Legion World
Posted By: rickshaw1 Ok, I admit, I like the goofy movies.... - 01/17/09 03:06 AM
Just some fun little movies that i like for no good reason other than they are not "huge boxoffice smashes" and the acting is pretty fun.

Tremors- I love this series of movies, though i haven't seen the fourth one. It's just fun: lots of action, lots of thinking on your feet scenes, fun all the way around.

Radioland Murders- This little movie from George Lucus throws a spotlight on an era that i like in the movies, the late 30's. Lots of fun, quick wit and quick dialog...and Mary Masterson is always nice to look at.

Dazed and Confused- the ultimate high school 70's stoner movie. That 70's Show without being neutered by tv censors.

Mumford- this movie is a bit schizo in the presentation, but its a lot, repeat, a lot of fun for the more cerebral aspects.

The Matador- a black comedy sendup of Brosnan's Bond. His character is just on the charming side of sleazy. His line in the bar is one for the ages. My wife and i crack up each time we hear it.

Bubba Ho-Tep- if you don't know this movie, i don't have a quick encapsulation for you. It is sick, twisted, demented, and wierdly beautiful. Bruce Campbell...tha man ain't right, folks. He just ain't.

Elvira's Haunted Hills- pure camp, pure skeeze...i love it. Well, to be honest, i just think she has made a heck of a character with not much to work with except to boobs, a wig, and a frankly honest earthy sense of humor.

Summer School- don't ask me why, but this movie always brings a smile to my face. It wasn't earth shattering, the acting wasn't always the best, but Carl Reiner knows how to do funny with heart.

Better off Dead/One Crazy Summer- the director of these two movies, Savage Steve Holland...is frankly insane. Most of the stuff that happens in his movies has very little to do with a plot. In fact, the plot mainly seems to be there to make the studios happy...and if you are watching these for plots...what the hell is wrong with you? Seriously. Sit back, laugh, and enjoy.

I have more, but right now, for the next few days, those are the goofy movies that i love to watch.
Posted By: matlock Re: Ok, I admit, I like the goofy movies.... - 01/17/09 04:55 AM
I love Summer School! They guy that played Chainsaw was on ER several years back and I about flipped out. I also agree on Tremors, the first one anyway (never watched the sequels.)
Well, give us some of yours.

Still Crazy- This was the first time i have seen Bill Nighy in anything, and he was freakin hilarious. Since then, if its an oddball movie i like, chances are this guy is in it. There is something inherently ridicules about a fifty-five year old man, stringy and paunchy, being a badass vampire in the underworld movies. Add to that Sean of the Dead and his five minute turn in hot fuzz and this guy has become my Hero. Now, mix in his turn as the incredibly funny and likable washed up rock star in Love Actually and the guy is reaching legendary status in my goofy movie all-time faves.

DC Cab- a delieriously insane movie that shouldn't have worked, but did. I even was able to ignore Bill Mahr in it, though at the time he hadn't quite reached the apex of his anal-sphincter voidness he has now.

Tune in Tomorrow- forget Keanu Reeves in it. Just enjoy the nutjob characters and the ride. Peter Faulk is dementedly fun as a crossdressing writer of the late 40's/early 50's radio serials. His hook about Albanians, while intended to be funny (and it is) is a truism that resounds today...everyone needs someone else to blame. Jon Amiel makes a movie that is balls to the walls funny. Loved it. Didn't hurt that Barbara Hershey looked stunning in it as well.

Big Trouble in Little China- I know that this movie has had a growing fame/cult status to it for a while now, but i have loved it since i first saw it. While being a 50's type b-movie in modern times, it still manages to send up the squarejawed, stoic hero while having fun and inviting you to join in, rather than condescending to the audience. It may not be as unknown as some of my other favorites, but it still ranks right there on my goof-o-meter.
Posted By: Set Re: Ok, I admit, I like the goofy movies.... - 01/18/09 08:24 AM
Summer School and Better Off Dead are both classics!

Other fun movies to watch;

Oscar - Sylvester Stallone can apparently do comedy, and only about a bazillion times funnier than Schwarzennegar in Kindergarten Cop. Tim Curry is in it as well, which is always fun.

