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Posted By: doublechinner "Superman Returns" Trailer - 05/03/06 02:17 PM
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Superman Returns Quicktime Trailer

Watched it last night. Spacey looks great. Interestingly, so does Jimmy Olsen. Routh seems to fill the blue and red PJs well, although we hear very little dialogue from him, or Lois Lane for that matter. Visually, it looks stunning. I am on record as expecting this movie to be fantastic. My one concern now is that it will be too much a retread of Superman and Superman II. What does everyone else think?
Posted By: rtvu2 Re: "Superman Returns" Trailer - 05/03/06 02:25 PM
I watched it last night and put a shout in the shout box.

I think it looks great!
Posted By: Lightning Lad Re: "Superman Returns" Trailer - 05/03/06 03:02 PM
I thought it looked good. Spacey is going to steal the show, much in the way Nicholson did in the first Batman (IMHO). Not sure about Lois having a child or Clark suddenly returning (what's his cover story for being gone?) when Superman returns.
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: "Superman Returns" Trailer - 05/03/06 03:05 PM
It looks good, but I'm still kind of skeptical. And while Spacey is going to make a great Luthor, there are other Superman villains I'd much rather see (Brainiac, most notably).
Posted By: doublechinner Re: "Superman Returns" Trailer - 05/03/06 03:40 PM
Yeah, EDE, I kind of feel the same way. It's too bad Superman's trip to his "old hometown" didn't include retrieving a dormant Brainiac. I WOULD enjoy a Luthor/Brainiac team.
Posted By: walkwithcrowds Re: "Superman Returns" Trailer - 05/03/06 04:55 PM
I tried to get this to work but it would'nt play.
It just kept saying something about a "bad atom".
What does that mean? Ray Palmer didn't eat up all his brocolli for mummy?
Posted By: Lolita Re: "Superman Returns" Trailer - 05/03/06 06:11 PM
Looks a bit eh t'me. But, then, I never was the biggest fan of the ol' big 'S'...

All the same, I thought that director bloke would give it a more distinct feel instead of miscellaneous comic movie #73. It seemed the least he could do after his work on those X-flicks.
Posted By: DrakeB3004 Re: "Superman Returns" Trailer - 05/03/06 07:31 PM
Spacey seems more like the Gene Hackman Luthor than say, the JLU Luthor but it's hard to really judge from a preview.

I'm still not sure Bosworth is a weighty enough actress for this role.

The "It's a bird, it's a plane" routine was cute.

Nice nods to the original film franchise (the first two anyway). I know he's a big fan of those, but it's coming close to being derivative.
Posted By: Lightning Lad Re: "Superman Returns" Trailer - 05/03/06 07:48 PM
Seeing the clips of Clark as a boy on the farm makes me wonder how much of this film will be spent rehashing his youth again. If this is supposed to be a progression of the first two films, do we really need the whole "Smallville" treatment again?
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: "Superman Returns" Trailer - 05/05/06 02:24 PM
Trailer won't work for me frown

[EDIT- okay, found it somewhere else. It looks great! I can't wait smile ]
Posted By: EmeraldEmpress Re: "Superman Returns" Trailer - 05/05/06 03:33 PM
And Lois Lane with a son!
Sucks sucks sucks!
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