Legion World
Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
Since we've exceeded 2000 posts, does that mean I get to plead the fifth?
How about we just start a new thread?
Can I plead the sixth, then?
Wouldn't it be more appropriate to plead the tenth in this thread?
If HWW pleads ten times, what are the ten counts against him?
There are 10 of these threads?
Didn't we have to go back and count at some point?
Could the counts (both of question threads and against me) be erroneous?
Wouldn't a free trip through your wine cellars help us decide more easily?
Or would that just raise more questions?
You mean regarding a preference for reds, whites, or rose'?
ChocoVine, anyone?
Are we having dessert before dinner?
With ChocoVine, can't you have dessert with dinner?
And the salad to come after?
So it's HWW's style to just wander willy-nilly through dinner?
If you drink enough ChocoVine, would it even matter?
How many calories are in ChocoVine?
Can you check their website?
Since it is your idea, why don't you?
Wouldn't a glass of water just be better?
A glass of water versus checking a website? Depends on the website. wink
Shouldn't you have phrased that as, "Doesn't it depend on the website? wink "?
Isn't one question per post sufficient?
isn't answering your own question as you did violating the spirit of the thread? Sure it was.

See what I mean?
Is that the only way to interpret the "spirit" of this thread?
Should we consult Merriam-Webster's website for the different ways to interpert "spirit"?
Wouldn't that take us right back to the wine cellar again?
What's wrong with that?
What's right about it?
Could you pass the jug already?
If I pass the jug, will you pass the dutchie?
Dutch cocoa?
Would you like whipped cream on that?
Is it fresh?
Would i serve you anything but the best?
Is there enough for everyone on the tour?
Can I have a double Dutch chocolate?
For the guy who wouldn't pass the jug? Why would I share my Dutch chocolate when you won't share the booze?
Didn't I say I'd pass the jug if you passed the dutchie? tongue
Why must everything have a price?
Why must everything have a price?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/05/12 02:05 PM
Do you really have to say that twice?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/05/12 02:06 PM
Are you insinuating that everything must be free?
Is there really a free lunch?
Wouldn't you rather have a free brunch?
Originally posted by Blaze:
Do you really have to say that twice?
Must you always call me out when I repeat myself?
Originally posted by Blaze:
Do you really have to say that twice?
Must you always call me out when I repeat myself?
Aren't they the cutest couple?
Which one's Lucy and which one's Ethel? smile
Which one has the most 'splainin' to do?
Does either one have red hair?
Would I look good as a redhead?
Why don't you try it so we can see?
Should we all go Red for just a day, in solidarity?
What would those of us with no hair do?
May I suggest a red wig, or a kicky red beret?
Or perhaps even painting your head red?
A raspberry beret? The kind you find in a second-hand store?
Shall we talk about the Razzie Awards?
Is Halle Berry still the worst actress?
Doesn't her Oscar negate her Razzie?
Don't Oscars carry more weight than Razzies?
Don't Razzies weigh more than Oscars?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/07/12 02:52 AM
Is a kilo of Razzie heavier than a kilo of Oscar?
Does weight equal value?
If that were true, would the diet industry exist?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/07/12 03:36 AM
Would that make a better world?
Would you like everyone in the world to be fat?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/07/12 01:59 PM
Would it be the new standard of beauty?
If it were, would you allow yourself to become fat?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/07/12 02:11 PM
Won't you if that means you'll be regarded as attractive?
Should we always follow the majority?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/07/12 03:18 PM
Are they always right?
Are they never wrong?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/07/12 03:35 PM
If they are, would you follow them?
Haven't I always followed you instead?
Isn't it better to be your own leader?
Where would a leader be without any followers?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/08/12 04:30 AM
Would he choose to go to heaven instead?
Who is the "he" you mentioned?
Is heaven a place on earth?
Do you know what that's worth?
is it true that in heaven, love comes first?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/08/12 03:26 PM
Isn't that worth 2 cents?
What can you buy with two cents?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/08/12 03:40 PM
Are you underestimating the value of 2 cents?
Don't you understand that I am trying to understand the real value of 2 cents?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/08/12 03:45 PM
Is there a fake value of 2 cents?
What if the two cents are counterfeit?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/08/12 03:54 PM
Won't that be more expensive than the value of 2 cents?
Wouldn't that depend on the material being used?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/08/12 03:57 PM
Would you still ask that if they used nth metal?
Obsessed with Angdar Fel now, aren't you?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/08/12 04:01 PM
Is my honey jealous?
Why should I be?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/08/12 04:08 PM
Should you be when I love you so much?
Do you think I don't know that? smile
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/08/12 04:11 PM
Is this the time we're supposed to kiss each other?
With wine, our favorite song, a homecooked dish and romantic candlelight?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/08/12 04:15 PM
Isn't that perfect?
Is anything perfect?
Isn't imperfection itself perfect?
Isn't that a contradiction?
Isn't life full of contradictions?
Isn't life full of imperfections?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/09/12 01:46 PM
Who said life is fair?
Would you know him or her if I told you?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/09/12 01:48 PM
Why don't you try?
What if I don't want to?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/09/12 01:53 PM
Care to name your price?
Why don't you make your best offer?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/09/12 03:40 PM
Date with Ian Somerhalder?
Why are you offering YOUR man crush to me?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/09/12 04:33 PM
He likes to share?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/09/12 11:22 PM
He's not your crush anymore?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/09/12 11:23 PM
Is sharing good for the heart?
Isn't exercise better?
Doesn't that depend upon the exercise?
What if it's an exercise in futility?
Originally posted by Blaze:
He's not your crush anymore?
Didn't I tell you I had someone else in mind? tongue

Originally posted by Legion Tracker:
What if it's an exercise in futility?
Wouldn't you rather exercise in the gym?
How much does a gym membership cost?
Are you particular about which gym?
Would you really go to just any ol' gym?
Where would you go, though?
Where would you go, though?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/11/12 01:34 PM
Go to the edge of the world?
Does an oblate spheroid have edges?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/12/12 01:49 PM
Can't the world be flat?
Where have you been for the last 500 years?
Are you really a vampire without me knowing?
Why would you expect to know?
Why would you expect to know?
Wouldn't you like to know if someone were a vampire before you let him or her bite you?
Would you trust their answer? Why not make them bite you in daylight to be on the safe side?
What happens if you're bit by a vampire mosquito?
Why let any vampire or vampire mosquito bite you at all?
Do vampiric victims have a choice?
Wouldn't the vampire give you a choice if he or she were your significant other?
How many vampire significant others do you know to ask?
In real life?
Do the people on True Blood count?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/13/12 05:56 AM
Did they go to school to learn how to count?
How did the Count on Sesame Street learn how to count?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/15/12 03:49 AM
Could you count on his Arithmetic?
Isn't he reliable up to the number three?
Does he only have three fingers?
Doesn't he have two hands?
Couldn't he also use his feet?

Er, do puppets have feet?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/16/12 11:24 PM
Feet fetish?
Why are you constantly looking for new fetishes, don't you have enough already?

Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/17/12 12:37 PM
Can't I have MORE?
Aren't I enough for you? frown
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/18/12 02:58 PM
Who says you're not?
Does your Grindr profile count?
Just how high can a Grindr profile count?
Could someone who has one tell us?
Is Tumblr similar enough to Grindr?
Tumblr, Grindr, Flickr...are we having a shortage of "e"s?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/21/12 05:28 AM
And a thing for words ending with "r"s?
When will they start adding the apostrophes, which are so popular in comic book names?
Should I become H'Who Wandrs?
Are you from Tamaron?
Do I look that sexy? wink
Are all Tamaranians necessarily as sexy or as fit as the royal family?
Isn't sexiness a state of mind?
State of whose mind? The viewer?
Doesn't it take both viewer and... er... person on display?
Isn't there more to it than just how you look?