Soapdish - Hilarious antics of a soap opera production that has more going on behind the scenes than in the show itself.

A Fish Called Wanda - If you haven't seen this, see it. If you did see it and didn't like it, I'm not sure that our two species can ever meaningfully communicate.

Clue - More funny Tim Curry. Also Madeline Khan, who is a goddess to me.
Oh, i don't know....I'm ti'ahd, so fwiggin' ti'ahd...


I love Clue as well. Fish called Wanda was very funny, very goofy.

Another Savage Steve Holland, well, two actually, are One Crazy Summer, and "How i got into college". After that i think he went into animation with Eek the Cat, and i haven't seen anything from him since. Shame.

Trouble Bound- Michael Madsen and Patricia Arguette. Okay, honestly, i originally liked the movie for her boobs, but then i realized that it was a twisted, demented little thing that was a lot of fun.

Tim Curry has been in a lot of stuff i like, but everyone unfortunately narrows him down to Rocky Horror.
I found the Tremors attack pack today and got t4. It was in the same vein. I liked it, but it didnt quite have the charm of the first three. Not enough returning characters.
Some great stuff here, Rick!

Dazed and Confused - You have no idea how much this influenced me and my friends in high school. My friend Jenn and I used to watch this every Friday night before we would go out--and then the good times rolled.

Summer School - also a big fan. I caught this on TV when I was like 8 years old and really dug it. Flash forward 10 years later and I watched it again in college, recalled my childhood delight and now I really love it.

Bubba Ho-tep - "Weirdly beautiful" is so dead on! Bruce Campell is legendary. The story is awesome and hysterical (Cleopatra's name on the bathroom stall-hahahaha!). And then Ossie Davis gives a performance as JFK that is enough to give you the sniffles.

Clue - rawks
I used to love USA's "Up All Night", especially on the nights they'd run comedies. Sometimes, a really STUPID movie is just what's called for!

EASY WHEELS -- a dumb but well-meaning biker gang takes on a nasty, viscious all-girl biker gang led by a woman reportedly raised by wolves (hey, I didn't make this up) who's taken to kidnapping babies and abandoning them in the woods so they, too, can be raised by wolves. Who writes this stuff?

Early in the film, a reporter is driving down the road, narrating the story. "Now I don't wanna say anything about women drivers, but..." The girl bikers run him off the road, his car flips over on its roof. From a ground-level view, we see a biker from the other gang stop, get off his bike, and slowly walk toward the helpless driver, hanging by his safety belt upside-down in his car (in a scene straight out of the film MAD MAX). The biker sticks his head in the window, and, smiling, asks, "Car trouble?"
I like your style rickshaw. Like many of these movies myself. Especially Radioland, Dazed and Matador.

These charming or black comedies are witty. While I always laugh my tail off at some of the mainstream comedies I never really want to see them. The ones you mentioned I love.

Not sure if this one counts but the Player by Robert Altman.
oh Spanish Prisoner with Campbell Scott and Steve Martin is another good one.

Another one...Miller's Crossing I might bunch with these.
Then there's BAD CHANNELS, which I like to describe as "WKRP In Cincinnati gets invaded by aliens from outer space". It features Martha Quinn as a tv reporter, and a music score by Buck Dharma of Blue Oyster Cult. And, somewhere in there, a rock video by Sykotik Sinfoney that even people who hate the film seem to enjoy. (It's just so NUTS!)
Get Crazy is a must-see for lovers of dumb-but-beguiling comedy. If for no other reason, see it for Malcolm McDowell's dead-on fusion of David Bowie and Mick Jagger.
Hey, you guys are throwing out some great little movies here. Thanks.

I know that UHF has achieved cult status. I saw it in the theaters a long time ago. Kramer before he was kramer. Honestly, Stanley was more than a little nuts.

House I and II- I know that they went really downhill with III and IV, but the first two were pretty good. I have always had a thing for movies about houses where you open a door, and its a portal to someother place. The possibilities are just endless. I think there is a book by John DeChancie similar to this as well. Back to House...Where else you gonna have Richard Moll as a crazy Viet Nam vet skeleton, or John Ratzenburg(sp?) as an extremely cool under fire exterminator?

