Legion World
Newsarama has had Geoff Johns answering a ton of questions the last few days. There were a couple of Legion related questions, not much in the way of any spoilers or revelations but I thought I'd point them out anyway.

Q: Are their any plans to incorporate more friendly speedsters in the Flash family that are of different ethnic backgrounds. Basically non-Anglo Saxon?
GJ: I’d like to see XS again but I don’t know her status in Mark’s new Legion. Other than that, you’ll have to ask the next writer on the Flash, but it’s a great idea and the DCU is going to continually catch up with the real world as far as diversity goes but hopefully NOT at the expense of trying to PC. Just real.
Q: The "key" creators at DC currently seem to be yourself, Mark Waid, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka and Judd Winick. Generally Greg and Judd are regarded as the "grim/gritty realistic" writers and Mark and Grant are the "nostalgic/fun" writers while you seem to be able to sit in both camps. Do you agree with these generalizations and if so is there a reason why you go for a balance between the two, or do you have a preference?
GJ: (snip) For the other comment…Judd is gritty and grim? Really? Black Mask is hilarious. His Outsiders has humor. And on the other end, Mark Waid just killed Dream Girl!! That dark son-of-a-bitch! There are some people that think his Legion is dark - others light. Depends on your point-of-view. I think everyone has different sides of writing and different approaches. Greg is great at crime books like Gotham Central, he’s more urban and I guess more associated with gritty “realism”. The opposite thing can be said for Grant in a different way, but I wouldn’t call his writing nostalgic and fun. More innovative and adventurous. But I wouldn’t ever put any of the above in a box labeled LIGHT or DARK.
Q: 4.) When will Kid Flash's past ties to 31st century Earth be addressed since Legion has rebooted? And how about his cousin, XS? And Max?
GJ: That’s a question for Mark.
Q: 5.) I know you and Mark wrote the Legion/Titans special a while ago. What was that ending with Shikari supposed to mean? It really wasn't that clear.
GJ: She’s off in Mark’s Legion somewhere…
"In Mark's Legion somewhere..." eek

Wow. I thought she was in an alternate universe, but maybe not?
She's hanging out on the planet Deusexmachina just in case.
Also from the interview:

"Nightcrawler isn't in IC."

Sorry, Gary.
lol, felt sorry for the guy asking about German heroes. Guy probably is tired of all germans being nazi's in the DCU. (re: NC not being in IC).

I really do hope XS, Gates and Shikari show up. They were some of my faves from the last Legion.

I just don't know how they will explain it. Also wonder if Wildfire's energy form will somehow be involved if they explain things. ohwell.
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