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Kill This Thread XXIII !!!

The following rules were established by Kent Shakespeare at the start of the first 24-hour version, adapted from the original rules by EDE:

The rules:

1. The Basic Idea: Post to this thread, if no one posts after you for 24 hours, you win!

2. Posts that are not direct responses to one of the five preceding posts are ineligible to win. The topic can drift, but no complete non-sequitors. Posts that are responses to non-sequitors are also ineligible to win. Posts that are responses to responses to non-sequitors, and response nses to those posts, etc., become eligible, however.

3. In the event that this thread is locked, there shall be no winner unless a new thread is started for the contest. Furthermore, any post that results in the banning of the poster shall also be ineligible to win.

4. So, more precisely, one wins if one makes a post, and then no one makes another post that's eligible to win for 24 hours.

Here's a history of our various felons, along with a few missed opportunities.....

I - walkwithcrowds (7-day version)
II - none
III - none
IV - Quislet, Esq
V - Rockhopper Lad (the first 24-hour version)
VI - Rockhopper Lad
VII - cleome
VIII - Rockhopper Lad
IX - Rockhopper Lad
X - none
XI - none
XII - none
XIII - Invisible Brainiac
XIV - Invisible Brainiac
XV - Invisible Brainiac
XVI - Invisible Brainiac
XVII - Invisible Brainiac
XVIII - cleome
XIX - cleome
XX - cleome
XXI - Jfposey
XXII - Invisible Brainiac
XXIII - jfposey
XIV - Invisible Brainiac
XV - PALADIN (eff YEAH!!!)
XVI- Quislet, Esq.
XVII - Invisible Brainiac
XVIII - none
XIX - none
XX - Quislet, Esq.
XXI - thoth lad
XXII - Ann Hebistand
Congrats to Fanfic Lady for her win. She didn’t have to wait as long as Susan Lucci.
Susan Lucci doesn't post much these days.
She posts sometimes under her alt-id of Erica Kane.
Ah, so Kane was Able to have an Alt. That would explain it.
Cain killed Abel because God played favorites
Gil Kane is one of my artistic heroes. I feel blessed that I got to meet him in person while he was alive.
I think meeting people when they are alive is mostly better than meeting them when they're dead. It's less their personalities and more about the spikes on top of the cemettary fences.
I at first thought you were talking about heads on spikes...
It is not recommended to decorate with heads on spikes
Meet you at the cemetry gates, Thoth. wink
I was worried about falling onto the spikes in front of my property. I found that placing heads on them prevented injury to myself.

I find that by curing the heads for different lengths of time means that you get a different sound effect if you tap them. Once I've finished tuning the heads, I'll be looking to record the first album.

That's about it for Cap's Hobby Hints this week. Tune in next week when we discuss getting better graded comics through blackmail!
Well, I'm sure your album will be better than anything ever recorded by Talking Heads.
Go to the head of the class. smile
That's using your head.
"Better to use it, than to lose it" - Mary, Queen of Scots.
Guillotine sounds more like the name of a French dessert than a big falling blade that chops off people's heads.
The Guillotine was originally named the Louisette after its actual inventor, Antoine Louis. Joseph-Ignace Guillotine was instrumental in promoting its use, and it came to bear his name, much to his chagrin, as he actually opposed the death penalty.
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
The Guillotine was originally named the Louisette after its actual inventor, Antoine Louis. Joseph-Ignace Guillotine was instrumental in promoting its use, and it came to bear his name, much to his chagrin, as he actually opposed the death penalty.

Dieu, quelle ironie.
Baby steps. He thought the guillotine was a nice first step to abolishing the death penalty; at least make the execution painless and less of a spectacle.

Alors, quel dommage.
The last time a guillotine was used in a public execution was September 10, 1977.

For perspective, the original Star Wars premiered May 25,1977.
One of my tour guides in Paris said the same thing.
I am not a Parisian tour guide.
Originally Posted by Quislet, Esq
The last time a guillotine was used in a public execution was September 10, 1977.

For perspective, the original Star Wars premiered May 25,1977.

In October 1977, the French moved across to choking condemned criminals using the power of La Force.
In October 1977, my parents and I moved from the United States to Apokolips Ecuador.
An event memorialised in the Ecuador Fire Pit
The Gates of Hell is in Turkmenistan
"Gates of Hell" was the title given to the American dub of Lucio Fulci's 1980 horror movie "Paura nella cita dal morte vivente," but the literal translation of the title is, "Fear in the City of the Living Dead."

