Legion World
I'm not saying nuthin', I'm just sayin'...
EDE has floaty hair? Shades of Zoe! Kinetix
That's a hair raising revelation.
Whose hair-brained idea was this anyway?
You know what they say: To hair is human.
Not more puns! Still, It won't last. Hair today gone tomorrow.
Perhaps we should cut it out.
I think it's a permanent thing.
Even if we have a falling out?
[Linked Image]
I guess we must part ways now.
That's a pretty bald statement.
It just gave the first assessment of the situation off the top of my head.
Why can;t we just go with the 'fro and see where it takes us?
These jokes are shears madness.
It isn't time to cut it out yet.
We keep going with style!
Where are the locks for this thread?
Discontent seems to be growing.
Tonight on LW Investigates: Thread puns. We get to the root of the issue.
We can end the puns with a mere vote.

The (flashing) eyes will have it.
And not the levitating wigs? (or Whigs if you're in the UK)
How about real levitating hair?

Like Kinetix's Kinetix

Or should we give it to prehensile hair?

Like Spider-Girl SpiderGirl

Say, they both have auburn/red hair. Hmm...
EDE's was sued by the Hues Corporation, also his favorite singing group, with really colored his view of Coiffure!
[Linked Image]
After combing through this thread, my psyche is aBRAIDed.
Is this thread going to be manely about puns now?
after reading this thread again, it was really a hair raising experience.
Some of these puns were barberous.
and the jokes weren't really layered with meaning. No ocean deep, just kinda shallow bowl.
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