Legion World
This thread is for asking the candidates for LMB leader any questions relevant to making up your mind whom to vote for. See the Official Rules, Announcements and Info Thread for details on the election.

This debate is largely a free for all, and posters should feel free to ask either general questions directed to every candidate or ones directed to more specific candidates. Candidates may respond to one another's points, and may ask one another questions as well.
Candidates: Who can promise the biggest budget for the Bureau of External Affiars (tm)?
Legion World credits?

Well when you think about how much the previous administration threw at the various boondoggle projects I'm afraid the first thing a new Leader is going to have to do is find a way to balance that out of control budget.
Have you seen how much the Security Office spends on those "retreats" for training and recruitment? Who are they recruiting and what does a "Oort cloud mud bath" have to do with training?
That's only ONE example of uncontrolled spending around here. If elected (big IF) I plan to approach the Legion World Council and ask for a line item veto to curb some of these programs that have spiraled so far out of control.

Thanks for the question citizen.
Candidates: who will bring the LMB together as one united group once more, to deal with longstanding problems, threats and mysteries, such as the man known as Slim?
I see I didn't exactly answer Kent's question. The candidate "Who can promise the biggest budget for the Bureau of External Affiars" would be someone else.

As for Cobie's question I'd like to toss that over to Lardy. Perhaps Gary Concord would like to take a stab at it though?
Candidates, What will my position be in your new administration?

Since the last great crisis the economy of Legion World has been almost totally reliant on my trips to the shoe stores, can you promise tax relief on imported boots?

All that shoe shopping has taken its toll, Can any of the candidates pledge that the new government will bail out my credit card debts?
Under my administration you can look forward to the following:

Shakespeare, The office of External Affairs Budget will be tied directly to the amount of time it manages to keep a certain legendary poster occupied off planet dealing with affairs.

Cobalt, Try cleaning up your own messes, not expecting the LMBP Leadership to do it for you.

Nova Girl Bring those credit card bills to me. I'll carefully fold them until they are all corners and show you a very interesting repository for them.

Now I'll let the other candidates pander to you for a while before I break off a few more doses of reality for you idiots...
Mayavale does not run for this position, but will answer questions to demonstrate his superior leadership, in order that more might be recruited to the glorious organization that is the Acolytes of Mayavale.
Hey Mayavale ... have you ever gotten aroused during a massage?
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
Candidates: Who can promise the biggest budget for the Bureau of External Affiars (tm)?
I don't think Legion Worlders should pay for the Bureau's sexual hi-jinks, personally.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Candidates: who will bring the LMB together as one united group once more, to deal with longstanding problems, threats and mysteries, such as the man known as Slim?
I think my record as original LMB Leader speaks for itself. I'm easily one of the very most proactive Leaders the LMB has ever had. Tackling longstanding items is Priority One for me. Slim, and especially the Khanate of Sol Invictus and the Dark Oval are at the top of my docket.

Originally posted by Nova Girl:
Candidates, What will my position be in your new administration?
I kinda like "reverse cowgirl"! drool Which one were you thinking of?

Since the last great crisis the economy of Legion World has been almost totally reliant on my trips to the shoe stores, can you promise tax relief on imported boots?

All that shoe shopping has taken its toll, Can any of the candidates pledge that the new government will bail out my credit card debts?
Tax relief is less the domain of the LMB and more that of the LW Founders--HEY! We're not paying taxes here on LW, are we?!?!? Scott? Gary? Caroline?
Originally posted by LardLad:
Since the last great crisis the economy of Legion World has been almost totally reliant on my trips to the shoe stores, can you promise tax relief on imported boots?

