Legion World
After you have PMed your vote to The Election Tyrant, please post to this thread that you have voted. Remember: one vote per person (not per ID). Your vote does not count until you post that you have cast it to this thread.

Polls close Friday, March 20th at 4:01 p.m. EST.

Again, the candidates are:
Lard Lad with running mate cleome
Gary Concord with running mate Frio
Helena Handbasket with running mate Everyday Girl
Yellow Kid with tentative running mate Pov

May the best sentient win.

Remember: if you don't post here that you sent your vote to the Election Tyrant, it won't be counted! NO EXCEPTIONS!
I'll be the first one. Voted!
Following the example of the Legendary Hero, Cobalt Kid, I have also cast my vote...

Now I gotta go clean something...
I did my duty as well. Where's my "I Voted!" sticker?
Kiss me, I voted. laugh
I voted. Can't wait to get my mint edition of ADV247 that I was promised.
I voted.
I have voted... may heaven help us all.
I voted. You are all Republicans, right?
Voted. No further comment.
I have done my civic duty for Legion World by casting my vote.
I'm PROUD to have cast my vote on this day for Legion World's next leader and his-or-her co-leader. I'm also PROUD to be a member of a forum that has a long history of supporting democracy and all of it's accompanying freedoms. I'm Proud, yet again, that we here on Legion World have turned our collective noses up at the very idea of allowing this forum to devolve into a plutocracy, or a theocracy, or any kind of cracy that doesn't have a demo in front of it.

Finally, I'm PROUD to have cast my vote amongst some of the most noble lads, lasses, boys, girls, kids, cramers and quanks ever assembled.

God bless all of us.
I am a voter, having voted.

I also gave blood.

But not on Legion World.

(shuffles ackwardly, then slowly backs away...)


PS: Loving Shakespeare's avatar!

got some eye rolls as I made a very-dated "hanging chad" joke...

quietly skulked away.
I voted ...

I voted.
Let the voice of the people be heard!

Y'know, Ram Boy has a point. Is there any other place on the www that has semi-regular elections?
It's too cool.
I just voted!
I voted. The lines were horrendous.
I mailed my ballot in today. It should get across town in plenty of time to be counted on Friday.

Salutations from the land where polling booths were devoured by giant killer slugs about a decade ago. wink
I voted. cool
So, did I win on an overwhelming write-in ticket...? laugh
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