Legion World
Posted By: Exnihil Ex's Podcast Thingie - 12/02/15 07:54 PM
Howdy, folks. I was wondering if I might be able to solicit some feedback on a project I’ve been working on.

I’ve decided to try my hand at producing a podcast. Since, to my mind, there already exists an absolutely superb Legion-based podcast (The Legion of Substitute Podcasters which if you are not listening to, you absolutely should be) I thought I’d focus mine on my second area of interest - the supernatural characters of the DCU.

To that end, I’ve been doing quite a bit of research in preparation and have just reached the point where I’m beginning to experiment with recording. Below is about a 15 minute demo (not a real episode, just me tooling around) of an intro that I was wondering if you might listen to and give me your opinions.

Please be honest, as I’d really like to give this my best effort. For instance: Do I speak too fast… too formally… use too many “uh”s and “ah”s? How is the audio quality… too tinny, too muffled, too quiet? From a content perspective, is this a niche that you think should be filled? If you listen to podcasts, is it something that you personally would listen to?

…or, basically… anything else that you think.

Thanks in advance for any and all comments.

Posted By: Kappa Kid Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 12/02/15 08:20 PM
Nice work on your first podcast attempt, Ex! I really dug it! smile

I think that your focus on DC's supernatural stable of characters is niche, but something that has great room for exploration. One aspect I liked was you bringing in your own experiences growing up as a young comic reader and how that relates to what you're reading. It gives a cool context to how you personally relate to the characters. The music you use is a nice addition and gives it an NPR-esque touch.

If I have any suggestions, I would recommend maybe bringing in other readers on to discuss along with you. Having someone bounce the conversation back with can lead to interesting possibilities for discussion.
Posted By: He Who Wanders Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 12/02/15 09:33 PM
Great idea, Ex. I enjoyed the podcast. I had no trouble understanding you--you have a very appealing and clear voice. Loved the background music, too.

Podcasts aren't something I listen to, so I have no idea if your approach is typical. However, here are some general thoughts.

I'd shorten the biography at the beginning. While some background details are needed so we know where you're coming from and why we should listen to you smile , I don't think we need to know where you first encountered each character. As impatient as I am (and who isn't, these days?), I'd like you to get to the point quicker: What is this podcast about, and why should I listen to it? You finally get around to this after about 10 minutes.

From that point onward, I liked it very much. I wanted to hear your commentary on the characters. Any little tidbit I didn't know stokes my little fannish heart. It's even better if you connect obscure characters to something I already know (like Crisis).

I think you have a unique angle: focusing on the magic characters of the DCU. Since I'm not a big magic fan, though, I need to have something at the top of each episode--a hook--to keep me interested. Stalgie's comparison to NPR is appropriate: No matter how obscure their topics are, they draw me in almost instantly by giving me a reason to care or to be intrigued.

Kudos to you for taking on this new creative project. You have a great start.
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 12/02/15 10:51 PM
I really enjoyed it overall.

I did think it drug a bit in the middle. I loved the enthusiasm of your discussion of the scene from Crisis, but then kind of started drifting away a bit during during your discussion of the storyline from Swamp Thing, but it's a pretty minor quibble (and it may have just been me).

Also, the one thing I would suggest is that podcasts seem to work best when they have a fairly clear organizational structure (e.g. chronological), and I'm not getting a sense that you have that. So you might think about that a bit more.

Overall, though, it sounds like a lot of fun and I applaud you for doing it. Podcasting is something I've been thinking about trying for awhile, but it always seems like so much work to do it properly. I'm glad you're giving it a go, though.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 12/03/15 12:13 AM
Thanks for the thoughts thus far… this is really so helpful!

A couple notes:

- The clip I posted is really just a demo to familiarize myself with the recording application (Audacity), learning how to do cuts and fade ins and outs and such. The actual content is just me riffing, and yeah, as both Huey and Eryk note, it definitely needs to be shortened up for the real thing.

- To Eryk’s point about structure, the way I’ve been envisioning it is basically as a semi-chronological progression beginning at the Silver Age. So, for instance... episode 1 would have a reading and review of Justice League of America #2 from 1961 (the JLA meets Merlin) and then episode 2 continues to the next significant magical encounter in JLoA #’s 10 and 11 from 1962 (Felix Faust and the Demons 3).