The movie was notorious at the time for...

(Gruesome Spoilers Below)

...a man getting an electric power drill to the side of his head, and a woman vomiting up her own intestines.
Gate of Hell is a Japanese period drama, involving a samurai looking to bump off his rival. It's an older movie (early 1950s), and has sat on a shelf waiting to be watched since last year. I think my version came with a rather nice booklet.
Author Dan Brown called Manila the "Gates of Hell" in a fiction novel. Naturally, Filipinos were divided among the snarkers who said "duh it's true" to the reality-deniers who called for Dan Brown's head.

As someone who lived in Manila for nearly 30 years of his life... I always recommend to just skip it. It ain't worth the aggravation. Don't leave the airport, just transfer to your flight going to one of the Philippines' beautiful beaches.
Every Saturday in the summer when I was growing up, my father would take us to my grandmother’s. We would do some chores, have lunch, then go to the beach in the afternoon.
I have walks along the beach most weekends.
Yeah, before you abuse, criticize, and accuse
Walk a mile in my shoes
Before I criticize someone, I always walk a mile in his his shoes. That way, when I do criticize him, I'm a mile away and I have his shoes!
Nu Shooz released I Can't Wait back in the '80s. I've managed to wait this long without listening to it.
Stevie Nicks also released a song titled I Can't Wait back in the 80s. It's a song with a sound very much of its time -- which is why I love it! love
Stevie Nicks played herself as a witch in American Horror Story: Coven
I dislike horror movies. Too creepy. And I live alone, too.
I used to like horror movies, until they started filming them exclusively in grey-and-deep-brown tones. Part of the fun of those Italian art-gore movies from the 60s, 70s, and 80s was how the bright colors and the crisp lighting contrasted with the dark subject matter.
My brother, discovering lots of films for the first time, quite liked the few gialla that he's seen. I was quite pleased, as I had worked hard to keep my mouth shut about what their qualities were considered to be. smile
Yay for Thoth's brother!

And yay for Thoth himself!
Yay for all of us!
Nearly another fickles win. I was almost bought off with a yay. Almost. But I see Ibby wasn't having that either smile
I'm very competitive wink
I'm not particularly. If it stops being about the fun and about a win my interest vanishes.
The original intent of this game was that it was supposed to be extremely unlikely that anyone would win.
A 7 day version making it even less likely.
I won one of the 7 day versions
Quis is a master at this.
I loved John Simm as the Master. Heck I just love John Simm.
I just watched Roger Delgado as the Master the other day. I think it was Roger who didn't get all the work he should have because everyone thought he was solely attached to Doctor Who.
Many people get surprised to see Filipinos with Spanish/Portuguese-sounding names like Velasco, Delgado, Cruz, etc. But why? We were a colony of Spain for nearly 400 years, after all.
Probably because a lot of people have either no sense of history or geography or both. They end up not knowing where they are or how they got there. smile
No matter where you go, there you are.
- Buckaroo Banzai
Originally Posted by thoth lad
Probably because a lot of people have either no sense of history or geography or both. They end up not knowing where they are or how they got there. smile

So, having no sense of history or geography is a lot like being drunk...
What’s so bad about being drunk?

Ask a glass of water.
Poor Zan.
Originally Posted by Quislet, Esq
No matter where you go, there you are.
- Buckaroo Banzai

I just watched that at the weekend for the first time in decades.
I don't get the references, but I like the banter.
Of of the actors in it was Jeff Goldblum, who always gives the impression of ad libbed banter.
I remember a few years ago seeing an Apartment.com commercials and thinking, "That old guy in that commercial reminds me of Jeff Goldblum", and then realizing, "Wait... that is Jeff Goldblum!"
He of the tantalizingly open shirt in Jurassic Park.

He and John Stamos are two "daddies" (in gay speak) who make many hearts melt.

