Legion World
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester If this were a Batman fan forum... - 04/03/23 01:05 AM
I bet we'd have a bunch of threads about Lambert, the Chemical King who is murdered at the beginning of Detective Comics #27, and also about Lambert, Jr., his son who is suspected of killing him.

I bet we'd even have given them first names!
Posted By: Gaseous Lad Re: If this were a Batman fan forum... - 04/03/23 02:41 AM
We'd also have many discussions on the best Robin and why it's Tim Drake. smile
We'd have fun thinking of ways for Batman to beat so and so super-powered individual!
Posted By: Ann Hebistand Re: If this were a Batman fan forum... - 04/03/23 10:42 AM
We'd have an All Don Newton Thread, where we'd discuss in minutiae the awesomeness of Newton's Batman art across his four-year stint on the Batbooks (1979-1983.)
Posted By: thoth lad Re: If this were a Batman fan forum... - 04/03/23 07:53 PM
Bruce Wayne's child services advisor would be a major forum character.
I wonder how many chapters my Patricia Powell, Policewoman fanfic would be up to by now?
Posted By: thoth lad Re: If this were a Batman fan forum... - 04/03/23 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
I bet we'd have a bunch of threads about Lambert, the Chemical King who is murdered at the beginning of Detective Comics #27, and also about Lambert, Jr., his son who is suspected of killing him.

I bet we'd even have given them first names!

Wayne: So, the son is the prime suspect.
Gordon: No. Despite being caught holding the murder weapon, he declared such a conclusion as "stupid, stupid, stupid." That's good enough for us, as he's rich. Not as rich as you though. More brandy?
I actually considered "Lester Lambert" as a possibility!

Seriously, I'm kind of surprised that in 80 years or whatever these characters have never been given names. I feel like there should be a whole arc where Lambert, Jr. takes over the Batman mantle or something.
Posted By: thoth lad Re: If this were a Batman fan forum... - 04/03/23 08:36 PM
I thought that Chemical King would be a Batman rival in the grim days when they both killed their foes.

Lester Lambert probably gets a bit more antagonistic after failing to buy his way into a JSA membership in All-Star #3.
Posted By: Set Re: If this were a Batman fan forum... - 04/03/23 10:40 PM
A Legion inspired by Batman, instead of Superman, with a charter that forbids heroes dependent upon powers (everyone is skill and gadget based! Although a few might *also* have a minor power, by human standards.), could be vaguely amusing as a one-off.

A Legion inspired by Wonder Woman, composed entirely of ladies (and aliens whose identities are murkier), could also be amusing as an AU. Alternately, nothing to do with gender, but the Wonder Woman-inspired Legion could be more strongly tied to mythological / fantasy / magical themes (including more than a few inspired by alien mythologies, unrecognizable to Earthly gods or monsters).
Posted By: thoth lad Re: If this were a Batman fan forum... - 04/07/23 08:43 AM
We'd have fanfic on how The Legion of Super Pets would have been inspired by Ace The Bat Hound.
101 Lesser Known Items in Batman's Utility Belt
101 Silly Trophies that Batman Has Stopped Displaying
Batman of *All* Nations?

In which we invent Batmen for various countries!
Posted By: Set Re: If this were a Batman fan forum... - 04/07/23 05:00 PM
Batmen of different worlds! An entire thread devoted to alien Batmen of different UP worlds.

In addition to the League of Assassins, there'd also be those who... didn't make the cut. The League of Substitute Assassins!
Posted By: thoth lad Re: If this were a Batman fan forum... - 04/07/23 05:07 PM
"Wheesht yer greetin', Joker, a'fore a lamp ye wan."
-Scot Bat
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