- I say, “semi-chronological,” because I also envision break-away points that step outside that strict progression to better flesh out the overall story. For example, when I cover the Showcase appearance of Dr. Fate from 1965 I want to follow it up with his origin story from 1941, or when I conclude the “Zatanna’s Search” arc from 1966 I also want to include a stand-alone story from 1980 that acts as a thematic conclusion to the arc. The closest narrative equivalent would probably be the TV show, LOST - a main progressing narrative that pauses for flashbacks and forwards.

- To Stalgie’s point about a co-host… YES! Anyone up for it? Of the podcasts I listen to, only 1 has a single narrator and it does tend to be a slog sometimes (I’d drop it, but the content is so good).

- One of the ideas I’ve been kicking around is actually co-hosting it with my wife. The title “Parliament of Rooks” is a Sandman reference about a storyteller being judged on the merits of the tale he’s telling. My wife is decidedly NOT a comic reader (but is a huge fan of fantasy fiction and movies) so I thought it might be a neat perspective to have a person for whom the material is entirely new and who could act as an unbiased “judge” of the stories. The dynamic between husband and wife seems like it might be fun (ala Kevin Smith’s “Plus One” podcast)

In any case, thanks for the feedback so far… keep it coming!
Posted By: Dave Hackett Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 12/04/15 01:15 PM
Yes, two voices are better than one, as it breaks up the inevitable monotony of one voice (any voice, not just yours). You need some interplay and discussion to keep the listener engaged.

Let me know if it doesn't work out with your wife. (For the PODCAST! I'm talking about the Podcast! Sheesh!)
Posted By: Exnihil Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 12/29/15 05:40 PM

First episode completed!!!

A lot of work on the front end to learn the niceties of audio editing but, honestly, I don't think I've ever been more proud of a creative undertaking than I am with this project.

We are planning on going live with it (on iTunes and a hosted site) on January 4th, but I thought I would stick it up on youtube to give you guys a preview.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think (and stay with it through the closing music as there is a bit of a "blooper reel" mixed in, as well).

Ahhhhh! Just so happy with this.

Posted By: He Who Wanders Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 12/29/15 09:07 PM
Wonderful, Ex (and Melanie)!

I've listened to only the first 15 minutes so far, but it sounds professionally produced. There is good interplay between you two, and you keep the discussion moving.

Melanie does a great job of reminding you to define Golden Age and Silver Age, and, as relative newbie, she stands in for the audience, many of whom may also be unfamiliar with these stories and characters.

Looking forward to listening to the rest later.
Posted By: Emily Sivana Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 12/29/15 09:52 PM
This is very good so far. I am not very familiar with this part of the DCU, so it is very informative. Please let me know if you ever cover Shazam or New Gods stuff; I would love to help out.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 12/30/15 11:30 AM
Absolutely, Em!

It will probably be a bit, because initially we are going to be focused on the Silver Age, but I definitely plan on hitting the magic elements of the Marvel Family (and other Fawcett characters like Ibis the Invincible, and even peripherally related characters like Kid Eternity and Isis) around about the time we cover the "Earth S" crossover in Justice League. When we get there, there is absolutely a standing invitation to sit in.

...and that goes for anyone who has a favorite magic character they'd like to join in on. Just give me a heads up and when that episode comes up you're welcome to record with us to chat about it.
Posted By: Myg - Andy S Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 12/30/15 12:01 PM
I'm not real familiar with podcasts (dunno why - never been into them) so I'm not sure if I'm the best judge

I do like the two voices a LOT more. The interplay between you and your wife is enjoyable. Laughter, for instance, is more comfortable knowing you are in conversation (rather than just mad cackling alone).

The set up is good. The introduction of the Rooks title was enticing.

I liked that your wife was clear about her lack of comics experience and the tie-in of fantasy stuff. (I also have liked some of the television mini-series)
I agree with He Who Wanders that she is a good stand-in for those people who haven't read the Golden Age/Silver Age stuff.

It sounds good!
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 12/30/15 11:52 PM
That was a lot of fun!
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 01/01/16 02:31 PM
Great topic for a podcast! I haven't seen much exploration of the use of mystical/magic characters in the science-y Silver Age.

The stories may be juvenile, but wouldn't some of that vocabulary be a challenge for an 8-year old? Comics were, in that sense, educational; I learned a lot of mythology from comics back in the early 60s.

It was good to have non-geek Mel there to comment on the story, especially for the funny parts. Two people laughing together is even more infectious than one....

I also enjoyed how you added to the story by commenting on the letters page and mentioning when some of those characters would return.