All that shoe shopping has taken its toll, Can any of the candidates pledge that the new government will bail out my credit card debts?
Tax relief is less the domain of the LMB and more that of the LW Founders--HEY! We're not paying taxes here on LW, are we?!?!? Scott? Gary? Caroline?
Good answer! The LMB must not be confused with the Legion World Founders
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
Candidates: Who can promise the biggest budget for the Bureau of External Affiars (tm)?
Mayavale believes that it is extremely important that affiars, or, as you might call them, the large intestines of herd animals, be taken out of the animal in question before being used in forecasting the future. Thus, external affiars is a top priority of the Acolytes of Mayavale.
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Candidates: who will bring the LMB together as one united group once more, to deal with longstanding problems, threats and mysteries, such as the man known as Slim?
Mayavale reminds all that his own name evokes the veil of Maya, which in certain of your Earth cultures is believed to be all that seperates mortals from the realization of the oneness of all things. Mayavale recommends a good dose of the wheeling mists to bring us all together. Or to tear us apart with memories of horrible betrayals from past lives. But perhaps in disunity our true togetherness lies.
Originally posted by SharkLad:
Hey Mayavale ... have you ever gotten aroused during a massage?
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
Candidates: Who can promise the biggest budget for the Bureau of External Affiars (tm)?
The person who can promise the biggest budget is the person who would say anything to get elected. I, however, promise that you will have the money that you need to fulfill your duties.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Candidates: who will bring the LMB together as one united group once more, to deal with longstanding problems, threats and mysteries, such as the man known as Slim?
I think that the LMB's greatest strength is its diversity. So, making them one united group will actually weaken the LMB.

Originally posted by Nova Girl:
Candidates, What will my position be in your new administration?

Since the last great crisis the economy of Legion World has been almost totally reliant on my trips to the shoe stores, can you promise tax relief on imported boots?

All that shoe shopping has taken its toll, Can any of the candidates pledge that the new government will bail out my credit card debts?
Nova Girl,

It seems that your area of expertise lies with commerce. Therefore, I would put you in charge of Legion World Commerce, both internal and external. As such, you would be able to regulate the taxes upon imported goods.

I am sure that your salary as Secretary of Commerce will cover your existing credit card debt.

Originally posted by SharkLad:
Hey Mayavale ... have you ever gotten aroused during a massage?
I would not know the answer to this question as I am neither Dr. Mayavale nor a massage therapist who has given him a massage.

The fact that you have, each and every one of you, betrayed Doctor Mayavale in a past life is not in question.

My question to you, however, is: how do you intend to make reparations?
Originally posted by Exnihil:

The fact that you have, each and every one of you, betrayed Doctor Mayavale in a past life is not in question.

My question to you, however, is: how do you intend to make reparations?
IF I did kill Mayavale in a past life (IF being the operative word here Exnihil, I'm not taking your word for anything) then he obviously deserved to die.

Therefore I have no intention of making "reparations" to that idiot over anything.
Originally posted by Exnihil:

The fact that you have, each and every one of you, betrayed Doctor Mayavale in a past life is not in question.

My question to you, however, is: how do you intend to make reparations?
Would it not be possible that in a past life Dr. Mayavale had betrayed me and thus the cosmic karmic balance has been achieved?

Given that Dr. Mayavale has not sought me out for retribution, I would infer that the above scenario is correct. Therefore, I have no need to make any reparations to Dr. Mayavale.
Originally posted by Exnihil:

The fact that you have, each and every one of you, betrayed Doctor Mayavale in a past life is not in question.

My question to you, however, is: how do you intend to make reparations?
That wussy Mayavale will just have to suck it up and get over it!!!!
Candidates: Will any of you be proposing a new Legion World holiday, and, if so, what will it be?
Will said holiday include dancing? In the streets?
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Candidates: Will any of you be proposing a new Legion World holiday, and, if so, what will it be?
Yes. This might not sit well with some voters, but it would be Inane Posting Day.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Will said holiday include dancing? In the streets?
I don't think I could stop it even if I tried.
I've long been known to be a poster who is not a fan of inane threads, but a full-on 'Inane posting day' does sound pretty groovy.

So long as there is dancing in the streets of course.
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Candidates: Will any of you be proposing a new Legion World holiday, and, if so, what will it be?
Takron-Galtos Day, which would be similar to Bastille Day in France. This holiday will celebrate the day that the cell door finally clanked shut on Cobalt Kid and he was imprisoned and executed for his myriad of crimes.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Will said holiday include dancing? In the streets?
Not for you...
Interestingly enough, I was born on Bastille Day.
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Candidates: Will any of you be proposing a new Legion World holiday, and, if so, what will it be?
I intend to institute Gary Concord Flogging Day...and it will not be an annual holiday, but a weekly one! laugh
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Interestingly enough, I was born on Bastille Day.
I didn't know that. That makes you around a hundred years older than I am.
:Teddy Roosevelt: Bully!
As a teacher, I'm worried about the youngsters under my charge. What will your administrations do to ensure that these young men and women, become the fine upstanding LMBers of tomorrow?
Originally posted by Nova Girl:
As a teacher, I'm worried about the youngsters under my charge. What will your administrations do to ensure that these young men and women, become the fine upstanding LMBers of tomorrow?
Let's bring back a friend of mine named Corporal Punishment if the little buttholes get outta line!