Anderson Cooper is another. I watched him speak at a conference in Boston. One woman asked a question, and she prefaced it with, "Oh Anderson, you could take anyone in the room home tonight. Even the straight men."
AC is also super-rich now that he inherited the bulk of his mother's fortune, despite her previously claiming that it wasn't going to him.
Googles person. I'd say it must have depended on the room. He's got a chance of getting the part of Marla Latham in the Legion movie though. smile

Looking round the room,
I can tell that you
Are the most beautiful girl in the...room.
In the whole wide room

And when you're on the street
Depending on the street
I bet you are definitely in the top three
Good looking girls on the street...yeah...
And depending on the street, ooh...
Originally Posted by thoth lad
Googles person. I'd say it must have depended on the room. He's got a chance of getting the part of Marla Latham in the Legion movie though. smile

That's assuming he can actually fit into Latham's stupid-looking tight trousers.

To say nothing of being able to breathe.
I guess the tool set emblazoned on the uniform's chest actually comes off, and can be used to pry people in and out of similar trousers.
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
AC is also super-rich now that he inherited the bulk of his mother's fortune, despite her previously claiming that it wasn't going to him.

According to the news AC only inherited 1.5 million dollars
Well, I guess Ibby can forget using him as a sugar daddy!
I didn’t like Sugar Daddys as a kid. Still I would eat them.
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
Well, I guess Ibby can forget using him as a sugar daddy!


I'm worth at least twice the amount he inherited!
You're priceless to us Ibby!
For everything else there’s Mastercard.
I just lost my bank debit card some time last night. Thankfully, no charges were made, and I just cancelled it and ordered a replacement.
Crumbs! Legion world posts resulting in Earth based ramifications! Fortunately, ram based activities are hopefully few and far between for most of us, so we should be safe.
This reminds me of Ram Boy.
Good point! I think we should only post nice things about Ram Boy until this Reality Ramming Crisis has passed!
And once it passes, we can go back to our normal procedure of trashing Ram Boy!
I'm hoping that Ram Boy is just one of the former regular posters who return with the new series.
Superman Returns was a horrible movie.
I didn't like it, either.
KID #1
What’s this stuff?
KID #2
Some cereal. Supposed to be good for you.
KID #1
Did you try it?
KID #2
I’m not gonna try it. You try it.
KID #2 Slides cereal bowl toward KID #1.
KID #1
I’m not gonna try it.
KID #1 Slides the bowl back to KID #2.
KID #2
Let’s get Mikey!
KID #1 Yeah!

KID #2
He won’t eat it. He hates everything...
Tony the Tiger turns on furries everywhere.
It’s Grrrrrrrrrreat!
Featheries prefer Toucan Sam.
What about people who like reptiles and fish? Are they Scalists?
Is that your snake or are you happy to see me?
I can't think of a single reptilian breakfast cereal mascot.

There's the frog for Honey Smacks, but that's the closest I can come up with.
I don't know much about cereal mascots, but I was hoping there'd be some funny animal crocodile that chomps down on little fish-shaped cereal bits.
I think some cereal mascots had some alligator antagonists.
Jeopardy last night had a clue about Cap'n Crunch.
Ironically, Cap'n folded in the first tough situation he faced.
Origami certainly makes a nice crunchy sound.
Another tragic Origami/ Oregano mix up.
Oh, so that's why the paper is green!
Originally Posted by thoth lad
Another tragic Origami/ Oregano mix up.

That mix-up is much easier to make in British English than American.
I have one word for English - ghoti
Covfefe too.
Ghoti - pronounced fish

The gh as in tough
The o as in women
The ti as in acTIon
Batman explains that to Robin in an episode of the 60s tv series.
Did they use ghoti as a sound effect on the show?
I think it was an alias used by Egghead or something.
But Felix Unger taught me that when you assume you make an ass out of u and me.
Incidentally, every time I see that clip, it annoys me that he knocks the computer print out card off the chalkboard and doesn't bother to pick it up.

I guess he just leaves it for Alfred.
I thought you were talking about Felix Unger and I didn’t remember a computer card in that scene. When you mentioned Alfred I went “Oh yeah!”
Poor unappreciated Alfred.
It's really pretty amazing that he manages to take care of Wayne Manor all by himself, with no other staff.
I'm sure he says that it's to protect the work that Wayne and Grayson do. He doesn't mind picking up after them, because their minds or on more important things. Alfred cries himself to sleep every night.
Alfred is part Kryptonian. He has super stamina.
He doesn't mind working alone. He's always felt like an Outsider.
It's pretty weird that Batman would name his super-team after the evil alter-ego of his Butler/Substitute Father-Figure.
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
It's pretty weird that Batman would name his super-team after the evil alter-ego of his Butler/Substitute Father-Figure.

