Legion World
Posted By: Dev-Em Why can I not... - 05/31/06 10:13 PM
Upload a picture to the album.

I do the log in thing, but it still will not let me.
Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: Why can I not... - 05/31/06 11:49 PM
When you log in, do you erase the old "password" and then add your own?

If so, then I don't know what the issue is. I'll look into it when I have some time.

If, not, then you have to delete the given password completely and replace it with your own.
Posted By: Caliente Re: Why can I not... - 06/01/06 03:41 PM
I've had the same problem-- even with deleting the password and trying to use (what I think is) mine.
Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: Why can I not... - 06/02/06 08:30 PM
It appears that the album corrupted some files on the board.

I'll try to figure this out this weekend, but I have a feeling I may have to dump the album feature altogether.
Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: Why can I not... - 06/03/06 02:23 AM
Ok. I just successfully uploaded a picture.
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: Why can I not... - 06/14/06 10:04 PM
It still says it cannot validate me or something.
Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: Why can I not... - 06/14/06 11:05 PM
I just did it again. No problem in my Beast Boy ID.

You have to delete the password that it provides totally (it's long) and then replace it with your own.
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: Why can I not... - 06/18/06 10:55 PM
Did that. I'll try again the next time I'm on.
Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: Why can I not... - 06/19/06 01:43 AM
You may have to delete your browser's cookies as well, first. It could be that the one for the album is corrupted.
Posted By: Greybird Re: Why can I not... - 06/19/06 01:54 AM
Do be sure, folks, to choose an album password that's DIFFERENT from your LW.net password, and not a crucial one in other respects.

That's because the album password is stored as UN-encrypted text in your Cookies file (Firefox / Mozilla / Netscape) or as an Internet Shortcut. This isn't the usual practice. Anyone who knows how to tweak cookies and who browses on your computer could find it.

(NC, will the album passwords-in-cookies become encrypted, however weakly, on some newer release of the software? Or are you still considering replacing the software entirely? The un-encryption is one reason why I withdrew my album, at least for the time being.)
Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: Why can I not... - 06/19/06 02:08 AM
You can't choose a different password. It has to be the same as the message boards.

Also, the author is adamant that the album does encrypt the password (yes, I know it does not) and has not been updating the software.

I do plan to do away with the program, but I am not in a position to replace it with anything else yet and thus, please use the album at your own risk.

It's there for people to use if they accept the situation, but is not necessary for using the message board.
Posted By: Greybird Re: Why can I not... - 06/19/06 02:18 AM
Thanks for the update. I thought it might be worse than I remembered. *sigh*

I don't leave an un-aliased password anywhere on my computer in plain text. It's too damn dangerous. (The alias scheme is entirely in my head, except for cryptic memory-jogging notes about it.)

Nor do I print them out in plain text, except for a list placed in the safe deposit box with the backup CD-Rs. (So that In The Event Of, etc., matters of my accounts can be dealt with properly.)

I just remembered! I've gotta find the about:config switch in Firefox that disallows the display of stored passwords. I know I've run across mentions of it.
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