Legion World
Posted By: MLLASH SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 09/15/05 11:31 PM
Steph & Bobby Jon! Poppin' hotties!

Okay, I like the hot farmer. He's funny!
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 09/15/05 11:47 PM
Plus he wasn't one of the 4 guys who ralphed!
Posted By: rtvu2 Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 09/15/05 11:52 PM
You mean mullet farmer guy?

Is it bad that I want Steph to win?
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 09/16/05 12:00 AM
That isn't a mullet!! It's trendy!

NO, Steph rawks! It's okay to want her to win!

*choke!* That family moment thing with Jim's wife was sweet!
Posted By: rtvu2 Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 09/16/05 12:28 AM
Steph for Survivor! I hope she gets far.
No one else right now capturing my interest but we will see.
Yipppeeee! I won my bet!! so my partner has to take me out for a nice expensive dinner! I told him that I bet that was Stephanie and Bobby Jon in shadow!! Can't wait to see his face tonight! he s coming home and watching tonight! *big grin*
Enjoy yourself, dude
I love Steph. Toughest competitor yet and fair. I was glad to see it was her back.
I dont know what it is but I love these shows.
I loved that Steph's team won the challenge tonight. Felt bad for Bobby Jon, I know Lash is excited he is back.

I like Jud. Ok he was a little over excited at the council meeting...but I like em big and over excited.
'Gazer, that Judd is a good looking guy! Survivor finally got some sex appeal on the show.

I'm torn between Steph, the gal that gives it all...

And Judd, hometown hottie.
You and Judd are from the same hometown...shut up!
He is cute...heavy sigh
Posted By: rtvu2 Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 09/17/05 05:03 AM
I'll go Jamie for me...
jesus christ and wonder woman return
the ads said it was the return of 2 of survivor's favourites, BJ and Steph? stephenie kicks ass but bj???
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 09/21/05 03:03 AM
It was meant to be. We have the same birthday!

hot trendy mullet farmer
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 09/21/05 03:06 AM
Shouldn't that have read "Prom Princess" ?
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 09/21/05 03:11 AM
Some people just look like they need to be hit with a baseball bat , don't they?
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 09/21/05 03:13 AM
Poppin' chick-hottie !!!
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 09/23/05 12:09 AM
Good episode tonight, a lot happened!

I took notice of and a liking to Lydia, then found out she was on the chopping blok? WTF? She made that fish-catching thingie and got her bag from the spider web and works her butt off, what more do they want? Personally, I would have leaned toward wussy Rafe, who didn't complete the spider web and pretty much lost that challenge for them.

Judd also didn't complete the spider web, but he redeemed himself in the tug-of-war immunity, didn't he? It appears that he echos my sentient about Blake and a baseball bat. Cute.

You all may have noticed that my hottie farmer Brandon sailed effortlessly through both the spider-web and tug-of-war one on one thing. My hero!! He was so cute when he said he thought guys (namely Blake) should "man up"!

Gary's deception sure was found out quickly. I think that will hurt him in the long run.

I may have to change my opinion of Prom Princess Brian after tonight, since he "scrambled" (his word) for Lydia.
Posted By: rtvu2 Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 09/23/05 12:46 AM
Hey Lash, don't you feel that it's strange that the on the CBS website that contestants haven't been maked by tribe. They are all just one big happy family...
Those were some of the most exciting challenges on the show they've had in a while. Both teams had the lead in the reward challenge and lost it. And the tug-o-war enmasse was very cool to watch, even more exciting when it became one-on-one.

While I'm not liking Blake, he does come through for the tribe during the challenges. It's hard to argue with Judd, but until he won the tug-o-war (whoo-hoo) he wasn't pulling his weight either.

As for Steph's tribe- uffda! Glad to see Brian and Lydia brought them to their senses. Tho' Morgan really helped them out with the spiderweb challenge.

(my new battle cry)
Posted By: Stu Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 10/05/05 01:59 AM
Originally posted by Stargazer:
I dont know what it is but I love these shows.
I loved that Steph's team won the challenge tonight. Felt bad for Bobby Jon, I know Lash is excited he is back.