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Like a sexy voice or great scent, for instance?</span></span>
Would the presence of a sexy voice or scent make up for lack of good looks, and vice versa?
Can I just close my eyes for the big kiss?
Shall we ask your kisser to brush his teeth first?
Is there any Pepsodent on hand?
Would a Mentos do?
Which variety is sexiest?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/22/12 03:16 AM
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
Isn't sexiness a state of mind?
Won't that lead us to IB's previous question?
Do Mentos bring on these flashbacks often?
Are you sure we're not characters on Lost?
If I have to be a character on a TV show, can it be Star Trek?
Which series?
Wasn't the original series the best?
Isn't that rather subjective?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/22/12 09:25 AM
Is there a way to make it objective?
Could we erase all but one of the series from time?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/22/12 03:12 PM
Are you a Time Trapper?
Where were you when I hit the 10,000 post mark?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/22/12 03:26 PM
Wasn't I preparing your purple robe?
Were you the one who cut it short so my legs would show?
Is that a bad thing?
Why wear a long robe if you want to show leg?
Wasn't it Blaze who wanted me to show leg?
Do you think he's the only one?
Would you agree that even if he weren't, he'd still be the most important one?
Is there a hierarchy of people who want to see Ibby show leg?
Why would that many people want to see my hairy legs?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/24/12 02:17 PM
Because you're hot?
And since he's invisible, how much is there, really, to see?
Is it best left to our imagination?
Do you think Blaze would have fallen in love with me if I remained invisible all this time?
Does Blaze have a vivid imagination? wink
Gasp! Could I possibly just be a figment of Blaze's imagination?
Are you capable of independent thought when he's not around?
Can I ask Blaze if I should answer that question?
What if Blaze is a figment of your imagination?
Then who gave me these bite marks?
Are there vampire bats in your area?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/25/12 02:05 PM
Could IB be possibly a vampire?
Don't you believe my voice is like a vampire's?
Do you have a Transylvannian accent?
Are all vampires from Transylvania?
Would you want to ask one?
Would I have to give blood first?
If you do, can I have a sip?
Don't you know that blood's nutritional value is very low?
Is it less nutritious than soda/pop?
Does it give any adverse health effects?
Can it make one bloodthirsty?
Can it make one hot-blooded?
Can you check it and see?
Do you have a fever of 103?
Is there a doctor in the house?
Do doctors still make house calls?
Would they at least do so for their own houses?
Do houses get sick?
Do houses get lonely if nobody calls them?
Would they be homesick?
What would Dr. House say?
With those blue eyes, does it matter what he says? love
Would you go *squee* if we got you a date with Dr. House?
Is it appropriate to "squee" in public?
Would it be considered in public if you were just among friends?
Are they really close friends?
Are they even friends?
How would you define "friend"? Does being Facebook friends count?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/30/12 02:18 PM
How about friends with benefits?
Have you ever had one of those?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/30/12 11:24 PM
Isn't it that having a friend brings with it a lot of benefits?
Doesn't that depend upon the friend?
Would a friend who doesn't give you any benefit at all (including intangible benefits like good company or moral support) still be considered a friend??
Wouldn't that be a rather superficial friend, or more probably, a friendly acquaintance at best?
Would it matter if I'm rather superficial myself?
Can two superficial people get along well?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/31/12 12:24 PM
Especially at a spa while getting facial?
Are all people who get facials necessarily superficial?
Who would admit to that?
Aren't there people who will confess anything on daytime talk shows?
If LW had a daytime talk show, what would it be called? Cobie Springer? Dr. Pov?
You don't think I could host a daytime talk show?
Don't you already have a show, Quis?
Would Quis be Judge Quizzy?
Where did Quis buy his mallet?
Are there no hardware shops where you are?
Whoever heard of buying a gavel in a hardware store?
Perhaps you should buy the tools and materials to make your own?
Why don't they organize stores by rhyme--like a gavel, gravel, & travel department?
But in what department would we buy oranges? What else would you group with it?
Maybe at the Fruit, Suit and Boot store, perhaps?
What fruit scent would you like your suits and boots to have?
Would oranges and mangoes clash?
How about strawberry and banana scents?
Are we talking clothing still, or have we moved on to smoothies?
How about smoothie-proof clothing?
If you are so worried about getting smoothies on your clothes, why don't you go naked?
I'm invisible, how can you tell I'm not alreayd naked?
Since you're invisible, why would we care if you're naked?
Can we go back to talking about smoothies?
Does talking about naked invisible men bother you?
Isn't a lack of interest reason enough?
What is not interesting about a naked invisible man?
What is interesting?
Isn't the Legion interesting?
Is Kent not interested in the Legion at all?
Would Kent be interested in the Legion if they were naked, invisible, and drinking smoothies?
Didn't that happen during the Roger Stern era?
Have you confused my naked, invisible and smoothie-drinking vacation pics with the an issue of the Legion?
Are there invisible issues of the Legion?
How would we know if there were? Have you tried feeling around for invisible paper?
Wouldn't that lead to invisible paper cuts?
Would the blood turn invisible after it flows from your finger?
Don't you mean "won't the blood turn visible"?
But isn't only the paper cut invisible? So wouldn't just the cut be invisible, and the blood seem to appear out of nowhere?
Would you agree that I am overthinking this?
Are you overthinking it if you're asking yourself a question?
Is it possible to underthink as well?
Don't [fill in political target of your choice] do it all the time?
May we extend that statement to religious leaders, celebrities and annoying co-workers and friends?
Sure, why not?
Mightn't the Scientologists sue us if we include them?
Should we retain a lawyer just in case?
Should we also retain a librarian to do the research?
Would we save some money if we retain a lawyer who moonlights as a librarian or a librarian who moonlights as a lawyer?
Can't we just splice together some Rocky & Quis DNA and get a Quishopper librarian attorney?
So we'd all share parental responsibilities for this new, improved offspring?
Doesn't it take a village to raise a spliced-together child?
Are you talking about The Village from the show "The Prisoner"?
Depends, is that child as rowdy as Frankenstein's monster?
If Frankenstein's monster were raised in The Village from "The Prisoner," could we expect a cameo from "The Fugitive"?
Isn't that entire question one that reeks of Number Two? wink
Is that why things smell awful all of a sudden?
Should I just say Nam'Lor made me do it ?
Is that what your attorney advises?
Or is that what your hairdresser advises?
Would you ask your lawyer about highlights?
Highlights to my hair, you mean?
Is your lawyer a legal (bald) eagle?
Does he want the number for Hair Club for Men?
Doesn't he think bald is beautiful?
Should he get in touch with Patrick Stewart?
How about Vin Diesel?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 08/07/12 03:48 AM
Do you find him hot?
How about Patrick Stewart's face on Vin Diesel's body?
Can I pass?
May I pass too?

Originally posted by Blaze:
Do you find him hot?
What would you do if I said yes?

And would you believe me if I said no?
Am I sounding extraordinarily defensive in the above post? tongue
If you've been caught dismembering celebrities, isn't a defense lawyer called for?
Is there a Justin Bieber joke to be made out of that?
Don't a lot of people consider Justin Bieber to be a joke?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 08/09/12 02:53 AM
Have you heard his comments about gas stations?
Or about the Sixteenth Chapel?
Or about the Sixteenth Chapel?
Does that double post make it the Thirty-second Chapel?
Where are the other thirty-one chapels located?
Should we ask Baskin-Robbins?
If you had to build a chapel out of ice cream, what flavor would you use?
Should it be a flavour I like or a flavour I dislike?
Do you plan to lick the chapel clean afterwards?
Would that be considered sacrilege, or is adoration of sugar the new religion?
If adoration of sugar is the new religion, would diabetics be considered infidels?
Since I'm Diabetic, does asking me skew the results?
Can you give an objective answer?
Why wouldn't I?
Don't you have a hidden agenda?
Can we have a scavenger hunt to find the hidden agenda?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 08/11/12 01:45 PM
Could the agenda be simply hiding in my pocket?
Do you want me to check?
What would you do if you found something else?
What else might he find?
Don't you think I might like to be surprized at what I find?
Don't you know at all what to expect?
Can you give us a hint?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 08/12/12 05:37 AM
Could it be something long and hard?
He has a calculus exam in his pocket?
Or is he just happy to see you?
If so, then why is he hiding his calculus exam in his pocket?
Shouldn't an exam be kept secret?
So how come so many people have seen the inside of Blaze's pocket already?
You haven't?
Is there a pocket universe in there?
Is being able to hold a universe in his pocket one of his powers?
Or does he just have really big pockets?
What's your definition of "big enough," in terms of pockets?
Well if you want to put the universe in there, shouldn't the pocket be bigger than the universe?
Doesn't it depend on the size of the universe?
Like the marble-sized universes in Men in Black?
Aren't people allowed to dislike them?
Wasn't I asking a question, instead of giving a command?
Were you?
Wasn't the question mark a dead giveaway?
Is the funeral home giving away stiffs?
Isn't that illegal?
Does that matter anymore, if you're a political donor?
How can I become a political donor?
Can you give a lot of money to a politician/candidate/PAC well positioned to look after your interests?
Will they accept bribes on credit?
Have you asked them?
Would I get a straight answer from them?
How much does a straight answer cost?
Is there a discount for slightly bent answers?
Isn't that what politicians usually give?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 08/16/12 10:26 AM
Should we ask Yahoo Answers?
Have you seen the whackjob responses political questions get there?
Are you making fun of the answers I give on Yahoo Answers?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 08/17/12 07:03 AM
Isn't that the point of Yahoo Answers?
Should we trust anything from an entity named Yahoo?
Would Jonathan Swift?
Are you making a modest proposal?
Would in be egotistical of me if I say "yes"?
Do you have a Brobdingnagian-sized ego?
How does one measure an ego?
With a yard stick?
How big is the yard?
Is it big enough to have a vegetable garden?
Can we not plant zucchini this year?
Can we plant tomatoes instead?
What is it with you and tomatoes?
Could it be that I just cannot help making a jest of your dislike of tomatoes?
Who said I disliked tomatoes?
Didn't you say that? Repeatedly?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 08/18/12 03:06 AM
Can you provide a link to where he has said it?
What if someone uses tomatoes to torture poor Quislet?
Couldn't he sue them in retaliation?
What jurisdiction is Retaliation?
Is it a river in Egypt?
Does it have a Delta?
Have you ever flown Delta?
Don't I need a pilot's license for that?
Can't you just be a <strike>masochistic</strike> passenger to fly Delta?
Is that what they call thm?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 08/19/12 06:26 AM
who is Thm...some trendy new rocker?
How do you pronounce Thm anyway?
Does it depend on what language you're speaking?
Aren't we all speaking English?
Hablas Espanol?
¿No debería ser, "¿Hablas español?"
Was schreibst du?
Who invited these guys?
Was it Non Sequitor?
Where has he disappeared to?
Have you ever tried to make sense of his actions?
Could we apply Chaos Theory?
Wouldn't that just give us all butterflies?
Who dosn't like butterflies? Darkseid?
You've never heard of "butterflies in the stomach?"
Has Darkseid ever fired his Omega Beams at a butterfly in your stomach?
With Darkseid's pitiful current power level, would me or the butterfly even be harmed?
Are you and/or the butterfly Kryptonian?
Does it count that I've often wished I was Supergirl?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 08/20/12 02:58 AM
Don't you know you are super enough already?
Can I ditto Virdy?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 08/20/12 10:24 AM
Will you promise to be gentle?
Isn't he always?
Always what?
Always fresh/toujours frais, like Tim Horton's, perhaps?
Have you watched Horton Hears a Who?
The '70s cartoon or the movie?
Which one did you watch, if ever?
Does watching The Who count?
Shouldn't we be hearing The Who?
Wouldn't you rather watch them at a concert?
Aren't Daltrey and Townshend too old to give concerts anymore?
Says who? Or rather, says Who?
How old is too old, anyway?
If the Who hoped they died before they got old, but they got old anyway, what does that mean?
Could it be that The Who, rather than hope, springs eternal?
Do they wear springs on their shoes now?
At their age, mightn't that be rather risky?
Wouldn't springy shoes help aging muscles?
Can you wear white springy shoes after Labor Day?
Why do they call it Labor Day when you have it off from work?
Why don't we have a holiday to celebrate pregnant women giving birth?
Isn't that Mothers' Day?
What do test tube babies get their mother on Mother's Day?
Aren't babies too young to be giving gifts?
Don't babies give lots of "gifts" in their diapers?
Is it a gift if nobody wants it?
What if you renamed it to sound prestigious and expensive?
Are you some kind of marketing person?
Is that your pickup line at the grocery store?
Do you have much success picking up people at the grocery store?
Do you think I'd have more success picking up people at a funeral home?
Are you taking the term "picking up" perhaps too literally? hmmm
Aren't corpses terribly heavy to pick up?
Doesn't it depend on the age and/or size of the person?
Is Quis studying to be an undertaker?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 08/24/12 10:20 PM
Does he know much about embalming?
Why don't you test me to find out?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 08/24/12 10:31 PM
How much H2S is emitted by a decomposing body?
Is this a trick question?
Isn't it a dead giveaway?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 08/25/12 06:10 PM
Couldn't giving away the dead lead to a massive Zombie sweepstakes?
If our sentry sees them coming from so far off, haven't they essentially given themselves away without our help?
Couldn't a zombie just give away parts of his or her body, without giving away the whole thing?
Are zombies and lepers the same thing?
Isn't one alive while the other is undead?
Could you just be imposing your biocentric definitions on life forms that are valid on their own terms?
Aren't the undead inherently composed of biological matter?
Or are they inherently decomposed?
Should they be composted?
wouldn't that be considered biohazard?
Is that where the biodukes live?
Bio and Luke Duke?
Why did I actually laugh out loud at that?
Can you explain the joke to me then?
Did you ever see The Dukes of Hazzard, Cleome?
Are they any relation to Patty Duke?
They did have identical cousins Coy and Vance, didn't they?
If they were identical, why weren't they both named Vance?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 09/01/12 02:53 PM
Why not Coy instead?
Wouldn't either be confusing?
Since when are you one to play coy, Blaze?
Could Blaze have been taken over by a walk-in spirit?
Do spirits need reservations?
wouldn't they be considered drifters?
Or perhaps, squatters?
Are you talking about the ninjas in the attic?
How did you get into my attic?
Didn't you hear Blaze and me bumping around up here?
Bumping what, exactly?
What do you think we could have been bumping up there?
Is everyone tired of asking questions?
Are all life's mysteries solved?
Who framed Roger Rabbit?
Haven't you seen the movie?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 09/19/12 11:29 PM
Is it available as a Tupacstyle hologram yet?
What other kinds of holograms would it be available in?
Why don't you look on the manufacturer's website?
What's its web address?
Have you tried w w w.sendyourcashtonightcrawler . com?
Why does my screen keep freezing up and I constantly get pop-up ads for penis enlargement after I visited that site you recommended?
Are you sure that you typed it correctly?
Are you questioing my ability to tyype?