Here's to the second sitting of the Parliament! cheers
Posted By: Exnihil Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 01/02/16 12:03 AM
Thanks so much, Nancy (and everyone for your great feedback - it's been very helpful)! Your comments meant a lot to Mel, as one of the things she’d definitely been wondering about was how these stories were received contemporarily by little girls in the 60’s. So cool to get that feedback from someone she’s actually met!

Believe it or not we’ve already recorded our second episode (now into post-production) and are prepping our third. We’ve totally got the bug.

If anyone would like to begin following this regularly, our iTunes feed will likely be up on Monday, but in the mean time, our hosted site is up at:

www.tporpodcast.com (which also redirects to my own site www.thomaslanese.com)

and our Facebook page in now up at:

https://www.facebook.com/groups/585809498235800/ (searchable on Facebook as "The Parliament of Rooks Podcast”)

Join now on the ground floor and you can say you knew me when. wink
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 01/10/16 02:54 PM
Dug episode 2!

It's definitely interesting that the "Demons Three" were permitted under the comics code. Interestingly, when they and Felix Faust appeared on Super Friends, they were referred to as "phantoms" or "ghosts" rather than demons.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 01/10/16 03:32 PM
Thanks, man! I never even knew they appeared on the SF. Apparently those TV parental watch groups in the 80’s must have had more teeth than the comics code authority, at least regarding certain terminology.

And thanks everyone again for all the feedback - it really helped shape the vibe of the show. We now have two episodes out and are recording our third tonight. If the analytics are to be believed, our first episode already has 32 downloads and our second (posted less than 24 hours ago) already has 10… not too shabby, I think, for two newbies.

From this point on, I’m going to move any other development updates across to our Facebook group (so as not to litter up LW with plugs wink ) but, as a final note for anybody that would like to follow along, here’s all our info:

Facebook group (where all episodes will be announced and supporting images posted) is at:

HERE (Join today!)

Our homepage/blog/link hub/what-have-you, is at:

www.tporpodcast.com (Pretty nifty... never made a web page before!)

iTunes feed if you want to subscribe is at:


Google Play feed (which was recommended to create, but honestly I'd never heard of) is approved, but not searchable yet (should be within the week).

and finally, any feedback can be left at any of those places or directly at:


Whew! This is probably the most work I’ve ever put into a creative endeavor, but it really has been the most rewarding. I anticipate this being a very long term project (we’ve already mapped out the first 30 episodes!)
Posted By: Emily Sivana Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 01/10/16 04:35 PM
Please send me a PM before you tackle Shazam or Golden Age or Kirby stuff so I can prepare.
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: Lihinxe Sdeen Ruoy Pleh! - 02/07/16 05:55 PM
Spent the afternoon catching up on the last three episodes!

Fun stuff! I couldn't believe you guys didn't mention the Fiddler's wig, though!
Posted By: Exnihil Ex's Podcast Thingie - 02/08/16 10:42 PM
Ha! Believe it or not, I was so taken aback by the Wizard's "Havana Cabana"-wear, that I didn't even notice the wig dummy off to the side.

Thanks again for following the show, man! It's hard to believe that what started a month and a half ago as a "you know, I might like to try this"-type thing has evolved into a "I freaking love doing this and can't imagine ever wanting to stop"-type thing. wink (And Emily... while I don't think we'll be doing any New Gods stuff, I'll definitely ping you when we get to the Big Red Cheese).

If the analytics are to be believed it looks like we've got between 60-70 regular listeners with our first episode (of our current six) having the most downloads, just north of 100. I know I said I didn't intend on plugging here, but - since we have a bunch of new outlets, I'll just recap where we're available:

- Facebook group: HERE (This is where all supporting images are hosted and acts as a hub, so all you FB types feel free to join).

- Twitter: @tporpodcast

- Homepage: www.tporpodcast.com

- iTunes: HERE

- Stitcher: HERE

- Podcastpedia: HERE

- Google Play is apparently in the process of adding podcasts as a service, so that will probably be another month or so

- and finally, any feedback can be left at: tporpodcast@gmail.com

Thanks again for all the support! Barring any major calamities, I think this is going to be a very long-term creative venture.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 03/21/16 08:20 PM
I know I said I didn't intend on plugging on LW again, but shrug that being said, I happen to be really happy with the most recent episode we put out - episode 12 - and just wanted share it with everyone:


We intended it as a break point to recap our show thus far and act as a convenient jumping on point for new listeners before we began covering the next story arc we were doing (Zatanna's Search). But that being said, because it was more free form and less structured around specific stories, it wound up capturing a very sort of "fly on the wall" feeling of just a conversation between me and my missus... and I totally dig it! smile

Anyway, that's all... check it out for the peek into Ex and Mrs. Ex's life and, if you like it, stay around and catch up on some cool Silver Age Magic tales.