I like Jud. Ok he was a little over excited at the council meeting...but I like em big and over excited.
Judd is getting a bit of a winners' edit... I wouldn't be surprised if he at least made the merge.

BTW, for Judd fans -- I think that was him in wet boxer-briefs in the background in last week's episode...
Posted By: Stu Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 10/05/05 02:38 AM
BTW 'Gazer --

I think Coby Archa (from the last season of Survivor) is from Tyler, Texas. Have you ever seen him around town?
He is actually from Athens TX which is not far.
One of my staff was at his shop for a hair cut before last season was aired.
I have not met him but would be a thrill. He added some good drama.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 10/07/05 01:06 PM
Speaking of good drama, last night's ep was a winner!

I liked the tribe member-based Q&A "challenge". I figured it would determine individual immunities for each team for the week. Having both teams make such big switches was a huge surprise.

As for the new teams...

Anyone who isn't Brandon, Blake or Bobby Jon on their new tribe better watch out. Brian's stay just got shortened.

Judd's disloyalty is going to bite him in the ass. If Rafe and the women had been smart, they would have allied right away to remove Jamie, Judd and Stephanie from play. That was their only hope. They're goners now.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 10/07/05 01:08 PM
Originally posted by RTVU2:
Hey Lash, don't you feel that it's strange that the on the CBS website that contestants haven't been maked by tribe.
Aha! Now we know why!
Being as addicted to City of Heroes as I am, I am back in the bedroom glued to my computer while Mom and Scott watch Survivor. So I haven't seen any of it this season. However, last night Scott took me to Brewvies for dinner and a movie, and I pick up the local gay newspaper, as I am wont to do in the few venues that provide it. On the cover is 'Raffe, out, gay, Mormon, from Salt Lake City..... Can he survive Survivor Guatamala?' OMG, had I known this before, I would have been watching. Now I have to thank Scott for Tivo'ing the show for me so I can watch and start checking out Raffe's performance.
Posted By: rtvu2 Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 10/07/05 01:39 PM
Hey, did anyone else find Bobby Jon and blake's little streatgy session disturbing/funny last night?
It took me a min to figure that they really were taking a bathroom break, but the intensity in their faces while they were talking---poor camera guy. Disturbing but very funny and very a guy thing to do. And then they shook hands afterwards.

Any comments?
Spoils please!

Stoopid Bear Board, dagnabbit! And it sounds like they really mixed it up. And Lash, don't think I didn't see you connive to get the beefcake booted...
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 10/10/05 11:46 PM
I would never want beefcake booted!
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 10/14/05 12:12 AM

I am *SO* into this this year, it's been so good!

"He gets so gay!" was Stephanie's meant-to-be-mean comment about Bobby Jon, but little does she know that it's a compliment to him! laugh Plus I got to have great fun with it later, when she was all crying and stuff and saying her team sucked, I was all like, "NOW who's getting gay, you li'l crybaby?!?" Hee hee hee! lol

I know you all like Judd, but he's so belligerent. He comes off like an ass, I just don't like him.

I could not believe Blake got voted off, I gasped aloud. Princess Brian better thank her lucky stars, I was sure she was gone. Danni voted for the one of the two guys who least got on her nerves. You gotta admire that, and it has made things much more interesting and less sure for Bobby Jon and Brandon.

And once again, my Brandon was the hero-- he whizzed through that rope-cutting while Jamie was all Little Miss Muffett, sitting on his tuffet, gently rubbing it instead of slice -n- dice -n- go.

I thought I would be glad Blake was gone, but afterwards I felt kind-of sorry for him. It's easy to be jealous of those pretty-boy "Golden Boy"s. I'm sure Princess Brian knows what I mean.

next week: Bobby Jon VS. Jamie!
I hate the guys on this season (and that includes Steph). Brandon's the only one I can stomach (and Rafe to some degree but where the others are all baboons, Rafe is just a wuss). I like Amy, but with that ankle she'll be going home soon.