Don't I wish I could be the dashing suave Cobie?
Could you ask him for tips about how to be more dashing and suave?
Isn't this the popular thread? smile

Wouldn't Cobie charge you for those tips?
Which question should I answer first?
Does it matter?
Isn't it time to take a stand?
Care to have a seat?
Do you know how to do a headstand?
Do I look like Mary Lou Retton?
Is she cute?
Isn't cuteness only skin-deep?
Isn't cuteness also an attitude?
Can you provide an example?
Would cartoon characters count?
If they do, would they be on PBS?
Is Cookie Monster called Biscuit Monster in the UK?
Weren't you just in the UK and should know the answer to your question?
What DID you watch while in the UK, Power Boy? wink
Maybe lots and lots of rugby?
Or videos of rugby players in the lockers?

Do you post these things on purpose so I'll do coffee spit-takes all the time?
Would you believe it was a completely innocent question?
Is it always about you? wink
Do you mean my questions? tongue
What if I meant cleome?
Woudln't you feel silly if nobody responded at all to you?
Silliness? Here?! ElasticLad
Where else? tongue
How about 12 meters behind you, to your right?
Can you rephrase that using yards and feet?
Would that be sillier?
How about using cowrie shells and banana leaves?
Is that some kind of exotic toilet paper?
Wouldn't you find the scent quite unusual?
Are you saying that I smell?
Why would you care?
Is there an unscented Quis available?
Why, do you dislike his scent?
He has a "scent"?
Don't we all?
Doesn't that make (scents/sence)?
Can I put in my two cents?
Will that leave you cents-less?
Isn't that still better than being pantsless?
Could being pantsless help solve your cents-less problem?
Doesn't Pov make a killing from his entertainment services?
Are you accusing Pov of murder?
Would you defend Pov in court, Quis?
What are the chances that the judge would be pantsless under her/his robe?
Would you accept a 1.275% chance?
How do you compute such odds?
Isn't Ibby's invisible tour of inspecting judges' undergarmets legendary?
Can you prove it was I who did the inspecting?
What if the rest of us have alibis?
What if Ibby confessed to it while drunk?
What if I speak in Mandarin so nobody can understand me?
Don't all the translation software packages out there ruin that excuse?
Wouldn't it depend on the reliability of the software?
Either way, is it really so impossible to decipher Mandarin as Ibby suggests?
Wouldn't that be drunken Mandarin?
Is that a new dessert?
Can i try some?
Is it sweet or more on the sour side?
Why don't you try some and find out?
Where's a spoon?
Did you look in the kitchen?
Don't you have any with you?
What kind of dessert place is this that makes the customer bring his own spoon?
Is this really a dessert place, or just an Internet forum thread?
Do we get our just desserts here?
Isn't it unhealthy to eat just dessert?
Does carrot cake count as a vegetable?
Does Carrot Top count as a vegetable?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/09/12 04:07 AM
Can you top a carrot?
Is it possible to beet a carrot?
What do you get when you cross a carrot with a beet?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/09/12 12:35 PM
Why do you want to get it?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/09/12 02:47 PM
Don't you know that by now?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/09/12 02:47 PM
double post
How should I feel about Blaze not knowing why I want a carrot-beet hybrid?
Could you make him a carrot'beet salad to convey your feelings?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/10/12 02:14 PM
Are there other ways to convey one's feelings?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/10/12 02:31 PM
Have you heard of Hallmark?
Wouldn't a heartfelt, handwritten personal message be preferrable?
What are you trying to say?
Would you help me put my thoughts into words?
How much are you paying me?
Can't you do a friend a favor?
After having us plan your wedding, suggest date ideas, and all the rest, aren't you asking a bit much?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/11/12 01:22 PM
Won't you help us plan our retirement?
And would you babysit our first kid, feed the dog, paint our house and loan us some money to buy a car?
Do you mind if I tech the kid and dog to crap on the carpets, paint your house to look like a McDonald's, and charge you 40% daily interest?
Would you pay me to burn down the house afterwards?
Can I bring marshmallows?
Aw, what if Blaze and I are trapped inside when the house burns? frown
What's it worth for us to rescue you?
Can we start a "Help Plan Ibby and Blaze's Cremation" thread? wink
Would you agree that Blaze and I get to haunt you all when we're ghosts? tongue
If we say 'no,' does that settle the matter?
Would a spirit necessarily honor any agreements made while alive?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/12/12 10:56 PM
Shouldn't you ask someone who knows?
Whom do you suggest?
Wouldn't Viridis Lament know?
'Cause he used to be Dedman?
Isn't the name very suggestive?
Do you want to hear my suggestion?
Have you been dying to share it?
If we are going to attorneys, wouldn't Wolff and Byrd, Counsellors of the Macabre, be more appropriate?
How do you pronounce Byrd, anyway?
Are any of the letters silent?
Isn't it clearly just an alt spelling of 'bird'?
Is anything clear in this thread?
What degree of clarity are we seeking?
Would translucence do?
Is transparency too much to ask?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/15/12 03:54 AM
Have you been paying attention to the Presidential campaigns?
Aren't some of the candidates hopelessly thick and opaque?
Does anyone really expect them to be anything else?
Have we lost all hope?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/15/12 01:00 PM
Should we go and find it then? wink
Where shall we look first, in Timbuktu?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/15/12 02:07 PM
Isn't that also spelled as Timbuctoo?
Wherever did you get that from?
Is it related to a cockatoo?
Do I look like an ornithologist?
Would it benefit an ornithologist to be invisible?
So... you'd track rare birds while being one yourself?
Don't you love it when cleome has a clever quip? nod
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/16/12 03:19 AM
Have you ever been on the receiving end of one of her clever quips?
Wouldn't that make anyone envious?
Wouldn't that make EVERYone envious?
Would some people be more envious than others?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/17/12 02:16 PM
Will Cleome allow such thing to happen?
Are you expecting Cleome to think of clever quips for all of us?
She does that anyway...right?
But would we mandate her to make one quip for each of us?
Only one?
A two-quip cleome mandate per poster? Is such a thing possible?
Pshaw...would it be any challenge for cleome the Quip Queen?
Has the Quip Queen been awfully quiet lately?
Are you suggesting a quest for the quiet Quip Queen?
Should Quislet, Esq. lead the quest?
Shall we all wear quilts during our quest?
How many of us should go...quartet? quintet?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/18/12 11:58 PM
Can't we all go?
You mean a high-quantity quest?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/19/12 12:32 AM
Doesn't it sound like fun?
When do we leave?
How about right .... NOW?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/19/12 05:03 PM
Who's bringing the China Cat?
This place is crazy; am I on China Cat?
Would Chairman Meow be a China Cat?
Persian, Siamese...why do cats have Asian nationalities?
What nationalities should they have?
How about Egyptian?
Do they walk like an Egyptian?
Is that the Bast you can come up with?
Wouldn't I be considered more of a dog person anyway?
Aren't you best classified as a penguin person?
Aren't you best classified as a penguin person?
Do you have to ask him twice?
Where is the harm in that?
Ohmygod, can't you like see for yourself?
Did the blind carpenter see, when he picked up his hammer and saw?
Ohmygod, is that like the best question to ask?
Do we really have to ask good questions?
Ohmygod! Is it like really that hard??
Doesn't that depend on your standards?
Ohmygod! Do we like have to like synchronize our standards?
Is that even possible?
Ohmygod! Why wouldn't it like be?
Why would it?
Ohmygod! Do I like have to figure out everything for you?
Would you mind?
Ohmygod! But won't everyone else like want the same treatment?
Do you want to show favoritism?
What is the best way to show it?
Ohmygod! When is this show like supposed to start?
Have they dimmed the house lights yet?
Should we take our seats?
What row are we in?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/21/12 02:25 AM
Don't we deserve front row seats?
What kind of show will Everyday Girl put anyway?
"Oh (my) God," starring Abin Quank?
Would Abin Quank as God be a good idea?
Was it a good idea to turn George Burns into God?
Would Montgomery Burns from the Simpsons have been better?
What about Morgan Freeman?
Have you asked Jim Carrey his opinion?
Ohmygod! Ibby would you like to be part of my show?
Do you have an extra ticket?
Can't we just sneak in?
Can we just tell them we are friends of Abin, so we should get in free?
Won't you support me and Everyday Girl by buying tickets?
How much for two tickets?
Ohmygod! Ibby do you like want to light the cigarette before or after I shoot it out of your mouth?
Sensible souls spurn smoking, surely?
Don't they also avoid alliteration?
Wouldn't sensible souls also avoid shooting cigarettes out of mouths?
Ohmygod! Like do you want to be in the show or not?
Alive or dead?
Could the 80s band Dead Or Alive be the opening act?
Ohmygod, if there's no like element of danger, no like thrill, is the show going to be any good?
Couldn't it be someone else who is in danger?
Ohmygod! What Danger? Have you ever heard of me missing a shot?
Aren't you a bit young to be doing so many shots, M'Dear?