And I wouldn't doubt for a second that it was a deliberate in-joke on the part of Batman & the Outsiders creator Mike W. Barr. He's super-knowledgeable about 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s Batman continuity.
Bruce is a right git.

"I'm just going out with the Outsiders, Alfred. Oh so sorry, more bad memories brought to the surface."

"I've decided to fight crime with an Outsider as my new partner. No, don't get that hopeful look Alfred. You'll always be my servant. I meant Katana."
Who is the bigger dick, Superman or Batman?
Superman's super-dickery is boosted by his powers. But Batman has his wealth!
Surely it's Batman, when Grayson wore the cowl.
Don’t call me “Shirley”!
Look! In the Sky! Surely it's Shirley Lad!
Shirley used to be a man’s name.
"A man’s name is not like a mantle, which merely hangs about him, and which one perchance may safely twitch and pull, but a perfectly fitting garment, which like the skin has grown over and over him, at which one cannot rake and scrape without injuring the man himself."
Reputations take decades to built up,and can be destroyed in an instant.
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
"A man’s name is not like a mantle..."

Tell that to Mickey Mantle.
Does Mickey Mantle use his name like a mantle?
Sue: Look Reed! The street is collapsing into a giant pit!
Reed: Yes, it is clearly a endless chasm leading to a hidden realm beneath the Earth!
Sue: So...not subsidence then?
Johnny: I shall fly down to investigate!
Ben: I shall quit the team!
Sue: Wait Ben! Something else is emerging from the depths!
Villain: It is I... Mantle! No More Shall I Dwell Beneath The Crust Of This World!

Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
Does Mickey Mantle use his name like a mantle?

Might do.
Crust, Mantle and Core: a superteam in the making.
I hear that Crust and Mantle have a rocky relationship.
Crust gets annoyed by Mantle's favorite catchphrase, "If you catch my continental drift..."
Rumour has it that LEGION pinched Strata from this group.
Bare naked Ladies have a song called Pinch Me.
Whenever I get an extreme bit of luck, I feel like pinching myself.
Getting pinched is another term for getting arrested
The use of that latest technological marvel, the radio, resulted in the arrest of Dr. Crippen.
I guess he was too caught up in his crimes to realize that he was broadcasting wink
In A Face in the Crowd, Andy Griffith plays drifter Lonesome Rhodes, who becomes a media sensation/political powerhouse, until he is undone by a open mic which he doesn't realize is broadcasting.
A hot mic caught PM Gordon Brown calling a woman who simply questioned him about the economy as a bigoted woman. He was more upset that she was allowed to even ask the question of him. Popularity plummet! (what there was of it)
“I’m Buster Brown, and I live in a shoe. That’s my dog, Tige, and he Lives there too!”
The Tiger and the Dog are both signs in the Chinese (lunar?) zodiac.
Tiger is my sign
A Tiger is also a sign that you've wandered into their enclosure by mistake.
I was hoping you would be warned by the sounds, before you even see the tiger.

Or feel it...
It seems like the plan to keep Ninja Tigers a secret continues...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Tigers doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it.
Ringing ruins the Ninja Tiger art of stealthy hunting.
I wear a silver ring with a moonstone in it almost every day. June babies have three birthstones, of which the moonstone is my favorite.
I like emeralds, but mainly because my favorite color is green.

Jade is also nice, but emeralds just seem prettier to me.
In the original book for the Wizard of Oz, everyone in Emerald City had to wear green tinted glasses.
I seem to remember watching a movie adaptation (animation) with that as well. Or was it live action? I really cannot remember.
I miss having enough money lying around to afford prescription sunglasses. Not that I'd need them daily. But it was nice to know that they were there.
I'm not a major fan of Iggy Pop (with or without The Stooges,) but I love a song he did about sunglasses:

I made a Chairman of the Bored reference a couple of weeks back at work...nothing.
When I am leaving work for the day and a coworker says “see you tomorrow.” I sometimes reply “unless I become invisible.”
Invisibility could be useful in real life. I prefer illusion powers fr a more complete concealment though
Originally Posted by Quislet, Esq
When I am leaving work for the day and a coworker says “see you tomorrow.” I sometimes reply “unless I become invisible.”

