Legion World
Posted By: kcekada Lost Dave Cockrum interviews - 08/04/09 07:11 PM
Found a link to interviews with Dave from 1985 and 1995 at Peter David's blog.

The interviews start about halfway through the podcast. These interviews were podcast at the end of 2006 in remembrance of Dave.

He talks a bit about Futurians. In the first interview, he was looking forward to the ongoing series. In the second interview, he explains why the fourth issue of the series was never published as a single, and that he had hoped to relaunch the series.

In retrospect, these are kind of sad (the music at the end of the interviews doesn't help).

I was in college when Futurians came out -- and was an instant fan. I thought this was some of Dave's best work since his first X-Men run. I don't know if Paty Cockrum has ever tried shopping this around to a company, but it would greatly honor Dave to see the series revived.


Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: Lost Dave Cockrum interviews - 08/05/09 07:20 PM
Thanks for this!
Posted By: Lad Boy Re: Lost Dave Cockrum interviews - 08/06/09 05:03 PM
Thank you.
Posted By: cleome57 Re: Lost Dave Cockrum interviews - 08/06/09 05:33 PM
What a weird coincidence. I was trying to tidy up the studio closet this morning and found an old Comics Interview with Dave C. talking about Futurians. Don't ask me how it escaped previous clean-up attempts. Very few things have at this point. (Too much stuff, too little space for it. Same old story.)

I remember enjoying the pilot graphic novel, but not reading any of the comics that followed. Not sure why. Subscription services could be pretty spotty back then, when it came to Indy comics and getting them out at a reasonable clip.

If there's anyone who'd maybe like that issue of CI for their Legion archives, they should pop me a PM.
Thanks kcekada,it was nice to hear the voice of the man who made me a Legion fan.
Posted By: kcekada Re: Lost Dave Cockrum interviews - 08/07/09 03:24 AM
Same here.

I think I have that Comics Interview issue, but I'm not certain. Haven't looked at those 80s fanzines in years. What's on the cover?
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: Lost Dave Cockrum interviews - 08/07/09 03:32 PM
That was pretty sad music at the end. It was nice to hear Dave's voice and feel his enthusiasm for the Aardwolf projects. Bit of a laugh when he described how DC thought Nightcrawler looked too weird.

I was wondering what Clifford Meth was up to lately, and turned up an older story about working on a script for a Futurians movie. It doesn't seem to have progressed to any sort of concrete project.
Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: Lost Dave Cockrum interviews - 08/09/09 01:39 AM
Here\'s the magazine in question or at least I think this is the one.
Posted By: cleome57 Re: Lost Dave Cockrum interviews - 08/11/09 08:47 PM
Everyone is now free to aim their Envy Ray at Nightcrawler, since I sent him my copy of CI. If I find any more Legion-relevant stuff on my cleaning forays, I'll probably mention them, too.
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