Ohmygod! Have you ever like had a shot of Klatchian Coffee?
What is it with you young kids and your fancy names for coffee?
Aren't fancy coffee drink names the same as pig Latin...frapp-ay, latt-ay,...?
Does putting an "X" in something's name automatically make it cutting-edge?
Like x-ray?
Do you think I can't see through that line of questions?
Is that line of questions really transparent?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/29/12 06:31 AM
Were they asked by the Invisible Man?
Ohmygod! Is Ibby like all grown up now? {Giggle}
Grown up in what way? wink
Ohmygod! Like you don't know? :rolleyes: shocked wink
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/30/12 07:26 PM
would we be asking if we did?
did this conversation carry over from the last page?
Ohmygod! Did you like read the last page?
Last page of what?
Did someone spoil the ending of the book I'm reading?
Wasn't it obvious that the narrator committed the murderer?
Was the murderer committed to a public or to a private institution?
Didn't she usually avoid commitment?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/31/12 03:45 AM
Does that make her a politician?
Isn't everything political?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/31/12 03:54 AM
Do I have to answer that?
What are you trying to hide, if you won't answer?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/31/12 04:15 AM
I'm really a girl?
Is anyone surprised?
How did this double post get past me?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/31/12 04:40 AM
Should we ask my wife?
Perhaps you have an identical twin, like an Ayla to your Garth?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 10/31/12 05:47 AM
Can that happen without me knowing about it?
What if you were mindwiped and given false memories?
Would you please pay back the 50 grand you owe me?
Aren't I already in an endless time loop of work?
Do you think rickshaw the upcoming Time Trapper will deign to get you out of the loop?
Didn't he say he doesn't bow to pressure?
What if we just bribed him instead?
How much do you think we need?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 11/01/12 06:00 AM
Do you think two lollipops, half can of pepsi and a nickel would do?
Is Rick so easily bought?
Ohmygod! Like how much does he like cost?
Shouldn't a 6-pack, a couple cigars, and an Erin Gray flipchart be more than enough?
Ohmygod! Like a six-pack of beer or a six-pack of Peebs' yummy abs?
Can I pass on both?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 11/03/12 05:05 AM
Is there a third option you'd prefer?
Do I get to choose the brand of beer?
Or does Peebs?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 11/04/12 12:10 AM
I hear the only beer Peebs will buy is Molson XXX
Was that last X supposed to be a question mark?
Can you put that in the form of a question, Virdy?
Should Virdy lower himself to our questionable standards?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 11/04/12 03:15 AM
I messed up the thread...forgive me?
Haven't we all done that at least once?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 11/04/12 01:36 PM
Doesn't it seem more natural to answer questions with observations?
Do you have a problem with the rules of this thread?
Aren't many rules broken harmlessly now and again?
Should I break a law a day , just to keep in practice?
Do you believe you can reduce your law-breaking tendencies that drastically?
Are you calling me an overachiever?
Would you believe me if I said, No?
Isn't that a rhetorical question?
Would that define the majority of posts in this thread?
Would we still be answering each other if they were?
Do you think we're a bunch of quitters?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 11/05/12 08:10 PM
Aren't thee some things that we should quit?
Aren't thee? Are we supposed to quit Space Ranger, like Ennis and Jack tried to quit each other in Brokeback Mountain?
Is there someone else who should be doing the quitting instead?
What habit shall we quit then?
Hey, are you saying I've got bad habits?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 11/07/12 07:44 AM
Do you think they are good habits?
Might they not be neutral habits?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 11/07/12 04:02 PM
Like a grey nun?
Other than the vow of chastity, what's not to like?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 11/08/12 10:44 AM
The one colour wardrobe?
What if it's the perfect color?
Is anything perfect?
Can't we start with finding the perfect color before we move on to other types of perfection?
If there's no such thing as the perfect color, isn't our search fruitless?
Do you have any idea what you're talking about, Boyo?
Who are you to question my understanding of my own speech? wink
Well, who are you to question the existence of the perfect color?
Are you referring to the color violet?
Do you believe that violet is the perfect color?
Why was Shrinking Violet's first costume green, anyway?
Was she hooking up with Chlorophyll Kid?
Or perhaps Color Kid?
Maybe she was simply defying stereotypes?
And what stereotype would that be, Kent?
Why did Kent have to leave us at such an important juncture in the questioning?
How do you know he left?
Didn't you know the Mission Monitor is recording all our movements?
Isn't it covered with post-it notes?
Aren't Post-It Notes <span style="font-size: 7px;">tm</span> easily removable?
But how many are there, exactly?
Total or in each layer?
Isn't the total more important?
What if we like Raison Bran better than Total?
What if we're out of Raisin Bran?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 11/11/12 12:40 PM
Can we substitute Froot Loops?
Are we trying to lose weight?
Isn't it wise to have a big breakfast then, so you don't fill up on snacks over the rest of the day?
Wouldn't snacks of apples, bananas, and nuts be better than a breakfast of fatty bacon and high cholesterol eggs?
What if we served Egg Beaters and veggie bacon strips?
Do you want Power Boy to have power cramps and power flatulence?
How powerful would said flatulence be?
Do you really want to find out?
Is Nam'Lor going to be very far far away ?
Can I buy you a plane ticket?
Would you buy me one too?
Does this mean you don't want any breakfast, either?
Could I have brunch instead?
What brunch place do you recommend?
What cuisine do you have in mind?
What cuisine do you have in mind?
Which one would provide the best balance of deliciousness, economy, and healthfulness?
Shall I cook?
Shall we select based on the average longevity in its geographical area of origin?
Would we starve before we figure that out?
When was the last time you ate?
Since it's Thanksgiving Day, aren't we supposed to wait for everyone to get here?
Who are we waiting for?
Who did you invite?
Was I supposed to send out the invitations?
What if no one shows up?
Wouldthat make the event all the more exclusive and elite?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 11/23/12 10:47 PM
Does that mean I throw the most elite parties ever?
You've never been to one of Pov's pantless parties, have you?
How would he know if they are really pantless, if he's never been?
Haven't any videos been leaked?
How much would you pay for such a video?
Can't I just get it for free?
DO you want to destroy the recording and motion picture industry?
When did you and Pov become RIAAMPAA's paid spokesmen?
Wasn't Riaampaa a member of the Omega Men in the 80s?
Weren't they the house band at CBGB's?
Weren't the Bee Gees the HB of CBGBs?
Who can keep up with all these acronyms?
Does keeping up really matter, so long as you're having fun?
Am I having fun?
Can't you tell?
Why else would anyone be here, if not for fun?
Might he be paid to show up?
You can get paid for posting here?
How many skunk pellets do you want for each post?
Uh...isn't everyone paid for posting here?
Can we start discussing raises?
Why not now?
If not us, who? If not now, when?
Should you be answering one question with two questions?
According to the title of this thread, shouldn't every post have multiple questions?
Have we been doing it wrong all this time?
Should we start back at the beginning then?
Could anything be worse?
Would you consider giving Mano a manicure worse?
Do you have a burning desire to try?
Do I sense a new reality show in the works: Super-Villain Makeover 3113 ?
If Charles Bronson films can make a comeback, why can't reality shows?
When did he join Legion World?
Isn't he Quislet, Esq?
Wasn't Bronson just an Abin alt all along?
Aren't YOU an Abin alt too?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 11/26/12 02:30 PM
Could the real Abin alt please stand up?
Don't you mean Alts plural?
Would that be Altses?
Isn't the Toyota Altis quite a nice car?
What's its gas mileage?
Shouldn't we all be driving hybrids by now?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 11/27/12 07:13 AM
Do you mean like a Chimera or a Griffon?
Or a liger or a tigon or a merlion?
Is it cheaper to buy red meat for fuel, as opposed to gasoline?
Aren't the prices of gasoline and red meat artifically high?
You don't think they could have a natural high?
Do shopaholics experience highs when they buy stuff?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 11/29/12 05:48 AM
Can you wait while I ask the wife?
How long will she be at the mall?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 11/30/12 06:24 PM
That depends...are they having a sale?
Does she have a coupon?
Does she need one?
Would a Groupon be better?
Wouldn't a group hug be better yet?
While singing around a campfire and roasting marshmallows?
Is this a Boy Scout Jamboree?
How come Boy Scouts don't sell cookies?
Do they sell brownies instead?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 12/03/12 01:59 AM
Wouldn't that get them into more trouble than they're already in?
Shouldn't they at least have fun while they're in trouble?
Couldn't most connotations of "brownie" mean both fun and trouble?
Should we consult a dictionary?
Perhaps the Urban Dictionary would be the right dictionary to go to?
Why not the Suburban Dictionary?
Would you like to start compiling that dictionary?
Does he look like Webster to you?
What does Emmanuel Lewis have to do with it?
Doesn't Emmanuel Lewis have something to do with everything?
Isn't that a lot to ask of one person?
Shall we help him then?
What has he ever done for me?
Shouldn't you be asking about what he will do for you in the future?
What will he do for me in the future?
Do I look like a Naltorian?
Can you predict my answer?
How do we know you won't just change your answer after the prediction's been made?
Who wants to be the independent auditor?
Should the independent auditor be a telepath?
How much does it cost to bribe a telepathic independent auditor?
Wouldn't they just plant the amount in your head?
Is that why I am thinking about a gazillion dollars?
Woudln't you rather be smelling the gazillion dollars?
Or, like Scrooge McDuck, be swimming in the gazillion dollars?
Even if the gazillion dollars was in pennies?
Would a 100 gazillion pennies take up much space?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 12/06/12 12:36 AM
Do you want me to do the math?
Are you sure you can do it without summoning up the Elder Gods again?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 12/06/12 01:14 AM
Are you ever going to let me forget that?
Is that the sort of thing that can be forgotten?
Is that the sort of thing that can be forgotten?
Does a double post help enforce the memory?
Do you feel more unlikely to forget?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 12/06/12 05:52 AM
forget what?
Who said anything about forgetting?
Is there someone in the room with us?
Do you see anybody else?
Perhaps there is an invisible person in the room?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 12/06/12 08:32 PM
Do you see an invisible person?
Can you touch an untouchable person?
Is that a member of the untouchable caste from India?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 12/07/12 04:45 AM
Or a friend of Elliot Ness?
Or is it the cast of Cats?
Or a native of Bgztl?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 12/07/12 05:31 PM
How is that pronounced?
Was it ever pronounced in the cartoon?
Don't people in cartoons say, and thus pronounce "it" a lot?
"it" it, or it it?
There's a difference?
Are you saying that Bgtzl is also known as "It"?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 12/08/12 09:37 PM
Do you recall "It" being called Bgtzl in the Stephen King book?
Was the book better than the mini-series?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 12/08/12 11:20 PM
Are you afraid of clowns?
Have you seen the movie "Killer Klowns from Outer Space"?
Is it a documentary?
Is it a bad sign that I find that funny?
The question or the movie?
what would happen if Killer Klowns from outer space did attack the Earth?
"shudders" How many Killer Klowns do you think could fit into one of those teeny-tiny saucers?
Could they possibly already be here on Earth?!?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 12/09/12 03:37 AM
How big are the Klowns?
Are you afraid they're hiding behind the mailbox on the sidewalk?
What are you doing with a mailbox these days?
Shouldn't we give our postal workers SOMETHING to do?
Did you know I hand wrote and mailed a letter just last week to do my part?
I guess buying stamps isn't enough now huh? Do you think I should rethink my own contributions to the postman's work?
Perhaps there are other ways you could keep the postmen working? At least the young, strapping ones?
Don't you think other LMBers are more qualified to keep those young, strapping postmen busy?
Does this mean that delivery of my letters are going to be delayed?
How could any sensible postman delay a visit to see FC?
How could anyone delay a visit to see FC?
Would lack of funds be a legitimate reason?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 12/09/12 07:16 PM
Can't you just ask Superman for a lift?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 12/09/12 09:24 PM
Can you read my mind?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 12/09/12 10:41 PM
Should I tell you what you are thinking?
Wouldn't that be more efficient?
Why don't we all just merge into one uni-mind?
Wouldn't we all like tomatoes then?
Or would we constantly have polls to determine what we do like?
Wouldn't a poll of a uni-mind have a sample size of only one and thus be too small a sample to make any reasonable finding?
But couldn't we as a uni-mind split ourselves temporarily into our different facets, much like how Luornu (in some realities) can disagree amongst her three selves?
Do you mind my mind?
Should I?
Should I stay or should I go?
Are you rocking the Casbah?
Are you in Morocco or Tunisia?
Are you in Morocco or Tunisia?
Repeat yourself often?
Haven't you noticed?
Noticed what?
Do you mean that thing over there?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 12/11/12 01:58 AM
Over where?
Somewhere over the rainbow?
Haven't we been there before?
Is it worth going again?
Could the place have changed a lot by now?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 12/11/12 09:34 AM
How much did it cost the first time?
Should we adjust for inflation?
Which currency shall we use in our computation?
Is Monopoly money accepted here?
Have you landed on my property?
Do you own Boardwalk?
Why, do you have Park Place?
Do you want to buy it?
Can I trade for it instead?
What have you got to trade?
What do you want from me?
What if he wants all of you?
Do you really think that I am that greedy?
Why would I ever think that?
Did you see me hogging all the Atomic Fireballs?
Why, are you needing attention?
What if we heard you instead of seeing you?
Am I the only one who thinks rickshaw1 must sound like Yosemite Sam?
Could we say that's the best voice match of the year?
Wouldn't rickshaw be offended to be compared to someone with an inferior accent?
Inferior in what way?
Isn't Yosemite Sam shorter?
Shorter than whom?
Shorter than what?
Am I supposed to ask "Shorter than why?" next?
How about "Shorter than how"?
How about "Would you like another piece of cake?"?
And what if I ask for two slices?
And what if I told you to finish the whole thing?
IS that something you are likely to say?
Are people that predictable?
How else would I have know that you were going to say that?
Aren't you well known for your psychic ability?
How come I don't know about that?
Aren't you in the loop?
How can I get into the loop?
Do I have to draw you a map?
How good are your mapping abilities?
What destination would you like to be mapped?
Can it be someplace really warm?
How about the Sun?
Wouldn't things get a little too hot there?
Couldn't we use your magic lamp to make sure we survive?
Might his lamp be too hot to rub? (shouldn't gone there but I did).
Are you going to touch his lamp to see how hot it is?
If I do, will a genie come out?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 01/31/13 06:38 PM
Did you dream about it?
Would he remember if he had?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 02/01/13 06:51 PM
Did he wish to forget?
Does one ever forget a really good lamp rubbing?
did they use lamp rubbers?
Do they still make lamp rubbers?
Isn't the lamp rubber store next to the carriage wheel repair shop?
Do you mean the carriage wheel repair shop on Swan Avenue?
What types of carriage wheels do they repair?
Do you mean besides round ones?
Don't those triangular ones look cool?
Who invented the triangular wheel?
Isn't the answer to that question lost to the ravages of history?
Does history ravage, rather than caress?
When does history caress?
During the Romantic era?
Should we time travel there to ask?
Should we use the Time Bubble or the Time Cube?
Why don't we use the Egg Timer?
Wouldn't that be too crowded?
Maybe it is bigger on the inside than on the outside?
How many eggs can fit in an egg timer?
How many have you tried?
Which do you mean, African swallow eggs or European swallow eggs?
Is there a continental difference in how to swallow eggs?
Haven't you heard of the continental divide?
Doesn't that determine to which body of water a river drains?
Don't you swallow river water too?
Wouldn't THAT explain a lot about my neighborhood?
What is it about your neighborhood that requires explanation?
Why their motto is "Divide and Swallow"?
Because "Live Free or Die" was taken?
Taken by whom?
Taken by force?
Who was the Force with?
With ewe?
Is that a set-up for a Cobie joke?
Aren't we getting tired of all the Cobie jokes? (Cobalt Kid did not pay me to post this question)
Am I supposed to believe that?
Why wouldn't you?
Is Quislet's honesty suddenly suspect?
Why do you say "suddenly"?
Isn't it obvious, Susan?
Okay who's Susan?
gasp Did someone forget to tell our senior citizens who Susan is?
Does that make me a senior citizen?
Would you rather not be?
What is the alterntive?
A senior undocumented alien?
Is that even a thing?
Would you believe in senior undocumented aliens if you met some in person?
How would I know they weren't just a figment of my imagination?
Posted By: Blaze Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 02/12/13 01:17 PM
How would you know YOU're not a figment of THEIR imagination?
Aren't you assuming that she is not a figment of their imagination?
Who hasn't seen that episode of "The Odd Couple" where the word "assume" is explained?
Would you believe, me?
Don't they have Odd Couple in Canada?
How many Canadians watch Odd Couple?
Are you counting residents as well as citizens?
Are residents considered Canadians?
Can you take my word for it that we are not?
Why would you lie about something like that?
Why does anyone lie about anything?
Don't some people lie because they are tired?
Would you say that's taking the easy way out?
Doesn't that song claim there's no easy way out?
Could you write a new song?
Did he write the song on our day off?
Will it be the song that makes the whole world sing?
Should the tone deaf be allowed to sing?
Why not?
Why ask why?
Isn't it good to be curious?
What would a cat say?
Perhaps Fat Cramer would know?
Doesn't she know everything?
Wouldn't it be difficult to verify that she actually does know everything?
Doesn't Invisible Brainiac's signature suggest that he's the one who knows everything?
Could my signature perhaps only suggest that I would like to know everything, but don't?
How does your signature suggest that?
Why don't you try interpreting it?
Isn't Quis busy deciphering Linear B?
Who told you that?
Oh dear, was it supposed to be a secret?
Is there a penalty for revealing a secret?
Would the Royal Inquisitor think so?
Whatever happened to my former boyfriend/fiance?
Would you consider him a good ex?
What constitutes a good ex?
Is the ex dehydrated?
Does he look sort of mummified?
Are we talking Egyptian mummy or Aztec mummy?
Was your ex an Egyptian or an Aztec( ,,, ian...)?
I should know his nationality, shouldn't I?
Wouldn't you be more curious to know why your ex's become mummys?
How would you even know if they were telling you the truth?
Could I borrow Wonder Woman's Golden Lasso?
Would she lend it out?
What is the going interest rate on gold assets?
Is Wonder Woman that hard up for money that she would charge for the use of her Golden Lasso?
Dunno, does her invisible jet need an overhaul?
Could that be why we haven't seen it in use for a while?
Or could someone have stolen it?
How would the thief know where to find it?
Maybe the thief had 'radar sense' like Daredevil?
What if the thief WAS Daredevil?
What would Foggy say?!
Would he be his own lawyer at the trial?
Could Quislet step in and help?
Do you want them to lose at trial?
How many lawyers does it take to get a blind man off of stealing an invisible jet?
Fifty four? Eight to argue, one to get a continuance, one to object, one to demur, two to research precedents, one to dictate a letter, one to stipulate, five to turn in their time cards, one to depose, one to write interrogatories, two to settle, one to order a secretary to get coffee, and twenty-eight to bill for professional services?
Is there a hyper-efficient lawyer who can accomplish all that?
And if there is, could we afford them?