Please boot off Judd, he's an ass, and let Bobby Jon be next soon after. WHat can I say, I like my pretty with a few working brain cells... thankyouverymuch
Gotta say I was a little let down this week. The challenges were rather tame, tho' Jamie made that first one memorable. I was hoping the second one would get more physical. I mean these people are fighting for survival...

Last season Steph had the big brutes and her tribe lost. This season, she's been with the more cerebral gang, and she still can't win. A hard luck gal to Blake's golden boy. But c'mon girl, buck up! Show 'em all. (P.S.- um... the gay comment?)

As for Judd... well he's got some rough edges. I don't know if it's belligerence, or just a limited understanding of the world. NYC can do that do a guy. Either way, it's unattractive.

As for the big face off next week- Bobby Jon and Jamie get into a fight over who gets to use their brain that night.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 10/21/05 12:00 AM

As Judd and Princess Brian were my least favorites, I've no prob seeing Ivy League Lass go bye-bye. It's devious little cuntessas like him who have made post-High School a chore.

Now man, if they man, just, man, can get, man, rid, man, of Judd, man, then man, I, man, can be a happy, man, camper, man!
Posted By: Owl Lad Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 10/21/05 04:57 AM
Tonight's epidsode: He-Man vs Cave Man. You be the judge of who's who.

At least Judd didn't do a touchdown booty dance and backflip as Margaret left.
Lash, you've convinced me. Cut the beefcake loose.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 10/28/05 12:22 AM
Well, I have to admit keeping a "love to hate" character like Judd around helps keep the interest high. Even his apparently closest teammate (Jamie) said tonight it was good to keep him around because he was only going to keep blowing up, and that would help others stay longer. Or something to that effect.

I was *almost* convinced Amy had swayed everyone in her favor, but she was the only vote against Bobby Jon.

This merger is going to be VERY interesting to watch. I wouldn't at all be surprised if Stephanie turns on Jamie and Judd, and joins with Gary, Brandon, B-Jon and Danni. That little scowly blonde, Cindy (?), is also a prime candidate for loyalty-switching. Both of them have clashed with Jamie and/or Judd.

Rafe is gonna be Judd's lapdog 'cause Judd was nice to him and is a big butch straight guy; Lyddea is going to stay loyal as well. I don't see her switching. So Stephanie and Cindy are the "tribe of 4's" best chance.
Okay Jamie is using good strategy, and Bobby Jon comments on the "majestic" landscape. When did these two get so smart?

I enjoyed seeing the teams compete, and so close in the challenges. Seeing chocolate reward had my mouth melting. Those guys were living out my fantasy.

It was neat to see Yaxha over friendship to Nakum. That was certainly a first for this show. Not only did they offer to party in their pool, they offered chocolate to the losing tribe. A shame Cindy and Jamie couldn't stop playing long enough to just enjoy the day. And you guys can have your wet t-shirt contests, I want wet boxer shorts...

It wasn't really a surprise who got voted out of the tribe. Amy was the weakest one there, and had no strong ties. Gary's bold declaration was a bit surprising tho'. Good to see he's upfront about that at least.

A merger and some tempers flaring next week.
I have not been impressed this season. Last season was the best by far...

Speaking of last season..I bumped into Coby last night at the video store. He is a very nice guy and was a pleasure to speak with. He is taller in person. He now sports blond hair and is thiner. Great personality.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 10/29/05 07:21 PM
No way! What kind of video store, 'Gazer? wink wink wink wink
Posted By: Stu Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 10/30/05 12:43 AM
Did he have his baby daughter with him?

Here's an article about Coby, his life, and the girl he adopted from a cousin and named after Janu, his fellow castaway on Palau...

Originally posted by MLLASH:
No way! What kind of video store, 'Gazer? wink wink wink wink
Believe it or not it was Hastings. You have to leave town to get those other kinds...LOL
Still he was very nice. Did not see daughter with him but he had a friend at the store with him.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 11/04/05 01:01 AM
Posted By: rtvu2 Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 11/04/05 01:10 AM
bye bye farmer mullet lad.
for real?
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 11/04/05 01:17 AM
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 11/04/05 01:21 AM
I guess Judd or Jamie the Super-Assholes from Hell are going to win now.

