Legion World
Posted By: Starbucks Kid Hawkgirl - 12/26/06 11:33 AM
Is that Chafkin guy finally out for art on this series?

I'd like to start buying this again but that guy's drawings (especially the mouths) really turned me away, which was sad b/c I was actually starting to get into the hawkman/hawkgirl series before he came aboard.
Posted By: Outdoor Miner Re: Hawkgirl - 12/26/06 05:25 PM
I believe he's left the book to work on something for Marvel.

I'm not a fan of his work, but one thing he can usually do well is cheesecake (not the dessert). But he couldn't even pull that off on HAWKGIRL.
Posted By: CJ Taylor Re: Hawkgirl - 12/27/06 04:57 AM
Chaykin has been off the book for a couple of issues now. Bennett did a fill in arc, and the story has improved. We'll see where Simonson takes it...
Posted By: CJ Taylor Re: Hawkgirl - 01/05/07 05:45 PM
So know we have Blackfire aiming to take down Hawkgirl. Presumably she's taking down Hawkman; she's sporting his harness (why I don't know.)

This book is an example of why line wide changes aren't a good thing.
Posted By: Bicycle Repair Man Re: Hawkgirl - 01/06/07 02:29 AM
Blackfire can't fly. That's the reason she was disqualified from the succession to the throne of Tamaran: all other Tamaranians can fly, and they didn't want a monarch with a birth defect.
Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: Hawkgirl - 01/06/07 02:39 AM
I think they have her using Hawkman's harness to fly.
Posted By: ActorLad Re: Hawkgirl - 01/06/07 03:17 AM
I know Blackfire wasn't able to fly before but didn't she gain the ability sometime during the current Teen Titans series?
Posted By: doublechinner Re: Hawkgirl - 01/07/07 08:28 PM
This book has been a huge disappointment. Before his run started, Simonson promised that Kendra would be the hot, young single girl of the DCU, sampling all the goodies of the super-hero set. But, his stories have delivered none of that, besides an all-business encounter with Bruce Wayne. The Maw story dragged on FOREVER. Do editors exert no control over these things? Kendra is a FANTASTIC character, and should be able to sustain her own book as well or better than Supergirl or Wonder Woman. What a waste.
Posted By: Nick Vinson Re: Hawkgirl - 01/08/07 05:42 PM
The exit of Chaykin improved the title greatly. I have yet to read the newest issue with the New artist (he/she who is not Bennet).

I dont see why Simonson doesnt just draw this book his own self. ANd TRY HARDER!!!!
Posted By: Lightning Lad Re: Hawkgirl - 01/17/07 06:47 AM
<span style="font-size: 50px;">CANCELED!</span>
Posted By: CJ Taylor Re: Hawkgirl - 01/17/07 08:57 AM
And it took so much work to get the Hawk mythos fixed and cool! $#@$#@ OYL garbage...
Posted By: the boy with UltraPowers Re: Hawkgirl - 01/19/07 03:03 AM
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
<span style="font-size: 50px;">CANCELED!</span>
sorry SCOTT !! i added this original post to your message !!??

anyway .... this is waht i'd wanted to say:

when is it gonna be cancelled !!??

i have kept buying this title [ after the OYL change, but can't say that i've enjoyed it too much !! ]

so is it going all together ?? or is it returning to HAWKMAN !!??

i was thinking of dropping it [ any issue now ..... ] but if it's going anyway, i'll see it to the end !! ]

Posted By: Lightning Lad Re: Hawkgirl - 01/19/07 03:25 AM
The official announcement hasn't been made yet but with 52 ending in April there is a good chance that's when Hawkgirl will end. Not sure if the character will continue elsewhere or if we'll get yet another Hawkman title.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Hawkgirl - 01/19/07 06:26 AM
DC #$$%ed up so bad on this one. Man, they made SUCH a dumb move making this Kendra's title solo and taking it in this direction.

I mean, really. Someone should be cuffed across the head for this one. No shocker here.


And it was sooo good not too long ago.
Posted By: CJ Taylor Re: Hawkgirl - 01/21/07 05:46 AM
Exactly! GrayPal had maintained the levels of quality that Johns had started with this title. Hawkman had made it to 50! But for some reason, they got replaced?

Winnick kept GA and Outsiders, Johns kept GL, JSA, and TT. Gail kept BOP and WnK are still on LSH. Why shake up a solid selling title?

Seriously, give it back to Gray and Palmiotti... keep it Hawkgirl and see if they can make it work. Heck, Bennett can draw it too!
Posted By: walkwithcrowds Re: Hawkgirl - 01/22/07 02:06 PM
Like Matt, I have kept buying this title but haven't really been enjoying it. I only really stayed in the hope it wouldn't be cancelled and the would bring back Carter (again!!!).
I'll probably stay till the end now but this series really is a BIG letdown.
Posted By: CJ Taylor Re: Hawkgirl - 02/01/07 04:55 AM
Well, between this and the Hawkman appearance in JSA Classified, I've decided Simonson has lost his touch. Neither Carter nor Kendra have had a distinct or consistent voice since OYL. The plot is all over the place with no solid adversaries for Kendra to face.

The art is decent in this issue. It is reminescent of Chaykin, but the story doesn't do it justice.

Still, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the story here is played out elsewhere in the DCU.
Posted By: Nick Vinson Re: Hawkgirl - 02/08/07 01:00 AM
In all honesty, the idea of Simonson/Chaykin SOUNDED like a great idea. Too bad their story was ass in a can. You'd think S&C would have done what Palmiotti and Gray did... EXPERIEMENT!

This is simply abysmal.
Posted By: Bicycle Repair Man Re: Hawkgirl - 02/11/07 11:09 PM
(Looking on the bright side)
If Hawkgirl is being cancelled, at least I don't have to worry about dropping a title to make room in my budget for the LSH-TV-series-based comicbook.
Posted By: Bicycle Repair Man Re: Hawkgirl - 06/04/07 03:32 AM
This title has been getting better lately (though there's still room for further improvement).
Yes, the giant-robot-Hawkgirl was silly, but I enjoyed Kendra's interaction with the Female Furies.
Batman wasn't annoying! And his guest appearance didn't feel completely gratuitous! wink
The latest issue further escalates the return-of-Hath-Set storyarc, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next! laugh (a relief, considering what comics cost these days!)

Anybody else still buying this book?
Posted By: CJ Taylor Re: Hawkgirl - 06/04/07 06:09 PM
I'm buying the book, but not really getting into the story. The Hath-Set story is the most interesting arc Simonson has done on the title. This is how it should have started OYL.

I'm curious to see how it ends, but I'll be glad when it's done.
Posted By: Jerry Re: Hawkgirl - 06/05/07 07:06 AM
I've stayed with this book through thick and thin and have no regrets. I'm sorry that it is being canceled. Simonson has seriously lost his touch, and I wish DC would give Kendra a try with a new writer, and/or bringing Carter back to the book.

We did get a preview of Dennis Calero's work in issue #64. I had never seen any before. I liked what I saw and look forward to his Legion issues.
Posted By: CJ Taylor Re: Hawkgirl - 07/31/07 05:53 AM
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