Originally Posted by He Who Wanders
How many lawyers does it take to get a blind man off of stealing an invisible jet?

Award-winning post! lol
Could I afford them by writing jokes for Jay Leno? wink
Jay Leno tells jokes?
Doesn't he mean his insanely funny neighbour Jay Leno rather than that guy on TV?
There's a Jay Leno on TV????
Haven't you seen him on the Shopping Channel?
What's a shopping channel?
Isn't it a channel that shops?
Should we be afraid that sentient televisions will take over the world?
Haven't they already done that?
Are you secretly a sentient television pretending to be a human being?
Who told you that?
Would you believe, your fairy godmother?
Aren't fairies evil creatures that shouldn't be believed.
Have you been listening to that imp propaganda again?
What channel is that propaganda on?
All of them?
Are you channeling Sarah Palin again?
Good heavens, is that even possible?
Aren't all things possible in heaven?
When you're lying here in my hands, would you believe that I am in heaven?
How big are your hands that I can lie in them?
Or could you possibly shrink?
Do I look like I am from Imsk?
Would you stand next to this ruler for us?
Won't Karate Kid get jealous if I stand next to Projectra?
Isn't it more likely that Jeckie would get jealous if you stood next to Val?
Isn't a princess/queen a better person than that?
Which queen were you talking about? wink
Freddie Mercury?
Does Mercury miss Freddie?
The element, the god or the planet?
Could you answer for all three?
Are they on Uranus?
Isn't that a bit personal to be asking?
What is considered personal?
Have you no boundaries?
Is he a map?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 03/08/13 08:02 PM
Should we ask Dora?
¿Habla español?
Could you translate that into Swahili?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 03/10/13 09:50 PM
Don't you have a Babelfish?
Aren't all the fish gone?
Where did they go?
Did they go off to school?
Would goldfish have the attention span needed for school?
Wouldn't they be following a species-appropriate curriculum?
What curriculum is appropriate for a goldfish?
Could they study fishbowl architecture?
Isn't that more of an independent study for them?
Wouldn't all fishbowl designs have some unifying principles?
Could the goldfish group mind develop a breakout concept?
Would they be able to do so if they all think alike?
How sure are you that all goldfish think alike?
Could we test that by getting them to bet on the Kentucky Derby?
Isn't gambling on horse racing a little fishy?
Would you believe me if I said "Neigh!"?
Would it matter if you were stamping your hooves at the same time?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 03/14/13 08:12 PM
Have you seen my horse?