One of the two workers in this anecdote is going home to make dinner and watch some TV. The other is going to continue to work on the serum that will give them madness inducing superpowers, but will make them King of the World. I wonder which is which. smile
It is hard to tell seeing as my company only hires clones.
Barcode tattoos were a thing for a while. I saw one yesterday. I remember someone telling me (not that I was interested in asking) that their one showed that humans were now commodities. I suggested reading any history book to show that this had always been the case, in that context, and that she had just got a barcode for discounted oranges on her neck as a pointless gesture.
People are finding politicians sending “thoughts and prayers” after a mass shooting is a pointless gesture.
I’ll go ahead and send thoughts and prayers to the Filipino politician who said homosexuals are worse than animals.

oh yeah it was Manny Pacquiao. he can have all my prayers.
Actually animals can be very nice.
Nicer than conservative, close-minded idiots anyway
Thinking that humans are any different or better than animals could be considered to be just one of the many errors of judgement made by them.
During the heyday of the Batman tv series there was a similar show called Captain Nice
I wonder how he would have got on in the grim and gritty post Dark Knight Returns era. Dead in a dumpster probably.
I have never gone dumpster diving
Originally Posted by thoth lad
I wonder how he would have got on in the grim and gritty post Dark Knight Returns era. Dead in a dumpster probably.

I suspect he would've been rebooted as a Punisher-style vigilante.
"No more Mr Nice Guy!" as he mows people down. Why his weapon of choice is a lawnmower remains a mystery.
My parents had an acre of land. I hated mowing the lawn.
What a pain in the acres that must have been.
We had a riding mower but it still was not fun
When I was offered the use of a riding mower, it turned out that I was to use a scythe from the saddle of a Shetland pony to cut the grass.
I once had the idea to combine a manual lawnmower with a bicycle, so that it would cut the grass as you rode over it.

It turned out others had already had the same idea.
Did you suspect nefarious use of Time Bubbles at that point, or was it revealed to you after reading Legion comics?
I prefer the Time Cube to the Time Bubble
Time Cubes are for squares. wink
Time Bubbles are so much cooler and more comfy. And they have these amazing cupholders and unlimited silverale.

Oh.... maybe that's why the Legionnaires kept crashing into random pocket universes...
It is hip to be square
I used to be called Renegade, I used to fool around
But I couldn't take Mon El's punishment and had to settle down
Now I'm playing it real straight, and yes, I got a mind wipe
You might think I'm crazy, but that's just so much hype
Because I can tell what's going on...

It's Hip to be Square - Huey Lewis V and the Vidnews, 2086
“I want to Hold Your Hand Hand Hand Hand Hand Hand” by the Beatle of Vygra is a classic song.
Gates hates it. Too commercialized. Bland.
Well I've been waiting, waiting here so long
But thinking nothing, nothing could go wrong, ooh now I know
She has a built-in ability
To pass through everything she sees
And now it seems I'm falling, falling for her

She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
She reaches in, and grabs right hold of your heart
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
It takes control and slowly tears you apart

Well I don't really know her, I only know her name
But when she appears on that scanner
You're never quite the same, and now I know
She's got something you just can't trust
It's something mysterious
And now it seems I'm falling, falling for her

She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
She reaches in, and grabs right hold of your heart
So does Validus of the Fatal Five
Now I'm with her and neither of us is alive.

Invisible Touch (Lyle Norg Blues) - (New) Genesis - 2086
I think Lyle’s death was pretty pointless
That issue taught me:-

Not to stockpile horrendous weapon coponents of doom, as they could be activated in ways we don't foresee. Something else useful in our bristling world of weapons of various descriptions.

The importance of cyber security. Look how easily Tharok's brain components bypassed Brainy's security to summon Validus. Something else useful in our world where large national companies compete for phone contracts.

That having a large cast of characters means that you can make one dedded every now and again to boost sales. Even if the character isn't used much, you get a legacy (and a statue for the Hall of Heroes). Just be sure to keep the character dedded. Something else useful in a world where there could be a tendency to bring such a character back in a pointless subplot that goes nowhere, because your artist thought it would be fun.

That Tinya looks rather slinky in an HQ infiltration outfit.
Lyle and Condo were meant to be, together forever love
The thought of Lyle and Myla being together forever made Tinya quite tearful. The others were presumably being stoic in the face of Lyle's sacrifice. Or, as Bates indicated, Lyle only really spoke to Tinya.

