Legion World
Hey !!!

Olivier sent me a couple of sketches from his next arc on the "AVENGERS" they feature HAWKEYE and they look really good !!!

i also saw a preview of one of the pages in "Marvel Previews" which looked really good .... featuring a boy in his bedroom with superhero posters on his wall !!!

this arc is set in ENGLAND and he has featured some UK based celebrities in the image [ RnB singer Craig David and footballer David Beckham ]

this arc also returns a forgotten hero who may become an AVENGER ???

can you guess who it is .....

i'll try and post the pictures [ they are quite big though, maybe Scott can help me out ??? ]

E-mail them on over to me Matthew and I'll help.
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
E-mail them on over to me Matthew and I'll help.
if i forward the email to you, you'll still receieve the attachment ... won't you ??

Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers:
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
[b] E-mail them on over to me Matthew and I'll help.
if i forward the email to you, you'll still receieve the attachment ... won't you ??

Matthew. [/b]
In most mail programs as long as you use the forward function the attachments will stay in place.
Posted By: Pov Re: Olivier Coipel's next "AVENGERS" arc .... - 11/13/03 05:05 PM
Unfortunately for Olivier, I'll be taking a "wait and see" approach to his next arc. Not his fault; I just detest Austen's writing. If it's any consolation, I'll be avoiding the Austen/Kolins issues outright. Scott's art does nothing for me, and I'd have to love the writing to pick up anything he's drawing. In fact, I -do- love John's work, but avoided most of his FLASH run. So Austen/Kolins is a complete wash for me. frown
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers:
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
[b] E-mail them on over to me Matthew and I'll help.
if i forward the email to you, you'll still receieve the attachment ... won't you ??

Matthew. [/b]
In most mail programs as long as you use the forward function the attachments will stay in place. [/b]
well i've sent it to you ... so hopefully the attachments will still be there ????

I'll let you know as soon as I get it. Haven't seen it yet but since it did have an attachment it might take a few more minutes to come through.

You did use the e-mail address listed in my profile here didn't you Matthew? That's my corrected one. Don't know if you have my old one still in your address book.
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
I'll let you know as soon as I get it. Haven't seen it yet but since it did have an attachment it might take a few more minutes to come through.

You did use the e-mail address listed in my profile here didn't you Matthew? That's my corrected one. Don't know if you have my old one still in your address book.
no !!!

sorry, i didn't know you had a new one !!! i sent it to the @att.net one ???

If we're in England, I hope we get to see Union Jack! (though what are the odds they'll have Union Jack and Jack of Hearts on the team at once? That's Jack overkill...or they could have a spin-off mini, "The Two Jacks")
If they're in England for the arc, I'm thinking the forgotten hero micht be Caprain Britain or Meggan.

Can't WAIT to see the pages!
Oh wait, I know who the "forgotten hero" is! It's ... um ... whatsisname .... oh, it's on the tip of my tongue -- what was his name again....???
I agree with Pov on this I just can't stomach Austen's writing!!!!
Cant wait to see the pics!
The scans are ready and I have to say that Clint doesn't look too shabby. But you'll have to wait for Matthew to post the pics as that is his privilege. laugh
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
The scans are ready and I have to say that Clint doesn't look too shabby. But you'll have to wait for Matthew to post the pics as that is his privilege. laugh
thanks SCOTT !!!

i'll go do it now ......

here is the first promo pic by Olivier !!!

[Linked Image]

and the second one .....

[Linked Image]

Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers:
here is the first promo pic by [b]Olivier !!!

[Linked Image]

Matthew. [/b]
Nice! very nice. Oli get many points for that dropped in pic of Aaliyah. I've got that as a desktop. Can't wait. Sorry to say I've been less than blown away by Kollins arc.
hey Tony !!!

glad you like the pictures !!!

as well as putting that photo of Aaliyah in the piece, i've seen another page the features, RnB star Craig David and footballer David Beckham !!!

Coipel certainly draws a "beefy" Captain America, doesn't he?
just bumping this up, so you can take another look at the original pages !!!

i noticed that they removed the scan of Aaliyah !!! and i can't see David Beckham, anymore ???

I've only been buying the Coipel issues of Avengers. Glad he's back 'on' again wink

Matt, maybe you could clarify something: in the panel right above the Aaliyah pic - what's that thing sticking out of the guy on the right? Maaaaaan - First the science police officer/porn star, now this!
Originally posted by Monkey Eater Lad:
Matt, maybe you could clarify something: in the panel right above the Aaliyah pic - what's that thing sticking out of the guy on the right? Maaaaaan - First the science police officer/porn star, now this!
you mean the guy with breasts !!??

that's actually a scan of a CD cover, but for the life of me, i can't remember who the act is confused !!!

it's actually a recent album, from the last year or so .... i'll have to have a look in "HMV" !!!

actually go midway between the Aaliyah poster and Hawkeye's head and then go up a bit to the panel with the two butts. The butt on the left is from the back and the other is from the side. The guy one the right appears to have gone full monty...
Originally posted by Monkey Eater Lad:
actually go midway between the Aaliyah poster and Hawkeye's head and then go up a bit to the panel with the two butts. The butt on the left is from the back and the other is from the side. The guy one the right appears to have gone full monty...
i see what you mean, now ....

have you got the issue yet ?? those top panels show CAPTAIN AMERICA and HAWKEYE changing into their costumes, that silhouette is of HAWKEYE fastening his belt on his costume [ honest !! ]

I just read the issue. Not nearly as lewd when colored and inked wink
Originally posted by Monkey Eater Lad:
I just read the issue. Not nearly as lewd when colored and inked wink
yeah !! the image looks okay, when you see it properly ....

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