I hope Gary wins every single immunity to the end and takes it all. Or Danni. The rest of 'em can suck eggs.
Posted By: rtvu2 Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 11/04/05 03:05 AM
i doubt that...it will be whoever finds that immunity statue. What a great new wrinkle. And how can Bobby Jon hate Steph so much. Where did that come from.

Jamie is getting way too cocky. He is such a blunder on challenges that he won't get that far. With so many a-holes it will come down to eihter vote for the elsser of two evils or whoever stays under the rader. I give it to Lydia.
so Brandon is actually voted off...so I wonder about the next person to be voted off --- will it be Bobby Jon or Jamie? Awaits for the next week.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 11/04/05 07:05 AM
I could live with Lydia winning too.

Forgot about the immunity statue; it's no gaurantee to winning, since it does have to be used by final 4, but I sure hope Jamie DOESN'T find it.
Once again they let an idiot make it to the jury. Did they not realize voting Jamie off this week got him off the island for good?
Rob Mariano was evil Johnny Fairplay was evil.

Jamie or Judd? How are these guys the "spawn of Hell?" Neither was is bright, they are both loud mouths, inconsiderate, and brutish. But evil?

I'm not defending Jamie's talking out of turn, it was a bad move. But all he did was point out what the tribe had discussed earlier in the day. Nakumers settled on an order to eliminate Yaxhites, as per usual in this game. He just removed the scheming element of the game- til after the challenge, then everyone went after him.

And BJ comment on Jamie being classless was off base. He was being an upfront, cocky southern boy. He is also classless but not for talking truth in this game.

Is it just me, or is Jeff getting disgusted with this group of Survivors?

I'm still rooting for Steph. But I also wouldn't mind seeing Danni or Rafe or Cindy win.
To me Jeff looked totally disgusted at the last two tribal councils. I think this, or maybe the next, is his last Survivor as his contract is up and he has hinted at not renewing.

Steph is the only one I care for. Its bad that I've not connected to any of the new cast this late in.

On another note, does anyone else think some of the guys are starting to look like lepers? I hope they are giving them something for their burns.
Posted By: rtvu2 Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 11/04/05 08:27 PM
Jeff looks totally disguested by all the players. They are a bunch of whinning little kids. maybe that is the real reason he is leaving.
I really liked Step last season and was right behind her this season but now I have turned on her. Sorry but the girl can't accept blame for anything with all the shake ups this season she has been in a tribe with most people and has basically said that everybody is a looser but her. Also I think she is really quiet a bit of a homophobe the was she uses gay as an insult and she seems to be poliet to Rafe to play the game but has a pained look on her face around him at times. Speaking of Rafe I lost some respect for him last night with all his tears over fair play and what have you but then he didn't have the balls to do anything about it. My guess will be that this season will be like the last few when the jury end up not voting for who they want to win but who they want to loose (If that makes sence)
Posted By: Stu Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 11/05/05 04:50 AM
I think everyone now wants to take Judd or Jamie to the final two so they can be guaranteed to win the jury vote...

My money's on Danni to pull a "Chris" from a few seasons ago and sneak on through to the final while the members of the other tribe self-destruct.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 11/05/05 07:55 PM
I'm right with Polar Boy re: Rafe; he was all upset and stuff and calling his team an "axis of evil" and then had no balls whatsoever to do anything about it. Whatever dangling tatters of respect, if any, I might have had for him were completely blown away.

Judd actually moved up a notch in my book when he called Jamie out on being an asshole; of course, that "up one notch" still leaves me with a very poor opinion of him.
Posted By: Stu Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 11/09/05 12:55 AM
Here's some pics of Brandon from the Early Show... he looks so different without the long hair...

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 11/09/05 01:53 AM

Though I'm still a big fan of Brandon's long hair-- which wasn't a mullet, BTW... a mullet is short in the front and long in the back. Brandon's hair was parted in the middle (usually) and the same length (or thisclose to it) all over.
it just occured to me the whole thing would be all over now and those lucky bastards are whiling away the time in a luxary resort now.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 11/18/05 10:46 AM
Goodbye Jamie and that desperate, predatory look behind your pretty blue eyes-- I won't miss it.

