Legion World
hey there !

as of this morning i've just finished watching the 5th and final season of 'ANGEL'

i watched each season over this last year [ with seasons 1 & 2 ] last year !!

on the whole, i never quite took to 'ANGEL' in quite the same way as i loved all the characters and seasons in 'BUFFY' !!

as a stand alone series, it really works and i extremely enjoyed it, i just felt that 'BUFFY' had a stronger mix of different characters, and stronger season arcs !!

and i'm not saying that the characters is 'ANGEL' were poor !!

Cordelia was certainly brilliant [ shame they killed her off !! ]

Fred played a great part [ shame they killed her too !! although she did well in the Illyria part, and the scenes at the end of 'NOT FADE AWAY' with Fred and Wes were very powerful !! ]

all the scenes with Lorne were always really funny, he had some great lines !!

Spike was a great re-introduction !! [ as was Harmony !! very funny !! ]

probably the only characters that i never really cared as much about were Wes and Gunn !!

and of course Angel himself was excellent !!

when i think of standout episodes from 'BUFFY' there are many from each season IMO !!

when i think of 'ANGEL' i don't think there quite as many !!

in season 5: 'Smile Time' was truly inspired !! and 'A Hole In The World' !!

from season 4: 'Spin The Bottle" was so so funny !! [ there never seemed to be as much comedy in 'ANGEL' IMO !! ]

i also think that the lack of JOSS WHEDON written or directed episodes throughout the 5 seasons played a part in my enjoying 'BUFFY' more !!

it's a shame that the series ended with season 5, because i felt the introduction of Spike and them working at 'WOLFRAM & HART was a great boost to the series !!

in fact one of the cool things about this season was the introduction of the 'special' glass in the 'WOLFRAM & HART' building !! how freshing was it to see DAYLIGHT !! we even got quite a few DAYLIGHT/OUTSIDE scenes !! and with going back to 'BUFFY' again, even though most of the scenes were at night, we still got daytime/outside scenes !! it makes a difference to the 'feel' of the shows IMO !!

i suppose the difference between the two charcters are truly DARK and LIGHT !! and i on the whole like the LIGHT a whole lot more !!

okay so i'm done for now .... everything i've mentioned so far, is not meant as an attack of the 'ANGEL' series, i really did enjoy it all, it was not EQUAL to 'BUFFY' for me on the whole smile

oh yeah, just a final thought !! i think it's makes a big difference to your enjoyment of a TV series that you watch after the fact [ on DVD ]

because you are not watching them week by week, and then having the gap of a few months between cliffhangers, it takes away that surprise and desire to get the next episode !!

with DVD you can simply sit there ALL day and watch as many or as little episodes as you like [ and of course it's cool to watch loads if it at a great part of the storyline ] but i hope you understand what i'm getting at !!??

so what did everyone else make of the 'differences' between the 2 series ???

oh yeah !!

i'm now going to start watching my 'FIREFLY' DVD boxset !!

it will be interesting to see how i enjoy this !!?? of course it is completely different, but JOSS palyed a massive part in this series, in writing and directing quite alot of the episodes !!

so we'll have to see .........

i just realised that i didn't comment on the 5th season finale !! i suppose i wanted more of a definite 'end' !!

but to shoe the team 'fighting on to the last' was a fitting way to finish and when i watched/listened to the directors commentary, they say that was the underlying theme in 'ANGEL', that the fight would never end !! there would always be 'something' out there for 'ANGEL' to protect the world from !!

so coparing it to 'BUFFY' she had a release at the end of her series, as in, she wasn't the only slayer and more, she could somewhat, pass on the role to the hundreds of new slayers around the world, where is, ANGEL's fight goes on and on ......

I would certainly agree that Angel never quite reached the Buffy level, but seasons 1-3 were great television. Season 4 I detested, strong words from a Whedonhead. Season 5 was shaping up quite well before we found out the damn show was cancelled. The death of Fred was really well done, I thought the acting was excellent. I still hold out hope that somewhere, sometime, Buffy and Angel will grow old together...

Firefly is rerunning here on SciFi, I didn't have time to watch it first time out--I LOVE it! Can't wait for the movie!
Posted By: DrakeB3004 Re: 'ANGEL' my thoughts on seasons 1-5 - 08/17/05 07:06 PM
Originally posted by armsfalloffboy:
I still hold out hope that somewhere, sometime, Buffy and Angel will grow old together...
That might be the only Buffy /Angel tale we'll ever get to see considering how long it'll probably take before Sarah Michelle Gellar will be willing to play the Buffster again...
Posted By: DrakeB3004 Re: 'ANGEL' my thoughts on seasons 1-5 - 08/18/05 08:00 PM
Regarding the "Angel" tv series, random thoughts:
-- it was a bit slow going at first, but things started to gel around the time they moved into the hotel.
-- Elizabeth Rohm -- hubba hubba drool
-- Gunn, Fred, Wesley - good additions. Lorne, little more than a plot device. Never liked him.
-- God, was Connor annoying or what?
-- I started to like "Angel" more than "Buffy" during s4. I liked the whole blotted out sun, Angelus, evil Cordy, Faith stuff but the story ground to a halt when Jasmin showed up.
-- Jenny Mollen (Nina the werewolf girl) - hottie!
-- Loved the series finale. Much better than how they handled Buffy. Loved seeing Spike recite poetry on his last day on earth ("effulgent!"). Wesley's death scene with Illyria was great.
I'm assuning you know the history behind Spike and "effulgent?" The appreciation the crowd showed for "William the Bloody" brought a tear to my eye, considering his spotty history as a poet.
Posted By: DrakeB3004 Re: 'ANGEL' my thoughts on seasons 1-5 - 08/19/05 04:33 PM
Originally posted by armsfalloffboy:
I'm assuning you know the history behind Spike and "effulgent?"
Oh, absolutely -- I think my friend and I actually cheered when he read that (and got the response he did). Talk about closure.
About Lorne, the demon...he sounded so flamboyant and gay - i wanted to know if, out of makeup, the actor is also gay?
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