Legion World
Posted By: THE LABRADORIAN WHEN DO WE SHUT DOWN?? - 10/28/03 02:22 PM
I got the email but we are still up and running, when does the fallout happen?
Posted By: Greybird Re: WHEN DO WE SHUT DOWN?? - 10/28/03 02:31 PM
If you're talking about Lightning Lad's most recent e-mail about a shutdown (to do a backup), it's happened already.
Posted By: Outdoor Miner Re: WHEN DO WE SHUT DOWN?? - 10/28/03 02:39 PM

It was only meant to be for a few minutes, and seems to have gone off fine.
Posted By: Lightning Lad Re: WHEN DO WE SHUT DOWN?? - 10/28/03 03:08 PM
As already stated, already done and back. I realize some of you probably don't check your e-mail as often as I so I apologize for not being more specific in my note. I was just trying to get a quick warning out to those few who happened to be on-line at the time I shut us down.

I can't speak for Gary, but I find that a site backup goes quicker, and with fewer errors, if I shut down first. Since I now have broadband a backup should only take about 5 minutes, depending upon PowWeb's server at the time.
Posted By: armsfalloffboy Re: WHEN DO WE SHUT DOWN?? - 10/28/03 04:53 PM
and another hearty thank you for all your hard work, lads and lasses.
Posted By: THE LABRADORIAN Re: WHEN DO WE SHUT DOWN?? - 10/28/03 05:19 PM
consider me SATISFIED!
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