Legion World
I'm gathering up coins to put toward a bag of Funyuns!

(I have folding money and a credit card, but it's more fun this way.)
pancake breakfast with the bunny family living under the driveway.
I'm taking a flying lemur to lunch.
I'm also looking for the 11 button on my phone!
Trying to finish all the List Threads in the MMB.
Also I am going to incinerate this car alarm that has been going off across the street for 24 hours!

needless to say ... mad

Power Boy shall go on a destructive bender in honor of Legion World's anniversary. It's what he does.
Turning my amps up to eleven, man!

I will dress up as one of my favorite threads - Inane One Word Posts.
I'm going to wear a Sensor Girl mask.
Brushing the chewing tobacco off my Trapper robes.
I will also explain the concept of a world where sentient life evolved from penguins to the first eleven people I see on Friday.
I will drink eleven cocktails every day. On the actual anniversary, I will finish eleven bottles of alcohol.
I plan on drinking 11 beers and 5 scotches (for the founders of course)!
I may even break out my old time trapper robe if I can wash off all the stains from Lardy's bachelor party!
Sweeping up toothpicks and the flotsam of overindulgences.

(My year for Legion World custodial services. Pre-celebration only!)
I'm going to split into my seven selves and light up the entire planet!
I will be giving thanks for 11 years of Internet bliss.
I'm having a lovely canvas print made from a pic of Lash in a towel to put up in my foyer...
Cooking up the corndogs....
I'm here! I'm not sober. But I'm here.

Now everyone sharpen your fingers and limber up. It's time to Shurgg!
So I was at the grocery (buying the Funyuns, natch) and I swear I heard a PA announcement about Captain Frake's bag at the front checkout.
I've made a list of outfits to wear. I'll change outfits every hour on the day of the anniversary!
I'm helping Blaze move some stuff so we can party all night long!
I'm just getting my sandwiches and thermos ready... to explore the 11 dimensions on M-theory so I can share in the Legion World celebrations in other universes.

um...could someone record the footy for me?
I will pay heed.

And also decorate a cake. I can't bake it though.
I'm also rereading every post ever made so I can astound posters with trivia during the cocktail hour...
I've made a very long list of every LMBer ever, and then some, and will write cool scenes of each in battle.
I plan to absorb the excess solar radiation from our sun this afternoon to keep all of humanity safe in the name of Legion World.

No, it isn't the same thing as sunbathing...
Picking up the Minotaur and Porn Queen. We're car pooling.
I've decided to start planning a Halloween special. I know its early, but it could be fun if we can get organized.
Okay, but let it be known I detest candy corn...
*takes Sharky's candy corn*

Catching up on my battle of the 11s. Scoot over Porn Queen.
Blaze and I finished moving his stuff in after 8 hours. Whew! We celebrated with a falafel dinner, then tested his new bed wink
© Legion World