Once Bitten, Twice Shy- Jim Carrey before he became a ham. Clevon Little as a gay butler to Lauren Hutton. Quickie sex and spittin' buttons in caskets....C'mon, this is funny crap people.

My Science Project- Yes, its a goofy teen movie. Yes, its formulaic, yes, the lead actor acts like his face is made out of plaster, and the slightest expression will cause it to crack...but dammit, Dennis Hopper in three minutes shows what star power means. Fisher Stevens is bust a nut funny, and Rapheal Sebarge is the ultimate funky nerd. Plus, Cro-magnons, dinosaurs, and funky future space dudes destroy a highschool...if ya don't love this as a teenager, someone crept into your room in the middle of the night and stole yer soul.

Love Stinks- French Stewart cashing in on his 3rd rock fame. This movie has its flat moments, but there are high points too, and nothing is funnier in movies than two people that absolutely loath each other going at it, except when its just one person, and the other is oblvious.
Now, i'm gonna go check out some of these new movies you guys have mentioned that i have never heard of.
Some good movies mentioned here, some not so good ones too smile .

A few of my "guilty pleasure" type movies that I haven't seen mentioned yet:

Dumb and Dumber

The first Ace Ventura

Disaster in Time (a little known Jeff Daniels movie made before cg backgrounds were viable. They blow up some obvious scale models which kinda breaks the "fourth wall" but the rest of the movie is well done).

Real Genius

Next (the Nicholas Cage movie from a few years back. I know most of the critics hated it, but me and the wife left the movie theater going "that was really neat".)

Wonder Boys (Robert Downey Jr, Michael Douglass, and Tobey McGuire... should say it all, but I didn't see this one coming. Great movie.)

The Big Easy

The Second Conan movie (The Destroyer I think)

Dragonslayer (hard to do fantasy right on the big screen, especially when this movie was made, 1981).


Hudsucker Proxy

Mr. Mom

The Dream Team

All of Me

Can't Buy Me Love (for the African Aardvark Mating ritual dance alone)

Without A Clue (Michael Caine plays a bumbling Sherlock Holmes)

The Relic (not so goofy, but a well told horror story that doesn't get the recognition it deserves).

I'll try to think of more later...
Thought of one more that probably is my favorite "goofy" movie...Johnny Dangerously!!!
Posted By: Set Re: Ok, I admit, I like the goofy movies.... - 01/25/09 06:24 PM
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
Once Bitten, Twice Shy- Jim Carrey before he became a ham. Clevon Little as a gay butler to Lauren Hutton. Quickie sex and spittin' buttons in caskets....C'mon, this is funny crap people.
Very strange vampire movie.

Now Vamp was totally awesome, somehow combining funny and cheesy, and even, occasionally, good. Grace Jones plays the head vampire, but, unlike Conan the Destroyer and A View to a Kill, she mercifully gets no speaking lines.

(Near Dark and Lost Boys are my favorite vampire movies, but they are even less 'funny and cheesy.')
Spy Hard ! Who can resist Weird Al singing the theme song plus Andy Griffith as international arch-fiend in the same movie !?!?

Time After Time. HG Wells builds the time machine in his basement, finds out his friend is Jack the Ripper and jumps into the sack with a sexy bank officer. In that order. Yeah, I have kind of a thing for Malcolm McDowell. Sue me.
Time After Time is great, but I'm more of a David Warner fan - he was extra-villainous there!
Oh, I agree. Warner is totally made of win, as the young folks like to say. smile
Regarding A Fish Called Wanda, I love any movie that puts a joke in Latin. At the dog funerals, the boys' choir sings: "Miserere, Dominus; Miserere, Dominus. Canis mortuus est." Translation: "Have mercy, Lord; have mercy, Lord. The dog is dead."

