Legion World
Posted By: Dennis Calero Legion Trade - 04/02/08 03:46 PM
At the risk of being the guest that won't leave, I wanted to let you guys know that a trade of Tony's and my run on Legion is either out or will be out very very soon.

To those of you with original art or prints pending, and to those who have asked recently, I'm putting new orders on hold until after the con and trying to get old ones out before the con.

Please come by and say hello at the NYCC. My legion fans (as opposed to legions of fans) are more important to me than my own spleen!
Posted By: Lad Boy Re: Legion Trade - 04/02/08 04:49 PM
Wait a minute! I bought your spleen on eBay back in '03!

Dennis, you're as important to Legion World as the ":" that separates "http" from "//".

Nice to have you back here <span style="font-size: 8px;">. (even if you're only shamelessly hawking your wares)</span>
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: Legion Trade - 04/02/08 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Dennis Calero:
At the risk of being the guest that won't leave, I wanted to let you guys know that a trade of Tony's and my run on Legion is either out or will be out very very soon.
Dennis, your current run may be over, but that doesn't mean you can't stop in and visit!

please do, as much as you'd like to.
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