What? smile
Teach the <strike>lazy buggers</strike> little darlings a trade? I have a well equipped <strike>sweat shop</strike> designer boutique at the towers where they could learn so much about the skills involved in costume design and creation. Every aspect of the business is simply booming from security to sales, design to R&D, and tailoring to testing.

Just a thought.
For the candidates information, students unable to achieve a passing grade by age 16 usually become part of the Space Knights Templar under EDE and myself. Just in case that effects your decision.
Originally posted by Nova Girl:
As a teacher, I'm worried about the youngsters under my charge. What will your administrations do to ensure that these young men and women, become the fine upstanding LMBers of tomorrow?
Well, having been in the military, I see the value of a structured training program. However, I don't think inducting the youth of Legion World into a military would be a good thing. I would require all Legion World youths to take part in structured community service as well as survival training.
Candidates: would you support a pension plan for aged LMB heroes?
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Candidates: would you support a pension plan for aged LMB heroes?
Pension? I thought we'd make 'em fight over their medications gladiator-style to the death!

The young ladies of Legion World are very concerned about a certain subculture who like to roam around the mean streets of Legion World sowing their wild oats.

I mean those icky stray boys totally ruined my garden last year with their nasty seed. I mean who wants that stuff in her flowers.

What would each of the candidates do about the stray boy population?
They can sell newspapers like we did back in my day.
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Candidates: would you support a pension plan for aged LMB heroes?
Yes, one based on service and need.
Originally posted by Nova Girl:
The young ladies of Legion World are very concerned about a certain subculture who like to roam around the mean streets of Legion World sowing their wild oats.

I mean those icky stray boys totally ruined my garden last year with their nasty seed. I mean who wants that stuff in her flowers.

What would each of the candidates do about the stray boy population?
I feel my plan of structured community service and survival training (see previous post) would also deal with this stray boy problem.

I could also arrange for one or two of them to weed your garden and any other yardwork you want them to do. You can pick from this group of stray boys.

[Linked Image]
That's cheating.
No fair using your office staff to buy votes!

YK said "staff."


As you may know my political opponents have accused me of being shallow and superficial: My question is which ticket has the nicest hair?
Originally posted by Helena Handbasket:
Originally posted by Nova Girl:
[b] The young ladies of Legion World are very concerned about a certain subculture who like to roam around the mean streets of Legion World sowing their wild oats.

I mean those icky stray boys totally ruined my garden last year with their nasty seed. I mean who wants that stuff in her flowers.

What would each of the candidates do about the stray boy population?
I feel my plan of structured community service and survival training (see previous post) would also deal with this stray boy problem.

I could also arrange for one or two of them to weed your garden and any other yardwork you want them to do. You can pick from this group of stray boys.

[Linked Image][/b]
I would be happy to employ the stray boys pictured on the staff at the Villa. The Villa is in need of a return of wild oat sowing. laugh
Originally posted by Nova Girl:
As you may know my political opponents have accused me of being shallow and superficial: My question is which ticket has the nicest hair?
Being from a military background, hair care consisted of keeping it short and clean. I would appreciate any tips you would like to provide. (despite having great faith in my running mate's abilities, I put my foot down at her suggestion that I dye my hair neon green while she dye her hair shocking pink)
Originally posted by Vee:
Originally posted by Helena Handbasket:
Originally posted by Nova Girl:
[b] The young ladies of Legion World are very concerned about a certain subculture who like to roam around the mean streets of Legion World sowing their wild oats.

I mean those icky stray boys totally ruined my garden last year with their nasty seed. I mean who wants that stuff in her flowers.

What would each of the candidates do about the stray boy population?
I feel my plan of structured community service and survival training (see previous post) would also deal with this stray boy problem.

I could also arrange for one or two of them to weed your garden and any other yardwork you want them to do. You can pick from this group of stray boys.

[Linked Image][/b]
I would be happy to employ the stray boys pictured on the staff at the Villa. The Villa is in need of a return of wild oat sowing. laugh [/b]
Their names are Brad, Tad, Chad, Lance, Dylan, Brock, Ryan, Armando, Zach, and Brucie. You will have to train them as I don't think any have had any farming experience.
Hair questions are unfair.
Bald is beautiful, baby!
© Legion World