Legion World
I've been buzzing this around in my head for a while, so. If you were from a planet in the Up which would it be, member of that race and what not, and why?

Me personally..I'm thinkin Bismollian..Purely because I groove on Matter Eater Lad bein his crazy awesome self. That and c'mon it'd be fun xD. cool
Imsk ... my house would be so much more spacious
Angtu--because the fog outside my home makes me think the world has ended.

(I actually like fog. shrug )
Cargg, because I'd get so much more done in a day if there were three of me.

(Actually, knowing me, all three would probably procrastinate... :rolleyes: )
Tharr, cuz I'd never get too hot.
Colu. Becuase I like learning new things all the time.
Kathoon, 'cause I'm nocturnal.
Bgztl: I'm the guy nobody sees in a crowd.
Re thought my reasoning..and while I still groove on Matter Eater Lad and all, I'd love to be able to eat and digest anything as it'd prolly help me with my cooking...maybe xD.
Plevitz--because it has just got to be the most powerful and influential planet in the current DCU...
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