Watching Judd squirm as Jamie was voted off was delicious! Guess he realized he didn't have the game by the short hairs anymore.

Why can't people ever stick to their alliances? Sheesh! Now Gary will win immunity, or convince Judd to side with him and Dani, since Judd's obviously not part of Steph's inner circle. And just like that, it's a whole new game.

Yeah, Brooding Boy was whiny and paranoid. But this game will do that to you. And it just goes to show, he was right. I'm glad he's gone, but dagnabbit people! stick to the plan.
blah! I was hoping that the videotape of Gary would blow his cover...but apparently it might be edited. darn! I really wanted Gary to get busted adn get voted off immediately. He's a bigger threat! oh well..I will have to wait and see.
I'm pretty sure they all know Garys stupid secret and cant be arsed talking about it anymore. I think Dannii or Lydia will probably slip in the final two and win because the other person has pissed off 75% of the jury like last time
Judd got nude...lost my train of thought.
who got voted off tonight? I am hoping it's Gary or Steph - they are too much a threat. could it be either of them or Rafe?
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 11/25/05 04:20 PM
Gary was ousted. I was very glad he outed Mr. "I haven't lied" Judd before he went.

Lydia's made a mistake in going after Steph in that reward challenge.

Rafe, Cindy, Lydia and Danni are KUH-RAAAAZY not to band together--- now nothing wll sop the Steph/Judd juggernaut from taking this game. Maybe Rafe will keep on winning immunities.
But Lash, Gary's been lying from the beginning. And his argument with Judd was fallacious; he either lied to Judd or to Lydia at some point. That's what bugs me here, everyone has to lie at some point and betray someone. Folks should get off their moral hobby horses and just play the game.

Rafe has this one. He's managed to play fair with everyone so far. And he's in tight with Steph, Judd, and Cindy. Just be careful winning any more challenges...
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 11/25/05 09:25 PM
Oh yeah, Gary's a BIG liar, and now that he's gone, I'm glad he didn't win.

You may be right about Rafe. I know Cindy's on his side-- I just think they need to ally themselves with Lydia and Danni, or Steph and Judd will roll over him.
Posted By: Beagz Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 11/25/05 09:32 PM
Hey, at this point, I'd just love to see Rafe take the whole thing.

He's done his best so far, along with showing he could be a threat.
That's the only thing that worries me - he's shown himself to be a fairly major threat ... and people may consider him more "dangerous" than even the goddess Stephanie.
I agree Beagz. I think Rafe will need to keep winning the challenges so he can stay in the game. I think the crew needs to regroup and have Step outed. Yeah she was good last year..but she is starting to get on my nerves a bit.
I like Judd..even when he lies but he was truly lost when everyone broke the pact and outed Jamie. I dont think he will make it all the way since Gary outed him as a liar.
finally Danni won the immunity....but I think Lydia will be voted off....she is not in the alliance. Good bye Lydia.
My daughter and I were Gary fans. We never liked Judd. smile
yes!!! Judd voted off!!!! so overconfident, cocky, and arrogant thinking that he would make to the final two with Steffi. Oh boy....who will be the next target? Danni? rafe? Lydia? Steffi?

Looks like Cindy gonna go to the Final two.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 12/02/05 05:17 PM
I was *sOOOOOOO* glad Danni won immunity!

They did the right thing getting rid of Judd. I think it's totally cool that the final 5 is 4 chicks and a gay guy. Has this ever happened before?

As Cindy is the one who didn't betray Judd, I have a feeling if she makes top 2 she will get the whole thing.

Yeah, I think Lydia will be next to go...

UNLESS the others gang up and decide Steph or Rafe is too big a threat to keep...

things are reaLLLLLy getting interesting.
This show is a great case study for paranoia and insecurity.

Steph no chance now. She's offended everyone on the jury, and the others are in better favour. Same with Lydia.

Rafe could win if he faces Steph or Lydia. It's good to see the geek outlasting tho'.

