Legion World
Citizens of Legion World

The Security Office needs you help in tracking down and apprehending the following highly dangerous individuals:

1. Cobalt Kid, wanted for the destruction of the Security Office in the breakout of a Confessed Mass Murderer. Assault and Battery on Six Security Officers, Kidnapping and Unlawful Restraint of two underaged female citizens of Legion World. And being an Egomaniacal Grandstanding Putz.

2. Lard Lad, wanted for the Murder of Clive Taylor, Mordra, Mordru,some guy in the Dark oval, and countless threads.
Originally posted by Space Ranger:
and countless threads.
Originally posted by Space Ranger:
2. Lard Lad, wanted for the Murder of Clive Taylor, Mordra, Mordru,some guy in the Dark oval, and countless threads.
Nuh-uh! Already cleared on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th on that list! No Double Jeopardy, boy!

The first...well, I'm rescinding my confession 'til I find out more.

The last... eek
Posted By: Yk Re: Legion World Most Wanted Criminals List... - 02/26/09 03:31 AM
Umm...I want to see the warrants.

Nice try and all but property destruction is rather common around here. If we started arresting everybody that trashed a bar, blew up headquarters or stank up the bathroom we wouldn't have enough Legionnaires left to fend off the next alien invasion, reverse an assault on the foundations of time itself or to investigate phony super powered wannabes trying to fake their way into the membership.

I'm just sayin'.
Your point would go over a lot better YK if the pair we're talking about didn't cause the last alien invasion of Legion World...

And I'm not so sure they won't be rattling the foundations of time itself before this current mess is all over.

I'm just sayin'...
Posted By: Frenk Re: Legion World Most Wanted Criminals List... - 02/26/09 11:31 PM
Hmph! If it wasn't for my other head always fouling up our criminal schemes, we'd be able to make this list!
Posted By: Dyvud Re: Legion World Most Wanted Criminals List... - 02/26/09 11:32 PM
Hey! If it wasn't for you, we could've been making an honest living working for the Riddler!
Posted By: Frenk Re: Legion World Most Wanted Criminals List... - 02/26/09 11:34 PM
You idiot!

<punches Dyvud>
Posted By: Dyvud Re: Legion World Most Wanted Criminals List... - 02/26/09 11:34 PM
<punches Frenk back>
Posted By: Yk Re: Legion World Most Wanted Criminals List... - 02/27/09 12:05 AM
Originally posted by My Wee Fem:

I'm just sayin'...
Point taken. It's that "unintended consequences" problem.

The last time I was involved at a deep level we lost a team member, almost killed Pocket Universe Superboy and might have caused a divergent timeline when one of the team called Mon-el "My Lord Valor".
I really hate time travel.

Oh yeah, we cracked a planet during a battle with an ancient sorceress. I almost forgot that part.

Say, are we sure any of those charges against those two actually happened now? With a restructured timeline and the resurgence of the multi-verse there's a chance that none of that actually happened in the current continuity.
It's worth checking into.
I'll tell you what, YK, I'll throw this handful of straws out and you can grab at them too...

Look I like Cobie as much as any other girl on LW --I'm just better at keeping my pants on than most of them-- but he's really gone off the deep end this time.

And Lardy's a self confessed mass murderer, despite his recanting his confession and 'splainin' away his involvement, all those people (and threads) are still dead.

So you just keep coming up with reasons to "Trust" Cobie, and when he throws the PCG under the bus in some Totally Unnecessary Megalomaniac Narcissistic Stunt, the Ranger and I will be standing there holding up oversized fluorescent "We Told You So" signs...

Unless of course you join us and help stop him before he does to you what he did to the Security Office.
Posted By: Yk Re: Legion World Most Wanted Criminals List... - 02/27/09 02:45 AM
No, seriously. Did it happen or did some assistant editor wipe it all out and start over so new fans have some sort of "jumping on point" ?

I mean out of 3 Brainiac 5's only one of them has built a renegade Computo, 3 Starboys only one killed Kenz Nuhor. I'm not at all sure our continuity is as contiguous as everybody believes. I've had at least 2 reboots myself. I claim a history that goes back to the Spanish American War but in reality this YK isn't at all like the street urchin of the 1890s.

When I met Cobie he was very much Legion/Legionnaires but these days both he AND Lardy are very much Legion On the Run. Almost a retro-boot. I maintain that there's more to this than a simple straight forward point-A to point-B beat-em-up superhero slugfest.

Yet I want you to continue to do exactly what you're doing. It's extremely valuable that you continue this high profile man hunt. I only hope I have a chance to explain later. If I disappear for more than a week it's imperative that the Security Office contact the Color Towers.

That's all I can say about that where there's a chance I could be overheard.
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