Legion World
Posted By: ActorLad Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/07/06 02:38 AM
It's spreading fast!
Posted By: Lightning Lad Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/07/06 02:44 AM
I've immunized myself against it. Won't touch the stuff and we finally got it blocked at work. Damn people were killing our bandwidth with thousands of MySpace hits daily. Don't they realize I need that bandwidth for my time here?
Posted By: Caliente Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/07/06 03:02 AM
Hahaha! Those bastards!! wink

MySpace freaks me out. Creepy people are on there. >.> Bad enough colleges have The Facebook, I don't need any other weirdness.

Plus, I've got my Live Journal for all my dorky blogging needs...
Posted By: Power Boy Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/07/06 03:15 AM
its slutty.

im on there.
Posted By: Caliente Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/07/06 03:29 AM
Originally posted by disaster boy:
its slutty.

im on there.
Sounds about right. wink
Posted By: Greybird Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/07/06 04:09 AM
I'm fascinated by it as a cultural meme, with all the attention that's been given to it in the news lately. Something else else that's the source of so many parents' nightmares -- if you give credence to the mass media -- has to have interesting twists to it.

(I see it as a matter of parents being lax and unattentive enough to imagine that the Net could be the new electronic "babysitter," supplementing the TV, and of course that's irresponsible. Yet it's far easier to blithely blame such a venue as MySpace.)

So, with one member here having begun a new Legion discussion group on MySpace, I've bit on the cultural bait and set up an account .

It seems nearly everyone there is a teenager or 20something. (Everyone's claimed age is displayed.) But a few of us who are older are around for seasoning ... and two have offered to be listed as "friends" already, in two days!

The discussions on several of my interests are intriguing, and after the seven-day new-member anti-spam waiting period, I look forward to posting in some of the forums. They bear less computing overhead than Yahoo! Groups. (With fewer features, though, such as a lack of file or photo storage.)

Those here who've also signed up, what are your MySpace direct links?
Posted By: Omni Craig Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/07/06 05:44 AM
Don't have enough time to hang out on LW as much as I'd like, so I definitely can't vest time with MySpace!
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/07/06 12:26 PM
My entire cast of supporting players is pretty much on myspace. That means everyone I've ever been friends with in High School, college, my hometown, etc. I've so far been able to fight it off and not set up an account. (Funny enough, someone did start an account and named it Des ***'s phone--not sure which friend yet).

I do have a facebook account though, and have been immersed in facebook craziness for some time. For those who don't know, www.facebook.com is a website like myspace for kids in college (re: you need a college email). Its amazing how many of my friends were still in college when this website started...lots of 5 year college careers laugh
Posted By: DrakeB3004 Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/08/06 07:04 AM
I've been on myspace for a couple of years now. I mainly use it to keep in touch with friends (real life ones) and to keep track of when certain bands play.
Posted By: rtvu2 Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/08/06 07:27 PM
I'm on myspace too. And I use it exactly like Drake. Keeping in contact with friends and band listings.
Posted By: Power Boy Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/08/06 07:45 PM
sure you do Vu, why the naked pictures then? wink

(but seriously the band listings are the best part. you can find and listen to alot of songs in their entirety..can't download though. good ways to post events too...for example: my local bar uses myspace to send out notices for special happy hours or changes to the event days)
Posted By: Power Boy Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/08/06 07:48 PM
actually "my friends" portion of my myspace page is very funny....i don't know most of them, so i've got a lot of people that just wanted to add me and i've never spoken to them at all.

i usually just add everyone except i turned down this band today, becaus etheir music was really bad! my first person i've truned down.

anyone else on friendster.com? its like myspace but a bit older crowd, not as popular and not nearly as cruisy. its actually what i use to catch up with old college friends and stay in touch, relatively, to aquaintances or old friends. its not html based like myspace so you cant trick out your pages. (one reason for myspace's popularity...and why it attracts the younger/hip crowd) but...friendster is more of a reserved environment...i dont get random people messaging me hardly at all. (unlike myspace)
i'm on friendster and myspace - looking for friends feels kinda like pokemon - gotta collect'em all! i think i have a facebook account but i've never logged in.
Posted By: Lightning Lad Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/10/06 04:49 PM
Alias Comics Invites Friends to MySpace
I joined facebook after a number of people pressured me into it, and I was on friendster for ahwile, but I kind of despise these kind of things, particularly for the whole watering down of the notion of friendship associated with them. It just really irritates me when some random person whom I vaguely know wants to add me as a friend. Ugh!
Posted By: Tamper Lad Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/10/06 05:56 PM
I belong to half a dozen of these online social networks. Mostly linked to activities or groups i belonged to in school.