Would I see it if my plugin for that content has been disabled?
May I suggest you keep your plugin disabled if you're at work?
What else would you suggest?
Can't everything be solved with a karate chop or two?
How would a karate chop (or two) solve the question regarding the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Is that really a swallow, or just a small bird of unknown origin? *Did you think i was gonna say something else?
Knowing you as I do, why would I think that?
How would I know?
Are you being coy?
This is Rickshaw we are talking about, right?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 03/16/13 10:56 PM
Whatchoo talkin about Willis?
Are you talkin' ta me?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 03/17/13 12:30 AM
Do you see anyone else here?
Could there be invisible people here?
Do you mean, besides me?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 03/17/13 05:13 AM
Is Kevin Bacon reprising his Hollow Man role?
If he so chooses to, who are we to question Kevin Bacon?
Could we be Kyra Sedwick??
What if I want to change my identity?
What would you change it to?
Could it be an anonymous identity and leave us guessing?
What would we get if we guessed right?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 03/19/13 03:17 AM
A cookie?
How about if I change my identity to a cookie?
Why, is something eating at you?
How about because I'm really tasty?
So then, 499 out of 500 mosquitoes agree?
Would you like to launch an opinion survey?
Does anyone speak mosquito?
Would anyone really want to?
Would a giant lynx help?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 03/19/13 04:14 PM
can lynx speak mosquito?
Wouldn't the lynx just eat the mosquitoes?
Are we getting two threads all tangled up?
Does it matter?
Does anything really matter?
Are you listening to 90s music?
Do the B-52s count as 90s music?
Do you care what a person who would turn himself into a giant lynx thinks?
Why does the ability to turn into a giant lynx mean that your opinion is worth less than anyone else's?
Would you be my civil rights attorney?
wouldn't you also prefer uncivil rights?
Is there any need to get uncivil right now?
Is there a good time be uncivil?
Would 1860 have been a good time to be un civil?
How different is being uncivil from being uncivilized?
Wouldn't the difference be in intention?
Or could it be a matter of inattention?
Where can I find a potion to turn me back into a human?
Haven't you been paying attention?
Are you saying I have to pay for it?
Is that what I said?
Did you say you took credit cards?
Is it an American Express card?
Did you leave home without it?
Why did you leave home?
Are you running away from home?
Could he just be walking away?
Do you need a stuck in a giant lynx body companion?
Can you get me my drinks for free?
Have you heard the joke about the giant lynx who walked into a bar?
Did he say "Ouch!"?
What does a lynx like to drink?
Besides blood and water?
Are they mixed together?
After that, what would one use for a chaser?
Do all drinks need a chaser?
Have you ever tried to catch a drink by yourself?
Should we form a drink-catching team?
Will we need gloves?
Wouldn't gloves make the event just that much more elegant?
What if they're Playtex Living Gloves?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 03/24/13 09:04 PM
Are they allowed on this planet?
Are you talking about planet Earth where Playtex Living Gloves originated?
Are living gloves the dominant life form on a parallel Earth?
How would they, well, um, you know... wash dishes?
Would living gloves use dishes?
What would living gloves consume in order to survive?
Might they consume finger food?
Wouldn't that make them cannibals?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 03/26/13 04:24 PM
Are the cannibals fine and young?
Would that make them more tasty?
Well, is the last cannibal truly a cannibal?
Might that not depend upon whether or not the last cannibal is tasty?
How could you tell if the last cannibal is tasty if no one will eat him/her?
Maybe I could lick him for a preview before he ate me alive?
Where would you lick him for the most flavorful experience?
Do I have super taste buds too? hmmm
Does it feel a like a fight happening on your tongue when you taste chocolate?
Is that why I always lose in a battle to resist chocolate?
Why try to resist chocolate in the first place?
Isn't that a very good question?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 03/29/13 12:06 AM
Isn't this a very poor answer?
Isn't a question, not an answer?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 03/29/13 12:14 AM
Are we not answering questions with questions, thus making my previous reply both a question and an answer at once?
Did you just call me a hooker?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 03/29/13 12:39 AM
Are you in the right thread?
Why do people always ask me that?
How often do people ask you that?
Am I supposed to be keeping track?
If you don't, who will?
Do we have any volunteers?
why don't we have any volunteers?
Has the internet destroyed volunteerism?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 03/30/13 03:52 PM
wasn't it replaced by slackivism?
Is that when activists wear trousers?
Isn't that better than non trouser wearing activists?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 03/30/13 08:10 PM
Would that make Pov an activist?
Where is he?
Do you really want to know?
Is Pov mixed up in something we shouldn't know about?
How is it our business?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/02/13 08:01 PM
Should we hire him for our business?
What's your business?
Did a lawyer advise Peebs to edit that post?
Should I breach the lawyer/client confidentiality privilege?
Should you consult another practicing attourney? and why are they always practicing?
Which question do you want me to answer?
Aren't answers off limits?
how could they be?
Did someone draw lines around them?
Is this thread called answering questions with answers?
Have you not read the thread title before posting?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/03/13 05:28 AM
Why are we putting red thread on posts?
If I don't see red thread, am I colour blind or is it my browser?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/03/13 04:25 PM
What browser are you using?
Couldn't it be both color blindness AND browser issues?
Have we ruled out all the other possibilities?
Is that germane?
It's not Frenche?
Is that like French?
Is what like French?
Did I just hear a duck call out?
Why does it seem like the duck's call was cut short?
Is it because it's a French duck?
You mean it's duck l'orange?
Would you believe it's peking duck?
Why isn't is called "beijing duck?"
Perhaps the J is harder for the Chinese to pronounce?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/06/13 12:21 AM
I wonder what they call Silent Jay in China?
Are you trying to be politicallt correct?
Is "politicallt" really a word?
Do people even own dictionaries anymore?
Don't some people buy them to use as paperweights?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/06/13 06:22 PM
What is this "paper" you speak of?
Would you understand if I used "papyrus"?
Is "papyrus" a slang term for something in the "cloud?"
Do I look like I use slang terms a lot?
What happened to my slangometer scanning ray?
Did you lose it?
Where did you have it last?
Did you lend it to someone?
Haven't we been through this all before?
Really, when?
Am I the only one who is confused? confused
Is confusion mandatory to participate in this thread?
Isn't the only thing that is mandatory in this thread is to answer each question with a question?
Should we add some other rules to make it more challenging?
What other rules do you propose?
Who shall povide final approval of these rules?
Should we go with majority rule or will you all just do as I say?
Why, are you the new Supreme Ruler of the Universe?
Is this what happens when I fall behind on Archives reviews?
Could you possibly catch up and help us avoid total meltdown?
How about if we just melt some cheese and have fondue?
What do we do when we've asked all the questions and Alex Trebek still hasn't answered?
Could we bring in Double Oh Seven: Sean Connery?
Is Sean Connery a Double Oh Seven or does he just play one?
Could we invite him to this thread for some fondue and ask him directly?
Do you have his phone number?
Why did I blush?
Is Sean Connery there with you now?
Or could it be that Power Boy is actually Sean Connery?
How could that be, when Blaze and I are seducing Sean Connery right now?
COuld Sean Connery have Sean Connery robots like the 1960s Superman had?
Can I buy in bulk?
Could we get a discount on a group order?
How many of us would be buying them?
Wouldn't you want a robot of yourself rather than an eighty year old man?
Couldn't we get the Dr. No model?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/15/13 01:23 AM
Does it come with a volcano secret base?
Is an underwater headquarters not good enough for you?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/15/13 01:58 AM
Can I have an underwater city?
Do you promise to take good care of it?
Wouldn't it stay clean on it's own with the water flowing through it?
Have you seen the type of things we throw into the oceans?
Are we better off not knowing?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/15/13 06:10 AM
Isn't knowledge power?
Doesn't power corrupt?
Was Superman ever corrupted by his?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/15/13 07:14 PM
Have you seen the upcoming Injustice game previews?
Should I go out and seek them?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/16/13 06:21 PM
Do you like fighting games that involve superheroes?
Are there non-fighting games with superheroes?
Would a non-fighting game sell?
What if it was non-fight but pornographic?
Don't they make pornographic super hero movies now?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/17/13 07:08 AM
If they don't...should they?
Who are they?
... and what do they have to do with the holy cats of Egypt?
Could it just be a coincidence?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Isn't that just a big word for the "Force?"
You don't believe that malarkey, do you?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/23/13 12:33 AM
Isn't malarkey related to the Flying Spagetti Monster?
Is malarkey something you spread on toast?
Aren't there lots of things people spread on toast?
How would I know?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/23/13 01:12 AM
Doesn't your family eat toast?
What would they do with toast besides eating it?
Doesn't everyone use toast as a foot warmer?
What if I told you I used a beagle as a foot warmer?
Do you really want to know what will happen if you tell me that?
Why don't we just leave that your little secret?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/23/13 05:31 PM
you have a secret...can I know?
Are you offended by beagles or toast?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/24/13 12:29 AM
White or whole wheat?
Do you have rye?
Are you offended by whole wheat, white or both?
Can't I just prefer rye without being offended by either wheat or white or both?
What does any of that have to do with heavy scrotum?
Do certain types of bread cause heavy scrotum?
How would I know?
Aren't you well read?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/25/13 01:07 AM
Isn't this type of knowledge better gained through experience?
Would you be willing to volunteer to test those breads?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/26/13 06:59 AM
Or weigh the scrotums?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/26/13 11:52 AM
Where do I sign up?
You all do realize that I'm still on the work computer, don't you?
How are we supposed to know that?
You don't hack Legionworlder's computers?
But what if you hack them for a good purpose?
When do you plan on getting specific about that "good purpose"?
Is that like a special purpose?

Are you asking because you really don't know, or are you just making conversation?
How can you not be curious about someone's special purpose?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/27/13 01:15 AM
Doesn't she have enough to worry about?
Is JerDawg a bad nickname?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/27/13 01:20 AM
What does it mean exactly?
Uh... hmmm ...whatever you'd like it to mean?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/27/13 01:37 AM
How long do I have to think about it?
How long do you need?
How could it not be good when it comes from Power Boy?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 04/27/13 02:35 AM
Can I take your word on that?
How dare you?
Aren't we LMBers all daring people?
Is this going to turn into one of those Nineties Mountain Dew™ ads now?
Who shall be our model?
Which legionnaire made a living as an entertainer before joining the legion? I think we all want to know, don't we?
Do we need to want to know that seeing how we all already know that?
Is that a rhetorical question?
Would you care to try and answer it?
What do I get if I do answer it?
Do you need a reward for knowing it?
Why don't people do things for free anymore?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/01/13 12:25 AM
is the rent too damn high?
How do you like the singing on Rent?
Did I get the part?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/02/13 09:48 AM
Was there a part that needed replacing?
What will we do while waiting for the repairs?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/02/13 10:25 AM
Sing campfire songs?
Can you play the guitar for that?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/03/13 10:18 AM
Do howling cats sound melodic to you?
How is their pitch?
Are they trying out for a softball team?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/04/13 12:44 PM
Which softball team?
Wouldn't be the one that takes howling cats as players?
Could that be bang on the money?
How does one "bang on" the money?

