Legion World
It November and thus starts, for the 5th year, national novel writing month. Check it out. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel by midnight November 30. What one hopes to produce is the rough draft of that novel that's been striving to break out from your writer's block. It's not about quality - just quantity - 50,000 words of quantity (or about 200 pages).

This is my second year doing it and I do plan to succeed. (I failed miserably last time). Another LW'er has also taken up the challenge, but I'll let that poster decide whether to reveal her/himself. If anyone else is participating, please post here and lets support each other in our efforts.

Lastly, they have really cool t-shirts this year, slightly reminiscent of Superman's symbol.

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Stu Re: Nanowrimo - National Novel Writing Month - 11/02/04 02:37 AM
Good luck, Semi!

I hope you get one of those cool shirts this year. smile
I'm doing it too this year. I'm only about 3000 words in, but I'll still make it by the end of the month if I keep up this pace.

This is my first year really participating. It seems like fun.
Good luck Semi and Mearl!
I started last night and am so depressed at how awful it was. I'm going to slug through this though.

3000 words - that's great Mearl. Congratulations. I'm lucky if I have 150 salvagable words.
This will be my third year doing NaNoWriMo. My first attempt was in 2018. I finished the novel, but it took me until January. Last year I "won" for the first time. I've got just over 3000 words today. Is or has anyone else done NaNoWriMo?
I've heard of it, but I've never done it. I'd be happy to just be your cheerleader, Rocky.
Posted By: razsolo Re: Nanowrimo - National Novel Writing Month - 11/02/21 04:40 AM
I have tried doing it a couple times but sticking through with something till completion is not exactly one of my strong suits laugh

We have just come out of lockdown in Melbourne and the weather is getting very summery so I think I'm gonna be spending as much time as possible outside of my house for a while, good luck to everyone doing it though! smile
I'm with Ann & Raz - I'm happy to cheer you on, Rocky! I can only seem to get past 1000 words daily these days, unless you count my work emails which may or may not be works of fiction! laugh
Halfway through the month, I am at 29,000 words!
Yay Rocky! Congratulations! Keep it up!
That's awesome! Really impressive that you've been able to dedicate yourself to this. Great job! And only halfway through the month!
I'm up to 35,000 words now. I had my COVID booster last night, so I'm a little tired. There are points where it seems like I'm just piling on words and there are times when the story comes out really well.
Ten more days and 15,000 words to go.
Not a novel, but I'm almost done with a feature screenplay I'm working on! Just about 10-15 more pages to go! smile
Rocky, I give you a lot of credit for getting as far along as you have. I have full confidence in you that you'll finish in ten days or less!

Kappa, good to hear that. Congratulations!
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