Looking out for people who feel invisible in their own team is yet another lesson from this story. Always relevant with so many tackling mental health issues.
And I can imagine being a super-hero is not so easy for someone facing mental health issues.
Fortunately, series like Heroes in Crisis offered an instructive, incisive look at such issues.
Yes, because bros before heroes.
Convicted murderer Hamida Djandoubi became the last person to meet his end by the “National Razor” after he was executed by the guillotine in 1977. Still, the machine's 189-year reign only officially came to an end in September 1981, when France abolished capital punishment for good.

This was after Star Wars premiered.
Ah, human history and all its weirdness.
Originally Posted by Quislet, Esq
Convicted murderer Hamida Djandoubi became the last person to meet his end by the “National Razor” after he was executed by the guillotine in 1977. Still, the machine's 189-year reign only officially came to an end in September 1981, when France abolished capital punishment for good.

This was after Star Wars premiered.

Darth Vader managing to get them to keep it for a few more years. It had a stay of execution you might say.
I might say many things, but I won’t say that
The early title of one of Meatloaf's songs.
Because doing is more fun than saying
Actions speak louder than words.
That was the name of a series by Sergio Aragones. I guess it was dialogue free.
How to do things with Words was a book by mid-20th century Oxford philosopher J. L. Austin.

His other most famous book was the wittily titled Sense and Sensibilia.
A lot of things can be done with words.
I recall that the Legion of Mime Artists messageboard didn't last long. It went out with a
If you can't hear a bomb explode, is there still a bomb?
X Bomb Betty never made it into the Legion.

Despite Dirk Morgna/Inferno's wishes.
I think Dirk was more interested in making it into her than in her making it into the Legion.
Well, he could make it into her even if she didn't make it into the Legion...
Could Sun Boy’s womanizing be a cover for internalized homophobia?
Perhaps he enjoys short term relationships with similarly minded women.
He could just be a creature of pleasure. Or he relies on these short-term relationships to boost his ego.
But when everyone else in the superhero rest home is visited by relatives, he'll be reduced to chasing after the nurses in his hover-zimmer, as a way of avoided the desperate loneliness that threatens to consume him more thoroughly than a sun eater ever could.
It's like I told you, Dirk:

I wonder how many Durlans are in the video.
I hate when Lyle photobombs everything.
At least when Lyle takes annoying selfies in front of historical buildings, you get to just see the buildings later on.
I hate when they build a robot factory right next to a historic home.
I used to dislike the robots getting all over the place. But now I'm 110011001110 about it >bzzt<
But what about Babbage? Babbage
Charles Babbage was a mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer. He originated the concept of a digital programmable computer.
He's someone who turns up in a lot of Steampunk fiction as a result.
I imagine that there is some slash fiction with him and Darwin.
I only ship Darwin with Thomas Huxley.

They didn't call him "Dawin's bulldog" for nothing.
There's slash fiction of everything, anyway. Rule 34. If it exists, there is slash or porn of it.
Just think of all the people writing things like that pre internet. Now, thanks to that medium, they can share it with the world.
Sharing is caring.

And it is better to give than to receive. That includes a cold.
I can never remember the name of U. S. Representative Denver Riggleman, but can quickly find it by googling "Bigfoot Erotica".

Of course, usually the reason I need his name is to answer the question, "Hey, what's the name of that guy who wrote Bigfoot Erotica before he was elected?"
One of the strangest names I have come across is Bunny Askew.
I met a guy from Arkansas with that surname
Did he have an askew view of you?
Skewed positively, from the way he messaged me after
Pov and I met a guy in Arkansas. He helped us get Pov’s car out of the mud. Pov called him our redneck angel. He was super cute.
Did you ever see Mr. Cutie Angel again?
*Gasp!* Could he have been the same guy as the Mr. Askew that Ibby met?
Well, my guy is African-American...
Never saw Jake again

My Askew was a woman

Did IB reply in time?
I can’t tell yet with the time stamps
Just have to wait for the stamp of authority.
now I’m thinking of Cartman from South Park being all “respect mah authority!”
The authority of the date stamp seems to be questionable. When I look at the thread without signing in it has my post being on 8/12/19 and IB’s as yesterday. When I sign in mine is at 8/13/19 at 1:18am and IB’s is yesterday at 5 something pm.
It's because it's displaying default board times when you're not logged in, and your local board times when you are.

It looks like you've killed another one, Quis!
Hurray for thread-killer Quis!
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