(Or should I ask?)
Would you like to redirect this discussion?
Can I take it anywhere I want to go?
Where do you want to go?
Does he have to pick only one location?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/05/13 06:22 AM
Do I sense a road trip coming up?
Who's paying for the gas?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/05/13 09:05 AM
Can we just run a hose to Lardy's ass?
Are you volunteering?
Why ask why?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/06/13 06:10 AM
Well do you want to be the one to run a hose to Lardy's ass?
Can't Lardy do it himself?
Has he done it before?
Does this really require someone with experience?
Did rickshaw just volunteer?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/07/13 10:25 AM
Can he just be voluntold?
Would Lardy allow rickshaw to put a hose up his behind?
In that case, do I need to step out of the room?
Don't you want to witness this?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/11/13 01:37 AM
Can I just read the report?
Would you like pictures?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/11/13 06:01 PM
Are they photoshopped?
Did the North Koreans release the pictures?
Have I just been released from prison?
Did you take the red pill or the blue pill?
Which makes you larger?
Aren't you large enough?
What's wrong with self improvement?
Isn't there such a thing as too much?
Would this qualify as too large?
Do we have an objective standard of "large" with which to compare it to?
Is it PC to objectify largeness?
Power Commando?
Pool cleaner?
Poppy cock?
Do you have Poppycock ?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/13/13 07:38 AM
Is it OK to admit I'm afraid to click the link?
Would you believe me if I told you there was nothing to worry about?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/13/13 08:32 AM
Are you trying to trick me?
How could he?
Do you not believe in my innocence?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/14/13 06:23 AM
Can I ask Blaze about how "innocent" you are?
Do you think Blaze would give you a truthful answer instead of giggling slyly?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/15/13 02:13 AM
Wouldn't a sly giggle be answer enough?
Don't you want to know all the details?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/15/13 04:39 AM
Isn't the details where the devil is?
How did you know I call Blaze my little devil?
Doesn't everybody call their significant other that?
Don't some call their S.O.s angels instead?
Is there any other?
Aren't some others very significant?
What is considered significant?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/16/13 09:33 AM
Greater than 51%?
Doesn't that depend on your personal views?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/16/13 09:41 AM
Isn't personal viewing a little vain?
What's wrong with a little voyeurism?
Quis, are you still spying on the neighbors when they have sex?
Wouldn't he incriminate himself by answering that question?
Would any of his neighbors be likely to read his response?
Couldn't they also be Legion World members?
Should you ask them?
Does that include the creepy guy that lives at the end of the road?
Is that Bob, your uncle?
Who's Bob?
Is that a sequel to the Bill Murray movie "What about Bob?"
What was it about Bob that merited a movie?
Would it be that a totally predictable movie could still make you laugh?
What if I fell into the floor from laughing so hard at it?
If you fell *into* the floor? Wouldn't you have to be taken to the hospital?
If so, would you come visit me? And bring me some chocolate?
Dark or milk?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/20/13 04:52 AM
Is milk chocolate real chocolate?
Does it matter so long as someone likes it?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/20/13 05:02 AM
Do we have orders for it?
How many orders would be enough to legitimate milk chocolate?
Shall we measure said quantity in comparison to the number of boys who are lured to the yard by milkshakes?
Did someone say milkshake?
How can someone say anything when posting on a non-audio message board?
Is Quis deaf, or did he not upgrade to the audio version of Legion world?
Does upgrading come with a free headset?
Is anything ever really free?
Is "Anything Ever" the brand of headset?
Did you know that on a clear day, you see past forever?
Do we really want to know what's beyond forever?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/22/13 06:59 PM
Can't the Doctor just tell us?
Will he charge to give his opinion?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/23/13 01:47 AM
Can we pay with apples?
Do you know any doctor who will accept apples for payment?
Don't you think there is at least one hungry vegan doctor in the world?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/24/13 05:45 AM
Is he the 1 out 5 Doctors who don't agree?
Aren't there 11 Doctors by now?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/24/13 03:27 PM
Who can keep track of all these Doctors and Tardis' and companions?
Isn't David Tennant just the greatest?
Wouldn't Mohammed Ali dispute that?
Is Mohammed Ali a doctor?
Should we check his diploma?
Isn't that a good way to get punched in the face?
Isn't he retired from punching, though?
Does one ever truly retire from pugilism?
Do the dead box?
dead cat in a box? eek
Why don't you go ask Schrödinger?
Is that the new Starfinger?
Has Starfinger been seen in the new 52?
what do you mean by "seen"?
Don't paparazzi exist in 31st century Metropolis?
Do paparazzi ever have time to eat pizza?
Who really likes pizza?
Originally Posted by Quislet, Esq
Who really likes pizza?

Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/27/13 03:46 AM
Am...am I Italian?
Have I ever mentioned how much I miss really good pizza?
Can you get good pizza in Pisa?
Since it is in Tuscany, could it really be that difficult?
Is Tuscany known for great pizza?
What about in Tuscaloosa?
What about it?
Is Tusca loosa than what?
Is What really that loose, out there on second base?
Should I ask I Don't Know?
then Who's on first?
Has it come to this?

[In-joke for people following along on FB.]

Must you be so damn topical?
Isn't it one of my more endearing qualities? wink
More endearing than your sage writing tips?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/27/13 04:59 AM
Shouldn't sage be used for cooking tips instead?
Doesn't parsley writing tips sound stranger than sage writing tips?
Should we all parse our words better?
Do you give good parsey?
Wouldn't you like to know? wink
Has it come to this? tongue
Is the dramatic tension rising? laugh
Is that a euphamism? tease
Do you mean euphemism?
Was the misspelling so severe that my intent was unclear?
what? you're going nuclear!?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/27/13 05:52 AM
Where is this "nuclear" place?
Was he unclear?
Does that make him opaque?
Aren't most people opaque?
Would you like to become your own boss?
Are you trying to get Quis fired?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/27/13 01:32 PM
Why are we lighting Quis on fire?
It's his turn?
We take turns for that?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/27/13 03:26 PM
Can Caliente be the one who heats me up?
Are you too hot to handle or too cold to hold?
Why does that sound like a bad pick-up line?
Don't we already have a thread for that?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/27/13 06:54 PM
How's the search function working these days?
Why am i having a hard time finding your recent posts?


Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/27/13 07:56 PM
Would you believe me if I told you?
Have you ever lied to us before?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/27/13 08:04 PM
Isn't there a first time for everything?
I this about sex?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/27/13 08:29 PM
Isn't everything?
Unless it's about death?
Isn't that inevitable?
Death or almost everything being about death?
Would it kill you to stop being so morbid?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/28/13 05:42 AM
What if it would?
Isn't this supposed to be fun?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/28/13 07:35 AM
Did anyone say it wasn't?
Is there such a thing as too much fun then?
Doesn't too much fun usually result in hangover, a pregnancy, or both?
Are you using Cobie's dictionary again?
Does he want it back?
If you don't want to, can you keep delaying until he spells his request correctly?