Posted By: Exnihil Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 07/14/16 03:58 PM
Howdy - just wanted to give a heads up, in case any of you guys were occasional listeners (or potential listeners):

After 28 consecutive weeks of weekly releases, my missus and I have reached a convenient narrative breakpoint to take a short hiatus in-between "volumes," so to speak. Over the past half-year or so we've put together what I feel (and I hope others agree) is a fairly comprehensive (and semi-erudite) historical overview of magic in the DCU between the years 1960 and mid-1967.

Our next "wave", if you will - beginning in about a month and a half - is going to tackle late '67 through '69, but if anyone has an interest in checking out an episode or two (or 28) covering the Silver Age, here is my content cheat sheet, so far:

[Linked Image]

Site: www.tporpodcast.com
FB: www.facebook.com/tporpodcast
Twitter: www.twitter.com/tporpodcast
Subscribe: iTunes, Googleplay, Stitcher, Podcastpedia
Posted By: ActorLad Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 07/16/16 01:59 AM
I'm not a big podcast listener but I shall try to give your's a trial run sometime soon!
Posted By: Exnihil Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 11/07/16 05:23 PM
FYI for anyone who'd like to hear a couple Legion Worlders chatting together, I resumed my podcast a few weeks back, beginning "volume 2" with episode 29, and just released episode 32 with special guest:

Emily Sivana!

Thanks, Em, for dropping by, you did a fantastic job! If anyone wants to check it out, it's at:

Posted By: thoth lad Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 11/07/16 05:30 PM
Crumblies! I missed this.

Magic is so hard to define in the DCU. It's a bit all over the place. I see some classic JLA issues in there, that are too tempting to ignore. I recently read those Doctor Fate issues for the JSA Idol thread. The Spectre had stories in those issues, lowering the reoffending rates by killing the crooks.

Posted By: Emily Sivana Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 11/07/16 07:11 PM
I was delighted to help. If anyone wants sources, I can provide them in this thread or through PM.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 11/12/16 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by thoth lad

Magic is so hard to define in the DCU. It's a bit all over the place.

I agree... somewhat.

DC collectively calls any sort of supernatural-based power source "magic", but really what they're talking about is a wide spectrum of divine, angelic, demonic, homo-magi, talismanic, or even totemic based powers.

Similar to what Gaiman did in the original "Books of Magic" series, our show is attempting to create a unified narrative, although - I'll admit - our greatest successes are probably usually born out of the ongoing chronological creative histories, more so than the actual narrative continuity. In any case - nearly a year in, I still love doing this show and I can easily see it being a life-long project.

Btw - don't have a clear picture yet but - sometime in the next 10 or so episodes, it will be our "magic and the Legion" spotlight, covering the early things like Command Kid, the Luck Lords, and the Ghost of Ferro Lad, up through the Adventure-Era biggie: Mordru the Merciless!
Posted By: Emily Sivana Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 11/12/16 04:49 PM
I think it is simply easier for Marvel because they basically grew from a handful of supernatural books (Dr.Strange and Thor books being the most prominent from the Marvel Age days) and added on content later. We get magic users in the X-Men and other books who are directly tied to what came before.

DC as we know it is the result of a merger between two publishers in the Golden Age, as well as other publishers/content that they bought out. Post-Crisis they have had the task of making everything connect, and whether or not they did depends on your perspective.

By the way, was anyone able to identify all the dimensions hinted at in the movie? I think I saw Mephisto's realm, the Cancerverse, the Negative Zone, and the Dark Dimension.
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 11/15/16 04:02 AM
Great show with Emily (who, I agree, should do a Marvel Universe magic podcast). I kept seeing her LW avatar as she was talking... Having only a peripheral knowledge of Dr. Strange, this discussion was good prep for seeing the movie.