Cindy or Dani are likely to win this. Cindy has been a cypher and Dani hasn't been a strong player. There have been a few winners like that previuosly.
Yay, Judd's gone! He worked my last nerve. I think Rafe is the most deserving player left, but I also like Danni; she seems like a good gal. I'd love for them to be the final two.

Not feeling the love for Steph as much this year. She's kind of a bully, you know?
Posted By: Owl Lad Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 12/07/05 04:51 PM
When Judd calls the others lyin' scumbags and continues to insist he hasn't lied in this game, is anyone else thinkin' "pot callin' kettle black"?

I'm predicting this is the year of the reality show minority winner: gay guy for Survivor and black guy for The Apprentice.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 12/10/05 02:44 AM
Dang, what a tough decision Cindy had. When it comes down to it, she was right, though... giving everyone a car doesn't guarantee you're going to win the game.

Though it probaby would've gauranteed she would still be in play, instead of voted off right afterwards. smile

Yay! Danni made it to final 4! Lydia too. Of this final 4, Steph is the only one I'm not really rooting for.
I think Steph is gonna win the last two immunity....she s too strong and I am constanly surprised to see the winner of each challenge chose to invite her to eat the feast...If I was Cindy, I would choose Lydia over any of them since Lydia have not been eating the feast for a while. that's Cindy's one of big mistake, I believe.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 12/11/05 07:26 PM
Just a reminder bump that the 2-hour finale and LIVE reunion special is TONIGHT!
As long as anyone but Steph wins it, I'll be happy. Like to see Danni or Rafe get it, Lydia kind of bugs me from time to time, but I won't complain if she walks away with it.

I don't think Steph has much of a chance if she gets to the final two no matter who she's up against (her only hope I think is Rafe), she's upset too many people on the jury and will have to dance and talk furiously to try and sway their votes back her direction.

I guess all in all, I'm rooting for Danni, mostly because she's been hanging on by a thread against the "six-lliance" ever since the merge. Be kind of poetic if the alliance all turned on themselves and she took home the money! smile
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 12/11/05 08:13 PM
Agreed, Omni, word for word! Go Danni! Hope Steph goes next, then maybe Rafe and Danni in final 2.

Any way it goes will be interesting if Lydia, Rafe and Danni make final 3 because really those 3 have done nothing to piss any jury members off. Everybody likes Rafe, Lydia was perceived as harmless and Danni hung in there by a tattered thread.
It would seem each of the other 3's best interests would be to keep Steph around for the final 2, to guarantee their success. But I kind of hope as you said Lash, it is Rafe and Danni in the final two. They seemed to make that promise to each other last ep. Will "their word" be more important to them than the money?

And Cindy really screwed up. It would have been a better play to give the other 4 a car, in case she made it to the final vote, a couple people may have thought "hey, she gave up her own new car so I could have one..." and vote in her favor. Her biggest mistake was to go on and on about her new car when she had cost everyone else one. Seemed to rub enough people the wrong way so the vote went against her... I think she'd still be in the game if she had a) "sacrificed" her car for the other 4 to get one, or b) at least kept her trap shut!!
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 12/12/05 03:24 AM
YAY!!! Someone I loved won!

Congrats to Danni-- who looked absolutely breathtaking on the reunion show! She's one hot number! And that number is.... one million!

Brandon & Bobby Jon also lookin' adorable!

That was fun!

Next season-- EXILE ISLAND!

They sure made it look all creepy and stuff. Can't wait!
I wouldn't have recognized Danni on the reunion show, except for the fact that she was sitting in the 'final two' spot with Steph. Somebody's invested in some collagen...

Rafe joins the company of Colby in the rarified circle of those who gave away a million dollars. We'll never know, but it's pretty likely that he would have won against Danni, if he'd prompted her to keep to their 'deal'.

No guarantee she would've, though.

I missed it if they showed the rest of the votes. Did Steph get anyone else's vote besides Rafe's?
Unless they show it in the last 15 minutes they haven't showed the other votes so far (that I've caught).
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 12/12/05 03:53 AM
I didn't miss an instant of it. They didn't reveal what the other jury members voted, besides Judd & Rafe.