It does seem a bit bizzare the notion that I might hit one of these people 2 or 3 connections removed from knowing personally for a favour.
Posted By: CJ Taylor Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/12/06 02:03 PM
Wow, and here I had just signed up for myspace.

I'm a great dancer five minutes after the music stops.
Posted By: Caliente Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/12/06 02:34 PM
All right, all right, you got me. I'm on the Facebook-- no creepy old men!!

Hey, wait a minute...

Nah, seriously, at least on Facebook, you need a college email address. MySpace I dislike because, this one time, I was on a plane. And this guy who looked like he was in his 30s was asking all the youngish girls (including myself), "Do you have MySpace?" It was really creepy and icky. When I said no he started getting into the, "Why not? You should." Etc. etc. Just... eugh. People like that I dislike.

Also, I have no problem turning people down for friendship or deleting them later. shrug I'm mean that way. smile
Posted By: Pov Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/12/06 02:52 PM
It's true... sob

~30+ Pov frown wink
Posted By: CJ Taylor Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/12/06 02:56 PM
Cali, is it okay if I'm a 33yo man asking all the oldish guys if they are on myspace? wink
Posted By: Caliente Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/12/06 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Pov:
It's true... love . But, c'mon, on a plane? Where there's no escape for the girls your asking? That says creepy to me!!

P.S. Pov-- do you ever not end a post with a winky face? Such a silly feller...

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
<strong> Cali, is it okay if I'm a 33yo man asking all the oldish guys if they are on myspace? wink
But of course!! wink I'd never deny a man his older man pleasures. Or... whatever. >.>
Posted By: CJ Taylor Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/12/06 03:04 PM
I just got my new CO license, all shiny and plastic. It doesn't matter tho'; no one cards me anymore. Guess my age finally caught up to me.
Posted By: Power Boy Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/16/06 05:40 PM
i'm 28 until july!!!! then i turn "29" it stops at 29 right?
Posted By: Greybird Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/16/06 07:08 PM
Well, Jack Benny stopped at 39 wink

Personally, I might soon freeze things (non-cryogenically) at 49 ... or change my profile at MySpace and other venues to have an age of 100. (Many do that now.)

Let 'em guess! Or think that Starhaven has some faboo anti-aging technology. Either one's fine with me.
Posted By: Kid Prime Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/16/06 09:10 PM
I'm over on mySpace, but I haven't done a dang thing with my profile as of yet. Too busy!!!
Posted By: Nick Vinson Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 04/16/06 10:41 PM
Everyone of my friends, here in Texas, and where I grew up in Illinois, is on MySpace. Its just the most convient way to keep tabs on people. Also its become the hub for social get togethers. If one cannot be reached via phone then a MySpace Bulletin is posted. It works surprising well.
Posted By: Kid Marvel Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 02/12/07 08:54 AM
Someone has hacked into my account lol
Date: Feb 10, 2007 5:30 PM
Subject everyone!
Body: i would like to take this opportunity to tell everyone i am finally coming out of the closet. i am gay.

p.s. any other gay males that want a partner, msg me!"

GOD....like thats such a fucking revalation. Grr.
Must. Change. Password.
Posted By: Straya Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 02/13/07 05:20 PM
Dang, that stinks, Joe... Although now I'm more glad than ever that I went ahead and cancelled my own MySpace account the other day. Too many creepy perverts trying to friend me!

I'll stick to Livejournal and Deviant Art for my blogging needs. ^^;
Posted By: Lightning Lad Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 02/17/07 08:42 AM
Even though I think that MySpace is still inherently evil, they have launched a new comic book community .
Posted By: Cartoon Lad Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 02/23/07 08:27 PM
I've been on myspace for a while, www.myspace.com/hamiltoons

I haven't been on LW.net for a while. It's good to be back.
Posted By: Mattropolis Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 03/01/07 02:34 PM
Im on there. www.myspace.com/mattropolis616
Posted By: Arachne Re: Have you caught the MySpace Fever? - 03/07/07 04:09 AM
So what's the difference between MySpace and LiveJournal? I just got a LiveJournal page a couple of days ago. There's so much stuff that I've avoided when I was on dial-up; I feel like a newbie again. lol
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