Legion World
Posted By: Barry Kitson A thank you and an apology - 06/21/05 07:46 AM
Hi Guys
I just wanted to say a huge thanks once again for all the support you're giving the book - and all the feedback of course!
(Don't forget to send in letters for the column when we have a chance to include them! smile

I also wanted to apologize for my absences from the boards but as you know I had some things to deal with earlier in the year which meant my work schedules went AWOL - anyway we're pretty well caught up now and REALLY excited about the upcoming issues! (You will NOT want to miss #10 tease ) I wish I could find that graemlin quicker! smile

Thanks again for being so patient with me and especially for all the kind emails to help me through the tough days! Much appreciated! smile
Posted By: Starbucks Kid Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/21/05 08:38 AM

You don't need to apologize to us. Your visits here, as it is, are more than I've ever seen from a comic book creative team member. We enjoy having you here as a part of our nutty community and all the extra art snippets you provide. Thanks for stopping by whenever you do get the chance. We know that real life always takes first priorty. If things get dull, we'll just fill the information voids with stuff like favorite character threads and Lester Spiffany conspiracy theories.

Keep up the good work! Word is getting around about the LSH hotness.

P.S. Tell Wacker that we demand new official LSH desktop wallpaper goodies! They can put it on the DC website front page as a link for more comic promotion.
Posted By: EmeraldEmpress Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/21/05 09:04 AM
You are one of my favorite artists in the comic world.
I have all the L.E.G.I.O.N. series and your work in this Legion is wonderful (Projectra rules!)
I'm very pride of you, because you're worry about the fans, and for me is very important.
A big hug from Spain.

P.D. And change The Imra's hairstyle, please.
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/21/05 09:30 AM
Thanks to you Barry, for the time you spend here and your regular supply of cover artwork!
Posted By: Barry Kitson Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/21/05 09:43 AM
It's a pleasure guys! I'll try to stay as involved as I can - and I will pass that message on to Steve - (I know he checks in here pretty regularly too, though he doesn't get to post that often) smile
Posted By: Invisible Brainiac Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/21/05 10:13 AM
Thank YOU, and no need to apologize at all - you've been a pleasure to have around. Keep up the great work!
Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/21/05 12:54 PM

Any time you are here is great for us, but work does come first and we are all big boys and girls who can understand that.

You and Mark have made me look forward to the Legion again.
Posted By: Charles Phipps Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/21/05 05:04 PM
Welcome back
Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/21/05 07:11 PM
If not posting here means we get to see some really outstanding artwork in the book then I'll forgive you! tongue

Seriously, thanks for helping making this a place for Legion lovers to enjoy!

I'll see what I can do about moving the tease greamlin to the initial list. The program likes to screw around with my organization. Stupid computers! laugh
Posted By: Barry Kitson Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/22/05 06:20 AM
Thanks very much guys! smile

BTW if there are every panels or pages you'd like to see large scans of the pencils or inks feel free to request them - if Nightcrawler can host them I'll be happy to share as much as I can!
Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/22/05 06:37 AM
Well, since you asked. smile

What about the panel in which Brin first appears in LSH #1. The one we're all trying to figure out if Violet is among the action figures on the table. laugh
Posted By: Star Boy Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/22/05 06:37 AM
*giggle* As if you need to apologise, Bazza! wink
Just keep producing that slick Legion art and we won't mind what else you get up to... smile
Posted By: Paul Newell Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/22/05 07:21 AM
I'd love to see the pencil and inks for the cover to #4! We still haven't seen those. smile
Posted By: Barry Kitson Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/22/05 01:49 PM
I'll get to work finding the scan from #1!

Sorry Paul I can't supply the scans for the Cover to #4 as I actually drew that in DC's offices in New York while on the trip to see the Legion World guys in Texas and it was inked by Mick Gray so I never got chance to make scans of it at all! Steve may have copies for DC so I'll ask him if he can share them.
Posted By: Lightning Lad Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/22/05 02:10 PM
No apologies need Barry. Especially since you are allowed to have a life outside of work. Just know we will always be understanding and if we bug you after a long absence it is because we are worried about you.

I'd love to see any of your pencils/inks from the panels that feature Lightning Lad.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/22/05 03:17 PM
No apologies necessary Barry! You kick ass! laugh
Posted By: Doc Nimbus Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/22/05 06:05 PM
You Rock, Barry!

I think we all understand how busy life can be! And you are doing a great job so far, keep it up! smile

Btw, you think we can see some sketches of Dream Girl? drool
Posted By: rtvu2 Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/22/05 06:14 PM
Hey we will always be here for you. You have been great to share everything you have so far!

Hope everything is better for you.
Posted By: Blockade Boy Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/22/05 06:48 PM
Isn't that nice?

L.E.G.I.O.N. is probably my most reread series, even more than any one LSH period. Even though I don't get the recent book, because I am temporarily low on income, heh..heh.. I enjoy the scans and stuff.
INTERLUDE: As God is my witness, as God is my witness they're not going to lick me. I'm going to live through this and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folk. If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill. As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again.
So with your scans, you're contributing to the economic morale of the poverty stricken. You should probably get a tax deduction for that.
Posted By: Beagz Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/22/05 11:32 PM
Barry, you're FANTASTIC!!!!!!

And I'm just happy you're by here as much as you are!!!!!!!

As for me?
I'm not difficult - I'll look at any sketch you're willin' to share!!!!!
Posted By: Barry Kitson Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/24/05 07:00 AM
Thanks guys - I'm not doing too well on finding the pages requested so far - but I will rescan them this weekend... in the meantime I'll send scans of a couple of pages to Nightcrawler to post just as teasers smile
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/24/05 09:22 AM
Barry, I must admit that your artwork is about 80% of the reason why I like the current series. I'm one of the old guys who still wish for the *original* *real* Legion to be depicted. You are making it okay for me to accept the current status quo.
Posted By: Harbinger Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/24/05 10:16 AM
what do you need to apologise for Barry? For having a life? nah, no need to apologise, just get back to the drawing board and keep producing your gorgeous artwork laugh

All the best Barry, thanks for sparing the time to join us

Posted By: Ghost of Numf El Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/24/05 10:42 AM
Thanks for feeling the need to apologise - most humble of you. It's appreciated.

Your work is also greatly appreciated Barry, as is your willingness to come and spend some of your valuable time with us mere mortals.

Feel free to take time out to have a life. Smell the roses. Eat chocolate.

All the good things.

Posted By: Kinetix Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/25/05 04:07 AM
It's been said before, but hey...

No need to apologize. It's an honour to have you here. I love the internet, and the interaction it allows us with the creators, when they're willing and got the time to pop over and say hi.

Keep up the awesome work. =)

Posted By: Omni Craig Re: A thank you and an apology - 06/25/05 06:01 AM

Like everyone else has said, no apologies needed buddy! We're here for you, whenever you can stop by. Take care of yourself first, we all understand! And we appreciate your time and effort, both when you post here at LegionWorld, and when you create the 31st Century with each and every issue! smile

Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
I'd love to see any of your pencils/inks from the panels that feature Lightning Lad.
And "ditto" from me on this one!! Garth rules!
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