Now, my all-time favorite goofy movie is Super Fuzz (aka, Super Snooper or Poliziotto superpiĆ¹), in which Terence Hill plays a Miami cop who is irradiated by a missile that explodes over the Everglades and (of course) develops super-powers. He probably has about the coolest powers in history. In addition to the usual super-strength, super-speed, flying stuff, he also is telepathic, telekinetic, can control people's minds and, with a thought, makes about 80,000 people disappear. I'm not sure, but I think that puts him about on a par with the Spectre. Of course, he also has one of the lamest weaknesses: he loses his powers when he sees anything red--of course this is inconsistently applied throughout the movie. Ernest Borgnine co-stars as his partner cop. The acting and dialogue are just awful, but you can't help but to love this chunk of '80s cheese. laugh
Hey, I still like the Trinity movies. Bud Spencer was dubbed all the time, cause his voice just doesn't seem to match his physical presence, but those were some damn funny movies.
'Time after Time' and 'Johnny Dangerously' - love, love, love those movies.

I won't reveal the embarrasingly huge amount of times I watched Dumb and Dumber in high school. It has to be over 100.
Yellowbeard- Peter Sellers as the Pirate Yellowbeard. He pillages, loots, and likes raping. So much so, in fact, that one of his "victims", Madeline Kahn, insists that it was love.

His line was ...

"No it wasn't...I raped you!" said with indignation and confusion as to why she insisted it wasn't.
*Please understand, this isn't downplaying rape, which is bad enough to warrant the death penalty in my eyes, it was the absurdity of the situation that was funny.

Another goofy little movie that i like (although not necessarily a comedy) is Nate and Hayes, with Tommy Lee Jones and Michael O'Keefe. This was just a fun, lighthearted movie. It had its goofy moments.
Up the Creek- this ...is what Animal House should have been. Rude, Crude, Funny, lewd...i still enjoy seeing this movie to this day.
Strange that MGMHD is playing a ton of goofy movies right now.

Three Amigos, The entire Pink Panther series, Dracula vs. Frankenstein and plenty more that fit the bill.

I actually didn't even know I had the channel. I have a couple other ones I always watch (HDNet moviesI think it's called).
Fright Night II- the guy from Herman's Head, Roddy McDowell and Traci Lind. Don't know what happened to her, but she was a major hottie back then. But this little movie was in the same vein as Once Bitten. I call it a Homedy, horror with more than a little comedy thrown in. Fright night I didn't do a lot for me, for some reason, but this one was fun. Loved the guy that ate the bugs and gave the latin name for them.
Oh, how could I forget Movie Movie ?

A comedy... sort of. Not in the usual sense. A pastiche of a "typical" 1930s double feature, done more or less deadpan-- not as if it were the Zuckers, Mel Brooks or the National Lampoon crew. Definitely an acquired taste, but personally I love it. The first hour is your basic immigrant boxer makes good story. The second hour is the young girl who comes from the sticks and miraculously becomes a Big B'way Star. You see the same actors in both "features," which is part of the fun.
Amazon Women on the Moon- Arsenio Hall when he was funny yelling "No, there ain't f***** Thelma here!" The movie was just vignettes and shorts, but it was funny as all getout.
Among those listed here that would also be on my list...


...and let me add...


("That's moida. It ain't RIGHT t'moida. My mudda tol' me so!")

(Big Band music in a haunted house-- with Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi AND Peter Lorre all in one film!)
Oscar - great, funny movie. One of Stallone's standout best, probably the best movie he made once he was pigeonholed into 'Action Hero'.
I vaguely remember this one. A kind of slapstick set in the 30's, with him being a gangster?
Yes, and it featured Ornella Muti ("Princess Aura") as his sister!
Posted By: Set Re: Ok, I admit, I like the goofy movies.... - 02/03/09 05:45 AM
Originally posted by profh0011:
Yes, and it featured Ornella Muti ("Princess Aura") as his sister!
She played his wife, actually, and man, she was smoking hot...
I also liked her in ONCE UPON A CRIME, where she played John Candy's wife. The running gag of the film was people looking at him and asking, "This is your WIFE?" "Why do people keep ASKING me that?"

