Legion World
Posted By: MLLASH JUSTICE SCOTTY and other misread words - 02/01/07 04:18 PM
So, as a teeny weeny comic-loving bairn, before I knew how to prnounce "society", the JSA was known as Justice Scotty.

I remembered this misread word the other day and it really made me crack a smile. Anything similar you can remember from your childhood... or even adulthood?

(Maybe Justice Scotty would make a cool sidekick for the JSA? But I digress...)
I could never get by brain or mouth around "Annihilus." I pronounced it something like "Ant-hill-i-us." I'm sure I'll think of some others.

For my 4-year old, plain old "Clark Kent" has proven tricky to utter. Comes out like "Quark Quent." Actually, Quark Quent would be a GREAT name for a Legion character! Dibs!
As a wee lad of 6, one of the first comics I ever picked up was the Avengers issue where She-Hulk and Hawkeye join, and there's all these pictures of potential members on the cover. Well, one of the candidates on the cover (but not featured in the book) was Wolverine. Not knowing what a "wolverine" was, my young mind processed it as something like "Wolf Ring", and I assumed he had a ring that turned him into a wolf!
Posted By: Arachne Re: JUSTICE SCOTTY and other misread words - 02/02/07 05:09 AM
I kept saying GLA instead of JLA.
Chameleon Boy actually gave me difficulty. I'd heard the word "Chameleon," but didn't imagine it would be spelled with a "ch" or an "eon," so reading Cham at first began with a "ch" as in "champ": "cha-muh-LEE-on" or something like that.
Arachne, I still say "GLA" half the time.
For some reason I kept calling Wildfire by the uncharacteristic name "Wildflower". My younger sister teased me mercilessly. Therapy began early in my little gay life.

"Chameleon Boy" gave me trouble too. He became "chay-ma-lon" Boy.

And for some reason, I kept missing the "R" and thought there was a Legionnaire called Princess Projecta.
Yeah. There's a reason everyone calls her "Jeckie." The full name is just too hard to say.
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