Legion World
Posted By: SteveLightle What Next? - 09/08/03 08:50 PM
Almost done with my second Legion issue of the 21st Century ... Does anyone have any suggestions what comic work I should set my sites on next?

I'd hate to concentrate 100% on advertising clients and turn away from comics completely. I'd like to keep a foot firmly planted in each of these two worlds. But ... what to do next ... hmmm ...

Steve Lightle
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: What Next? - 09/08/03 09:16 PM
Of course you realize that most of us would like to see you on the Legion forever!

I would have liked to see your Young Justice.

I'd like to see you on JLA or the Titans.

Any sneak peeks at your latest Legion work?
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: What Next? - 09/08/03 09:16 PM
Steve, I don't know the legal ins and outs, but it would be amazing if you could complete that Red Sonja series.

Other things I would love to see from the hand of Lightle are futuristic series/one-shots/GNs either for DC (taking place in the years between our time and the Legion) or a future-based book done for an independent publisher - no continuity concerns, all new characters. A simple request!!

Of course, more Legion work would be welcomed as well.
Posted By: Vee Re: What Next? - 09/08/03 09:47 PM
Or....you could start doing a continuing series called Tales of the LMBP here on Legion World. We already have some adventures written (like the current work in progress titled "Super Jailhouse of Space") and I'm sure that knowing you would provide the artwork, we could get many other's to contribute storylines!

Imagine how much fun you could have drawing Lash Lad, EDE, Faraway Lad, Fat Cramer,Non Sequetor Lass, Penis-Eradicator Lad, Lard Lad, Senor Widebottom, The One Called The One, Omega Man, Rody The Super Rat, Turns You Into A Country Kid and Clothes Fall Off Fred and soooo many other unique characters including yours truely, Varalent!

Posted By: icefire Re: What Next? - 09/08/03 10:24 PM
Steve, I would love a sketch in my ACADEMY series!!!
Posted By: MLLASH Re: What Next? - 09/09/03 02:31 AM
Originally posted by Varalent:
Or....you could start doing a continuing series called Tales of the LMBP here on Legion World. We already have some adventures written (like the current work in progress titled "Super Jailhouse of Space") and I'm sure that knowing you would provide the artwork, we could get many other's to contribute storylines!

Imagine how much fun you could have drawing Lash Lad, EDE, Faraway Lad, Fat Cramer,Non Sequetor Lass, Penis-Eradicator Lad, Lard Lad, Senor Widebottom, The One Called The One, Omega Man, Rody The Super Rat, Turns You Into A Country Kid and Clothes Fall Off Fred and soooo many other unique characters including yours truely, Varalent!

I wanna see Steve's version of "He Who Was Once Known As Boy Beautiful!"
Posted By: Star Boy Re: What Next? - 09/09/03 03:42 AM
Time to pitch that Tellus mini-series, methinks. shocked )
Posted By: Queer Legion Re: What Next? - 09/09/03 04:06 AM
Originally posted by SteveLightle:
Almost done with my second Legion issue of the 21st Century ... Does anyone have any suggestions what comic work I should set my sites on next?

I'd hate to concentrate 100% on advertising clients and turn away from comics completely. I'd like to keep a foot firmly planted in each of these two worlds. But ... what to do next ... hmmm ...

Steve Lightle
Mr. Lightle:

Whatever you do, don't forsake comics. Your work is great, and comic fans deserve more of your fine hand, regardless of what project you work on.

(How about: a Doom Patrol revival?)
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: What Next? - 09/09/03 08:41 PM
I always thought your style would work well with kinda sci-fi retro characters like Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, Adam Strange. That kind of thing...
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: What Next? - 09/09/03 09:45 PM
Those sci-fi retro characters mentioned by deanlegion bring to mind Dragon Lady from Terry & the Pirats - Steve could do a wicked job on her!

Still, we're thinking in the box with just superheroes here. Would you be interested in tackling some noir detective fiction or a spy series, Steve? Real life stories? What type of advertising illustration have you worked on?