I checked her list on the IMDB site and discovered that about 95% of the movies she'd been in were Italian films which will probably never be translated into English... (awwwww)
Talking about her reminds me of the Bald Lady from the first Star Trek movie.
Persis Khambatta-- she was also one of the terrorists in NIGHTHAWKS (my favorite Stallone flick!), and I just saw her in a Stacy Keach MIKE HAMMER episode as one of a group who kidnapped a 10-year-old blind girl and her seeing-eye dog (B******s!!). Gee, didn't she ever play any "nice" parts after ST?
Oh, just found a new little movie that i really like. Shoot Em Up with Clive Owens, Monica Belluci, and Paul Giamatti.

This movie completely reminds me of Hard Boiled with Chow Yun Fat, and it is, in fact, partly inspired by it.

Its twisted, kinky, and lots of good shootin' fun.
And another one that kinda falls in line with me liking what a particular actor does...

Slither- 80's movies like gremlins or Tremors was the inspiration for this little gem. Nathan Fillion is the lead, and the movie is actually supposed to be set here in South Carolina, though they actually filmed it in Canada. It wasn't a big hit, but it is becoming one of the cult status flicks.

I blame Canada.
Thought of two more really goofy movies I don't think I've seen here yet:


Kung Fu Hustle (if you haven't seen this movie, it is a hoot).

"What makes you think you've got what it takes to be a BLACK HERO?"

"Umm.... I'm an ex-football player!"
The Brother from Another Planet (really not that "goofy" but off-beat)

Mars Attack ack ack ack ack.... lol

You Kill Me a hit man's career is in jeopardy because of his alcholism.

Gee, didn't she ever play any "nice" parts after ST?
Poor Persis Khambatta. Short life. Also, let's not forget her silly damsel-in-distress turn in Warrior of the Lost World, which is only watchable when the MST3K crew digs their flatware into it. (She did get to spit on Donald Pleasence, FWIW.)

I think she was also a protagonist in Megaforce, which I have (mercifully ?) never seen.
MEGAFORCE (or as some have called it, MEGAFARCE)!! Hal Needham trying to branch out into bigger-style "action" films.

The really screwy thing about this movie (more than anything else, at least) is if you watch it while knowing that it was SUPPOSED to star Burt Reynolds & Jerry Reed... (I'm not making this up!!) The 2 lead actors in the film are actually trying their best (worst?) to "channel" the guys from SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT.

Meanwhile, Chuck Norris went and did the "serious" version... DELTA FORCE.
My Super EX-Girlfriend.

This movie was panned and no one went to see it, which is unfortunate. My wife and i laughed our asses off at it.

Bought it for five bucks at wally world doing a late night movie binge. Basically said "what the hell, why not."

This movie...is what a Supergirl movie would be if she was a psycho little brat. It was funny as hell in spots and it managed to turn all the cliched superheroine/boyfriend roles on their asses.

For once, Uma Thurman hams it up, but its okay because it fits the actual script. The shark bit was funny as hell, and the car in outer space worked.

I did think that Eddie Izzard was a waste, he's much funnier than this. And with the goofy little goatee, he's starting to remind me of Tim Curry in his later years.
VAMPIRA (1974) -- This is an English horror-comedy (which right away means it's a lot more low-key than a US comedy) about Dracula & his wife in modern-day (early 70's) swinging London. If you've ever seen any of the Amicus anthology films, which tend to have one segment played for laughs, that's what this feels like-- stretched out to a feature film. It's got wildly different reviews online, some call it "the worst movie ever made" (no kidding!), others think it's "witty". It stars David Niven and Teresa Graves (who was sort of the early-70's Hallie Berry before she "got religion" and quit the film business).

Some FOOL renamed it OLD DRACULA when it got to America in a lame-ass attempt to attract fans of the Mel Brooks film YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN. I can only think that must have hurt the film more than anything else, because the 2 styles of comedy could hardly be less far apart.

This was directed by the same guy who did WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT, only with a lot more restraint & style-- at least, until the funky disco sequence (heehee).

The screwiest thing, the other female lead in the film is Jennie Linden, and I'd just watched another film with her in it only 3 days earlier! I mean, what are the odds?? I think I like her better as a brainy brunette than as the redhead she played in DR. WHO AND THE DALEKS.
I have stuff like that happen all the time. I used to keep a log of the strange coincedences when i was a kid, then i decided that if anyone ever found it, i would be taking a trip to the psyche ward, so i tossed it.
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: Ok, I admit, I like the goofy movies.... - 03/07/10 02:32 AM
Some of my favs:

My Name is Bruce - Bruce Campbell is a god. This movie was great. Played straight enough to make it even funnier.