The background and historical info you provide in these podcasts is excellent. The Sheldon Mayer history was fascinating (an artist losing his eyesight - tragic! although it was eventually restored). Did Mel tie her hair up in a pony tail for the reading? wink
Posted By: Emily Sivana Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 11/16/16 08:42 PM
Thank you for the compliment, I was very nervous on how it turned out. I would love to do a podcast/broadcast someday. I'm trying to find a winter project, and it is high on the list.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 02/23/17 02:40 PM
Just wanted to briefly promote the most recent episode of my show, episode 42:


for no other reason than that I think it's really good.

Over the past year, we've been advancing chronologically through DC in the 60's - currently up to early '68. Ep 42 deals with a dark period in comics history when older creators like Gardner Fox, Otto Binder, George Kashdan, etc. found themselves the target of ageism.

This one is light on the "supernatural" focus, and instead, connects an artist bio of E. Nelson Bridwell to the "artistic purge" of '68 with a thru-line via a "Mad-Magazine" style deconstruction of 1960's DC editorial. I know it sounds a bit scattershot in structure, but it was one of my favorite eps to research and record.

In any case, if you like that era, and would like some cool history, check it out!
Posted By: Exnihil Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 04/09/17 04:32 PM
Doing initial editing right now for Episode 47, the first of two "Magic and the Legion" episodes covering the Mordu the Merciless story from the Adventure run, when three days ago I find out there was going be this super-small comic convention literally 10 minutes from my house where both the writer and cover-artist from that story, Jim Shooter and Neal Adams, were both appearing!!!

Allow me to repeat that: !!!

Seriously... this was an amazing coincidence that I couldn't pass up. Mel and I went yesterday, met both creators and had really good chats with both of them.

I had met Shooter years ago, right after the 3-boot, and he was understandably bit miffed at DC at the time, but this time he was very cordial and we had a nice conversation about Mort Weisinger, E. Nelson Bridwell, and some of his literary inspirations during his Adventure days. Neal Adams went above and beyond. We got a Deadman sketch from him and - while he was drawing it - he called Mel and I over for like a half hour (!) as he told us about his relationships with Dick Giordano, Carmine Infantino, Jack Miller and tons of behind the scenes stuff about Deadman... including the fact that he is currently working on a new miniseries for DC that picks up the story right at the end of his Strange Adventures run.

I mean... like... seriously.... !!!

I swear I haven't been drinking. wink
Posted By: Emily Sivana Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 04/09/17 06:00 PM
It is going to be cool to see how fantasy and science-fiction gets interwoven in Legion (and in the following decades of fiction in general). It reaches it's height with the Fourth World and Star Wars.
Posted By: Dave Hackett Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 04/11/17 03:27 PM
That's super cool. Neal Adams always seems like such a nice guy.
Posted By: Dave Hackett Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 04/17/17 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by thoth lad
Crumblies! I missed this.

Magic is so hard to define in the DCU. It's a bit all over the place. I see some classic JLA issues in there, that are too tempting to ignore. I recently read those Doctor Fate issues for the JSA Idol thread. The Spectre had stories in those issues, lowering the reoffending rates by killing the crooks.

In the 90's DC had Gaiman write a small piece for their RPG in an attempt to explain DCU magic and use it in quantifiable game mechanics (which, of course, is inherently antithetical to the function of magic). He listed these three rules (Basically a summation of his views from "Books of Magic"):

"A) You can have power and ability and so forth, but it's not free. You
always pay for it; few of the people who step into the world of magic
come away happy.

B) You have a choice. But if you enter the world of magic, you can
never return to a scientific point of view. You're in a world which
looks like the one you knew but is more glamorous and more dangerous.

C) Magic is a lot of things. Reliable, it's not."
Posted By: Exnihil Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 04/26/17 10:46 PM

After 16 months, Ex's Podcast Thingie (AKA The Parliament of Rooks Podcast) gets around to the Legion. My wife and I just covered the intro of Mordru the Merciless across two episodes, covering Adventure Comics #'s 369 and 370, a guest spot by Paul French of the Legion of Substitute Podcasters, and a tragicomic recap of the teen years of Jim Shooter.

Feel free to check 'em out if you like:

Episode 47 - It's About Time


Episode 48 - It's About Space
Posted By: Exnihil Re: Ex's Podcast Thingie - 05/29/17 05:04 AM
Currently at work on my and Mel's 50th episode!

We decided to try something a bit unique for this one and perform it as an old-fashioned radio drama. There will be a bunch of different stories in it, but here's a sample of one that already has a bit of polish on it. I've included the actual comic below for follow-along-ability.

Feedback welcome!

[Linked Image]
© Legion World