Legion World
Hey all,

Just thought of an idea for a new game. Take any two characters and mix their powers/attributes/names together to create a new character. It can be hero, villain, supporting character and from any era. For example...Umbra's preboot name Shadow Lass and combine it with Timber Wolf to get a new Legionnaire named...Shadow Wolf.

Isn't that lovely?

Any takers?
I'd like to see a character that combined the powers of Colossal Boy and Matter Eater Lad.
Let's see...

Polar Boy & Porcupine Pete...someone who shoots icy quills

Ultra Boy & Shrinking Violet...Ultra Violet

Bouncing Boy & Splitter...someone who bounces and splits their limbs

Sun Boy & Light Lass...Sun Light
Cosmic Boy + Shikari = Cosmic Gatherer (instead of finding paths, he can bring any object to himself)

Apparition + Brainiac 5 = Phantom Genius (her intelligence increases when she's in phantom form)

Ferro + Colossal Boy = Big Iron (transforms self into an iron giant)

Live Wire/Spark/Lightning Lord + Triad = Triplicate Wire (hurls lightning bolts, but changes personality and gender everytime he/she does so)

Chemical King + XS = Cataclysmic Catalyst (can control chemical reactions so fast, it almost always causes an explosion, like microwaving coffee water. wink )
Umbra + Chameleon = Shadow Shifter, darkfield can materialize into any animal, human, object form - but all dark, of course

White Witch + Gates = Witchport, can cast spells and teleport them to wherever their effect is needed
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
I'd like to see a character that combined the powers of Colossal Boy and Matter Eater Lad.
What would you call him -- "Big Mouth"?

Invisible Kid and Apparition --> Wraith
Ferro and Shrinking Violet --> Iron Filing
Gates and Triad --> Pop-up Girls
Blok and Bounicing Boy - Rock & Roll

If the Emerald Empress teamed up with the Dark Circle, would she have dark circles under her Eye?
Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
[b] I'd like to see a character that combined the powers of Colossal Boy and Matter Eater Lad.
What would you call him -- "Big Mouth"?
Blok + Double Header = Blokheader: a two-headed living rock creature. smile

But (semi)seriously, folks ...

White Witch + Widlfire = Witchfire: Different colored magical flames have different effects (kind of like Spectral from Strangers, but she's not on fire).
XS + Spark = Zap: Can quickly generate tremendous amounts of static electricity and stun anything she touches.
Shrinking Violet + Sun Boy = Small Fry: Can get between people's toes like that match gag you see in cartoons. Also useful for muscle pain relief.

Saturn Girl + Triad = well, three Saturn Girls with the bonus of being able to perfectly coordinate their Tri-Jitsu via telepathy.

I don't have a clever name for them, sorry.
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
Saturn Girl + Triad = well, three Saturn Girls with the bonus of being able to perfectly coordinate their Tri-Jitsu via telepathy.

I don't have a clever name for them, sorry.
Triple Shameless Hussy?
Supergirl + Triad = ....

Nah, too easy...
Of course the obvious one would be ...

Invisible Kid & Apparition = Ghost: can become invisible & immaterial so can move through any matter without being seen.

Element Lad & Chemical King = Catalytic Converter: Can convert & combine elements and catalyze them as needed in order to generate the necessary result.

Ultra Boy & Chameleon = Mimic: Can change himself into a duplicate of any other metahuman and mimic his/her powers, but only one power at a time.
Sun Boy + Blok = SunBlok: able to coat enemies with a substance that causes eye irritation when they start sweating.
Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
Supergirl + Triad = ....

Nah, too easy...
"Brainy's Dream"
Supergirl + Kinetix + Element Lad = Kara Zoe-El (everytime she uses a super-power, her costume changes and whatever she touches transmutes).
Color Kid + White Witch = Princess Pastel: powers to magically place a deeply-colored sock into your white or light-colored laundry.
Lester Spiffany + Infectious Lass = Lester the Infector: Galaxy renowned purveyor of germ gems.
Lightning Lord + Bouncing Boy = Lord of the Bounce: Dispatches enemies with bolts of static electricity generated by rapid, rhythmic bouncing.
Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
Supergirl + Kinetix + Element Lad = Kara Zoe-El (everytime she uses a super-power, her costume changes and whatever she touches transmutes).
lol lol lol lol
Saturn Girl + Shrinking Violet = Mental Midget. Has incredible telepathic powers, but only when shrunk.
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
[b] Supergirl + Triad = ....

Nah, too easy...
"Brainy's Dream" [/b]
Told you it was too easy tongue
Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
[b] Supergirl + Triad = ....

Nah, too easy...
"Brainy's Dream" [/b]
Told you it was too easy tongue [/b]
Sometimes you've just gotta go ahead and say it. smile
Gates and Spark -- Lightning Bug

Invisible Kid and Apparition -- Locker Room Addict

Gates and Saturn Girl -- David Copperfield

Shikari and Karate Kid -- Hunt You Down and Kick Your Ass Lad
Cham and Sean Erin -- Boy Girl Boy Girl

Shrinking Vi and XS -- Speedy Gonzales

M'onel and Colossal Boy -- Overkill

Sun Boy and Polar Boy -- Luke Warm Lad
Fire Lad + Umbra=Black Flame

Cosmic Boy + Lire Wire=Shock Wave: Creates electro-magnetic fields
© Legion World