The Man with the screaming Brain - The single best worst movie with every cliche of Saturday afternoon bad sci-fi/spy movies all rolled into one. Plus, it has Bruce Campbell acting and directing.

Top Secret - Val Kilmer before...he was really famous.
Dev, I have Top Secret, love that old movie. Like Real Genius better, but it wasn't as inspired as TS.
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: Ok, I admit, I like the goofy movies.... - 11/05/10 02:07 AM
Love Real Genius as well.
Oh man, how could I forget... Love At First Bite with George Hamilton. "come back black chicken, come back..." "children of the night...Shut Up!" Pretty spot on for its time, and well known, but these days its a largely forgotten movie. Hamilton also did Zorro, the Gay Blade, but I didn't find it as funny.
I am one of the few people I know who actually liked the movie Barb Wire. Yeah, I watched it the first time to see Pamela Anderson in (and out of) skimpy outfits, but it turns out I actually liked the movie. I am such a sucker for cheesy sci-fi.
Posted By: Set Re: Ok, I admit, I like the goofy movies.... - 11/05/10 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Dev Em:
Love Real Genius as well.
Oh gosh, we still quote that movie!

"This, for instance, is under H, for toy."
"What is it?"
"It's a penis enlarger. Want to try it?"

"Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousnd naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you?"
"Uh, no..."
"Why am I the only one who has that dream?"

"Rue the day? Who talks like that?"

Wow, and Love at First Bite, one of my favorite vampire movies back in the day. Such cheesy fun. I don't think it held up very well though.

(Unlike Van Helsing, which managed to be cheesy and no fun at all...)
There are some great gems in this list.
Love at first bite: "Come back Black Chicken, come back!"
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
Love at first bite: "Come back Black Chicken, come back!"
HOW dumb can some people be? They're trying to KILL it, it's trying to get away, and they're asking it to come back so they can kill it and eat it! (NEVER MIND that's it's NOT a "chicken"!!!)

I also like...

"When you DAID-- you DAID!"
(and then the coffin lid opens)

But my fave is probably...

"What do you think of... THIS!!!"
"...I'd say you should probably marry a nice Jewish girl."
"Oh, DARN it, it's the OTHER one, isn't it?"
"Children of the night....SHUT UP!"
Lair of the White Worm. Amanda Donahue if I remember correctly. My VHS copy died some time ago and I've never been great at names. I do remember something about a song "the famous Dampton Worm."

Gor- an Italian take on the Tarl Cabot stories. I remember it from some time back, but thats about it other than knowing I liked it because it was a scifi-fantasy story, and I didn't get to see to many of them.
Two words:
Jack. Deth.
Trancer series, right? Never got to see it unfortunately. But I here its fun.

Critters. Okay, the first two movies in this were a lot of fun. Easter Bunney eaten alive from the inside...just nasty. so much more fun that Gremlins, a "wholesome family entertainment"... bleech. Yeah, there are times when thats good, and fun. But ya got creatures runnin around tearing it up... get dirty and have some fun, lol.

Day 1: "Please excuse Riff from class today, as her mother has died." --Mr. Randall

Day 2: "Please excuse me from class today, as my father has also died." --Riff Randall
"Isn't it sad when some families have to suffer so much?" --Kate Rambeau

Day 3: "Please excuse me from class today as my goldfish has ALSO died." --Riff Randall
"Well, you know they say this kind of thing always comes in threes." --Kate Rambeau

Day 4: "SO! Your parents and your goldfish died, hmm? Well I have PROOF that you LIED! Boys-- show her the EVIDENCE!" --Principal Togar
(The 2 hall monitors bring forward the goldfish bowl, with the goldfish in it.)
"HEY! He got BETTER!" --Riff Randall
"I suppose her PARENTS are still alive, too..." --Principal Togar
Dark Star - Carpenter and O'Bannon before Escape from New York and Alien.
oh, I thought we were talking about that Disney classic, The Goofy Movie.

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