I learned to respect Rafe a great deal, although I think a lot of his "upstandingly moral" decisions-- like releasing Danni from her vow-- were really secretly ploys that backfired. He still came out looking like an angel, and played a great game.
Lash, how can you respect Rafe after all his backstabbing? I agree folks liked him better than anyone, and he would have got the jury's vote. But he was the real backstabber, not Steph.

Rafe suggested to Lydia and Steph that Jamie's paranoia was too much. Then he made a deal with Danni, against Judd and recommended it to Steph. Rafe also put Cindy on the block simply because she chose to be selfish and keep the car. His only truly upstanding moment was when he chose not to eat the chicken.

Steph was a leader, but didn't dominate the other survivors. And she certainly wasn't a "villain" here. Just mouthy and determined and a tough competitor. During the jury's interrogation, I thought she handled herself well, much better than Danni. If Danni had played as tough the first half of the game as she did the last half, she certainly wouldn't have been more liked by the jury.

I'm bummed Steph lost to Danni of all people. But, happy I get to still sleep with men. laugh
Well said CJ. To me Rafe embodied all that I live with, day in, day out, in Utah. They may appear pious and well meaning but some Mormons can be the worst backstabbers around. Rafe was someone I would never trust fully. In fact I work with a "Rafe". The only difference is he doesn't have red hair.

I still loved Step til the end, even if she did seem a bit of a whiner this season. But at least she came in second and will collect 100K. She's still my favorite Survivor out of 11 seasons.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 12/12/05 09:25 PM
Let me explain a bit. At first, I was NOT a Rafe fan (see my earliest posts). I was like, "this silly queen won't last" and was only infuriated more when he stood idly by, allowing guys that I actually DID like (Brandon for one) to get ousted, while allowing loudmouthed Judd and creepy hustler-eyed Jamie to run roughshod over the game.

Then he grew some nads.

And all he while, he kept as much of his integrety AS THE GAME WOULD ALLOW.

So yes, I *did* grow to respect him, and STILL feel that of all the players from the jury on, he came out smelling most like a rose (maybe alongside Lydia with Cindy a close third)-- even if I *do* think a lot of it was staged.

I almost certainly believe he would have beaten Danni if he had made final 2.

My overall favorite was still Brandon. He didn't backstab anyone (and he had the chance with Bobby Jon).

And Ceej, I'm glad you're still batting for my team! laugh
I'm glad Danni won! smile

I thought Rafe made the right decision to not eat the sacrificial chicken, and found that whole "angering the gods" bit to be comedic.

And I totally think Rafe's not holding Danni to her promise was "reverse psychology" that backfired. Definitely was a strategic thing on his part, but it backfired on him big time! laugh
I am soooo glad Dannii won. By the end of the show I couldn't stand Steph she is just a bully who beleives that she is better then everybody else. But the one I really came to detest at the end was Rafe as his true colours came out at the end. First of all Cindy was a bloody idiot the way she handeled the car business but it was Rafe who was all good on you to her face and going around bitching like a big cat behind her back. Then he releases Dannii from her promise and as soon as she goes fair enough he completely starts slagging off her lack of integrity and saying that there is no way he would vote for her Rafe is exactly the sort of person that gives queers a bad rep carring on like this. I don't know why you think Rafe could have won he still wouldn't have gotten Judds, Jamies, lydias, Garys, Cindys or Bobby Johns votes He made sure he was tared with Steps brush and Im pretty sure she only got the one vote (I guessing thats why they didn't reveal because it was so one sided).
Also I hope the rumours about Steph hosting the next series are false because I can't stand her now. Also I don't think a contestant would be able to ask a lot of the questions Jeff asks because we would know how they played the game.
I think that Brian hit the nail on the head though that so much of the game comes down to dumb luck and if the best palyer in the world ends up in the wrong tribe or alliance there isn't nothing they can do about it.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: SURVIVOR: Guatemala Hooray for DANNI!!!! - 12/15/05 01:29 AM
Originally posted by rhino MLLASH:
Poppin' chick-hottie !!!
Hmmm... I first got the hots for Danni way back in September!
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