(Also, I note that Varalent neglected to confirm if he himself would be paying for LMBP illustrations. I am not chipping in for a sketch of Penis-Eradicator Lad!)
Posted By: Vee Re: What Next? - 09/09/03 10:08 PM
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
(Also, I note that Varalent neglected to confirm if he himself would be paying for LMBP illustrations. I am not chipping in for a sketch of Penis-Eradicator Lad!)
urk Now that you mention it, FC, perhaps we'll write him out of the stories! I'm not sure that any of us would pay for HIM! I sure wouldn't! cool
Posted By: Harbinger Re: What Next? - 09/09/03 10:28 PM
Steve you could draw a nice picture of our new Leader, Princess Crujectra. That'd be nice!

Or my story, Legion 35C, if you really want. I have sketches of what the characters should kind of look like.

Or anything really, I'd still buy it.
Posted By: SteveLightle Re: What Next? - 09/10/03 01:08 PM
The lovely Cramer said:

"a future-based book done for an independent publisher - no continuity concerns, all new characters. A simple request!!"

I was actually thinking along these lines before returning to the Legion title. In fact, there's a preview of sorts in the upcoming Legion Companion.

Originally I'd intended to self publish the series as one of my Lunatick Press titles, but the changing economy, among other factors, derailed that particular train. If I could find the right independent publisher, I'd be getting the train chugging again right away. In fact, I've got pages drawn and waiting.

Steve Lightle
Posted By: SteveLightle Re: What Next? - 09/10/03 01:11 PM
Thanks for all the serious, or semi-serious, suggestions that I take up fanfic. As much fun as all that sounds, I'm thinking along different lines here.

Thanks for the kind words though.

Posted By: Vee Re: What Next? - 09/10/03 05:24 PM

Thanks for taking our looniness in stride.

It truly is such a pleasure to have you around and participating on these boards.

I for one would love to see you return for a long term engagement on the Legion series. I've always enjoyed your artwork and consider you one of the few that have a real feel for what our favorite characters are like. You make them come to life (perhaps because you love them as much as we do!)

Thanks again!

Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: What Next? - 09/10/03 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Varalent:
Imagine how much fun you could have drawing Lash Lad, EDE, Faraway Lad, Fat Cramer,[b]Non Sequetor Lass [/b]
Hey! Is this supposed to be a re-booted version of Non-Sequitor from the DCMB?
Posted By: Vee Re: What Next? - 09/10/03 09:40 PM
Post Crisis, pre Zero Hour, rebooted and inverted but...yep!

Posted By: Blockade Boy Re: What Next? - 09/10/03 09:53 PM
Well I suppose I could be a shameless hussy and ask for a sketch of my character, but face it, drawing a steel wall is an awful waste of such talent. smile

My desire: I certainly wouldn't mind seeing a years run of Flash to go along with those terrific covers. Ultimately though, I'd just as soon you get a gig you're really into, and let us know back here so we can check it out.
Posted By: SteveLightle Re: What Next? - 09/11/03 05:35 PM
I'm actually still keyed up about doing the trade marked and copyrighted JUSTIN ZANE. It has the science fiction/fantasy elements in common with Legion ... but without the restraints that can be inherent in working with characters maintained by a major corporate entity.

It's kind of like ... Legion artist Steve Lightle UNLEASHED!

I've also enjoyed writing and drawing sword and sorcery and horror. I tend to think of the different genres as games I enjoy playing. They all require a certain level of athletic ability, but they allow me to exercise different muscles.

If you've seen Justin Zane in Peking Tom & Bobby Sox #1, or ArtPost, or if you see him in the upcoming Legion Companion, let me know what you think. Are you intrigued yet? Do you want to see where it goes from here?

Let me know.

Steve Lightle
Posted By: superboymddjr Re: What Next? - 09/11/03 05:40 PM
I am getting Legion Companion soon, and I will let you know about what I think of Justin Zane. Interesting, can't wait! smile
Posted By: Faraway Lad Re: What Next? - 09/12/03 01:29 PM
this may be a little out of your normal area of work Steve but I would love to see your version of the UK character Judge Dredd, maybe even in a battle with Judge Death?
Posted By: SteveLightle Re: What Next? - 09/12/03 08:25 PM
That Judge Dredd idea nearly happened a few years back. I was even given a Judge Anderon plot to work from ... but then DC's publishing plans became less Dredd-full.

