Legion World
*Coluan Aptitude and Intelligence Quotient Exam.

Let's hear 'em, 6th-level (barely) sentients!
Too much caffeine and sugar from cramming for the exam the night before.
There was a test?
I forgot how to derive the proof of the Riemann hypothesis.
I was reading Lardy, Cobie, and Fanfie's Avengers reviews instead of studying.
I answered all questions with "this piece of information is useless, hence I did not bother acquiring it".
I couldn't spell, "aptitude."
I thought the name was spelled "Kwerl"
Brainiac 5 manipulated the testing committee into failing me, because 12.56 years ago I called him an 11th level intellect.
Originally Posted by Blockade Boy
I couldn't spell, "aptitude."

Bah! Coluans totally have "appitude" rather than "aptitude"! They've got an app for each skill!

(Believe it or not, I corrected like three errors in the title of this thread before I posted it!)
I couldn't pronounce the acronym of the test name.

I still can't.

I keep reading the "I" as an "L".
Such tests are meaningless to my effector level 1 intelligence! Lower numbers are better, right?
I was hungover and my stupid bestfriend who took me to the space-party the night before and was supposed to drive me didn't show up so I had to ask my step-father who wouldn't stop asking me why I smelt like a brewery and didn't have a #2 space-pencil so it wasn't fair and I should be able to take it over.
I'm Winthian and should get double points.
Who KNEW they made 5-Hour Enema drinks??? I won't do *THAT* again... eek cry sigh
If the purpose of the questioning is to obtain answers, then these are already available in the Global Database Network.

If the purpose is to establish whether or not I know the answers to the questions... Well, that's extremely silly.

Therefore, the entire endeavor is unworthy of my time. In fact, the time spent replying to this inquiry alone is a waste of...

Wait! Is that Laurel? I'm 'out of here'!

Laurel!!! Wait up!
COMPUTO sits the Coluan Aptitude and Intelligence Quotient Exam.

Question 10:

If you start with three Luornus and disintegrate one, how many are you left with?

Answer 10:
350 as she is now Duplicate Damsel.

"GAH! This makes no sense! I will kill the fleshy examiners and their kind!"
^^That does bring up the interesting question of what level of intelligence Computo was at. Higher than Brainy, presumably? As high as Grax?
The door failed to automatically open for me. It was covers with primitive markings which were indecipherable.

My dog peed on my research
Something else else got stuck in my teeth. I spent the entire test period trying to remove it.
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