosphur!

Although I recall hearing somewhere that the phrase 'Bloody' was one of the worst epithets a Brit could hurl or call someone. Like their version of the Eff word. Could be wrong about that though.
Originally Posted by Man of Valor

Although I recall hearing somewhere that the phrase 'Bloody' was one of the worst epithets a Brit could hurl or call someone. Like their version of the Eff word. Could be wrong about that though.

I've heard that, too! I wish Faraway Lad was here to bloody confirm or debunk that! nod

I also heard that the second Austin Powers film had to be renamed in GB because 'shagged' is csidered so bloody dirty there! gasp
(Brit humour alert, so dont expect to understand this) Is it true that the man who was run over by a steam train was chuffed to bits?
chuff this chuffin thread. so chuffed right now. what the chuff.

[Linked Image]

I have a couple of questions:

Does the above photo depict a regular "chuff" or a "w00t!chuff"?

Also, will this thread ultimately empower me to separate the "Wot" from the "chuff"?
Im going to enjoy introducing you guys to Welsh....If you thought England English was bad wait till you hear Welsh.... dew, dew, mun. chuckle

We're all ears, MBB! nod
I don't get chuffed anymore. I just get "flurmped off"!
I just used the word "chuffed" in a Facebook message to Cobie.

(Inherent subtext = Hey, Cobie... go check your Facebook messages. smile )
Responded today with the mandatory 24 hours minimum waiting period for personal Cobie responses!
Oh, come now! What reason would I have to swear? Everyone knows I'm the happiest soul to ever visit Legion World and that I never complain about anything...

Chuffed, chuffed, chuffed, chuffed, chuffed, chuffed, chuffed...
[Linked Image]
Chiefly Chuffed
I'll be chuffed if my football team win their last game of the season.
I'm chuffed that you're chuffed/
I'm a chuffeur. I drive people nuts.
Originally Posted by rickshaw1
I'm a chuffeur. I drive people nuts.

If life gives you limos, make limonade.
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