Posted By: DrakeB3004 Re: What Next? - 09/12/03 08:30 PM
Originally posted by SteveLightle:
Almost done with my second Legion issue of the 21st Century ... Does anyone have any suggestions what comic work I should set my sites on next?
Can you tell us anything about the second issue you're finishing up? Is it a spotlight on another member? Part of a storyarc or will it be self-contained?
Posted By: Reboot Re: What Next? - 09/13/03 01:09 AM
Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
Originally posted by SteveLightle:
[b] Almost done with my second Legion issue of the 21st Century ... Does anyone have any suggestions what comic work I should set my sites on next?
Can you tell us anything about the second issue you're finishing up? Is it a spotlight on another member? Part of a storyarc or will it be self-contained? [/b]
Its the one that Keith Champagne (JSA inker) is writing. There was an interview with him about it at CBR a while back, but no real details.
Posted By: superboymddjr Re: What Next? - 09/13/03 09:14 AM
oh is that the one Keith wants to bring Blok back into the contunity? right? right? laugh
Posted By: SteveLightle Re: What Next? - 09/14/03 01:17 PM
It isn't a single character spotlight issue, like Legion #24. In fact, it has a list of some of my favorite Legionnaires ... who just happen to be among the most racially diverse. Hint: There's only one Anglo white dude in the bunch, and he's not even ... Oops! That would be giving too much away! : )

Posted By: DrakeB3004 Re: What Next? - 09/14/03 03:23 PM
I'm just glad to hear that we'll be seeing your rendition of a wider assortment of Legionnaires next time around!

As for the "one anglo white dude who's not even...", I'm gonna guess (hope) it's Ferro, since he's stuck in Iron Mode behind a mask and doesn't really appear anglo. Guess we'll see when we see...
Posted By: Blockade Boy Re: What Next? - 09/14/03 09:24 PM
Originally posted by SteveLightle:
Hint: There's only one Anglo white dude in the bunch, and he's not even ...
Posted By: Faraway Lad Re: What Next? - 09/14/03 09:42 PM
Originally posted by SteveLightle:
That Judge Dredd idea nearly happened a few years back. I was even given a Judge Anderon plot to work from ... but then DC's publishing plans became less Dredd-full.

that is a wonderful pun, you need your wrists slapped for that. laugh

Did you ever get to draw any of that proposed plot?. Judge Anderson is a sexy woman and given your other work showing gorgeous women I would love to see any drawings you managed to do?

Posted By: superboymddjr Re: What Next? - 09/15/03 07:39 PM
Steve, are you hinting us that you might draw some pages in Legion #25? I dunno...judging from what you said about "a dude who not even...."
Posted By: Portfolio Boy Re: What Next? - 09/15/03 09:36 PM
Originally posted by SteveLightle:
Almost done with my second Legion issue of the 21st Century ... Does anyone have any suggestions what comic work I should set my sites on next?
Do you have an interest in any paticular historical era? I'd recommend turning to non-fiction and producing historical comics.

Comics, it seems to me, are prefectly suited to tell history. The words can tall the who what where of what happened, while the pictures can simultaniously show how people lived.

Also, to make a decent living, I should think you would want to look for something that has distribution potential outside of the standard direct market.

There is a potential, either through Scholastic, or some other source, that history comics could be marketed as a teaching tool form primary schools. And perhaps even High Schools and Universitites.
Posted By: DrakeB3004 Re: What Next? - 09/16/03 01:21 AM
Regarding Steve's upcoming story featuring a racially diverse Legion group, I hope Gates is among them -- I imagine Steve would do a really interesting version of the little bug.
Posted By: icefire Re: What Next? - 09/16/03 01:23 AM
Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
Regarding Steve's upcoming story featuring a racially diverse Legion group, I hope Gates is among them -- I imagine Steve would do a really interesting version of the little bug.
Well said me too!!!!
Posted By: lil'rhino Re: What Next? - 10/14/03 06:22 AM
Steve, I'd love to see an Adam Strange mini w/art by you.

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