Wouldn't the universe end before that ever happens?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/29/13 11:46 AM
How long is the Universe expected to last?
and what does Barbra Streisand have to do with this?
Why are you accusing her?! Why don't you just leave her alone?!
Doesn't she already engage in enough self-love?
How evil are the dead?
Are questions still being used as answers, or are we drifting into non-sequiturs?
You don't agree with random youtube comments?
Care to explain?
Send us a link, why don't ya?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/30/13 06:41 AM
Will this link do?
Oh dear, is that safe for work?
Is your workplace well-supplied with gamers?
Are they allowed to game at work?
What if their work is to test play games?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/31/13 02:21 AM
Do people get paid for that?
Do they get paid in points?
Are points redeemable for other stuff?
What kind of stuff would you want?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/31/13 04:18 AM
Pizza and beer?
could we get hot wings, too?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 05/31/13 04:30 AM
how much extra will they cost?
Who's buying?
Who's buying what?
Why are you asking, didn't anybody tell you?
Should someone have told him?
Why are you looking at me?
Do I need to ask permission?
Wouldn't it be polite to do so?
Should I ask EVERYone's permission to look at them? confused
Do you have a problem with that?
What if I do?
Shouldn't you tell your shrink?
Are you implying I'm suffering from shrinkage?
Is it that cold out?
Is it snowing again??
Is that preferable to this blistering heat?
Can't we have a happy medium?
Do you mean Madame Olga?
Des she come recommended?
Whose recommendation should she have?
Are psychics reviewed on Angie's List?
When did Craig change his name to Angie?
Could he have a split personality?
Do y'all need to google 'Angie's List'?
Why do you think I don't know what Angie's List is?
Are you asking me what "inference" means?
Are you inferring my intent?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/02/13 05:10 AM
Do you have intent to repent?
For which sin?
Which one haven't you committed?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/02/13 01:23 PM
Can I plead the 5th?
What if we get someone to read your mind?
Would reading it be better than watching the movie?
Wouldn't that depend on how well it was written?
Have you read other minds that were made into movies?
What about that movie where Russell Crowe plays a nutso physicist?
Was that The Manhattan Projects?
Was he also the one who played Doctor Manhattan?
Did you even bother to watch the credits?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/03/13 01:37 PM
Did they have information we should know?
Why don't we take a look ourselves?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/03/13 05:10 PM
Can't you just summarize for me?
Should he do so in the form of a power point?
Don't you think it's rude to point at others?
Is it rude when Power Boy points?
uh...what's he pointing with?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/03/13 07:32 PM
Are you sure you want to know?
Are you questioning my bravery?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/03/13 07:44 PM
Does your bravery answer questions?
Can't yours?
Are we getting metaphysical?
Should we ask David Gilmour?
Why not just ask me?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/04/13 01:14 AM
What do you think, Quis?
Why are you asking me?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/04/13 02:13 AM
Are you messing with me?
DO you want to be messed with?
Who's gonna clean up this mess?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/04/13 03:33 AM
Isn't that Abin's job?
Where the heck is Abin anyway?
Has he been abducted?
Oh, didn't you all hear about Abin's role in the Hollandaise Sauce Incident!?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/05/13 06:58 AM
No, what happened?
Did he get completely sauced?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/05/13 03:52 PM
Why bring BBQ sauce into this?
Doesn't BBQ sauce go good with anything?
Do you like BBQ sauce on your spinach?
How could you ask me that?
Did I cross a line?
Do we need to appoint a crossing guard in future threads?
Who would volunteer for such a job?
Do you not dig my threads?
So now we need to hire an archeologist, too?
What's his/her asking price?
Would a grad student do the job for credit?
But wouldn't we have to feed them?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/06/13 04:48 PM
Are Ramen noodles all that expensive these days?
I thought he said feed, not kill?
Doesn't everything we eat cause cancer these days?
Is this a conspiracy by the food to do away with us and take over?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/07/13 02:21 AM
Wouldn't you know that if you hadn't dropped Swamp Thing?
Is that the secret origin of the Rot?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/07/13 02:38 AM
Do you want me to spoil it for you?
Does anyone try to avoid spoilers any more?
Is it irresistable for everyone to click on this:
Rosebud was a SLED, dude!!!
shall we ask everyone to view this thread so we can answer your question?
Will you ask politely?
Why should I?
Won't you get a better response that way?
Does politeness also heighten human sexual response?
Do you have to equate everything with sex?
Do you need a mathematics degree or a biology degree to equate everything with sex?
Why do I do it if I have neither?
Join a monastery?
Wsn't I already in the Lard Monastery?
Is that the best monastery to be in?
Are you a monastery reviewer?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/08/13 04:24 AM
Didn't you see his Yelp profile?
can I suggest self-flagellation for those who have not?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/08/13 04:34 AM
Isn't more fun if Thora does the whipping?
Can she 'whip it good'?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/08/13 04:51 AM
Did she join Devo?
Or is she a diva now instead?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/08/13 04:10 PM
Is she booked on Fhloston Paradise?
How do you pronounce that?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/08/13 04:53 PM
Should we ask the cruise line?
Do you know their number?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/08/13 04:59 PM
Can't we just call our travel agent?
Do you know our travel agent's number?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/08/13 05:10 PM
Which agency were we with again?
I wonder who would remember?
Could we write it down?
Don't we suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome?
What's with all the questions?????
Isn't that the POINT of this thread?????
Why does everything here on LW devolve into a swordfight?
Posted By: Jerry Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/08/13 11:57 PM
Is devolve the right word?
Would you prefer "degenerate"?
Was swordfight in quotes?
Can't you click to the page before this one and check it out yourself?
What if he just wants you to tell him?
Are you saying he is lazy?
Maybe he just wants you to make some quality time with him?
Can he afford my quality time rates?
Are you encouraging lawyer stereotypes?
Don't stereotypes have some basis in truth?
Is that why you're a "F.E.B."?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/09/13 03:56 AM
What does that stand for?
Freakishly Evil Being?
Fabulously Exotic Bogeyman?
Flippantly Enthused Boy?
Isn't it already June?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/10/13 04:57 PM
Did you check a calendar?
Doesn't the weather feel like June to you?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/10/13 11:12 PM
How can I touch the weather?
Have you never been rained on?
Wouldn't carrying an umbrella be helpful?
Wouldn't you expect a penguin to suggest that? wink
Are you an expert on penguins?
Isn't the connection between penguins and umbrellas common knowledge?
All penguins or just Batman's foe the Penguin?
Are you implying that one can't infer traits of all penguins from Oswald C. Cobblepot?
Do penguins wear monocles?
They don't wear pince-nez, do they?
Do I have to google 'pince-nez'?
If you did, wouldn't you learn that they are glasses held on only by being hooked to the nose?
Are those practical?
Would Teddy Roosevelt have worn them if the weren't practical?
Does everything have to be practical?
Must we analyze Teddy's personality traits now?
Isn't this a good time for a viewing of Arsenic and Old Lace?
Since I've never seen it, why should I now?
Don't you want to learn something new?
Are there really any 'new' things to learn?
If you don't know it, isn't it new to you?
What about for the omniscient beings?
Isn't that for me to know and you to wonder? wink
So if you know everything, what color socks am I wearing today?
Wouldn't Angdar Fel know the answer?
Is Angdar a sock fetishist?
What if he is?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/11/13 03:50 PM
Is that why all my socks have been disappearing?
Hasn't that been a worldwide epidemic for ages?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/11/13 08:09 PM
What if it is actually a sock fairy who is putting an EXTRA sock in the dryer?
Do uo think it's intended for our 'third leg'?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/11/13 08:40 PM
should we ask Uo and find out?
Do you have his/her number?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/11/13 10:03 PM
Isn't that Jenny's number?
Jenny, Jenny, who can I turn to?
Have you tried Hari Krishna?
Would George Harrison recommend Hari?
Is that your first choice?
Is that your final Answer?
Can I phone a friend?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/12/13 03:18 AM
Is her number 867-5309?
How did you know?
Did you lock your phone?
Did you lock UP your phone?
Did you lock yourself up?
Are you playing Houdini?
Why are you wearing those handcuffs, anyway?
Can somebody find the key?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/13/13 12:07 AM
Can't you just pick it with a hairpin?
You prefer that to the credit card swipe, popularized by 80s television mysteries?
is it the 1980s again?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/13/13 01:26 AM
Could we be so lucky?
What was lucky about the '80s?
What wasn't lucky about the 80s?
The Challenger disaster, for one?
How about my birth?
Was your birth unlucky?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/13/13 05:02 PM
Was it on a Friday the 13th?
Did the doctor wear a hockey mask?
Aren't hockey playing doctors common where you live?
Is hockey a popular sport in Kansas City?!?
Is the presence or absence of a team of a given sport in a city necessarily a gauge of the popularity of said sport there?
Shouldn't you ask a sports fan?
Aren't there some sports fans on Legion World?
Are they a clique?
WHat is the minimum number of people to form a clique?
One and a half?
How can someone be half a person?
Do you remember Bizarro-Triad, who could be one-third of a girl?
Aren't there some things we should forget?
Like '80s hair?
Or terrible exes?
You gotta problem with Exnihil?
Is there a problem with 100 toothpicks?
You ever dropped 100 toothpicks on the floor?
Why on earth would you do that?
Were you drunk at the time?
Why are you asking me?
Isn't the point of this thread to ask questions?
Does this thread specify to whom the questions should be targeted?
Isn't guessing part of the fun?
Can you guess what answer I'm expecting from this question?
What if I can?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/15/13 05:15 PM
Can you fill me in?
You mean like a Legion World coloring book?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/15/13 05:28 PM
Who illustrated that?
Who do you think should?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/15/13 06:01 PM
Sketchy and Joeboy?
Don't you think I could draw it?
Why don't you give it a try and show us some samples?
Is providing a sample a condition of my continued employment?
Are you employed by LW?
Aren't we all, in some way, being used by LW?
What if I like being used?
Used and abused?
Isn't one person's 'abuse' sometimes another's 'pleasure'?
Care to give an example?
How about spanking?
Do you find it pleasurable?
Don't you? smile
Wouldn't you like to know?
Would I?
Don't you know?
Why are you undecided all of a sudden?
Are you cornering me?
Are there corners in cyberspace?
Does a site like Curvaceous Corner* count?

(*I made that one up, guys. If it turns out to be real, it's coincedence! nod )
Is that a family friendly site?
Do pervy families count?
Wouldn't it be hard to keep track of things if they couldn't count?
Maybe they can count on each other instead?
Are all of them trustworthy?
Do you doubt the word of a perv?
Are pervs paragos of honesty?
Is "parago" Spanish for "paragon"? smile
Can I borrow someone's Spanish-to-English dictionary to check?
Will you give it right back?
Do you have urgent use for it?
¿Habla Inglés
Aren't you missing a question mark there?
Aren't you supposed to be a F.E.B., not a grammar nazi?
Is it my fault if Google Translate doesn't provide the question mark at the end?
Couldn't you have proofread your post first?
What if he hadn't the time?
Should he make time?
What if I don't know Spanish well enough to know the difference?
How does knowing Spanish help with making time for things?
Well, if I had made time to proofread, would it have mattered since I didn't know the language in which I was proofreading?
If you made enough time, couldn't you have learned Spanish?
Is Quis implying that he himself took the time to learn Spanish?
Have you seen my high school transcripts?
Are they in Spanish?
Would you translate them for us?
Er...can I borrow Quis's Spanish-to-English dictionary again? wink
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 06/29/13 10:22 PM
why did you need it the first time?
Because I'm a lazy-ass loafer and never became fluent after taking four Spanish courses between high school and college? shocked
How do you say "lazy-ass loafer" in Spanish?
"El Paladin"? smile
Is there a picture of you next to "lazy-ass loafer" in the Spanish dictionary?
Shouldn't you borrow Quis' copy to check?
How can I if you have it?
Didn't I give it back?
Shall we ask Quis?
Have you got his number?
Wlll a PM do?
Is it Excedrin PM?
Is Huey having trouble sleeping?
Is it because of.... well you know?
Should I know?
Do I have to spell it out for you
Can you spell it out for me?
Are you flirting with him?
Who, me?
Does "you" pertain only to you?
Isn't that how ambiguous pronouns are usually interpreted?
Could we not interpret is as pertaining to a collective?
So a collective "you" is flirting with "him" (another ambiguous pronoun)?
Why must we deal with all this ambiguity?
Would you prefer to deal with amlittleuity?
You think you are so clever, don't you?
You think I'm not clever? frown
Does anybody want to answer that?
Does the answer have to be clever?
Wouldn't that help?
Can the answer not merely be witty instead of clever?
Doesn't wittiness involve cleverness?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/01/13 08:02 PM
Shall we look up the definition to find out?
Which dictionary shall we use?
The urban dictionary?
Did Keith Urban author it?
Isn't it odd for a country music star to have the last name Urban?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/03/13 05:07 AM
What would be a better last name for him?
Plains? Meaddows? Range?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/03/13 05:21 AM
Should he change his first name too?
Doesn't "Keith" remind you of Keith Partridge?
Have you ever tasted partridge?
Does it taste like chicken?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/04/13 05:07 AM
Does a bear poop in the woods?
And if it does, should we disturb it?
You first?
Does anyone here sell bear insurance?
Does your bear need insuring?
what if he gets turned into a rug?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/05/13 02:24 AM
would Donald Trump try to wear him then?
As a wig, you mean?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/05/13 05:01 AM
Did you think I meant as a cape?
Why would he think that?
Aren't there many ways to wear a bear's skin?
Isn't it too hot for bear's skin?
Have you ever seen a bear naked, Lady?
Aren't bears always naked?
Did you miss Blockade Boy's little word play?
Has it been One Week already? smile
Isn't it past time to retire this thread and start another in its place?
Does this new board still have the old boards limits?
Why cut this thread short when it's been doing so well?
Could this thread get arrogant if it continues?
Is this thread not already arrogant?
Are we anthropomorphizing threads now?
Are you saying that threads can't be sentient?
Are you implying they CAN?
What would it take to make you believe that they could?
Posted By: .. Re: Answering Questions with Questions: Mark X - 07/07/13 10:26 AM
Can you bring one over for lunch?
How come you only invite me to lunch when I have to prove something to you?
Is the proof in the pudding?
Doesn't the pudding contain fruit?
What kind of fruit?
Wouldn't that depend upon the flavor of pudding?
Will you kids stop arguing over pudding and just eat it?
Is LT secretly Weird Al Yankovic?
Could we ask LT to perform one of Weird Al's songs?
Or should we challenge him to write a new song about pudding?
Should we specify the flavor of pudding?
How 'bout nanner puddin'?
why does everything on this board sound like a euphemism for ... well what euphemisms usually are for?
Who cares about euphemisms when we can be eatin' nanner puddin'?
Why don't you come up with your own euphemisms?
^ hmmm...was that a euphemism?
Isn't nanner puddin' just a euphemism for....nanner puddin'?
Does it remind you of anything, like a good euphemism does?
Will a euphemism work for a person with short term memory loss?
Does a person with short term memory loss need a euphemism?
Will a euphemism work for a person with short term memory loss?
Is there an echo in here?
What if I cannot remember?
By "remember"... did you mean "remember to lock these threads when they go above 2000 posts"? smile
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