Legion World
Posted By: Chip Wallace I'm BACK! - 07/11/06 07:18 PM
Hello everyone.

Lots of stuff going on over the past couple of years, including my move from NY to SC, and the arrival of our first child, who is already almost 6 months old!

I wanted to touch base with everyone here, drop in, say hello, and wrap up a few loose ends. If memory serves correctly, I do beleive I owe a couple of fine folks here some signed comics. I apologize for this, I got severely sidetracked with other work, family, and all around "real life" stuff. So a few things kind of hit the back burner...

...With that said, it's time to get cookin' again!

If anyone here needs to get in touch, PLEASE e-mail me at inkercwallace@aol.com ASAP and I'll get you squared away and then some ASAP.

C Wallace
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: I'm BACK! - 07/12/06 04:34 PM
Welcome back!
Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: I'm BACK! - 07/12/06 04:44 PM
Welcome back. I hope things have settled down some for you.
Posted By: Pov Re: I'm BACK! - 07/13/06 12:58 AM
Good to see you, Chip! Did you guys have a boy or a girl? 6 months old... not quite walking, but crawling up a storm, right?

You've been through quite a few life changes, so I'm pretty sure you're allowed to become "sidetracked"... lol What's new for work? What've you been up to since your LEGION work?

Glad to see you back, take care of you and yours!
Posted By: Chip Wallace Re: I'm BACK! - 07/13/06 09:51 AM
Not crawling just yet...but she is beginning to get around a bit kind of like a little inchworm wink

I did'nt even know it myselft until I had my own child, but they really don't start crawling around until 9 months or so.

I am learning a lot, that much I can say for sure.

As for work, I did some fill in stuff on Iron Man about 2 years ago over Tony Harris. That right there was the last bit of comic work I have done to this day. Only recently have I freed up enough to consider the daily grind of freelance work again.
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