Legion World
Who are some that could *really* pull it off?

Off the top of my head:

- Mike Allfred

- Amanda Conner

- Mark Bagley--now here me out. I think his art would look really cool for the Disco Titans, but I can't really explain why. Even though it's really current with the trends in USM, I think Bagley has a sense of style to his characters (clothing, hair, etc.) that lets him 'tap into' an era. I just think he'd work.

- Jose Luis Garcia Lopez - he's not 'modern' by the way I mean it, but he's too much the man for me not to wish to see him do a groovy acid teen book!
I dont know if a lot of DC artists nowadays have ever graduated from the Joe Kubert School Of Comic Book Art, but i do miss the good old days when people like Rick Hoberg, Romeo Tanghal, Dan Jurgens, etc could do their artwork without everyone looking as if their facial features are all distorted way out of proportion - like Jason Armstrong when he took on the LEGION or Jason Pearson in the 5YL arc...

OK, so i never got to see Olivier Coipel evolve artistically or saw Amanda Connor's art - that form of rendering never sat well with me...

Now George Perez, Dave Cockrum, John Byrne (before his pariah-like status currently) and others that could be grouped in the "over-the-hill" league - they knew how to draw characters and make them look dynamic!

Even Curt Swan, god rest his soul...
LAM, chalk me up as a HUGE fan of Dave Cockrum, George Perez and 80's era FF/X-Men John Byrne. Definately not over the hill to me, since I wish half the artists working on ongoing Marvel and DC books right now could hold a candle to them.

And Curt Swan is the man smile

It just sometimes feels like many of todays artists only draw what they know, such as the latest styles and trends and such, and I'm trying to picture many of them drawing the styles/trends of yesteryear.
Cobie you're absolutely right on that style thing. Have you guys seen Ian Churchill's cover for the 3rd print of Supergirl #1. Supergirl #1 3rd prt Cover

I looked at that and asked myself, why doesn't the guy try different stuff cuz he pulls off an okay silver age homage? I figure that artists are under a lot of pressure to keep selling to their long-time fans.
Cobie, you had me at "Mike" and "Amanda". Absolutely my top choices for this! No one is hepper than Mike and Amanda's work is funsational.

I'm betting Darwyn Cooke would rock also. Former Legion artist Win Mortimer (R.I.P) would have done well also.
I almost picked Darwyn Cooke, but I always think of him as *thee* man for the 50's/early 60's look. I'm totally wrong of course--I have no doubt that Cooke could pull off that late 60's/early 70's look without working up a sweat, and it'd still be a masterpiece!

Trying to picture some art by Win Mortimer besides teh Legion right now...just not wringing a bell.

I also bet Todd Nauck of Young Justice fame could do a kick-ass disco era Titans!
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Trying to picture some art by Win Mortimer besides teh Legion right now...just not wringing a bell.
Cobie, (or any other "nostalgists" out there) i am picturing a story drawn by Win Mortimer circa 1955 (and was reprinted in a SUPERMAN comic book to commemerate his 25th anniversary as a DC main-stayer) which featured Lois Lane wearing a hairdo much like the one she sported during her SUPERMAN FAMILY days (trying to explain myself here, very badly it seems) and which showed Mortimer having an art style which was considerably light-years away from when he started drawing in ADVENTURE...His Superman was as handsome as the version drawn by Curt Swan.
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