Legion World
Posted By: Winema Wazzo MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! - 10/19/03 08:28 PM
What, that microphone was LIVE? Someone's head is gonna roll...
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! - 10/19/03 09:13 PM
Sadly, it appears that while Tarik the Mute and his android remain in prison, Winema Wazzo was able to make parole and her trial is pending. The notion that she is an imposter is making it harder for things to be proven, and the trial is a mess. We should've just called in the LMBP lawyers to do the job.

The office of Security will keep everyone updated on these matters and that status of Winema Wazzo.
Posted By: Semi Transparent Fellow Re: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! - 10/19/03 09:46 PM
I'm a little lost, CK. Been spending too much time tending bar. What exactly is Winema accused of?
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! - 10/19/03 09:55 PM
Well for starters it was impersonating the real Winema Wazzo, which apparently is a charge that isn't sticking. Since she was around before I ever got to these boards, I don't real have much to go on.

She also apparently has tried to undermine the Crujectra/Eyrk Davis Ester term of leadership in the LMBP.

And in the Thora thread, she recently had been seen with Tarik the Mute, his android, Evil Queen and a mysterious fifth member who is yet to be revealed. While Tarik and his android were brought into custody, Winema has apparently slipped through the cracks of the legal system.

Well, she doesn't appear to be too much of a threat so we'll have to see what her intentions will be in coming weeks.
Posted By: Semi Transparent Fellow Re: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! - 10/19/03 11:13 PM
Doesn't sound like there's much substance to the charge. Respectfully, I think LW is letting the evil Ashcroft legacy influence it's police activities. Remember that LWMB's constitution still has its basis in the US Constitution, that, as history recalls, the Bush adminsitration was unsucessful in destroying. Perhaps, the charges against Winema should be reconsidered.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! - 10/19/03 11:23 PM
I have to agree. I think everyone was a feeling their adrenline after the Thora invasion, and Winema took to brunt of that. Legion World is a peaceful place, so unless she really does any crimes, she is free to do as she wishes. Although it must be stated that her actions in the Thora thread were suspicious (as was her association with Evil Queen).

However, a certain Royal Inquisitor has crossed the line...
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! - 10/20/03 07:42 AM
Winema wanted to start up another newspaper (we only have the sporadic LMB Enquirer, published by P. Rozzi) - which I supported in the interests of a free and diverse press.

She was soliciting support for her run at the LW leadership, but I believe this was intended to be accomplished through a democratic vote in the next election. It was perhaps a bit tacky to start campaigning only days after Princess Cru and EDE, Deputy Ambassador were elected ... but I guess one has to start early to raise campaign funds.

Therefore, I don't believe she is guilty of any wrongdoing. As for the imposter charge, perhaps she could submit some proof of identity - or the real Winema Wazzo could come forth?
Posted By: Tarik the Mute's Android Re: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! - 10/21/03 02:24 PM
My master is pleased that the solid light holograms of my master, my master's android companion, and my master's academy have fooled the humans which post on this message board into thinking that my master and my master's android companion are currently in custody.
Posted By: Spellbinder Re: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! - 10/21/03 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Tarik the Mute's Android:
My master is pleased that the solid light holograms of my master, my master's android companion, and my master's academy have fooled the humans which post on this message board into thinking that my master and my master's android companion are currently in custody.
And how do you know that you aren't just being fooled by one of my illusions (which affect mechanical sensors), thinking that you are free while in reality you really ARE in custody?
Posted By: Reboot Re: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! - 10/21/03 02:52 PM
And, for that matter, how do you know YOU'RE not the hologram, with the real TtM'sA languishing in jail?
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! - 10/21/03 03:40 PM
Sadly, the security office has to report that Tarik's adroid was right, what was in jail was only an illusion!

Even worse, it appears that neither Tarik nor his android can be held responsible for any wrong doing on this specific matter, as it was not them who did anything wrong. Thus, not only are they no longer in jail, they aren't the ones who are responsible for their crimes. Ah, the justice system...

Looks like three got away, although we never really had 'em smile . We'll just have to see how their presence affects the rest of Legion World in the months to come!

Oh, and Tarik's android, there is a place for you in the Security office, if you ever need a new job! What do you say?
Posted By: Tarik the Mute's Android Re: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! - 10/22/03 03:00 PM
Although my master is intrigued with the prospect of having one of his agents occupy a strategically important position on Legion World, my master would like the humans which post on this message board to know that his android companion is satisfied with its current employment.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! - 10/22/03 03:06 PM
No problem android! Although I do have to say that you would be required to swear an oath of allegiance to Princess Crujectra, Legion World, the LMBP and the security office if you were to join it. This would be an oath pledging to do good!

I'll be looking out for you and Tarik now, so drop by the security office if you have any concerns. I do have to say that we are a bit wary of you too, though it appears you've committed no crimes yet...
Posted By: MLLASH Re: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! - 05/28/10 05:30 AM
Most nefarious thread title EVER!!!
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! - 05/28/10 12:50 PM
and you have yet to live up to it.
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